durn là gì - Nghĩa của từ durn

durn có nghĩa là

Slang for "doing" (verb)

Ví dụ

"What y'all be durn up in here?" "How you durn?"

durn có nghĩa là

Like darn, only.... durn.

Ví dụ

"What y'all be durn up in here?" "How you durn?"

durn có nghĩa là

Like darn, only.... durn.

Ví dụ

"What y'all be durn up in here?" "How you durn?" Like darn, only.... durn. Oh durn it! Durn is another name for marijuana bud yo dune lets go burn some durn. lets go durn.

durn có nghĩa là

A word used when seeing something bad happen to someone, but thinking it is funny. It is a combination of damn and burn.

Ví dụ

"What y'all be durn up in here?" "How you durn?"

durn có nghĩa là

Like darn, only.... durn.

Ví dụ

Oh durn it!

durn có nghĩa là

Durn is another name for marijuana bud

Ví dụ

yo dune lets go burn some durn.

durn có nghĩa là

lets go durn.

Ví dụ

i am so durned right now. yowhatupdurn. A word used when seeing something bad happen to someone, but thinking it is funny. It is a combination of damn and burn. You lost the dog that you were supposed to watch for those people!?! Oh durn! You're screwed.

durn có nghĩa là

Inserting a chocolate covered mushroom in your ass and having someone eat out your butthole providing both of you with a psychedelic experience like no other. Sherm Perm is about to give the Chocolate Durn Durn! Any kid who is fat and angered very easily and likes to say "FUCK OFF" alot when hes mad. (he loves the navy) Hey look its that fat fuck DURN!!!!! Lets poke him to make him incredibly angry and maybe he will turn into "The Incredible Hulk" or its fatter brother "The Incredibly Obese Hulk"!!!! Cocaine.

Quality has no function to this definition, it is just slang for the actual product.

Ví dụ

I got some durns, its some flame-o.

Yo, you know where any durns is at?

Typically, this word is used in a public situation where discretion is needed.

durn có nghĩa là

The most universal and friendly substitute/alternative/synonym for the most commonly ever day used "doing" (verb) Commonly mistaken for a great utility in the event of "spitting game," however only to be just another one of the mistakes one makes in that entire night if "game spitting."

Ví dụ

"Shucky durn! I had totally forgot that Ben and Jerry ice-cream was on sale two for one! Let's stock up!"

durn có nghĩa là

Shows eagerness/delightfulness in the voice while seeing somebody without directly being a freak when using the word

Ví dụ

Also, Osama BinLaden's last words/greeting before gettin hosed down by a chopper like it was New Years Eve in the Bronyx. "Well hey, how ya durn??" "Hi ya dur-in?!" (all your doing is squeezing in that extra syllable just when the big breasted blond your speaking too thinks your finished speaking)