John wick 4 đánh giá

'John Wick: Chapter 4' mở màn ấn tượng, dẫn đầu phòng vé Bắc Mỹ. Bị phim này bỏ xa doanh thu là 'Shazam! Fury of the Gods' và 'Scream VI'.

Phần phim thứ 4 trong series Sát thủ John Wick do Keanu Reeves đóng chính đã tạo ra sức hút đáng nể khi thu về 73,5 triệu USD trong tuần chiếu mở màn. Tác phẩm lọt vị trí thứ 4 trong số những phim có doanh thu mở màn cao nhất năm.

Sau 4 ngày chiếu mở màn dịp cuối tuần, John Wick 4 thu về 137 triệu USD ở 71 thị trường trên toàn cầu. Đây là thành tích kỷ lục mà series phim về sát thủ huyền thoại mang về cho Lionsgate và ngôi sao hành động Keanu Reeves.

John Wick 4 được khán giả đón nhận nồng nhiệt

Phần phim đầu tiên của John Wick phát hành năm 2014 chỉ nhận về con số khiêm tốn 14 triệu USD và tăng dần cho các phần tiếp theo. Con số này thể hiện sự yêu thích của khán giả dành cho loạt phim về sát thủ "cải tà quy chính".

So với chi phí sản xuất 100 triệu USD - cao nhất trong 4 phần phim - thì doanh thu bán vé này chứng minh sự đầu tư là xứng đáng. Với thời lượng phim 169 phút, khá dài so với mặt bằng chung, John Wick 4 vẫn nhận vô số điểm A trên CinemaScore, 95% độ tươi trên Rotten Tomatoes và nhiều đánh giá tích cực.

Tuy vậy, vẫn có nhiều khán giả Việt Nam và nhiều nước châu Á yêu mến sát thủ John Wick trên toàn cầu tiếc nuối khi chưa thể được thưởng thức phần phim trong đợt phát hành đầu tiên này.

Với số lượng 71 thị trường quốc tế là con số khiêm tốn với sức hút mà tác phẩm này mang lại.

Mới đây, tờ Insider cho biết hiện nhà sản xuất Lionsgate đang tiến hành đàm phán cho kế hoạch phát hành trực tuyến John Wick 4 và các phần phim trước đó.

Cũng theo tin tức từ Insider, nhiều khả năng bộ phim sẽ có mặt trên nền tảng trực tuyến Starz, Peacook từ tháng 9 năm nay.

Trailer chính thức John Wick: Chapter 4

Phần phim mới về sát thủ "cải tà quy chính" do Keanu Reeves thủ vai, John Wick 4 theo chân chàng sát thủ với cuộc chiến chống lại tổ chức hùng mạnh có tên High Table.

Nội dung cũng như hình ảnh của John Wick 4 hứa hẹn sẽ là phần phim khẳng định sức hút "bất bình thường" của thương hiệu này cũng như khả năng diễn xuất vô tận của Keanu Reeves ở địa hạt điện ảnh.

Imagine a video game where you are shooting bad guys. Your hardware is old so everything is kind of slow and out of focus. The opponents are set to Easy and you installed a hack to give you invincibility and autoaim. And they come at you slowly, shouting, out in the open, with weapons that fire three or four bullets before they run out and they can shoot anything anyway. They use no snipers, no explosives, no traps of any kind. They can't even hit you when they're next to you and wielding a knife. And you try to fight them in a decent manner, yet your avatar moves like a 60 year old man and even with the autoaim you still suck. And if you somehow get into the many separate levels where nothing make sense, you get a big cinematic that takes you out of it. And because the cinematic is in 4k or whatever, it feels like slow motion.

That, my friends, is the experience of watching JW4. The style that people have applauded in the first movie has turned into a demented caricature, the fight scenes are ridiculously bad, the actions of the characters make no sense at all, the world described makes no sense. Not even the tongue-in-cheek references to The Matrix don't hit, because you know that if you enjoyed that film, you're now over 40 and it makes you feel old. The film is three hours of irrelevance.

And if you are among the people who I can't understand that rated this film anything above boring, just watch the end credits scene. It destroys the little joy that you might have kept watching this.

Bottom line: So many talented people worked on this film. With them on board, I cannot imagine a worse outcome. It's not even funny, it's just sad.

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There is such a thing as too much

Warning: Spoilers

The Table, the international crminal brotherhood which has condemned John Wick empowers The Marquis to deal with him (and the Manager of the New York Continentale Hotel). But maybe, just maybe, there is a way out.

