new brand là gì - Nghĩa của từ new brand

new brand có nghĩa là

a person's behavior which is drastically different than normal usually because they are in the presence of certain people.


"Oh she gonna act all brand new today because her friends are around when she was all in my face last night!"

new brand có nghĩa là

DUDE Nothing can describe Brand New. They are too great to even begin to explain...take it from me, and buy one of their cds. Listen and you will completely understand what I'm talking about.

"If I could, I would shrink myself, sink through your skin to your blood cells, remove whatever makes you hurt, but I am too weak to be your cure."

"If it makes you less sad, I'll move out of the state, you can keep to yourself, I'll keep out of your way. If it makes you less sad, I'll take your pictures all down. Every picture you paint, I will paint myself out. It's cold as a tomb, and its dark in your room, when I sneak to your bed to pour salt in your wounds."


Fuck they are the reason I'm alive.

new brand có nghĩa là

Brand new is a damn good band with possibly the best lyrics I’ve ever heard. It’s hard to describe the music without you guys having heard it but ill try. The words are cleverly and subtly delivered. The ‘Deja Entendu’ album is ‘an album of such breathtaking honesty and dripping with delicate song writing’ (the Fly) Its kinda hard to pigeonhole this band as a specific type of music except damn good!!!!! The music is a kinda rock but the songs build up to such a crescendo that they really gets to you and you can just get it and understand it.
Jesse Lacey (singer dude) sings in such a powerful way on some tracks that you get the message and it stirs some emotions in you, and on others he sings so quietly and in such a heartfelt way that it touches you. He really goes for it and his voice gets really husky and cracked with the feeling he pours into the songs. If the emotion of the song calls for a scream he can deliver it.

The music itself is cleverly done and yet with a specific ‘Brand New’ style, with key chords and patterns, but each song is pretty much unique with the kinda feel it gives.

To be honest with you, I’m not going to go on about how I ‘totally relate to the guys in the band’ because I don’t know them and to say that is sad, but I think this band is good, as their music is the kinda thing I feel sometimes and with I could say.


Listen to the music and you'll know what i mean

new brand có nghĩa là

An awesome band that has really great music unlike anything i've ever heard before..I am addicted.


My friend and I started the Brand New obsessive fan club

new brand có nghĩa là

A band that is good x 839842301 that doesn't really fit into one specific musical genre, so when you bluntly classify Brand New as "emo", you're kind of wrong.


Your Favorite Weapon, Deja Entendu... it's all radtastic, baby.

new brand có nghĩa là

The best bandThe best bandThe best band


The best bandTbest bandThe best band

new brand có nghĩa là

acting a certain way or displaying characteristics that are not congruent with one's normal behavior.


"You acting like you don't know what's going on, but you're just acting brand new".

new brand có nghĩa là

brand new is an amazing indie like band

the morrisey/the smiths looooove child
'so to speak' jesse lacey
is an amazing lead singer/ songwriter i personally have drawn inspiration to become a lead singer from him
and thats were my band started
im giving my highest recomendations to this band
pick up the cd 'your favorite weapon' first though because well it will start things out
then get 'deja entendu' its more experimental/ amazing


brand new>living
brand new>breathing
brand new>trashy punkpop crap
brand new>saltine crackers?

new brand có nghĩa là

A band originating from Merrick, New York (Long Island), forming around the early 2000s. They are often refered to as Br& New. Brand New has released three offical CDs. In chronological order: Your Favorite Weapon (2002), Deja Entendu (2003), The Devil and God are Raging Inside Me (2006).

Their only single from Your Favorite Weapon was "Jude Law and a Semester Abroad," which if you pick up a copy (I don't know how long the album's done this) and put it in your hard drive, you can watch the "Jude Law" video.
Deja Entendu (French for 'already heard') however, released three singles: "The Quiet Things that No One Ever Knows", "Sic Transit Gloria... Glory Fades" and "I Will Play My Game Beneath the Spin Light"
The Devil and God are Raging Inside Me has released two singles (so far. And I hope there are more to come!), "Sowing Season (Yeah)" and "Jesus"

Brand New is made up of: Jesse Lacey (vox/lyricist/guitar), Vincent Accardi (guitar/backup vox/piano), Brian Lane (drums), Derrick Sherman (guitar/piano).


Personally, I find Br& New to be one of the most talented bands you will ever come across and I honestly adore the living shit out of them. :)
I recommend you to go pick up all three albums and listen to them in chronological order, for between each album, Brand New grows an insane ammount and they sound like a brand new band (no pun intended) on every album.
With Brand New, you can't go wrong.

new brand có nghĩa là

Too good for something or somebody. Thinks they're better than they really are.


"That fool came around acting brand new and i was finna slap him in tha head."