Can I run GTA 5 on Android?

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If you are a gamer you must have heard about GTA 5! One of the most gossip video game was launched in 2013. It’s been 5 years since it’s launched and it’s still very popular among gamers as they are continuously adding new modes, vehicles, and of course tons of Easter eggs! And not everyone can afford such a expensive Gaming PC for playing it or they don’t want to spent that much! So, if you’re one of them you must have thought about why not play GTA 5 in my Android Phone? So, let’s find out!

Can I run GTA 5 on Android?

The size of GTA 5 in PC is around a whopping 60GB! More than 90% of the smartphones doesn’t even have enough storage to have this in your smartphone. Let’s say you have enough storage to install GTA 5:

Still the processing power of phones is too low to run GTA 5 apk . The RAM is super slow in phones compared to that of PCs. The GPUs are way more worse than even integrated graphics in PCs.

Article Stamp

  • 1 Is GTA 5 Port on Android Possible?
  • 2 What if I have a very high-end phone?
        • GTA 5 ON ANDROID

Is GTA 5 Port on Android Possible?

It’s actually not possible for a GTA V being ported on Android or iOS. GTA V was made on Rockstar Advanced Game Engine which supports:

  • Windows
  • OSX
  • PS3
  • PS4
  • XBOX 360

As you can see Android is not included in the list, thus they cannot port the game on Android anyhow.

GTA SanAndreas apk was built on RenderWare Game Engine which supports Android, and that’s why developers were easily able to port the game. Even if the people try secondary methods there are still too much for the smartphone hardware to develop before someone can port it. Some necessary improvements which are required such as,

  • Dedicated GPU Video Memory

Currently, in most Smartphone motherboards, the GPU share the memory with the actual RAM. The RAM has some bandwidth which gets divided between CPU and the GPU limiting its processing speed.

  • Bandwidth

Currently most low to mid end smartphones have very low memory bandwidth as low as 6Gbps, 12Gbps. Most high end smarphone are the only the ones which could be seen with a PC grade 25Gbps bandwidth

  • Amount of RAM

Its another factor why the game won’t run on most phones. Its general and everybody knows why.

Can I run GTA 5 on Android?

What if I have a very high-end phone?


p class=”ui_qtext_para”>GTA 5 has a lot of graphics, for which to render you need to have a good graphics card. Currently, the most powerful GPU in the phones is actually integrated in the Apple’s newest iPhone X chip (A11 Bionic). You’d also need a pretty good CPU with good IPC (instructions per clock) to render a playable FPS.
The amount of RAM it’d take could actually be solved considering there are some phones with 8GB of RAM.
The system itself wouldn’t be such a problem as Android is based on Linux.

You can still play the game on some devices such as nVidia Shield.

So, considering the techonology, at the time of writing this, this is the final conclusion :

  • Downloading the game – Possible.
  • Playing the game (itself on the device) – Not possible.
  • Playing the game (through a streaming device like nVidia Shield) – Possible.

If you are still searching on YouTube looking for the GTA 5 APK, They all are fake. You might notice that the comments on these videos say “Thanks, it works!” and think its legit. But it’s not. All of them are FAKE accounts! What you can do is get GTA 5 MOD for android which is based on GTA SA APK.So be sure to play that you will really enjoy it


  • GTA V


If you ever wondered you can play GTA 5 on your android device or not, Find out different ways with which you can actually play GTA V on your device..

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GTA 5 is without a doubt, one of the best games to ever come out. It managed to sell more than 95 million copies and had a profit of more than 6 billion dollars. Unfortunately, due to hardware limitations, we never saw GTA 5 on Android.

However, what if I told you that it’s entirely possible to play GTA 5 on Android? Maybe not as you might have thought, but you can still do it. Here’s how!

Option 1: Use LiquidSky

Can I run GTA 5 on Android?

LiquidSky is a cloud gaming service. The concept is pretty simple: these guys host a gaming PC that can run every game that you throw at it and they stream those games to your device in real-time.

So, if you’ve already bought GTA 5 from Steam, all you’ve got to do is install LiquidSky on your Android device, create an account, and you should be good to go. You’ll also have to install GTA 5 on the cloud computer but that shouldn’t take too long as LiquidSky has extremely high network speeds.