As expected, the IMDB is full of people saluting this as "Best John Wick yet," "A masterpiece," "Best action movie ever," etc. My view differs. But I must start by giving credit where it is due. Production design, cinematography, action choreography and direction are all first rate, and they deserved a much better film that this is. And this film deserved a much better script than this.

The story is fine, quite good even, but it is buried under industrial quantities of action which defies belief. Everbody's resistance to trauma and the complete absence of police are just the big two, but let's not forget the endless succession of pairs of heavies coming out of nowhere and only stopping when Wick has no gun.

And even the scriot deserved a better actor than Keanu Reeves. To be fair, the character in the first film has been reduced to a mere cardboard cutout here, but Reeves (who I genuinely like as a performer) doesn't even play cardboard well here.

This is beautifully crafted drivel. 7 for craft, 3 for Reeves' central performance, averages to 5.

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It got on my wick.

Warning: Spoilers

The first three John Wick films came in fairly quick succession, with only five years between the first and third chapters, each film trying to top the one before in terms of wild set pieces. For me, it all became a bit too much, the action rapidly becoming too frenetic and over-the-top. By Parabellum (part three), I had had enough.

I hoped that the four years between Parabellum and this fourth entry in the franchise had given me a big enough breather that I might be able to find new appreciation for the excessive mayhem. If anything, I found Chapter 4 even more tiresome: the fight scenes, as technically excellent as they are, simply don't know when to quit, and they're even more ridiculous than ever. Wick has been established as a semi-mythical being (Baba Yaga), seemingly impervious to pain and injury, meaning that the character is never in any real peril, which generates zero jeopardy or excitement. If anything, the relentless action scenes result in boredom, being mind-numbingly repetitive and far-fetched (the whopping 2 hours 49 minutes runtime doesn't help).

Director Chad Stahelski pushes plausibility way beyond breaking point with a protracted melee amidst the traffic around the Arc De Triomphe that somehow fails to attract the attention of the Paris gendarmerie; an even more dumb scene (in a film packed with dumb scenes) sees nightclub revellers continuing to dance while people are being shot and axed to death all around them. The final act - a duel between John and blind warrior Caine (Donnie Yen) - takes place outside the Basilica of Sacré-Coeur de Montmartre at dawn, with not a single tourist or passerby to alert the authorities of what is occurring.

I've been known to enjoy comic-book action films that aren't exactly grounded in reality, but John Wick 4 seems to take place in an alternate universe where none of our rules apply. Since very little of what we see in this film can be believed, I definitely don't swallow the idea that John Wick is actually dead at the end (although I sincerely hope he is).

Those claiming that this is the best action film ever made have clearly never seen The Raid 2 (or any early John Woo film, or The Night Comes For Us, or Ong-Bak, or Born To Fight, or Eastern Condors or In The Line of Duty IV or.... well, you get the idea).

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I was rolling my eyes the whole time... all 3 hours...

These John Wick movies can be sort of fun in the sense that they are unintelligent violent nonsense pretending to be movies. There is something entertaining about dumb nonsense sometimes, and the first two of this franchise was decently okay in this regard. The last one and this one however not so much, only dumb.

This movie is almost 3 hours long, and oh boy do you feel every minute. Because if you have seen the previous instalments you have seen this one to. This is like a bad video game repeating the same thing, the same course, the same enemies, and for the 4th time. There is also a post credit scene, which is simply dumb, no reason to stil around for it.

The acting is also horrid, and if you are going to buy any of this you have to have good acting but no.

The only positive I can say about this movie is that it is not as putrified as many other movies lately so for a contemporary action movie this is not as bad as much else.

I give this a very, very generous 3/10. If you want to watch this, don't. Go watch the first one, and maybe the second one instead. Those are also highly stupid, but at least decently entertaining, this is not.

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John Wick became the parody of himself. The true identity of this franchise is completely lost.

I went to the cinema with great expectations. I have to admit that the photography is gorgeous, the locations are wonderful and the action sequences are well coordinated. However I feel that the true identity of this franchise was completely lost with this fourth chapter. The first two movies for me are the best because the stunts look more credible. "Parabellum" started to drop in quality, but it was still a solid flick. Here John suddenly became a superhero that can take any hit and can fall from every height and he can just keep going like nothing happened. When Chad Stahelski directed the first movie he was not expecting all this success and when the production company ordered sequels, he did not really know how to develop this saga. Now it is one of the biggest action franchises with a TV show that will be aired in the future and maybe with a 5th entry that was already approved. This got definitely out of hand and Wick basically became the parody of himself, with scenes that have forced comedic moments that do not quite deliver. In my perspective they really do not know what to invent anymore. I really hope that in the future screenwriters and the director will come up with better ideas, because it is a series with potential and it showed it in the previous chapters, but in this case it just felt pointless and purposeless.

