Lỗi date format picture ends before converting entire input string

Khi bấm ký số văn bản, màn hình ký số hiện lên nhưng khi bấm nút “Ký số” tại dòng thông báo dưới nút “ký số” hiện thông tin “Lỗi: Input string was not in a correct format” và không tiến hành ký số được

Lỗi date format picture ends before converting entire input string

Bùi Thị Thủy Tâm

Cập nhật Lần cuối 3 năm trước

- Lỗi này tương tự lỗi “Old format or invalid type library. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80028018 (TYPE_E_INVDATAREAD))” là do lỗi định dạng ngày tháng của hệ thống trong Hệ điều hành Window. Để khắc phục lỗi này thực hiện:

+ Bước 1: Mở cửa sổ control Panel → chọn “Clock, Language,and Region”

Lỗi date format picture ends before converting entire input string

chọn “Change the date, time, or number format” → thực hiện:

• Tại mục “Format”: chọn “English (United States)”

• Tại mục “ Short date”: chọn “dd/MM/yyyy”

Lỗi date format picture ends before converting entire input string

• Tại nút lệnh “Additional setting…”: sau khi nhấn chọn “Additional setting…”, tại cửa sổ “Customize Format” nhấn chọn “Reset” → chọn Ok

Therefore, we wrote this detailed debugging guide that teaches you how to convert string to date in Oracle without causing code exceptions and ruining your code. In addition, we introduced several chapters that remake the date format in plSQL bug, which is critical when troubleshooting your document or script.


The date format picture ends before converting the entire input string because programmers create an Oracle database with a series that does not match the driver’s expectations. Henceforth, they cannot Oracle convert datetime to date, although it is an operation that only contains a few commands and functions.

However, this is one of the few possible culprits that prevent you to convert timestamp to date in Oracle. Namely, you can sometimes encounter this obstacle when the alter session command exists before the insert, a typical mistake that needs to be clarified for your system.

As a result, your project launches several errors that halt code operations and prevent you from compiling the date format, which is vital for an advanced application. Although pinpointing the exact failed command or property is only sometimes straightforward, we are here to help you debug the syntax.

However, before listing and explaining the sophisticated debugging principles, we will discuss another possible culprit. For instance, this bug usually affects scripts and syntaxes that misinterpret the format picture, or the user provides an invalid input of a specific structure.

As a result, the program cannot render or recognize the values, although they might be standard numbers or letters, which is sometimes frustrating. Therefore, we will start our debugging journey by recreating and troubleshooting the format picture error.

– Entering an Invalid Date Format

Writing the invalid values and properties that confuse your system and launch the error is the best way to comprehend the cause. As a result, we will show you a short script consisting of three parts that attempt to create a date-format picture for an application that requires this input.

Lỗi date format picture ends before converting entire input string
Unfortunately, the process ends before converting the entire input string, confusing your system because it has no values to render. In addition, this example confirms your code can have simple elements and provoke a mistake, which is typical for beginners.

The following script provides the main commands and creates a table:

create table tq84_tab (

dat date,

xyz varchar2 (11)


insert into tq44_tab


date ‘2022-01-01’ + level,

to_char (level, ‘fmxxxxxx’)


dual connect by level <= 10000;

This introductory syntax establishes the purpose and creates the application. First, however, the example is complete with sessions and inputs, which will help you locate the incorrect property.

You can learn more about the input in the following example:

alter session set nls_date_format = ‘dd.mm.yyyy’;

select xyz from tq44_tab where dat = ‘10.10.2022’;


— ———-

— 242

So, after writing the inputs and confirming the changes, the system launches the mistake and its entire exception. The following example provides the incorrect instance:

alter session set nls_date_format = ‘dd.mm.yyyy’;

select xyz from tq44_tab where dat = ‘10.10.2022’;

— ORA-01831: date format picture finishes before converting entire input string

Although the values appear functional, they are incorrect, and the user interface does not work correctly.

Recreating this mistake is easy when entering an invalid date format that obliterates the complete project or application. As a result, the process finishes before the system converts the whole input string, affecting other child and parent elements, especially those that introduce the date format.

