What is the best communication tool?

A wide variety of communication tools are used for external and internal communication.  These tools include mail, email, telephones, cell phones, smartphones, computers, video and web conferencing tools, social networking, as well as online collaboration and productivity platforms.  We begin with some basic communication tools and then discuss computers.


Even with all the modern methods of communication, regular postal mail is still a powerful tool for a business. It adds a personal touch, and is often used for delivering secure documents and contracts and for delivering purchased items to customers. A convenient way to handle mail from your own home or office is through a usps.com or Stamps.com account (in the U.S.), which allows you to print postage from your own computer. If you are sending mail internationally, there are a number of carriers available. Be sure to learn which carriers are most reliable in each region where you conduct business. You can compare costs to get the best combination of price, delivery date, and tracking options.


Although you may already have a personal email that you use, having a business email will be helpful in communicating with customers, vendors, and internal teammates. Checking email on a daily basis is essential. There are many email features available depending on the type of account you have. For example, for some accounts you can track email to ensure the recipient reads it. You can also postpone sending outgoing email, filter incoming email, and set-up automatic responses with different types of accounts.  Platforms for hosting email include Gmail, Outlook, and Yahoo. There are also others. For additional cost, these platforms will set up your own business email address. For example, you could host on one of the email platforms by paying an extra fee. 


The cornerstone of your business communication, both external and internal, may be your telephone. There are many types of telephones, and only you can decide which type is right for you. Even the standard telephone (landline) that is installed in your office has many options. While you may have a telephone already, you should start with at least one line that is unique to your business. This line should have the capability to take messages in case it is not answered personally. Here are some telephone tips:

  • It is important to treat the telephone as a business tool. Answer your phone in a timely manner (within three rings if you can). Always identify yourself when answering. Record a voicemail message that identifies the number, provides brief information about your business, and indicates when you will return the call. Then continually check your voicemail to return calls promptly.
  • Have a separate line for your business phone and your personal phone. Don't have family members pick up or use the business phone. Get any required extra telephone lines installed before you start.
  • When leaving phone messages, clearly state your company’s name and phone number at the beginning and the end of the message.
  • Be polite in cell phone use! Good business courtesy includes avoiding being interrupted by telephone calls, texts, or email when in a meeting or during a business lunch.


The landline is the telephone system that uses a physical wire for transmission. You may have a landline in your home, your office, or at a public phone location. If the internet is unreliable, you will still be able to use your landline because it relies on a different technology for communication. There are many services available for landline telephones. If you have an existing landline and would like to add additional services such as voicemail, multiple lines, and conference calling, be sure to research the options offered by your service provider and its competitors.  You may not have to switch phone companies to get the features you want.

Cell Phones/Mobile Phones

The cell phone, also called a mobile phone, is used for mobile communications. There are numerous carriers/providers and plans. Many carriers have plans tailored for small businesses including options that bundle popular features and usage patterns making them very cost effective. Be sure to ask questions about your specific needs before selecting a carrier and a plan. Understand the duration and terms of your agreement. Many can be two years or more.  Consider what type of communication you will use most for your business - conversations over the phone, texting, or data. Investigate plans that have unlimited access in your key area to compare pricing.

When your usage or needs change, do not hesitate to request information on plans that more closely meet your new set of requirements. But be aware there are hefty fees for canceling early.


A smartphone is a cell phone that offers advanced capabilities with computer-like functionality. A smartphone incorporates features like email, internet, and social media. Smartphones are capable of text messaging and include a camera with video capability.

Outside your office, a smartphone can be a valuable tool for business. In fact, if you don’t have an office, or work from your home, a smartphone can be your office. With a smartphone you can use email, access the internet, review, edit, or scan documents, use GPS, accept and make payments, and use a multitude of applications (apps) to do almost anything. The most popular smartphones are the Apple iPhone (iOs) and Samsung Galaxy (Android), but new smartphones are emerging on the market everyday. Each has different strengths you will need to factor into your business needs.