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Am I missing something here?

What is all the raving about with this movie? I felt it lacked a decent storyline and was 2 hours and 35 mins of fighting while the remaining 10 or so minutes was acting.

The usual far too long fighting scenes where he does his usual MMA moves by getting the enemies head between his legs while he reloads his gun and shoots him the head.

For me it was at least an hour too long and could have been much shorter. The storyline was very weak and after such a long gap between this and John Wick 3 I am surprised it was written better.

I also have no idea why this review has to be a minimum go 600 characters?

Yes we.

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Warning: Spoilers

In this fourth installment of 8711's successful franchise, Keanu Reeves wearily drags himself from setpiece to setpiece, saying little, surviving the most ridiculous setups and finally achieves nothing.

The acting and writing of JOHN WICK: CHAPTER 4 are indeed the worst aspects of this film, and the exaggerated runtime of almost three hours doesn't help.

Try to remember John Wick's motivation to do all the things he does. What exactly is he actually doing, escpecially in this one? In addition to a lack of motivation, Chapter 4 is a remarkable retcon in the sense that John Wick could have ended the hunt for his person way earlier, thus making at least the last two installments redundant.

There's plenty of action here, sure, but it has been getting more and more unrealistic, and so you'll be in a situation where your suspension of disbelief says bye-bye, especially when you contrast the growing ridiculousness of the action with John Wick's decreasing vigour.

The plot has some toddler level plot holes and contrivances which are really distracting, yes, even in an action no-brainer like this. Keanu Reeves has maybe ten lines of dialogue in the whole movie. The Marquis is a nonsense character, just like Donnie Yen's Caine character. They just appear, but especially in Caine's case you're supposed to be emotional about it because he's basically John Wick's brother from another mother. We just never knew about him. Oh well.

This is the definition of a dumb movie for dumb people, and if you just want to enjoy some nice shots and over-the-top action (some of which is really nice) AND love Keanu Reeves, this is your jam. If you need a bare minimum of consistency and structure, you might feel cheated.

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I don't understand the great scores of this movie

Warning: Spoilers

In my opinion this is by far the worst movie of the franchise. It's just way too over the top. Everybody seems to have magical jackets now to stop the bullets.

Audience loved the dogs on the third one so that just lazily copied one here also but didn't bother to have any real cool scenes with it.

I'm happy they made John Wick 1 but since then every movie getting worse and worse. This one was already so bad that I regret spending any money to see it.

People shooting and dying in center of Paris but police doesn't seem to care.

John Wick getting shot, falling from great heights etc without any issues.

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Very much over rated. Repetitive, tiring and inauthentic fight choreography for 3 hrs straight. Unnatural and generic one liner filled script. No deep drama whatsoever. Just bland, perpetual killings till one is numb. Awful and fake seeming blood effects. Bland, cliched action hero.

All these characterize John Wick 4. These movies keep getting shallower with every sequel. The little soul the first two had is dead and buried here. I don't get the hype. John Wick has become like those generic, action B movies with cliched scripts and characters. Not to forget the unlikable and uncharismatic addition, black guy with a dog. He was as dull as it gets.

Beautiful cinematography though. Loved some of the scenes except the CGI ones. A point for that I guess.

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Ridiculous, boring and pathetic...

...all at the same time. This hybrid comic book-video game has a stupid plot, worse than average acting, and fight scenes that are so poorly done you don't mind going to the bathroom. Don't get me wrong. I loved John Wick 1. Thought

2 was OK. Then came

3., It showed they were out of imagination and should have stopped with

2. Now with

4 they show that they are not artists or creatives but merely clowns looking for as buck.

It's not completely without value, which is why it got a 2 instead of a 1. The photography is beautiful and they have a dog as a hero. The rest is worthless. Save the money and the time.

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Warning: Spoilers

Who needs a 2hr and 40 min action movie? No one. Yes the action was good, but repeats so many times that it becomes so boring. How can hundreds of assassins not kill one man? Answer, not possible, only in this movie and series. How many times could the dog man have killed Wick? Many. So no other assassin could? Why would the table head get Caine to kill Wick when he knows he won't. You can challenge the head to a duel as a rule, but they only assigned a head for the first time ever in this movie? WTF? And then the head can select a replacement? And he selects a blind man. All Wick had to do was to stand on the side or drop down and he wouldn't get shot. I think everyone knew Wick didn't shoot in the last round, except for the stupid head bad guy. This is not an action movie, it's a fantasy.

