What is the major difference between primary circular reactions and secondary circular reactions and Piagets sensorimotor stage?


Melissa N. Richards, in Encyclopedia of Infant and Early Childhood Development (Second Edition), 2020

The Developmental Progression of Play

Play develops with the child. It begins as inspection and manipulation and moves gradually to symbolism and pretense.

For the first 2–3 months of the child's life, objects in the environment are not very important for play purposes. According to Jean Piaget, during this time infants engage in “primary circular reactions”—activities repeated for their own sake. For example, infants may coo repeatedly or open and close their fingers repetitively, suck their thumbs, or blow bubbles; while lying awake, they may arch their backs and drop their bodies onto the mattress over and over again.

Around 4 months of age, infants develop skills to manipulate objects, but even then, they are more interested in the actions they can perform than in any object characteristics. Thus, babies may look at a toy in their field of vision, but when holding an object in their hands they bring it to their mouth rather than visually study it. Even when two objects appear related to one another—a cup and a spoon, for instance—the infant often still focuses on actions, banging the spoon in the cup rather than on the objects. Remove the spoon, and the infant is likely to continue the action.

A major change in complexity and quality of play occurs when infants approach the end of the first year. At about this time, infants engage in three different types of exploratory play: functional, relational, and functional–relational. When infants are involved in functional play, they play with toys in the way the toys were designed to be played with, like rolling a car on its wheels. In the course of relational play, infants bring together two unrelated toys (e.g., a car and a cup) with no signs of pretense. In functional–relational play, children bring two objects together and use them in the meaningful way (e.g., load a container with blocks).

Thus, first-year play is predominantly characterized by sensorimotor manipulation. In their play infants explore the environment around them, deriving information about objects: their properties, physical characteristics, functions, and effects. Because children's activities are tied to the physical properties of objects, rather than being representational, this type of play is called exploratory or nonsymbolic. In the course of development of exploratory play, infants first direct their actions and attention toward a single object and later incorporate several objects in their play. Initially these objects may be treated inappropriately with respect to function, and only later children learn to treat them appropriately. For example, during the first months children may mouth a cup, but when they get a little older they may bang a spoon and a cup. Only later with age does the child use a cup and spoon appropriately, by stirring the spoon inside the cup.

Until the second year of life there are few signs of pretense or symbolism in children's play. Pretense requires representational skills. Because representational skills only slowly emerge, pretend play does likewise. Additionally, object substitution emerges as a clear indicator of more advanced symbolic play. When the young child builds a tower out of blocks, the tower now means more to the child than the characteristics of the blocks themselves. This suggests that there are two distinct kinds of representations reflected in object substitutions: primary representations and metarepresentations. Primary representations reflect tangible properties of objects (their shape, color, substance). Thus, objects can be used for different purposes. Younger children tend to restrict object substitutions according to perceptual features, such as shape and color. The child can talk on the toy telephone, utilize a cloth as a toy blanket, or pretend a red ball is an apple. Older children are able to use metarepresentations—representations of objects in unusual ways, independent of their physical characteristics. Thus a banana can be a telephone, and blocks can be served as pastries.

When pretend play first emerges, children tend to engage into self-directed pretense, centering pretense on their own bodies and actions. Children may pretend to be asleep, to eat from toy tableware, to read a book, or to talk on a toy telephone. Older children “decenter” pretense by involving not only themselves but surrounding objects in pretend actions. They can make a doll read a book or make a set of buttons to go for a walk as if they were people. Even after the advent of decentration, play becomes more elaborate, when children combine sequences of pretend actions into a coherent scenario and make pretend plans for the future, such as hosting tea parties, cooking dinners, taking dolls to school, and going to work.

Thus, in the second year, children's play actions take on more of a nonliteral quality. The goal of play now appears to be symbolic or representational. Play becomes increasingly generative, as children enact activities performed by self, others, and objects in simple pretense scenarios, pretending to drive toy cars, eat from empty plates, or talk on toy telephones. Symbolic or pretend play also follows a sequence in development. At first symbolic play is self-directed, later it begins to include pretense schemes that apply to others. In the same way, single-scheme pretense appears before multischeme pretense. Finally, pretense with substitution objects develops.