We will show you an example of two parts, where the first one is functional, but the second fails. For instance, the first part converts the input into a valid date, but the second syntax does not match the remaining data.

The following example provides the central values:


Name Null? Type

—————————————– ——– —————————-




SQL> insert into emp values (101,’Arish’,’16-May-2022 10:54′);

insert into emp values (101,’Arish’,’16-May-2022 10:54′)


ERROR at line 1:

ORA-01830: date format picture finishes before converting entire input string

The invalid message indicates where the code fails and whether developers must take any actions. However, you can recreate an exact situation using the to_date command.

The to_date property bugs your syntax in the next example:

SQL> select to_date (’16-May-2022 10:54′) from dual;

select to_date (’16-May-2022 10:54′) from dual


ERROR at line 1:

ORA-01830: date format picture finishes before converting the entire input string

SQL> select to_date (’16-May-2022 10:54′,’dd-mon-yyyy’) from dual;

select to_date (’16-May-2022 10:54′,’dd-mon-yyyy’) from dual


ERROR at line 1:

ORA-01830: date format picture finishes before converting the entire input string

Unfortunately, this example has no correct values, although they appear full-proof. As a result, you must apply the debugging principles that fix the program and allow further operations.

Fix the Date Format Picture Ends Before Converting the Entire Input String

To fix the date format picture error you must use the to_date command with the correct format when converting the string, and the structure must match the data. Consequently, the system will render the properties and values and provide the correct user output because the input is valid and functional.

However, this is easier said than done because you must make several changes to the code, especially the values that launch the mistake. As a result, we will show you a correct example with replaced elements and values that debugs the syntax from the former chapter.

In addition, programmers must modify the queries, allowing the application to read the required date formats and input strings. So, the initial step requires you to change the to_date function to match the necessary configuration.

You can discover a fully-functional code in the following example:

SQL > insert into emp values (101, ‘Arish’, to_date (’16-May-2022 10:54′, ‘dd-Mon-yyyy hh24:mi’));

1 row created.

SQL > select to_date (’16-May-2022 10:54′, ‘dd-Mon-yyyy hh24:mi’) from dual;




SQL > select to_date (’16-May-2022 10:54′, ‘dd-Mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss’) from dual;




This syntax confirms several changes to the date format are vital when applying the debugging solution. So, this format matches the string data and allows your system to proceed with all operations. As a result, users can input any data and submit it to the server.

– Fixing Another Invalid Instance

This article’s second solution teaches you how to fix the invalid code using the same debugging principle. However, this instance only includes a few values and commands to confirm it can affect and destroy all applications and programs.

Lỗi date format picture ends before converting entire input string

Henceforth, we will show you the invalid sample first, and then, we will exemplify the simple solution that debugs the code.

The attempted invalid code is shown in the following example:

insert into visit

values (1234567, ’19-JUN-22′, ’13-AUG-22 12:53 A.M.’);

Although everything appears functional, developers must check the date format and use the adequate date string conforming to the format.

As the former chapter explains, this clears your system and allows further code alterations. On the flip side, you can use the insert statement to provide the to_date function.

Repeat the next script to debug your system:

insert into visit

values (1234567,

to_date (’19-JUN-22′, ‘dd-mon-yy’),

to_date (’13-AUG-22 10:15 A.M.’, ‘dd-mon-yyyy hh:mi A.M.’));

In addition, this script forces Oracle to store the date and time information together, boosting your application’s performance.


The date format picture finishes before converting an entire input string error happens when the Oracle database has a string that does not match the driver’s expectations. Fortunately, we found several debugging principles and explained the following critical points:

  • Professional developers refer to it as an ORA-01830 to_char Oracle error because it messes up the valid date format
  • You can remake the invalid code exception by writing invalid date formats
  • Locating the mistake allows developers to initiate the troubleshooting process
  • This script provides two standard solutions that remove the error and enable further code alterations
  • Programmers can apply the debugging principles to any broken command or property

Making mistakes and misspelling the date format is typical when working on large and complex projects. Luckily, this article provides the debugging methods, recreates the error, and teaches the commands that troubleshoot the script.