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How Can Anyone Choose to Watch Marvel Over This?

Most American action flicks released these days have poor screenplays and overuse computer-generated imagery. The John Wick franchise is one of the few exceptions, along with Mission Impossible. These franchises keep getting better with every entry. Hollywood can make action masterpieces, but Marvel has greater demand, so that's what we get most of. It's a shame.

The stunts and choreography are beyond impressive. Every artist involved does their job to perfection. Donnie Yen's performance is unbelievable. Not only does he fight great, but he also has to move like a blind man. Keanu Reeves is also very impressive. Keanu IS John Wick. Although there are a few scenes where his enemies stand by and wait for their turn to attack, it's easy to overlook because everything else is so great.

I can't fathom how anyone could choose to watch Ant-Man over John Wick. It's so fast-paced, and the choreography and stunts are mesmerizing and brutal. When the action breaks out, it's unbelievable. It's hard to explain -- you have to see it! Why watch a computer-generated "superhero" fly around when you can witness Reeves and Yen engage in a genuine and thrilling fight?

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A new standard has been set for fight scenes

Half of this review will be me gushing about the action. Wow. Just wow. I was in complete awe. There were multiple times I was both tearing up and laughing at how unbelievably amazing the fight scenes are. Now this is nothing new for the John Wick series. But for me, this is far and away the best action of the entire series.

I'm an action junkie and am repeatedly disappointed with action movies and their terrible fight scenes, filled with shaky cam, quick cuts and close-up shots (looking at you Snake Eyes and Mortal Kombat). Then I watch a John Wick movie and feel so spoiled, while also being baffled at why other action movies can't learn from this. The fights are so fast-paced yet completely clear and easy to follow.

There is every kind of fighting imaginable. So many weapons, styles, chases, vehicles, animals, everything. So much creativity with the kills. Amazing combinations of weaponry and fighting styles (pistol/sword combo is my fave).

The music is awesome as usual, maybe even a step up. It enhances every action scene. The cinematography is pristine. So many beautiful shots, so many mesmerizing locations for the action. It is stylistically beautiful.

There are a couple of scenes that are shot in such a creative way that I've never seen before. One is an overhead shot one-take that I couldn't believe. It takes the movie to a new level. So many scenes feel like they're a video game brought to life. Numerous times it feels like the VR game Pistol Whip.

Donnie Yen is awesome. End of paragraph.

About an hour into this nearly 3-hour movie, I felt like I experienced enough action amazingness for an entire movie. I was in a state of ecstasy. Not only was this looking like the best of the series, I started wondering if this would be a landmark action flick. Maybe it's my own fault for setting expectations so high mid-movie, but the second half is more flawed, though still awesome.

The subplot with the tracker doesn't seem at all consequential. And his dog attacks were already done, and better, with Halle Berry in Parabellum. A few of the issues I had with Parabellum pop up again, like overdoing it sometimes with the damage he takes. For example, instead of getting hit by one car, he gets hit by three cars. And that's a mild example. Also, it's fairly anticlimactic.

Even with those flaws, I had a BLAST with this movie and will definitely see it at least once more in theaters. Seeing it on a premium screen is a must. Loudest speakers, biggest screen. TRUST ME.

EDIT: I was itching to go again since opening night. I wasn't able to wait more than 5 days. On second viewing, I still felt the same flaws, but I didn't care. The action is incredible. It has at least four* of my all-time favorite action scenes. I want to watch these scenes a hundred times.

It's definitely not perfect, but I still consider it an action landmark (last time I said that was Mad Max: Fury Road). Every other action movie should learn from this. Updating rating from 8 to 9 stars.

(5 viewings, opening Thursday UltraScreen 3/23/2023, UltraScreen 3/28/2023, SuperScreen 4/10/2023, re-issue IMAX 5/2/2023, 9/22/2023)

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Where is the STORY? A brainless video game?

