My cousin rachel rotten tomatoes review

Fortunately, there is the marvelous Rachel Weisz (The Lobster), as the titular Rachel, to grab our attention while poor Sam Claflin (Their Finest) mopes his way through the thankless role of a callow young man who falls under her spell. To be fair to Claflin, he is an engaging performer with a lot of natural charisma; it’s just hard to make Philip, the aimless landowner he incarnates with morose conviction, an appealing screen presence. The fact that therein lies the point of the exercise makes it no more captivating. At least in Guillermo del Toro’s 2015 bloody mess of a gothic movie, Crimson Peak, with the genders reversed (in terms of who was manipulating whom), the central role, incarnated by Mia Wasikowska, was a strong one. Here, Philip mostly simpers. Which, given the presumptuousness of his desire, is not inappropriate. It’s just also not that interesting to watch.

My cousin rachel rotten tomatoes review
Sam Claflin as “Philip” and Rachel Weisz as “Rachel Ashley” in MY COUSIN RACHEL. Photo by Nicola Dove. © 2016 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation All Rights Reserved

Philip is orphaned when young, and adopted by a wealthy uncle, whom he closely resembles (Claflin plays both roles) and who makes him his sole heir. When Philip is almost 25, the age at which he will officially become his own man, his uncle passes away while taking a cure in Florence, Italy, but not before sending increasingly disturbed letters to his ward about his new bride, Rachel ­– also his cousin – whom he accuses of poisoning him. Philip vows revenge, but when Rachel arrives in England, the inexperienced youth finds himself entranced by her beauty, completely forgetting his slowly burgeoning romance with his neighbor Louise (Holliday Grainger, The Finest Hours), daughter of his godfather, and setting aside all thoughts of retribution. In fact, in a surprising turn of events, he rather quickly becomes infatuated with Rachel, giving over time and fortune for her enjoyment. But, to paraphrase Philip’s opening voiceover, does she or doesn’t she return the affection? Is she or isn’t she genuine? And what if she isn’t? The time and place is the 19th century in England, after all, and what other options does a woman of wit and wisdom have to take care of herself in a world dominated by men? More power to her.

Indeed, given the not-so-latent current of misogyny that runs in Philip’s family, if Rachel does turn out to be a reverse bluebeard, marrying and killing a succession of husbands, it would certainly serve Philip right, especially given the callous manner in which he discards Louise (Grainger is marvelous as the spurned, but steadfast, friend). That’s all to the good of the story. Unfortunately, for this viewer, there is too much passive brooding – the danger of the gothic genre – which becomes dreary after a while: we need more Weisz (and Grainger!), less Claflin. Still, Michell knows his way around a camera, and has a fine sense of location, shooting visually evocative scenes on the cliffs of Cornwall. The entire affair needs a little more energy, however, to raise it above the obviousness of its conceit. Though the persona, good or bad, of cousin Rachel may possibly be a construct of Philip’s wild ravings, the narrative structure of the film need not feel so determined. If you have a taste for this kind of story, then you’ll most likely savor what I find tiresome. We can all agree, however, that Rachel – Weisz, that is – is every bit as mesmerizing as she is meant to be.

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My cousin rachel rotten tomatoes review

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Is My Cousin Rachel worth watching?

THIS FILM IS MILDLY RECOMMENDED. IN BRIEF: A romantic mystery that downplays the romance and mystery. SYNOPSIS: A man falls in love with a mysterious woman who may or may not be a murderer. JIM'S REVIEW: The remake...

How old was Richard Burton in My Cousin Rachel?

Richard Burton was generally felt to be miscast as he looked too old and mature for the naive character he played, although he was in fact only 26 when the film was made.

Did Rachel poison Phillip in My Cousin Rachel?

Rachel killed her husband in order to take control of his vast wealth; upon returning to England and discovering that Philip is the heir, she seduces him, gets control of the money and then begins to slowly poison Philip to ensure her hold on the family fortune.

What is the plot of my cousin Rachel?

Philip is a young Englishman who finds his cousin Ambrose dead after traveling to Florence, Italy. He vows revenge against Ambrose's missing wife Rachel, blaming her for his untimely demise. When Philip meets Rachel for the first time, his mood suddenly changes as he finds himself falling for her seductive charm and beauty. As his obsession for her grows, Rachel now hatches a scheme to win back her late husband's estate from the unsuspecting Philip.My Cousin Rachel / Film synopsisnull