Is depreciation a non cash item

Non-cash items are referred to as those entries on a cash flow statement or income statement that do not involve actual cash transactions. In other words, these are expenses that are listed in an income statement that do not involve cash payment.

Non-cash items are useful for recording or tracking the wear and tear of assets or the changes taking place in value of the investments that haven’t been sold.

Importance of Non-cash Items

The income statement prepared by companies shows the investors how much money the company made and how much it lost. But, under accrual basis of accounting, income statements include some items that cause changes in earnings but not on the cash flow of the business.

It is a practice to include items that do not involve cash payments to provide a more accurate view of the financial position of the company under accrual basis of accounting.

Risks Associated with Non-Cash Items

Non-cash items carry a risk that most of the time they are based on guesses or are heavily influenced by past experiences. This leads to inaccurate estimation of revenue and expenses.

Examples of Non-cash Items

Examples of non-cash items include depreciation, amortization, deferred income tax, stock based compensation that is provided to employees.

This concludes our article on the topic of Non-Cash Items, which is an important topic in Accountancy for Commerce students. For more such interesting articles, stay tuned to BYJU’S.

Definition of a Noncash Expense

A noncash expense is an expense that is reported on the income statement of the current accounting period, but the related cash payment took place in another accounting period.

Example of a Noncash Expense

Perhaps the most common example of a noncash expense is depreciation. To illustrate, let's assume that a company purchased equipment two years ago for a cash payment of $200,000. The company determined that the equipment had a useful life of 10 years. As a result, the company's income statement will report depreciation expense of $20,000 a year for 10 years. The current year's income statement is reporting depreciation expense of $20,000 but there is no cash payment in the current year for this expense. This is why depreciation expense is referred to as a noncash expense.

This also explains why the operating activities section of the statement of cash flows usually begins with a company's net income and then immediately adds the period's depreciation expense. In effect the noncash depreciation expense is added back because the depreciation expense had reduced the company's net income reported on the income statement, but it did not use any cash during that period of time.

What Are Noncash Expenses?

Noncash Expenses Explained in Less Than 5 Minutes

Updated on March 31, 2022


Noncash expenses are expenses that do not result in the transfer of cash from the business's bank account to another party.


 Klaus Vedfeldt / Getty Images

Definition and Examples of Noncash Expenses

Noncash expenses are types of business expenses that are not paid in cash and are non-tangible that can include depreciation, amortization, bad debts, advertising costs, and research and development. 

Since these assets don’t generate any cash, they can't be used as collateral for loans or conversion into equity. Also, although noncash expenses do not cost a business any money, they still have a monetary value and are therefore very important and should be accurately accounted for.

Examples of things that could incur noncash expenses include:

  • Depreciation of assets such as machinery, vehicles, and buildings
  • Rent and occupancy costs for leased buildings or office space
  • Insurance premiums for things like general liability insurance, workers compensation insurance, fire, and theft coverage on property
  • Office equipment

Types of Noncash Expenses

There are four common types of noncash expenses for small businesses to be aware of: depreciation, depletion, amortization, and deferred charges. 


Depreciation is an accounting method used to recognize the decline in value of fixed assets (property, plant & equipment) over time. Depreciation is a tax-deductible expense, as long as it meets certain IRS requirements.


Depletion is an accounting method used to recognize the decrease in the value of certain resources over time, such as mineral rights or oil fields. 


Amortization is the process used to determine the annual costs for intangible assets and reduce them from balance sheet account balances to reflect a pattern of using them up equally during each year's period. 

Deferred Charges

These charges are costs that will not be incurred until sometime in the future. Common small business deferred charges include prepaid rent


Not all noncash charges will reduce cash and cash equivalents on the cash flow statement. Depreciation, for example, impacts earnings but does not have a direct impact on cash flows.

How Do You Account for Noncash Expenses?

Noncash expenses are usually considered assets in financial statements. As they are essential for business operations, it's important to be able to assign value and identify them from other types of expenses like cash or credit card purchases. This will help with getting an accurate idea of how much money a business has coming in versus what’s going out, which is necessary for a business's financial stability.

Noncash expense reporting is the process of assigning value to in-kind goods and services. It is important for businesses to do this because it helps with understanding the true financial picture of a business. To report noncash expenses on taxes, you need to calculate the total cost of the depreciation, amortization, and depletion of the item from that year. You then take this number and add it to your gross income number on your tax return. 

Key Takeaways

  • Noncash expenses are business expenses that do not require the expenditure of cash. 
  • There are four types of noncash expenses: depreciation, depletion, amortization, and deferred charges. 
  • Noncash expenses are recorded as expenses on the income statement, but they do not have an effect on cash flow.
  • Noncash expenses can include items such as accounting services, bad debts, advertising costs, and research and development.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How do you forecast noncash expenses?

Why are noncash expenses added back onto the cash flow statement?

Noncash expenses are added to the cash flow statement because they represent money that has been spent in the past but not reflected in the current accounting records. Noncash expenses are generally already accounted for at the time of the original purchase. For example, depreciation of a vehicle as a noncash expense does not mean the business is losing any cash every year. It just means that an asset is losing value or usability over time. 

What is noncash revenue?

Noncash revenue refers to revenues generated from sources other than cash. This can be in the form of payments from debtors, cash flows from financial instruments, and proceeds from fixed assets sales. Noncash revenue is often referred to as accrued or “unrealized” revenue by accountants and can be a significant source of income for many businesses because of the increasing popularity of e-commerce transactions and digital sales. It is also a good way to accurately assess true business performance as it excludes nonrecurring events such as one-time sales or loan repayments.

Is depreciation considered a non

A non-cash charge is a write-down or accounting expense that does not involve a cash payment. Depreciation, amortization, depletion, stock-based compensation, and asset impairments are common non-cash charges that reduce earnings but not cash flows.

What is a non

Non-Cash Item (NCH) – Used to request a credit entry for a non-valid item (zero-value) that was included in the cash/return letter total, an item was included that does not meet legal equivalence requirements for Check 21 or the image received in an X9.

What is considered a non

Noncash expenses are business expenses that do not require the expenditure of cash. There are four types of noncash expenses: depreciation, depletion, amortization, and deferred charges. Noncash expenses are recorded as expenses on the income statement, but they do not have an effect on cash flow.

What are examples of non

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