Warning: Spoilers

From the very beginning to the end, nothing but endless kills, fighting, close combats, bloods squirts or splashes, KR after four chapters, he looked older, slower and tiresome. The screenplay was so pretentious and pointless, the dialog looked forced and boring, katana swords vs. Bullets, and almost every bullet could be fenced off by the katana sword blades. The scenarios and the plots just kept stacked up without any reason or clue, just kill, kill, kill...nothing but kills. All the fighting sequences just like Shaw Brothers' 1970s poor and laughable Hong Kong martial art movies, heavily choreographically staged, looked so forced and fake. Every kill was not killed with one bullets but many, yet the handguns seemed equipped with endless bullets, bang, bang, bang, even the fallen guys already dead, but still needed to be shot several times more to increase the violent sound effect. I don't know what's the purpose of making these 4th Chapter, and I think the 1st Chapter only needed a following 2nd Chapter to end it, but what the heck, brainless young viewers need bloody fights, more dead bodies, ridiculous screenplay with clueless storyline, no real plots or real story really needed, just created something like violent video games.

When John Wick fought for his life in the Japanese hotel against so many clueless foes and the Zatoishi-like blind swordsman played by Donny Yen with a Botox injected face, we all decided to quit at the same time.

Hey, it's time to wrap it up, guys, no sense to continue to Chapter 5!

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By now you know what to expect from a John Wick movie. I thought the franchise was losing a little momentum in chapter 3 so I was worried this could be disappointing. It's not. It's even more on steroids than any Wick before! Even close to 3 hours it doesn't feel to long which is very special for a action movie. This franchise has set new standards. If anybody says a movie is good like John Wick, it better f'n be! The set pieces as everyone mentioned before are really insane this time. The Tokyo sceney with illuminated cherry blossoms was beautiful. The only super illogical thing that bothered me was that nobody flinched at the nightclub, eventually they did but after a whole 10 minute beatdown through the whole club, but then again it's a shady nightclub for high table people. If you liked the first three movies, get your ass to the cinema. Yeah.

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Damp Wick

Warning: Spoilers

No idea how the ratings are as high as they are. If you thought the first one was enjoyable but the 3rd one was bull, read on.

Just as the body count in the 3rd was ridiculous, this is even more absurd. Seems after coming up with the bullet proof suit the writers etc thought it a good idea to make sure everyone has one. These giant men sent to kill Wick all wearing suits, raising the jacket to protect their heads was a sight I found so funny. He's the best hitman on the world, how do we kill him? I know, we'll send a blind man!! Pathetic. And he can dodge bullets and he knows where everyone is. You could say it looked choreographed.

Now, about the DJ! They may have well cut the scenes directly from the Warriors. Better film, done better and that isn't a great film. For those of you who have never heard of the Warriors, go watch it. For those of you that have, skip this nonsense.

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Well, at least it's over

Warning: Spoilers

The first John Wick was the best, after that they all went down hill. There's no point to these movies.

John Wick 4 is three hours of mind-numbing repetition. Keanu reading the script: "Punch, roll, headshot, repeat. Dude, I think I got it." I'm not even sure what John Wick was trying to accomplish. These movies could have gone on for 100 years and nothing would have changed.

And evidently everyone is now bullet proof and has infinite ammo. John took out 250 guys with his 9mm pistol. He's also invincible. He can fall several stories and not even break a bone, get run over a dozen times, and roll down a million stairs.

I would have enjoyed this movie more if at the end he took off flying because he was really Neo in a simulator and all of this took place in the Matrix, which would explain Laurence Fishburn.

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Copy paste action flick

It's extremely difficult to write 600 characters about this so called movie. Just take 10 minutes of one of the action scenes and copy it 20 times so you could bore the watchers to death! What was the purpose of the producers, script writers and the director to spend so much time and money for this thrash? Was there anything plausible in this so called movie? John Wick I was ok within its fiction universe of assassins and mobs etc. And somehow watchable action scenes. However what could we say about this repetitive misery of extreme exaggeration of a character who could not be harmed under any condition? Take Mr. Wick as the next generation Terminator...Maybe.

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John Weak 4: It Loses It Way

Warning: Spoilers

Ok, so I got back from seeing this entry yesterday night. I'm writing this review in the early hours after midnight as the film went on for a good whopping 2 hours & 39 minutes!! But we'll get to that in a bit...! Anyway, I was looking forward to this film since John Wick 3's release back in 2019 & this film has had a bit of a troubled history of getting pushed back until it finally got its March 2023 release. I must admit I was a bit skeptical, but, was looking forward to this as the John Wick films are ace, but this film was a bitter disappointment...!

The film sees John Wick, who from the events of the last film, has a price on his head which is increasing more than ever. The lethal unstoppable force of nature assassin now must fight against the High Table Global as he seeks out & fights the most deadly assassins players of the underworld from Paris to New York to Berlin to Japan. Will John Wick finally meet his match!?