This developmental progression of play is a generalized version of the sequential changes in representation that take place in early childhood. The majority of children follow this developmental pattern, although there are also wide individual differences in the rates of children achieving each level of development and in the quality of each level of achievement.

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URL: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B9780128093245058661


M. Sumaroka, M.H. Bornstein, in Encyclopedia of Infant and Early Childhood Development, 2008

The Developmental Progression of Play

Play develops with the child. It begins as inspection and manipulation and moves gradually to symbolism and pretense.

For the first 2–3 months of the child’s life, objects in the environment are not very important for play purposes. According to Jean Piaget, during this time infants engage in ‘primary circular reactions’ – activities repeated for their own sake. For example, infants may coo repeatedly or open and close their fingers repetitively, suck their thumbs, or blow bubbles; while lying awake, they may arch their backs and drop their bodies onto the mattress over and over again.

Around 4 months of age, infants develop skills to manipulate objects, but even then, they are more interested in the actions they can perform than in any object characteristics. Thus, babies may look at a toy in their field of vision, but when holding an object in their hands they bring it to their mouth rather than visually study it. Even when two objects appear related to one another – a cup and a spoon, for instance – the infant often still focuses on actions, banging the spoon in the cup rather than on the objects. Remove the spoon, and the infant is likely to continue the action.

A major change in complexity and quality of play occurs when infants approach the end of the first year. At about this time, infants engage in three different types of exploratory play: functional, relational, and functional–relational. When infants are involved in functional play, they play with toys in the way the toys were designed to be played with, like rolling a car on its wheels. In the course of relational play, infants bring together two unrelated toys (e.g., a car and a cup) with no signs of pretense. In functional–relational play, children bring two objects together and use them in the meaningful way (e.g., load a container with blocks).

Thus, first-year play is predominantly characterized by sensorimotor manipulation. In their play infants explore the environment around them, deriving information about objects: their properties, physical characteristics, functions, and effects. Because children’s activities are tied to the physical properties of objects, rather than being representational, this type of play is called exploratory or nonsymbolic. In the course of development of exploratory play, infants first direct their actions and attention toward a single object and later incorporate several objects in their play. Initially these objects may be treated inappropriately with respect to function, and only later children learn to treat them appropriately. For example, during the first months children may mouth a cup, but when they get a little older they may bang a spoon and a cup. Only later with age does the child use a cup and spoon appropriately, by stirring the spoon inside the cup.

Until the second year of life there are few signs of pretense or symbolism in children’s play. Pretense requires representational skills. Because representational skills only slowly emerge, pretend play does likewise. Additionally, object substitution emerges as a clear indicator of more advanced symbolic play. When the young child builds a tower out of blocks, the tower now means more to the child than the characteristics of the blocks themselves. This suggests that there are two distinct kinds of representations reflected in object substitutions: primary representations and metarepresentations. Primary representations reflect tangible properties of objects (their shape, color, substance). Thus, objects can be used for different purposes. Younger children tend to restrict object substitutions according to perceptual features, such as shape and color. The child can talk on the toy telephone, utilize a cloth as a toy blanket, or pretend a red ball is an apple. Older children are able to use metarepresentations – representations of objects in unusual ways, independent of their physical characteristics. Thus a banana can be a telephone, and blocks can be served as pastries.

When pretend play first emerges, children tend to engage into self-directed pretense, centering pretense on their own bodies and actions. Children may pretend to be asleep, to eat from toy tableware, to read a book, or to talk on a toy telephone. Older children ‘decenter’ pretense by involving not only themselves but surrounding objects in pretend actions. They can make a doll read a book or make a set of buttons to go for a walk as if they were people. Even after the advent of decentration, play becomes more elaborate, when children combine sequences of pretend actions into a coherent scenario and make pretend plans for the future, such as hosting tea parties, cooking dinners, taking dolls to school, and going to work.