Internet Calling: Google Voice and Others

Internet calling is a way to make phone calls using the internet. There are several internet calling providers. Google Voice is the most popular and it is free. Google Voice provides voicemail, Short Message Service (SMS) and texting, and a local phone number.  Users can send free text messages, customize their voicemail, read voicemail text transcript, and more. Users can make or receive calls or texts from their computer or from their mobile smartphone. Google’s voicemail service is now available for free to all Gmail users. Other internet calling providers include Grasshopper, MightyCall, Nextiva, DingTone, Telzio, Freedompop, Line2, Voiceably, and OnSIP, to name a few. Each provides a service for a monthly fee with different features, capabilities, strengths, and weaknesses.

SMS Messaging and Texting

While not all mobile phones are smartphones capable of receiving videos and pictures, nearly all mobile phones can receive SMS (short message service) messages. These are texts of less than 160 characters that consist only of letters, numbers, and symbols. SMS messaging, and texting in general, is a powerful way to communicate. SMS messaging and texting provide one-to-one communication. As more and more people adopt mobile phones, there are more opportunities to connect directly and personally with mobile phone users (who may be your customers!).

Companies can use SMS messages as a way to remind customers of sales, product offerings, and other announcements. It is important to note that customers must opt-in to companies’ SMS marketing campaigns and that it is illegal for companies to send SMS messages to customers who have not opted-in. Companies can often encourage customers to opt-in by offering them something in exchange. For example, a hot dog company could get customers to participate in their SMS marketing campaign by offering them $5 off their next meal for texting a code to their specialized SMS campaign number. Larger companies might purchase the services of an online text message marketing company to manage these marketing campaigns and to provide them with a short phone number code for customers to use to opt-in to the campaign. Small businesses could also allow customers to sign up for text messages like they might sign up for a mailing/emailing list and send messages directly.

Cell and Data Plans

There are two major types of mobile phone plans: pre-paid and post-paid. Pre-paid allows you to pay a mobile carrier upfront for mobile services, and you must refill your minutes or data when they run out. Be aware that overage charges for minutes or data used that exceed your plan may be billed at a higher rate. You will need to understand if it is possible to go over your pre-paid amount, and what additional charges might be imposed. Post-paid plans allow you to sign a contract with a mobile carrier for different types of mobile services, and you pay for those services at the end of the month. Unused minutes or data may or may not roll over from one month to the next month, meaning you have to pay for your minutes or data each month whether you use it all or not.

Whichever plan you choose, be sure you understand the terms.  There may be penalties for terminating your contract early. You should think about your business needs before deciding on a mobile service plan and whether you want to pay upfront or at the end of the month.

Video and Web Conferencing

Video conferencing provides a way to have face-to-face meetings without the expense of travel. It provides a more personal way to communicate both externally with customers and partners and internally with team members or employees who may work outside the office.

Video conferencing technologies transmit and receive images and voice in real-time so that you can have a “face-to-face meeting.” Web conferencing adds another dimension - it allows you to share documents and applications during your online meeting. Both options allow you the flexibility to have one-on-one meetings, or conferences with multiple attendees. Seeing facial expressions and nonverbal cues during crucial business discussions and negotiations can be invaluable for your business.

Some common tools for video and web conferencing are listed below. These tools are offered at different levels and price points, although there are some you can access for free. Some examples of video and web conferencing tools include:

  • Google+ Hangouts
  • Skype
  • Zoom
  • Ring Central
  • Webex
  • Goto Meeting

All these solutions allow you to communicate as if you were face-to-face with customers, partners, and employees anywhere in the world. Time and money that would be spent on traveling can be used other ways for your business. You can share documents, make presentations, and conduct meetings on short notice. For example, without leaving your office, you can collaborate with employees who work from home or from other company locations.

