mansplainer là gì - Nghĩa của từ mansplainer

mansplainer có nghĩa là

A word used by feminists to silence men and prevent them from learning that men actually have problems too and that their point of view isn't the only one


Feminist "women are paid 77 cents for every mans dollar" A man "well actually every serious study showed that there more factors than just gender like how long they worked there and education" Feminist "Stop mansplaining you patriarchal fuckface"

mansplainer có nghĩa là

When a man speaks to a woman exactly the same way he speaks to a man: somewhat mockingly, somewhat condescendingly, somewhat confrontationally. Ironically, feminists who champion equality among the sexes, expect men to change how they speak to accommodate their feminine sensibilities.


Woman: I don't feel conservatives care enough about social justice.
Man: That's ridiculous! That's just SJW propaganda. There can never be social justice if individual justice is ignored. Woman: Stop mansplaining, you big jerk!

mansplainer có nghĩa là

When a man explains something to a woman in a patronizing tone as if the woman is too emotional and illogical to understand.


"She got all pissed at me for no reason!" cried Ira, "Accusing me of mansplaining."
Aziz shook his head. "Women! Right?"

mansplainer có nghĩa là

When unsolicited advice or direction is given to a woman by a man in a condescending manner. The reasons typically being, the man does not believe the woman is capable of completing the task independently and must need guidance.


"You're not doing that how I would do it so I'm going to bother you with my directions and opinions even though I am in no way a superior and you did not ask for clarification. There is no way you are capable of doing this by yourself and must be ignorant so you have to rely on my constant guidance." "uh, I think I got it.. thanks."

mansplainer có nghĩa là

A blend of man and explain. When a person explains something to another about a subject on which the latter is more knowledgeable. Usually the word describes a conversation in which, due to sexist bias, a man automatically assumes he is more knowledgeable than the woman he is talking to.


Man: "Let me explain you something-"
Woman: "Dude. I have a PhD in this subject. I'm pretty sure I know more about it than you do."
Man: "Yeah,you have a PhD, but hear me out-"
Woman: "Do you realise you are mansplaining right now?"

mansplainer có nghĩa là

Essentially when a man assumes a woman (sometimes a man) lacks knowledge in an area where she (or he) is known to be an expert


Me reading the other definitions of "mansplain": Wow, these all sound like they were written by men who have never experienced mansplaining themselves! Now, they're trying to explain what it is. CLASSIC mansplaining!! 2nd-year law student: I cannot believe Matt just mansplained me about the difference between prosecutors and defense attornies. This dude is referencing TV shows LMAO

mansplainer có nghĩa là

A man explaining something to a woman in a way that is patronizing because it assumes that the woman will be ignorant of the subject matter.


Woman speaking to another woman: “ I don’t want to drink too much tonight, I have to work in the morning.” Man standing near them at the bar: “ Actually if you drink a glass of water and take an ibuprofen before you go to bed you won’t be hungover.” Woman: “Thank you for mansplaining, but I’m less concerned with alcohol induced dehydration and more concerned with getting to bed at a decent hour.”

mansplainer có nghĩa là

When someone "explains" something to another person about a topic they are already familiar with/understand. This is typically done in a condescending manner under the pretense that the speaker knows more about the topic than who they are speaking to, i.e. they are subordinate.


1) Explaining the rules of poker to a poker dealer
2)Repeating a point back to someone in your own way, even if they just said the same thing
3)Telling a person that you know more about something because of blank, even though they are a professional/have a degree in the field that you do not have Sidenote: it is okay to know a lot about a topic and make this known in conversation, but assuming that you know more than someone else, not accepting if you are wrong, not accepting that they may simply be more knowledgeable, and/or doing so in a condescending manner means that you are mansplaining. Note: this definition and examples were built together by both a man and a woman

mansplainer có nghĩa là

When a man explains something to a woman, uninvited, about a topic she is either equally qualified or more qualified to talk on. A male doctor explaining something to a female patient, for example, would not be mansplaining. Examples: The guy who tried to tell Margaret Atwood about "The Handmaid's Tale", the guy who told Katie Mack, who has a PHD in Astrophysics, to "learn some science" because he thought climate change was a hoax, the man who tried to correct a woman about how to pronounce her own name correctly, an Englishman correcting a Welsh woman on her Welsh pronunciation. See also Dunning-Kruger effect.


Look at this idiot trying to mansplain periods to women... he thinks women only have nine periods a year... wait 'til you hear his lecture on how to insert a tampon correctly!

mansplainer có nghĩa là

When there is a woman who feels like she is being belittled from a condescending male in a social situation which may be true or could also be because of own personal insecurities/flaws, the term can also be just as belittling and condescending depending on how it is used and so both male and woman (usually both are associated with a certain political stance) begin to argue over which person is more hypocritical. Mansplaining can sometimes be a destructive and derogatory term that is usually associated with the political feminist ideology which fights for equality but has over the years been a way for specific women to generalize towards a male who doesn't agree with that woman's opinion and can use it as an excuse to get what they want, this only goes for certain women who are manipulative; not all woman. Manipulative males do this as well to women but it is usually associated with a different term. When you have both a manipulative male and manipulative woman together, it usually results in a heated argument.


Random conversation a male is having on a woman crush Woman: I think men need to learn how to treat women better and woman should have equal rights Male: I totally agree, it is a basic human right to have equal opportunity in the same career regardless of any external factors beyond that person's control. (Woman with blank look on face) (male continues) Male: If we want to be a civilized and equal society, we must first make the time to identify and educate ourselves about our own flaws and work towards them. Woman: UMM PLEASE STOP MANSPLAINING TO ME LIKE I AM A CHILD, YOUR LAST STATEMENT WAS UNNECESSARY. Male: Okay! I'm sorry! You had a blank look on your face like you might of been confused so I just wanted to clarify so there isn't any miscommunication. Woman: I HAVE A BLANK LOOK ON MY FACE BECAUSE I'M HAVING ANXIETY DICKHEAD!!! Male: Okay! I'm sorry for being a burden.. Why doesn't anyone ever understand me? (Later on the news) News Anchor: SIblings found male hanging in bedroom; says he had a history of depression. Don't let Political ideology morph you into not caring for others, whatever side you associate with; always remember they are human too.

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