st. johns là gì - Nghĩa của từ st. johns

st. johns có nghĩa là

A city in the province of Newfoundland in the country of Canada. Is the capitol of Newfoundland


A city is found on a map of Canada. St. johns is the capitol so it should either have a bigger dot or a star.

st. johns có nghĩa là

the capital city of the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador in Canada.


St. John's is a great town to party in!

st. johns có nghĩa là

An ambulance service which is run by volunteers of all ages providing first aid and medical treatment to members of the public throughout the world.

Its not just about putting plasters on cuts, members attend numerous training courses such as FAW (First Aid at Work) and AED (Automated External Defribulator) and have helped to save thousands of people lives and work in a close partnership with the local ambulance services.

Without St John Ambulance no events such as the London Marathon, Triathlon and football matches would be able to go ahead.

Often wrongly shortened to "St John's Ambulance"

Like the police and the army, there are different ranks within the organisation; cadet leader, corporal, sergent etc. Also, members quite often are nurses and doctors with years of medical experience.

Badgers are the members from 5-10, cadets from 11-18 and adults from 18 years.

Being a member is fantastic, its really worthwhile and fun to be a part of something so intricately organised, some people dont realise how much work goes into each duty and how long people spend helping others, but its all worthwhile and a great organisation to be a part of.


St John Ambulance is a worldwide organisation that helps thousands of people each year.

"Wow, St John Ambulance rocks!"

st. johns có nghĩa là

A New York City university that is best known for basketball players that love to gang-bang middle-aged prostitutes and refuse to pay, thus getting kicked off the team and possibly out of the school. This is all true, check the news.


up north:
Big Tommy: "So what are you in here for."
Grady: "Soliciting prostitution. I didn't have any money so the bitch ratted me out."
Big Tommy: "Yo, Louie, looks like we've got another one of those St. John's kids in here."
Louie: "Give him the usual welcome ceremony."
Big Tommy: "Sure thing."
Grady: "Hey, how'd you know I'm from St. John's?"
Big Tommy: "Shut up. Just drop your pants and bend over, bitch. This'll only take a minute."

st. johns có nghĩa là

The character in x-men comics that can manipulate fire. my favorite character in the x-men comics. he's pyro. he dies of the legacy virus in the comics, but in the movies, he's alive and well on magneto's side.


john, will you stop playing with that lighter?

st. johns có nghĩa là

St. Johns is a neighborhood located in North Portland that ignorant people think is the gang infested ghetto. If you believe this then you are an idiot. But this is fine because we don't want you to move here anyway. North and Northeast Portland are the only two semi-diverse and fun places to live in Portland, as many other areas are meth ridden, white bread, suburbs. Recently, as a result of gentrification, young hipsters are infesting St. Johns, and making it a trendy place to move. Unfortunate, really.


St. Johns is far superior to West Linn or Lake Oswego

Wow, isn't St. Johns, like, the ghetto?

St. John's is heaven on earth!

You wont get shot if you drive in North Portland, even though you deserve it for thinking that.

st. johns có nghĩa là

"If so desired, a nick name for male genetalia," As St john was once an important figure, so is a mans genetalia to himself.


She was all over my St john that he didnt know what had hit him.

st. johns có nghĩa là

When you hang out with people so you can get smoked out, then randomly ditch them using a lame excuse like "my parents want me home now."


guy 1: Hey man I gotta go feed my dog now, I'll catch you later. guy 2: Man your lying, now that you smoked your just leaving, your "Pulling a St John" bro.

st. johns có nghĩa là

A Liberal Arts college in the US, with two campuses: one in Santa Fe, New Mexico, and a needlessly preppy one, populated mostly by sophists. Famous for its approach to liberal arts, focus on great books, and its incredibly uncomfortable, but visually iconic, "Johnnie" chairs. Blackboards are everywhere at the college, and any attempt to change this policy is always crushed with extreme prejudice. Students of the college are called Johnnies., and in place of professors, instructors are called tutors. This is because they are supposed to be on the journey of intellectual discovery with the students, rather than talking down to them. This is, most certainly, always the case, and tutors have never been known to give lectures in the middle of class to explain exactly why a particular school of thought is fundamentally incorrect because they entirely disregard the writings of one obscure thinker, the essays of whom said tutor will be happy to provide to the interested. St. John's has no tests or exams. All students are evaluated through their writing and performance in discussion. To deal with the stress and anxiety which comes with much of the work of the college, many Johnnies smoke and engage in extreme forms of Bacchic revelry on a weekly to biweekly basis. Contrary to popular belief regarding liberal arts degrees, Johnnies go into a variety of fields, mostly in education, academia, or corporate sophistry(commonly known to the uninitiated as the legal profession).


"Where are you going to college again?"
"Oh, I go to St. John's College in Santa Fe."
"Never heard of it."
"I'm not surprised." Family member:"What do you guys even do at St. John's?"
Johnnie who has learned that most people are either totally disinterested in the truly meaningful parts of their studies and has lost all faith in the ability of most people to have serious conversations: "We read lots of books."

st. johns có nghĩa là

The best church to ever exist. The home to Yug, a youth group that does some pretty fun stuff and whatnot. It is in Mexico, MO.


It's at St Johns, I can drive you there.