locker room là gì - Nghĩa của từ locker room

locker room có nghĩa là

Any manner of conversation that polite society dictates be held privately - with small groups of like-minded, similarly gendered peers - due to its sexually charged language, situations or innuendos.


When the girls all met up for cocktails on Friday, Gertrude really wanted to tell Chloe and Francine about the threesome she and Nancy had with Jimmy last weekend, but Nancy convinced her that a fancy uptown bar wasn't the place for that kind of locker room talk. Through the walls Tom could hear his teenage son and his friends talking excitedly about who was going to get laid first and he smiled as he remembered that kind of locker room talk from his own youth. This one guy on the train kept talking to his friend about getting a blow job in the bathroom at Chili's last night and he was really loud so finally I barked at him to "Save the locker room talk for somewhere else!".

locker room có nghĩa là

Room in which high school kids change for gym classes. Usually contain a large open area with benches to change, along with a number of lockers, urinals and showers. These are usually very embarassing places to be, as everyone has to strip down in front of their friends, with no place for privacy. Expect tons of pantsing and insults about one's body. Even worse are swim class locker rooms, in which full nudity is much more common, and the showers are more likely to be used. Avoid getting random boners at all costs!


Kyle dreaded entering the school locker room. He always felt so awkward stripping in front of the other kids. The room consisted of a largely open space with three long benches down the middle. On either side of the room were a number of lockers, and on the back wall were the urinals. In a little hall stretching out from the urinals were the showers, which consisted of ten showerheads positioned above small drains in the floor. Kyle placed his bag on the first bench and sat down, looking around as he took off his shoes. The other two benches were pretty crowded, and there was one guy with his shorts around his ankles, humping the bench. Some other kids were laughing as they pulled on their shirts, getting up to leave for the gym. Kyle pulled off his shirt and balled it up, then headed for the lockers on the left side of the room. There were three guys standing by these lockers. Two were shirtless, while one was just in his plaid boxers. They were arguing over something, and the one in his plaids pushed another against the locker, screaming in his face. Kyle opened a locker and threw his shirt in, then dropped his jeans and tossed them in too. He felt horribly exposed in his boxer briefs, and went back across the room to the urinals.

locker room có nghĩa là

A place where gang bangs occur frequently.


Bobby and his friends gang banged Suzie in the locker room.

locker room có nghĩa là

A nice floppy cock. When you are in the locker room with your friends, you want to have a floppy cock. This makes the penile apendage appear to be large but not grossly large like an boner would be in the same situation. We all look just to measure up.


hey did you check out his locker room cock for me?
do i look like your bitch?......ok yeah he was fucking jacked with that floppy cock!

locker room có nghĩa là

The place designated for people to change into or out of work out clothes. In public gyms there will typically be 70-year-old men walking around with little to no clothing on, thinking this is a perfectly acceptable practice. Usually the floors are slippery and covered in a medley of liquids ranging from jizz to pool water. In high school locker rooms, there is not much a of a difference. Well, besides the fact that you are required to take it to graduate and are pretty much forced to strip down to your underwear in front of your possibly gay classmates. The bathrooms here are usually not shown too much love, or at least when I went to school they weren't. On more than one occasion I have placed my gym bag in crap, touched walls covered in jizz, and stepped on a mound of pubis.


I remember vividly Freshman year, coming back from the pool (at least 5% of that water was just piss) to the locker room and stepping into the shower only to find it partially flooded because there was enough pubic hair to knit a sweater clogging the drain. I had been forever grateful the rest of my high school career that I would never being going back to that room ever again, and never would me, or my naked ass, be ogled at by gay kids for the rest of those 4 years.

locker room có nghĩa là

Older slang term for Amyl or Butyl nitrate, which used to be sold in sex shops, so-named probably because some people find the chemical has an odor slightly akin to dirty socks. Also called "rush" or "popper." The chemical causes a sudden and dramatic expansion of the blood vessels, creating an intense rush, often followed by a feeling of light-headedness. Often used at raves, and in dancehalls/discos. Very popular with gay men, to increase the intensity of the orgasm. Amyl or Butyl nitrate used in conjunction with drugs intended to correct erectile dysfunction (e.g., Viagra) is potentially fatal.

Amyl nitrate by inhalation (in appropriate quantities, and administered by a physician) acts as an antidote for cyanide poisoning, by causing the body to produce methemoglobin which combines with the cyanide to form nontoxic cyanmethemoglobin.


Man, no way was I gonna toke on that weed - Joey soaked it in locker room.

locker room có nghĩa là

the act of using locker rooms as a hang out and for purposes other than changing clothes and showering.


Did you see that man in the YMCA locker room? His dick was so old and decrepit. Man, thats gay as hell. I thought I told you to stop being a locker room loiterer. C'mon dude, he was flossing his asshole with his towel and blow drying his ballsack. That doesn't matter.

locker room có nghĩa là

A magical places where male students do incrediable things such as becoming a human fidget spinner, singing the halo theme, etc


The boys locker room is scary
You dont want to go in the boys locker room

locker room có nghĩa là

My first unforgettable experience


Don't you remember the locker room...? Oh yeah

locker room có nghĩa là

The most awkward place in the school where you have to suck in your stomach to not be made fun of


"Were going into the locker room, time to get made fun of."

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