Thus, in the second year, children’s play actions take on more of a nonliteral quality. The goal of play now appears to be symbolic or representational. Play becomes increasingly generative, as children enact activities performed by self, others, and objects in simple pretense scenarios, pretending to drive toy cars, eat from empty plates, or talk on toy telephones. Symbolic or pretend play also follows a sequence in development. At first symbolic play is self-directed, later it begins to include pretense schemes that apply to others. In the same way, single-scheme pretense appears before multischeme pretense. Finally, pretense with substitution objects develops.

This developmental progression of play is a generalized version of the sequential changes in representation that take place in early childhood. The majority of children follow this developmental pattern, although there are also wide individual differences in the rates of children achieving each level of development and in the quality of each level of achievement.

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URL: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B9780123708779001237


Marilyn Augustyn, ... Barry S. Zuckerman, in Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics (Fourth Edition), 2009


Piaget observed an orderly sequence of changes in the child's understanding of causal relationships over the first 2 years of life. First, infants learn to recreate satisfying bodily sensations by maneuvers such as thumb sucking (primary circular reaction). At about 3 months of age, infants begin to use causal behaviors to recreate accidentally discovered, interesting effects (secondary circular reaction). Infants at this age repeatedly kick the mattress once they have discovered by chance that this behavior sets in motion a mobile above the bed. Infants' understanding of cause and effect gradually leads to increasingly specific behavior patterns aimed at particular environmental effects. During the second year of life, toddlers become experimenters, intent on causing novel events rather than reinstituting familiar ones (tertiary circular reactions). At the same time, children begin to comprehend that apparently unrelated behaviors can be combined to created a desired effect. By age 2 years, a child spontaneously winds up a toy to make it move.

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URL: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B9781416033707000031

Atypical Behavior: Self-Injury and Pica

ROWLAND P. BARRETT, in Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics, 2008


According to developmental theory, self-injury is a unique subset of behaviors emerging from the larger category of repetitive behaviors commonly observed in infancy.21 In this regard, repetitive behavior is seen as occurring during the normal progression of early developmental stages and reflective of the child's maturational process. Piaget22 viewed repetitive motor movements as reflecting the earliest stages of intellectual growth (i.e., sensorimotor period of development). For the infant, engaging in repetitive acts, or “circular reactions,” as Piaget termed them, emerges from an innate propensity for repetition, which allows infants to learn about their bodies. During the first year of life, the extent to which infants continue to engage in repetitive activity affects their ability to develop adaptive environment manipulation, which ultimately, helps them understand the world. Repetitive behavior would then decrease across the normal developmental trajectory as the child learns more adaptive and mature behavior, such as communication, to interact with the environment.

For children not progressing in accordance with the normal developmental trajectory, engaging in repetitive behavior was said to have become “fixated” at levels of primary and secondary circular reactions. Repetitive motor mannerisms directed toward the self were said to represent primary circular reactions, whereas repetitive motor mannerisms directed toward the environment were said to represent secondary circular reactions. Fixation, in this regard, was representative of not only a slower development but also a deceleration and termination of progress in the latter stages of the developmental period, in which continuing cognitive growth was anticipated. In sum, fixation was thought to occur when the course of normal development was disrupted as a result of inadequate learning experience, lack of appropriate stimuli, absence of critical role models, or physical and/or cognitive impairment.

Accordingly, self-injurious behavior is viewed as resulting from the stalling of an otherwise normal and transient stage of development. Repetitive self-injurious behavior has been observed in 5% of normally developing infants and toddlers before the age of 36 months,23 usually in the form of head banging in the crib and usually with the clear communicative intent to be picked up, fed, burped, changed, or comforted because of sickness. The advent of language in the normally developing child results in no further self-injury. For children with autism spectrum disorder and mental retardation who fail to acquire language, repetitive self-injurious behavior becomes stereotypic in nature because of a “fixed primary circular reaction” based in earlier learning, in which it proved to be an efficacious means of communicating protest and discomfort and/or gaining access to care and comforting measures. It may be argued that this same line of reasoning, which overlaps extensively with the positive and negative reinforcement hypotheses of learning theory, may be applied to adolescents with impulsive self-injurious behavior and borderline personality disorder, in which a constant demand for attention is characteristic of the disorder, or those with affective disorder, in which the need to communicate distress and access safety and comforting measures may be paramount.

