Days purchases in accounts payable tiếng việt là gì

It is related to a quickly growing use of a battery of technologies and financial business practices that allow for dynamic payables discounting.



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They usually include issued long-term bonds, notes payables, long-term leases, pension obligations, and long-term product warranties.



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The accrual basis allows you to track receivables (amounts due from customers on credit sales) and payables (amounts due to vendors on credit purchases).



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Some organisations have changed the reporting line of the payables function from finance to purchasing.



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The annual payables due are written on parchment or paper glued to the left sides.



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The procure-to-pay systems enable the integration of purchasing department with account payables department.



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Article 49 stated that there should be no overdue payables towards football clubs and article 50 stated that there should be no overdue payables towards employee and social/tax authorities.



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Traditionally, dynamic payables discounting, the early payment of trade payables in advance of the invoice due date, has been only related to invoices that are already approved.



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Having fewer days of payables on the books than your competitors means they are getting better credit terms from their vendors than you are from yours.



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Các quan điểm của các ví dụ không thể hiện quan điểm của các biên tập viên Cambridge Dictionary hoặc của Cambridge University Press hay của các nhà cấp phép.