Whoa...! Where do I start!? I found the film for starters to be too long!! At a whopping 2 hours & 39 minutes this film is way, way, way too long! The pacing... whoa! Don't get me started! I was willing to be tolerant & forgive the pacing, but when it got to the final leg it took the absolute puss & started to test my nerves! The story is so weak I had to look this film up in order to get what the plot was, again, another sign that the film was going to be bad, the first was the runtime, which I knew was going to be bad from the word go!

The film took a while to get going which was a pain, but it got there I guess! The fights were good, as with the John Wick films typically are, not to mention funny & brutal! But all things considered, it got repetitive fast & annoying especially near the end as I just mentioned! The story scenes were alright as with the villains & bad guys though again, it got repetitive & irritating.

The realism was stretch beyond its limits here in this film. John Wick fell from a great height on a metal pipe which looked to have (& lets be honest here) would've snapped his back like a tooth pick! John got hit by a car 5 times yet never suffers any bad injuries or dies! Yet a few bullet wounds finally kill him at the end (another downer of this film which I'll touch up on in a second!), the fight scenes in the night club where only a few people stood there shocked while about 95% just kept on dancing! Face palm! There were several other scenes which made you just think "dafuq!?"

The lead up to the end was annoying! Just when you thought John Wick was going to go to the Stand Off with the blind villain, there was more fight scenes! Don't get me wrong, these fights where good, but annoying & held the film up for a good 20 minutes before the finale which to say the least, was anti climatic! The scene on the 122 steps was irritating & made you just scoffs in frustration when John got kicked down those steps which for a couple of seconds in its self, dragged & felt & looked comical! It's like getting so far in a mission in Grand Theft Auto V then dying & reverting back to the latest checkpoint where you have to start all, over, again!! The same feelings of that (from experience) where felt for me in this film from that scene!

Then of course, after John Wick killing 180 odd people (or more, I lost count obviously) he finally dies! What!? Like James Bond in that god awful Bond Film of 2021 No Time To Die!? Can't be!? What a poor show! Anyhow, to give you guys some perspective on how long this is in comparison to the rest of the films in the franchise! Without credits as they don't count!

John Wick (2015) - 1 hour 30 minutes John Wick 2 (2017) - 1 hour 50 minutes John Wick 3 (2019) - 1 hours 57 minutes John Wick 4 (2023) - 2 hours 39 minutes

Notice how the films got long & long with each entry...!

Overall, this ranks as they absolute worst of the franchise! I was willing to forgive the poor pacing & overly bloated runtime, but it got on my nerves too much to bare & when I saw that John Wick died!? Nope, that was it for me! The editing was poor with this film whoever edited this needs class in editing as this was bad beyond belief! The pacing also was poor combined with the bad editing! The fights were good, but too drawn out, long & annoyingly repetitive! The ending was both bad & anti climatic! How this film has 95% on RT is beyond me! But then what do I expect...! This ranks as the worst John Wick film in the franchise! With word of a female spin-off coming out (which will be bad), I've lost hope in this franchise! Let's hope John Wick 5 (if ever) redeems this kak entry!

4/10 & that's generous considering!

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What was that ?

This movie was just silly nonsense and reminded me of a bad video game. People were holding their suits up like they were batman to shield themselves from bullets a few feet away and the fight scenes seemed awkward and slow like they were practising them before the actual shoot. To be honest I only gave star as I like. Keanu Reeves and enjoyed the other John Wick movies especially the first one.

This is not a good movie and when John Wick was pushed off a ledge about 40 feet up and bounced off a concrete ledge before face planting a concrete floor and just got back up while all the time dancers around him paid no attention to what happened I knew it was time to turn it off.

I have no idea where the good reviews come from but do yourself a favour and go watch something else.... anything else.

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Not Just The Best John Wick, But Possibly One Of The Best Action Movies Ever

Warning: Spoilers

Ever since the original John Wick, the franchise has set a standard of what action in Hollywood should be. Thanks to Chad Stahelski and Keanu Reeve's knowledge of the technical aspects of shooting action, they've been able to deliver expertly choreographed, shot, and edited action films that are now the go to as examples of great action filmmaking. And so, the expectations for the fourth film were fairly high, especially as it became more apparent this was not only the culmination of everything before it, but a whopping 169 minutes long. Rest assured, however, that it delivers in spades. Everything we have come to know and love is here, but with an infusion of creativity like we haven't seen from the franchise yet.

