austins là gì - Nghĩa của từ austins

austins có nghĩa là

noun; adjective; verb.
noun: a very handsome man; a very cute man; a fun loving guy; a genuine ladies man; a funny guy; a guy with many talents; a guy with an average but satisfying penis; a guy who can, even when your angry, cheer you up; A sweet guy; a straight guy; a deep guy; a guy who is amazing in bed; a guy who can be an asshole sometimes; a guy who normally does stupid things; A phenomenal kisser;

adjective: being funny; being sweet; being straight; not being able to jump high; being stupid; being charming;

verb: running fast; masturbating slow; jumping low; sweet talking; telling jokes; acting like an ass; eating; pooping; having sex;


"God, Austin you were so good in bed last night!"

"Yeah he was really austin to me."

"Woah, look at the boy austin."

austins có nghĩa là

A sweetheart of a guy who can light up anyone's day with his jokes. Austin may not be the most popular guy but is definitely the coolest. He's easy going, easy to talk to, funny, cute, incredibly fit, smart and wise beyond his years. He's a little shy but insanely outgoing around his friends. He can make anyone laugh, knows how to treat a girl right and is loves cuddling. He genuinely cares about everyone he loves and loves everyone. If you get to really know him you'll realize he's a deep, insecure and one of the most amazing friends you will ever make in your entire life. He'd make the most amazing boyfriend in the history of man-kind He's also incredibly brave and isn't afraid to fight for what he believes in or wants. If you ever have the privileged to have him in your life don't take it for granted and never let go of him as a friend or anything else. He knows what to say, when to say it, and how to say it. He's a good listener and gives the best advice. He never judges or makes you feel like you're nothing. He has the most beautiful blue eyes you've ever seen and is the easiest person to love ever. He's pretty much every girl's dream guy and more. Incredibly rare down to earth human being and is just plain awesome. Words can't describe this dude.


Girl1: I need a guy who can always be there for me and really cares... Girl2: Giiirrrrlll get cho' self an Austin!!

austins có nghĩa là

He is a great guy, he makes you smile anytime you're with him. He always tries to cheer friends up expecially his girlfriend he'll stop at nothing untill shes smiling. He has amazing eyes and is an awesome kisser. He is always willing to work and kid around, he will take it too far with the joking so some people don't like him but those that know him know how sweet a guy he really is. Most girls won't take the time to get to know him when you do be ready to fall.


Her loss he is my Austin now.

austins có nghĩa là

Oh dear, Austin is a complicated, fun, loving, sweet, adorable, sexy, cute, willing, comforting, and all around good guy. He thinks he is the worst person in the world, but he is really, truly, a total sweetheart. His eyes are to die for! And you might fall inlove with his voice. He may not know it, but he says some of the most romantic things at the right time. Even though most girls like a guy that can make another guy bleed, Austin is a pacifist. The worst part of this is that usually a lot of guys don't like him and try to pick fights with him. A lot of people(guys) like to talk a lot of crap on him, and it gets depressing, but he always gets through it. He is best friends with some of the weirdest people. And he will always be afraid of getting hurt. He wants to be a pirate, silly boy, and he is just amasing. It may be complicated to get to hang out with him if you never have before, but soon enough you will see him. And never regret it. If you know a guy like this Austin, go for it. He will be totally worth it, and he will know that you're worth it too, eventually.


Dude, did you see his eyes? Of course! Totally an Austin.
:; Oh my gosh! He was SO adorable.
I know!! Austin for suree.

austins có nghĩa là

An Austin is a guy you can really trust and a great listener. He will always be there for you and no matter how much you may try you will never forget him and will still like him when he stops talking to you and likes someone else. He will stick by your side as a friend though and is very trustworthy. He is very talented when it comes to intellect and music and thinks he is the least bit of nerd but he is the smartest person and secretly watches national geographic but, she notices. She notices everything. Although, make a wrong move and you may lose an Austin because he catches feelings for a popular girl prettier than you and still thinks yall are friends because that is the kind of person Austin is. So once you get an Austin. You hold tight. And never let go.


Friend 1: Why on earth do you like Austin? Friend 2: Austin is the person who can be trusted and truly is a sweetheart he only shows it to people he cares about tho. What can I say. He is just an Austin

austins có nghĩa là

Wears cowboy hats to funerals.


"Goddamit Austin, not again."

austins có nghĩa là

Austin has the deepest soul something you don’t find often. Some of my best laughs are always with this guy. From knowing him not long he has become my favorite person to be around weather I’m sad mad or happy somehow he makes everything alright. Austin is a pretty boy he wakes up naturally pretty as he says:) Can’t wait for our next little adventure.


What would I do without Austin ?

austins có nghĩa là

A gaming dude who don’t don’t even care what he looks like because he is so awesome. He is super hilarious but is often quiet. He tends to be quiet in large groups but in smaller groups he is a much louder person. You can tell that Austin cares about his best friend and wants everything to be great. He may be bullied by other guys but he doesn’t let it get to his head.


Austin is the greatest gaming guy ever...

austins có nghĩa là

a unit of energy equal to the amount of heat required to burn a human being rendering
them to ash in 2.25 hours, or equal to 236,624.5 kcal. named after Austin last name unknown who was believed to be
the most flammable man alive


How many austins would it be to burn down this building?

austins có nghĩa là

When you get a vehicle stuck (usually in a video game) in such a way that you cannot back or drive it out. A reference to the movie Austin Powers where he wedges a factory cart between two walls trying to turn it around.


Dood, you austined our ride!

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