How was Wilsons foreign policy different from that of Roosevelt and Taft quizlet?

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Terms in this set (39)

Promoted stability in Haiti, Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, Panama, Mexico, and Puerto Rico.


Would use Force

Teddys Big stick diplomacy.

believed American interest were best served by supporting democracy and introduced self-determination. --the right of other people to determined their own government-- as long s it was democratic.


Believed that if American business leaders supported or invested in Latin American and ASian development, everyone would benefit


Encourages U.S. investments in Latin American and and China to discourage the European investments.




Mexican Rebellion
U.S. supported mex. President P. Dias- Who was later overturned


Believed in using American power in the world. Believed the Africans and Asians were not civilized.


Great White Fleet


Use power of U.S. to control and develop other nations- who would then later become dependant on the U.S.


He took control of the finances of the Dominican Republic in 1905


Worked on nations economic interest overseas his secretary of state worked to extend American investments into less-developed regions.


Used diplomacy to help to negotiate an end the russo-japanese War over over, then went on to win nobel prize.


Tried to avoid military intervention so had Economic/trade goals


Democratic Ideas


Encouraged american trade and investment in Latin American and Asia.


U.S would oppose any European intervetion


Moral beliefs


encouraged U.S. business (Caribbean) where he felt investors would have a stabilizing effect on shaky governments of the regions


Intervened in Latin American


Secretly arranged with Japan for American to have free trade in the area.


Intervened in Caribbean


U.s. Must act as an ïnternational police power"to preserve peace and order as well protect American interest in the western hemisphere.


Protected Open door policy in Asia
Russo-Japanese War.


a president to own their own spin on a document

Teddy- The document was the monroe doctrine and teddy stretched it the roosevelt corollary.

Venezuelan incident - they can't pay off their debts. Europeans seized Venezuelan shipping and use their cargo to pay off the debt.


helped japan become a world power


Plat amendment - cuba is a protectorate
Cuba can't have any debt nor make any forigen treaties


US will intervene in cuba to keep peace


US can buy land for a military base known as Guantanamo Bay


Uss dolphin anchored off Tampico coast- and come into ampico for supplies American sailors go to a bar and get in a bar fight, then become jailed by mexican- and they refused to then finally let them out.


Downsizes the military


starts the Anti-Huerta campaign.


when revolution broke out in Nicaragua, administration sided with the insurgents and sent troops in the country to seize the customs house.


The secretary of state encouraged banks to invest in nicaragua thus having having leverage over the country.


Sent us troops in Nicaragua again to keep the regime in power, and the troops remained there for around a decade.


established a military government in Dominican Republic when they reused to accept a treaty that would make the country a virtual American Protectorate.


In Haiti they landed marines in 1915 to quell a revolution in the course of which a mob murdered an unpopular president. the military stayed there until 1934


Panama Canal


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