Tùy ý tiếng anh là gì năm 2024

Câu ví dụ

thêm câu ví dụ:

  • That is, a subgroup of a free group is a free group. Nhóm con tuỳ ý của một nhóm tự do cũng là nhóm tự do.
  • There are many food options for everyone to choose from. Có rất nhiều thức ăn để mọi người tuỳ ý chọn lựa.
  • Choose one of the following options that both of you like most: Chọn 1 trong 2 tuỳ chọn sau tuỳ ý thích mỗi người :
  • Move if you wish to move, make noise if you wish to make noise." Đến và đi là tuỳ ý, nếu như cháu đừng làm ồn.”
  • That way you could filter and choose null. như vậy có thể xoay hình và chọn hệ trục tuỳ ý 0

Những từ khác

  1. "tuỳ thích sử dụng cái gì" Anh
  2. "tuỳ tiện" Anh
  3. "tuỳ viên thương mại" Anh
  4. "tuỳ viên văn hoá" Anh
  5. "tuỳ vào" Anh
  6. "tuỳ ý muốn" Anh
  7. "tuỳ ý muốn của ai" Anh
  8. "tuỳ ý mình" Anh
  9. "tuỳ ý nó muốn từ chối cũng được" Anh
  10. "tuỳ viên văn hoá" Anh
  11. "tuỳ vào" Anh
  12. "tuỳ ý muốn" Anh
  13. "tuỳ ý muốn của ai" Anh

We show how to extend any existing parser combinator library with support for parsing permutations of typed, potentially optional elements.

The final (optional) element of the sequence gives the values of the syntactic functions, adjuncts and specifiers (in any order, distinguished by their role names).

Take is usually a transitive verb, yet although it has an obligatory direct-object argument, locative arguments are normally optional.

For these children, then, we have no reason to suspect that agreement was an optional element in the children's grammars.

The only exceptions are found at the word-level, where optional rule application can be systematic in certain grammars.

In section 3.2, we develop an implementation for permutations without optional elements, and in section 3.3 extend this solution to cover optionality.

A postgraduate diploma option can be obtained after completion of the core and optional modules or a master's degree after an additional research project dissertation.

Two further modules have to be chosen from the following optional modules: advanced statistical methods, clinical trials, qualitative research methods, and advanced health economics.

Up until 1945, the optional referendum represented an efficient veto point for groups opposing the welfare state to dilute state-interventionist social policies.

This was accomplished by defining optional matrix columns.

These devices can be combined with optional clausestructure variations, which reflect the fact that word order also encodes discourse status.

Evidently, an interpretation of a derivation is determined by its action on the optional axioms.

The items below are presented as optional ways of writing the same word or expression, some with the apostrophe/stop, others without.

For example, there are positions in which complementizers are obligatory, optional or impossible, and these positions vary across languages and times.

The underlying dynamics of sibling relationships have been identified as balanced reciprocity, optional rather than obligatory exchange of support and the maintenance of personal autonomy.

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