John Wick is in a bad way as we open up. He's a man on a mission to get out from under the High Table with seemingly no end in sight. As he blazes a trail of bullets and corpses, those who have helped him or crossed his path find their own lives disrupted. With all hope lost, he soon finds the opportunity he's looking for when he discovers that he can put his life on the line for a chance to finally get out. The film brings with it a whole host of new characters, including Donnie Yen's Caine, Shamier Anderson's Tracker, Hiroyuki Senada's Shimazu, Rina Sawayama's (in a fantastic big screen debut) Akira, Scott Adkins' Killa, and of course Bill Skarsgard as new villain Marquis. It's a full cast, but everyone gets a chance to shine and could easily have their own films. Donnie Yen in particular demonstrates, once again, that he is a legend in this industry with several great fights of his own. But, of course, this is Keanu's film all the way and he gets to bring everything with him in the biggest film yet.

Covering four continents, we get fights on a massive set of stairs, fights in the middle of traffic, at one of the coolest looking hotels ever shown on screen, and so on. The fighting, of course, is exceptional, and it brings nunchakus, dogs, throwing stars, swords, guns, and so much more. It's everything a John Wick fan could want and, because these films are so technically proficient, you never feel like you're missing any of the action. Possibly the most creative choice is my favorite scene, one that combines a visually fantastic weapon with a shot choice that is unusual for action films of this nature, but the combination of these two pushes the scene into maybe one of action film's greatest scenes.

Admittedly, the story does leave a bit to be desired, but the minor complaints about these kinds of things pale in comparison to what we get. Hollywood has a new film to hold itself to and I have a feeling that (at least for me) action filmmaking will be judged by the standard this movie sets. It's such a blast, I already want to see it again.

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While the Wick franchise has already solidified itself one of the best in the action genre, this massive film is the most spectacular entry of the genre in 30 years.

Stuntman turned writer/director Chad Stahelski struck gold with his 2014 surprise hit John Wick. It was somewhat of a comeback for the legendary Keanu Reeves and reinvigorated the action genre. Since then it's become THE action juggernaut franchise. Now we are on number 4 and while usually things get redone with that amount of sequels, this film innovates and thrills to new heights in an absolute epic.

One of the most surprising aspects of this particular entry, is the story being written as well as it is. Something that is hard to come by in the genre at times. Not saying the others in the franchise weren't but this is easily the best story diving deeper in the high table aspects as well as John Wick's true emotions . The rich characterization is also at its best with outstanding additions like Skaarsgard, and even more screen time for supporting greats like Fishburne to compliment the magnificent Reeves. RIP Lance Reddick. It's nice to have such substance amongst the endless high octane ballistic visuals.

Speaking of ballistic, this movie goes more all out than any I've seen for insanely well crafted choreographed shootout and fight scenes. Just when you thought you've seen it all, Stahelski/Reeves prove their action minds are ever evolving. These guys were born to make action movies together.

The extremely vibrant colors and plethora of locations is also a feast for the eyes. The sharp atmospheric imagery creates the ultimate backdrop for not only the action but also just the dialogue. The sound is also top notch and perfectly compliments the intensity. It's just an absolute sensory journey that you don't get in too many action films aside from the Wick genre.

Overall the limitless and outrageous action alone is nothing like we've seen before for the genre or just cinema in general . But also this rich unique story may only build Wick's timeless character for more films in the future which at this momentum will be welcomed.

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What on Earth! Not even JB could get away with this!

How could anyone jump off the third floor falls on top of a van and on the floor and still come out unharmed? That was the breaking point of my excuses for this movie! When I saw that I just lost interest in all this nonsense! Not even James Bond could get away with that! Ok maybe he would! But still! Just literally unbelievable and intellectually mocking!

And now I feel like the writers of JW4 because I am just filling the required characters for this review with empty words and imaginary scenarios and with no purpose except prolonging the screentime of the audience and wasting as much time as possible from their lives!

"Minimum character limit met"

Final credit rolling haha.

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The Best John Wick Sequel

Warning: Spoilers

John Wick: Chapter 4 picks up where Chapter 3: Parabellum left off. As has been the tradition in the sequels to this beloved martial arts action franchise the action starts from the very inception of the film's opening, and lasts until the curtain falls. JW4 is no exception to that rule. What it does do is improve on the prior installment, and solidify Keanu Reeves as the greatest martial arts action star of all time. If you don't accept that notion, then you must accept the fact that it solidifies Reeves and Director, Chad Stahelski, as the greatest martial arts action pairing of modern times.

