first love là gì - Nghĩa của từ first love

first love có nghĩa là

The one that you first truely have feelings for. One person that you will never forget, their love will leave an imprint on your heart which will be there forever. At the moment you dont care that you will eventually lose them after a break up because that emotion is amazing. Falling in love was the best thing that has ever happened to me, but now that its gone I feel hopeless. Your first love will be one who will be the hardest to get over, the one that can still make you smile even when your having the worst day ever, and the one who after breaking you, you'll still love them. Your first love never leaves.


He was my first love and now we are over but I still love him.

first love có nghĩa là

one person who is and always will be the first person you truly fell in love with


you will know u have found your first love when u cannot stop thinking about him or her and all you do is spend time with them and have a good time.

first love có nghĩa là

the first person you ever had feelings for. It doesn't matter if it happened when you were five, or fifty-five. It doesn't matter if he or she loved you back. All that matters is that at one point in time, he or she was the first person you ever loved and wanted to be with.


I may be a senior in high school, but I remember my first love. I met him in pre school and I still have extreme feelings for him...even though he doesn't love me back.

first love có nghĩa là

First Love is the first person you want to be with. You can talk to them anytime of the day/ night regardless. First love is the person who you first see a future with and want to last. The person who you first feel a fast connection. The first and one of the hardest heartbreaks .. many believe First love also happens to be their last . You’ll always have place in your heart for them because they’re the first person who you cared for even . First love can happen in any age or anywhere even if you never meet a person . Love is love


who’s your first love?
boy: a girl i meet in kindergarten

first love có nghĩa là

Commonly abbreviated as FL . It's someone you have mad love for & will always be there for you no matter what. The one you will always go back to.


That's my First Love(FL).

first love có nghĩa là

The first thing you fell in love with. Not necessarily a person but something you remember being in love with before you fell in love with anything else, like the girl at a dance, or the the area you called home


The hills I grew up in will forever be my first love

first love có nghĩa là

your first love is the one person whom an innocent falls recklessly in love with him/her, and a rantipole (I.e. reckless, young person) falls silently in love with this person. your first love is gonna pierce your heart, mind, and soul. it’s when you do something out of your comfort zone, when you feel the most alive, when he/she makes you feel complete, or it’s when you feel at bay, like your demons can’t scare you, like you can conquer the world. your first love, is your epic love, it might not be your true love, but you’re lucky if it is. if you lose them, you’ll spend months, or maybe even years, trying to forget what they mean to you, denying the feelings you have. Eventually, something will happen, and you’ll stop denying it, trust me, don’t fight your heart. Stop denying yourself that love, stop feeding yourself that lie that, “I don’t love him/her” when all your heart is telling you is to run to him/her. your first love is real and you’re truly lucky if your first love is your true love.


He was my first love.

first love có nghĩa là

a person you fall for so deeply and you can’t stop thinking of! all the memories you made and all the times they made you happy is all you think about. no matter how hard you try you can’t get over them you can’t because,your first and forever love! you are just so drawn to them and everything they do, even if they hurt you you’ll continue to see the best side of them. falling in love your first time won’t even come close to what will become because you never felt love until that happens and you fall so deep that makes it so hard to fall that hard again. and you’ll forever think and be in love with them!


person one: i am still in love with him person two: it is because it’s you first love, and forever love!

first love có nghĩa là

Your first love is with a one of a kind person like naveh shes my first love she treated me right she was loyal and a great girlfriend I wish she was still mines but its like u can never forget the impact thaf person made on your life and then you still stay in contact its like u married your bestfriemd only 40x better and yea you gone want your first love back I want mines back everyday but she still in my life so Its like she never left me yes you gone wanna give her your heart all over again but I know it's gone be hard for her to accept me back with open arms and I just wanna grab her by her throat and kiss her so she can remember what we once had.


My first love is the best girl out there she betta than all y'all females nd ima always be here for her because I love her!.💥

first love có nghĩa là

The one who will forever & permanently give you understanding of really loving another without regard for yourself. The first will mark you with a definition of love so heavily that no one will ever live up to the expectation of what she brought to you. Years later, you will think of her daily and have this greatest of hope that she is truly happy in life. You will always be so thankful that you had this great present from this person and will treat it as the greatest of treasure. But the biggest problem with a first love is , having never experienced it before, you may not know what you ever had until it slips away , never to be found again.


A first love is the ultimate paradox. Pleasure & pain.