Social Networking Sites

If you are a member of a social networking site or utilize social media, you know that these platforms are popular for businesses that use them for marketing. A social network is an online community comprised of individuals or organizations that are tied together by common interests. Internet-based social networking occurs through a variety of website platforms that allow users with similar interests to share content and interact online. Some popular social networking sites include Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, YouTube, and many others.

By creating social networks that follow your business, or the interests of your business, you can  build relationships with current and future customers. For example, there are online social networks for companies, celebrities, politicians, and interests such as travel, home decor, cooking, and exercise to name a few. By posting content to these groups you can provide information to a large number of followers quickly and inexpensively.

Many companies pursue a social media strategy in their marketing efforts. Social media marketing is a relatively inexpensive way to reach specific customer segments that you believe will be interested in your product or service. To be successful it requires a steady effort and participation over time. One mistake companies make is jumping in and posting frequently initially, but then not maintaining the effort for very long. It’s better to begin with a pace you know you can continue, whether it’s once a month, once a week, or once a day. If you find you have more content to post, you can always do more. A note of caution on internet social networking: once you put something out there it's hard to take it back, so you have to be careful. Always be mindful of how a post will represent and reflect on your business. It’s also a good idea to keep in mind that your personal social networks may also be visited by potential customers, partners, investors, and employees.

Online Collaboration Tools

The world is at our fingertips when it comes to being able to work online within our business, with partners, vendors and/or customers/consumers. From messaging to group chats, video conferencing, file sharing, document collaboration, elearning, and more, almost anything is possible right from your device. In addition to the tools and resources discussed above, below are some ideas and examples of tools that can be used depending on your goals.

  • G Suite: Google offers a suite of products that enable online collaboration. Using Google Docs you can develop a document that can be edited by multiple people in different locations (or all within the same conference room) in real-time, and at the same time.  Other G Suite products work the same way: Google Sheets, Google Slides, and Google Drive for example. You can create and manage your documents in a filing system that can be owned by one person or shared among a team. Google Calendar has become a popular way for organizing your own schedule as well as scheduling meetings among members of different organizations or businesses.
  • Office 365/Office Online: Microsoft also offers a suite of products that enable online collaboration. Office 365 includes Outlook, OneDrive, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, One Note, Skype, and other applications. The Office 365 suite is not free. Microsoft Online offers software in a cloud-based variety for free.
  • Messaging Tools: Messaging tools allow for online chat and instant messaging between individuals or teams. Some also feature file sharing, file storage, video calling, searchable message-history, image viewing, and creating polls. Some of these tools integrate with Google Drive, Facebook, Dropbox and other softwares.  A few examples are:
    • Slack
    • GroupMe
    • Google Hangouts
  • Online and Shared Calendar Apps and Software: Online and shared calendar tools are wonderful for time-management and scheduling meetings with others. Some examples include but are not limited to:
    • Google Calendar
    • Doodle
    • Outlook
    • Teamup
    • Asana
  • Task Management Apps and Software: Task management applications allows users to manage their tasks from a smartphone, tablet, computer, or smartwatch. Many of them are free; additional collaboration features are available in paid versions. They are a great way to keep track of your progress and projects whether working on them individually or as a team.  Some examples include:
    • Trello
    • ClickUp
    • Todoist
    • Any.do
    • Quire

What is the best tool for communication?

These are the same stats that have bought so many different types of communication tools and apps in action..
ProofHub. Proofing Software..
Filestage. Real-time Chat Tools..
Microsoft Teams..
Troop Messenger. Voice & Video Conferencing Tools..

What is the most commonly used online communication tool?

Communication Tools Comparison Chart.

Which is widely used communication tool today?

Tablets. Over 30 percent of U.S. households own at least one tablet. Some use these modern communication tools for work. Others watch movies, access social media and make video calls on their tablets.

What are the three types of communication tools?

When communication occurs, it typically happens in one of three ways: verbal, nonverbal and visual..
Verbal Communication. ... .
Nonverbal Cues Speak Volumes. ... .
Visual Communication..