In overall, if you don’t have your own computer, LiquidSky is one of the easiest methods to run GTA 5 on Android. However, as with all services, it doesn’t come for free.

Can I run GTA 5 on Android?

At the time of writing this article, it costs a minimum of $15. This pricing option offers only 250 gigs of storage and 25 hours of gameplay. Seems more like a short trial if you ask me.

Before spending your hard earned money on it, do make sure that you meet the minimum requirements or you won’t get a decent experience. Speaking of which, let’s take a short look at them.

  • An Android 6.0+ device
  • 1GB of RAM
  • A gaming controller
  • A 5GHz WiFi or an Ethernet connection
  • Download speeds of at least 5 MB/sec – ideally 20.

I once tried to use LiquidSky with my very slow 0.4 MB/sec connection. Yeah, didn’t go that well. The stuttering was unbearable.

It goes without saying that you’ll also need a Steam account and GTA 5 purchased on it. After all, you won’t be able to play it for free and LiquidSky will not allow you to pirate anything.

Get LiquidSky Here

Option 2: Moonlight

Can I run GTA 5 on Android?

If you already have an Nvidia GTX card and a computer with GTA 5 installed then look no further. This is the easiest way to run GTA V on Android for you.

The concept doesn’t differ too much from LiquidSky. A computer is running the game for you and it streams that game to your Android device making it feel as if you’re playing the game with your phone. But, there’s a big difference.

With Moonlight you will be using your own computer and network for running and streaming GTA 5 on Android. No need to worry. Nvidia cards are optimized in a way so that you’ll be able to stream games by using their own software without losing too much performance.

Can I run GTA 5 on Android?

I’ve tried Moonlight myself and it worked like a charm. Although I’ve got to admit that I had to lower the framerate to 30 FPS in order to avoid stutters and lag spikes – most likely because of my cheap/slow router.

All you’ve got to do is install it and follow the on-screen instructions to set it up. And don’t forget to enable “Gamestream” on your GeForce settings as well.

To my understanding, Moonlight emulates the Nvidia Shield device which was made from, well, Nvidia. Your GPU treats your Android device like one and that’s what allows you to run GTA V on Android.

As a side note, if you’ve got a rooted device then do consider checking out Moonlight for rooted phones as you’ll be getting a couple of extra benefits from it.

Get Moonlight from the Google Play Store

Steam Link is essentially the same with Moonlight. The main difference is that you can use it on computers with AMD cards as well. However, do keep in mind that it’s still in BETA.

With that being said, don’t be surprised if you happen to come across any bugs or weird glitches. Other than that, I think that Steam Link is only available for certain versions of Android since I was unable to install it on my old Android 4.4 device.

Can I run GTA 5 on Android?

Nonetheless, if you meet the requirements and you’re able to install it on your device, then it should be a great way to run GTA 5 on Android. As I mentioned above, I wasn’t able to install it on my device. Which means that I won’t be able to give you personal feedback for this one.

Still, I’ve seen a lot of people using Steam Link to play GTA 5 on their Android devices and that’s why I recommend it. If the whole BETA thing scares you, then you are free to try other streaming apps as well. Remotr is only one example.

Get Steam Link from the Google Play Store

Running GTA 5 natively is impossible

Can I run GTA 5 on Android?

At this point, you’re probably wondering why we never saw GTA 5 running natively on Android devices. I mean, we’ve seen a lot of games with great graphics like those of GTA before running on Android. So, why not GTA 5 as well?

The short answer is that Android devices just don’t have that kind of power yet. As you can see in the image above, GTA requires a great deal of processing power to run.

And let’s not forget how much space it requires. In overall, the only way to play GTA 5 on Android right now is to stream it from a computer.

However, let’s not forget that we may be able to do it in the future. Running GTA San Andreas on a mobile device was unthinkable when it first came out. But, now, even budget smartphones can handle it flawlessly.

Can I run GTA 5 on Android?

Can I play GTA 5 on Android?

Open world games have been quite popular with the Grand Theft Auto series of games. Games such as GTA 3, Vice City, and San Andreas from the GTA series are available for smartphones. Unfortunately, GTA 5 is not available for smartphones, and here are some of the alternatives that are available on Android and iOS.

Can mobile phone play GTA 5?

Unfortuately GTA V wont be coming to Android or iOS due to the heavy system requirements which simply exceed the low specs of mobile phones.