spiking it là gì - Nghĩa của từ spiking it

spiking it có nghĩa là

Cool vampire with a soul


Spike is way cooler than Angel

spiking it có nghĩa là

pouring alcohol into something


"omg! someone spiked the punch!"

spiking it có nghĩa là

1-a large very pointed object could be used a tool like working on railroads or could be used as a very deadly stabbing weapon

2-slang used to describe when a drink has been tainted with alcohol or some more dangerous illegal substance ie roofies

3-A vampire character from the series Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel played by James Marsters

-A British nerd who was a poet and was picked on and laughed at by his friends and was given the name "William the Bloody" as in the "the bloody awful poet" by a snobby British aristocrat who was rivals with Spike in winning over some noble English woman at some party

-Spike was sired (transformed into a vampire) by Drusilla (who was transformed by Angel)

-William now became Spike soon afterward as he returned to meet with that rich British snob and killed him by nailing him with railroad SPIKES...since during the party the snob insulted Spike by saying his poems were so awful that he'd "rather be nailed with railroad spikes"...and so that became William's new name

-Came to Sunnydale to cure Drusilla who was weak only to be injured and be in a wheelchair for a while

-He left with Drusilla, but later returned to Sunnydale because Drusilla cheated on him and he fell in love with Buffy.

-Ran into Buffy's boyfriend-Riley Finn's spy demon group-The Initiative and was implanted with a chip so he couldn't harm humans (whenever he does, the chip electrifies him).

-After confessing his feelings to Buffy and trying to rape her, Buffy was pissed at him and he went into despair.

-After being rejected by Buffy, Spike went to Africa to become an evil vampire again...only to be given back his soul as Angel was given.

-Went back to Sunnydale and this time fought alongside Buffy and her friends and even sacrificed himself by wearing a sacred amulet that "only a champion could wear" and in doing so burned and killed himself as he destroyed the other vampires escaping the Hell Mouth at Buffy's series finales

-After Buffy ended, he became a regular on its spin-off Angel and returned when the amulet he wore was sent to Angel's place in an envelope and he came out from it.

-After being resurrected, Spike was being psychologically attacked by an old voo doo doctor who made Spike see visions of dead people that worked in Angel's building and had killed themselves because of the doctor's spells. The doctor had hoped to avoid his place in hell by making other people feel guilty about something and having them hacking themselves to death to take his place...of course Spike was his next victim. Spike avoided hell as he managed to overcome his fears and defeat the doctor.

-Spike teamed with Angel along with the rest of his team in LA as they were being attacked by various demons at the series finale of Angel.


Ex1-Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer used railroad spikes to torture his victims.

Ex2-Dude, this punch tastes kinda nasty and bitter and I think it made me vomit, I think someone spiked it.

Ex3-Spike was Buffy's 2nd vampire lover besides her 1st which was Angel.

spiking it có nghĩa là

A hot vampire.


Spike can spike me anyday.

spiking it có nghĩa là

The hottest, most sexiest character ever created for TV... thatk u Joss Whedon.

Did I mention this hotty is a vampire... with a soul.... that he earned... unlike bloddy stupid angel whose hair ges straight up... and therefore deserved to shanshu instead of Angel... who I might add was CURSED with his soul... can LOSE it if he sleeps with his true love... and was an asshole before he was turned.


But I want you to know I did save you. Not when it counted, of course, but ... after that. Every night after that. I'd see it all again ... do something different. Faster or more clever, you know? Dozens of times, lots of different ways ... (softly) Every night I save you.

spiking it có nghĩa là

Spiked is used to describe when an alcoholic beverage is mixed in with another, non-alcoholic drink (most common is Gatorade). The maximum content in the mixture is the non-alcoholic beverage. the beverage can also be tainted with drugs (GHB).


Yo is that spiked? You might wanna make sure its pure. You never know what they do at these parties.
Aight thanks!

spiking it có nghĩa là

A syringe. Drug slang in the US.


"Hey man I'm sick as shit. You got a spike I can borrow?"

spiking it có nghĩa là

something pointy


i fell on a spike.

spiking it có nghĩa là

Cleats, or spiked shoes.


"I got some new spikes yesterday"
"Haha cool for soccer?"

spiking it có nghĩa là

the act of putting alcohol in punch in a high school party,, beware of the punch. At high school parties drink anythong and eat anything as it will not be spikex,, excepot! the punch! fer the punch! the punch is bad and evil for w re do not like it. spiking is legal ecause i have given you this warning,, now if you frink punch you will know yt you shouldnt be.


Tara: yo bro im at a high school party
Lauren: woah me too!
tara: so,, don't drink the punch cause it will e spikes
Lauren: haha yeah, but everything could ber spiked not just the punch. DOn't drink anything that is opened. SPiking is very common now in our society.
Tara: nO! foolish mortal only the punch!!!!!
*solders table*