granola bar là gì - Nghĩa của từ granola bar

granola bar có nghĩa là

The person who is crazy in several ways. To have different nutty components of ones personality that interact to produce a negative effect upon the person.

Ví dụ

Danny is both detail oriented, laid back, likes older women and drives a dodge neon. Danny is a granola bar, seven different kinds of nuts. "That girl up at the desk is a granola bar, seven kinds of nuts"

granola bar có nghĩa là

"granola + bar = granola bar."
-wise words of martin johnson.

Ví dụ

Danny is both detail oriented, laid back, likes older women and drives a dodge neon. Danny is a granola bar, seven different kinds of nuts. "That girl up at the desk is a granola bar, seven kinds of nuts" "granola + bar = granola bar."
-wise words of martin johnson.

granola bar có nghĩa là

girl: whats a granola bar?

Ví dụ

Danny is both detail oriented, laid back, likes older women and drives a dodge neon. Danny is a granola bar, seven different kinds of nuts. "That girl up at the desk is a granola bar, seven kinds of nuts"

granola bar có nghĩa là

"granola + bar = granola bar."

Ví dụ

Danny is both detail oriented, laid back, likes older women and drives a dodge neon. Danny is a granola bar, seven different kinds of nuts. "That girl up at the desk is a granola bar, seven kinds of nuts"

granola bar có nghĩa là

"granola + bar = granola bar."

Ví dụ

-wise words of martin johnson. girl: whats a granola bar?
martin: granola + bar = granola bar.

granola bar có nghĩa là

girl 2: nice explanation. that'll totally clear things up for her.

Ví dụ

The act of defacating in a partner's mouth when the poo is unusually nutty. It is often ingested after the act of depositing

granola bar có nghĩa là

I granola barred in Tiffany's mouth last night, you should have heard the crunchy sounds she made for hours after that.

Ví dụ

Granola bars are pocket-sized nutrition powerhouses made from whole grains like rolled oats, nuts, dates and natural sweeteners like honey or maple syrup or brown rice syrup. Try baking your own granola bar

granola bar có nghĩa là

A piece of fecal matter trotted from someone who has a colorful diet. (Vegetables, corn, etc.) This piece of fecal matter commonly looks like a granola bar (sometimes if it were green.)

Ví dụ

"Dude, don't go vegan."
"Tại sao?"
"I tried it once, every crap you deposit is a granola bar." Synonym for bitch-ass pussy You're a fucking granola bar Creator of friendship Person 1: Want to be friends?

granola bar có nghĩa là

C2: Do you have a granola bar?

Ví dụ

What you need to have if you're friends with a C2. They allow you to maintain your friendship with them (due to them only wanting to be friends with you because of said granola bars). Person 1: C2, are you just friends with me because of my granola bars?

granola bar có nghĩa là

What C2s think are the true meaning of friendship. Granola bars are often used to get friendships with C2s. BUY GRANOLA BARS

Ví dụ

C2: Of course not. Person 1: Ok, good. C2: So when are you going to give me your granola bars? Used to create friendships with C2s. "Friendship isn't about personalities, it's about granola-bars,"
- The Original C2 What C2s think are the true meaning of friendship. Granola bars are often used to get friendships with C2s. BUY GRANOLA BARS

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