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URL: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B9780323040259500295

The Self In Infancy

John S. Watson, in Advances in Psychology, 1995

Four Views of Self/Environment Differentiation

The two major developmental theories of this century, Freud’ s and Piaget’ s, both incorporate an assumption that normal development in humans requires an initial investment in the task of differentiating the self from its external environment. Both frame the task in terms of its relevance to the infant’s acquiring a capacity to act instrumentally on the environment. However, as we will see below, the theories differ as to when and how the task is accomplished. Freud proposed a relatively quick accomplishment within the first few months, while Piaget proposed the task would take two or three times as long (Wolff, 1960). As for how the distinction between self and nonself is accomplished, the two theories differ greatly. A third, nondevelopmental, view has been offered by connectionist theorists (Hinton & Sejnowski, 1986). I will argue here, as I have elsewhere (Watson, 1994), that each of these three classic views fails to provide a truly workable means for dissociating self and environment. Yet, as we will see, they help illuminate a more likely possibility as provided in the hypothesis of contingency perception.

Freudian Theory

Freud (1911/1946) attended to why we would be motivated to dissociate self from environment. He proposed that as basic need states arise, “primary thought processes” hallucinate goal states; but, given the failure of these to satisfy the underlying physiological needs, “secondary thought processes” arise to cope with reality and the exigencies of the external world. But just how internal and external are distinguished is not adequately provided. There is a proposal that tension-inducing stimuli arising outside the body can be distinguished from those arising within on the basis of their contingent relation to bodily movement. Rappaport (1951) nicely summarizes the proposal as follows:

… the still helpless organism [has] the capacity for making a first orientation in the world by means of its perceptions, distinguishing both “outer” and “inner” according to their relation to actions of the muscles. A perception which is made to disappear by motor activity is recognized as external, as reality; where such activity makes no difference, the perception originates within the subject’s own body — it is not real….

In summary, motility first serves as the channel of discharge for tensions due to needs of drive origin; later it becomes the tool of primordial reality-testing by distinguishing between inner and outer sources of stimuli, that is to say, between the “I” and “not I”; finally, it assumes the character of action, altering the external world for the purpose of gratification. (footnotes on pp. 323–333.)

This proposal would appear to be seriously deficient on two grounds. First, by defining self in terms of noncontingent stimuli, any external events that are unaffected by the infant’s behavior would be categorized as internal. For example, infants are often situated in places where the intensity of sight and sound vary greatly: a pram being walked down a busy city sidewalk; a baby tender next to a TV. These situations generate a cascade of light and sounds that are unrelated to the infant’s behavior (i.e., noncontingent). By Freud’s rule, however, these stimuli would be categorized as arising within the infant’s body (the “I”). Moreover, additional confusion for the categorization of sensory innervations that are intrinsic to motor action seems inevitable by this rule. By Freud’s proposal, proprioceptive stimuli, being directly affected by motor acts, would be perceived as arising in the external world.

Piagetian Theory

Although a major concept in Piaget’s (1936/1952) developmental theory is that of egocentrism and its progressive replacement by an objective world view, the theory does not appear to offer a clear mechanism for detecting self versus nonself. For Piaget, the first step in breaking out of a complete solipsistic self-containment is with the onset of what he termed “secondary circular reactions.” He proposed that as infants later advance to the stage of coordinating secondary circular reactions (at about 8 months), they progressively distinguish their causal action from its environmental effects. One must note, however, that Piaget’s definition of the crucial constructive transition from primary circular to secondary circular functioning introduces a logical circularity if one tries to use this distinction as the mechanism for differentiating self from environment. In the following quote, Piaget’s (1936/1952) reference to “by convention” may be an effort to avoid such circularity:

After reproducing the interesting results discovered by chance on his own body, the child tries sooner or later to conserve also those which he obtains when his action bears on the external environment. It is this very simple transition which determines the appearance of the “secondary” reactions….