The film opens in New York City, the home of the notorious Continental Hotel, and takes us to Osaka Japan, Paris France, and Berlin Germany. Each of those cities plays a major role in Reeves' quest to seek revenge against the High Table for the acts outlined in the prior films, and to seek his unconditional freedom from service to their order.

As the story unfolds we learn a bit more about Wick's past and upbringing than we did in the prior films, but not enough to get bogged down in. He uses his connections to his past, and the help of some old friends to find a path to level the playing field with the High Table's Emissary, The Marquis, played masterfully by Bill Skarsgård. Skarsgård makes the character memorable, and unique, with just a hint of Santino from the second installment.

Keanu Reeves as John Wick in John Wick 4. Photo Credit: Murray Close Hiroyuki Sanada and Reeves are reunited, having starred in 47 Ronin together. Sanada, as is always the case, is a strong presence in the film and makes the most of every scene he is in. He is a great addition to the film. The Osaka Continental fight scenes are groundbreaking, and among the best and most exciting in the entire series. This is some of the best fight and action choreography you will see; only topped by other scenes in this same movie.

Scott Adkins plays an unusually larger than life villain adeptly. The action and violence around the Berlin scenes involving his character, and his relationship to Reeves' past is fun to watch. Adkins is great to watch, whether starring in his own projects, or supporting, as he is here.

Shamier Anderson and Clancy Brown are new to the series and add great value. Anderson as a cunning assassin conflicted between admiration and greed. Clancy Brown is a strong presence and welcome replacement in the role of Adjudicator. I found Asia Kate Dillon's version of the same character to be the weakest part of the prior film, and, perhaps, of the whole series.

Mark Zaror, another great martial artist also has a prominent role as The Marquis' right hand man.

Ian McShane and Laurence Fishburne return and offer more than just familiarity to the cast. Their roles are significant and meaningful.

Donnie Yen brings not only his skills as one of the finest martial arts movie stars in the world, but lends his presence as a charismatic and riveting figure. He plays the role of Caine with complexity and humanity that is a terrific mirror to Reeves' Wick; his friend and adversary by circumstance. This was a fantastic choice to take the Wick series to a new level.

Keanu Reeves continues to be engaging, empathetic, and dynamic in the role of John Wick. While the series has strayed a bit from the deeply reluctant anti-hero of the first film; we continue to cheer for the good guy caught up in a bad, bad world. One of the great strengths of the film is that Reeves and Stahelski are not afraid the let characters other than Wick shine. In fact, all of the stars of this one have their deeply profound and memorable moments in and out of the company of the main character. This really works.

As for the fight and action choreography. The stunt team at 87eleven continue to elevate the game. The film has three major, larger than life action sequences, that each, individually, outdo anything you will see in any other non John Wick movie. As mentioned previously, the Osaka and Berlin scenes were high energy, high body count affairs. They were complete with gun fights, sword mastery, gun play, and one of the best nunchuck displays you will ever see outside of a Bruce Lee movie. As for the scenes in Paris, at the Arc De Tripomphe, and on the Church steps, they are unlikely to be forgotten and, unlikely, to be topped for years to come, if ever. They are unique and exciting and violent feasts for the eyes.

While I have heard some say that John Wick: Chapter 4 is the best installment in the series I have to disagree, Nothing can top the original, in my opinion; however, Chapter 4 is a worthy installment for sure.

Will there be a Chapter 5 to the JohnWick saga? Remember, I said this was a Spoiler free review....

John Wick: Chapter 4 earns a 5 out of 5 star rating. It is worth seeing, and probably seeing again. I predict a significant box office gross for this one, and it is well deserved.

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Almost 3 hours of nothing

John Wick: Chapter 4 is almost three hours of Keanu Reeves engaged in a gunfight, bookended with meaningless dialog-in-place-of-plot, and a lot of people being thrown down stairs. Of all the "Wick" movies, this is clearly the weakest one yet. Was anything added to the overall Wick-universe narrative? No. Did we see a whole lot of inconsequential people die? Yes. Did Keanu Reeves say "yeah" a lot? Yes.

Look, I was hoping for SO much more than this. A meaningful ending to the series (which it isn't, because apparently this made so much money they are working on a fifth film), but what we got here was something in very much need of more script doctoring and less "bang-bang."

With a little more work, this could have been an average movie. Don't talk to me about stunts or cinematography or the choreography of the actors in-play, wow me with a plot that makes sense and moves the story forward--John Wick 4 does not move the story forward. It just says "let's shoot a bunch of people, okay?" And that's what it does... for 3 hours.

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