Of course, all the intermediaries are produced between the primary circular reactions and the secondary reactions. It is by convention that we choose, as criterion of the appearance of the latter, the action exerted upon the external environment (pp. 154–155).

Comparative psychologists and anthropologists recently have centered on this distinction between primary and secondary reactions and have used it to contrast development in various primates (Antinucci, 1990; Parker, 1977). Antinucci has extended the distinction to any behaviors, whether or not they are repeated or circular. However, it should be clear that although this may work well as a comparative developmental milestone, it leaves obscure just how the infant or primate forms the perceptual distinction that assures “the action is exerted upon the external environment.”

Connectionist Theory

A strikingly simple mechanism for sorting out self from environment has been offered by theorists in the theoretical domain of what is called “new connectionism.” This relatively new theoretical perspective is founded on the assumption that human brains function in a manner analogous to computers, with architecture that allows massively parallel computation. The so-called “units” of a computational network (e.g., neurons of the brain, silicon chips of a computer) are viewed as having three basic levels: an input layer, an output layer, and a “hidden layer” that is positioned between the input and output layers. Perceptual and cognitive capacities are viewed as emerging properties of nets that systematically change the pattern of transmission bias (i.e., “weights”) across the interconnections of units in the net. The systematic change in weights results from various forms of “learning” as the input layer of units are activated by contact with energy from the environment. Applying this general model, Hinton and Sejnowski (1986) have offered a refinement of an earlier suggestion by Crick and Mitchison (1983), to the effect that REM sleep may provide a control computation for disambiguating stimulation arising from self and environment. Hinton and Sejnowski propose:

Our learning algorithm refines Crick and Mitchison’s [1983] interpretation of why two phases are needed. Consider a hidden unit deep within the network: How should its connections with other units be changed to best capture regularity present in the environment? If it does not receive direct input from the environment, the hidden unit has no way to determine whether the information it receives from neighboring units is ultimately caused by structure in the environment or is entirely a result of the other weights. This can lead to a folie a deux, where two parts of the network each construct a model of the other and ignore the external environment. The contribution of internal and external sources can be separated by comparing the co-occurrences in phase+ with similar information that is collected in the absence of environmental input. Phase– thus acts as a control condition. Because of the special properties of equilibrium it is possible to subtract off this purely internal contribution and use the difference to update the weights. Thus, the role of the two phases is to make the system maximally responsive to regularities present in the environment and to prevent the system from using its capacity to model internally generated regularities (pp. 297–298).

However, note that “environment” is defined as that which is outside the network. In the standard model of brain function, the outermost layer of a neural net will be input units representing the basic sensory systems. However, this relationship between environment and net does not support a clear distinction between body and world. The problem is that weights derived in dreaming states cannot provide a representation of bodily self-stimulation. The sight, sound, and sensation of one’s body doing act X is not produced at the input layer while one dreams of doing X. In other words, while this connectionist algorithm can distinguish net from out-of-net experience, it can not yet distinguish “body experience” from “out-of-body experience.” The algorithm of subtracting dream weights from weights obtained during wakefulness will categorize as environmental the experience of self as presented in proprioceptive feedback of skeletal and muscular movement and the self-stimulation occurring when the body stimulates its exteroceptive senses (e.g., when seeing its own movement or feeling its touch).

The connectionst algorithm should work well to dissociate brain from nonbrain. That would help guarantee that our perception of our body (outside of the brain) will be as veridical as our perception of the environment beyond our body. But the line between our body and the environment is not specified by this algorithm. This is much the same problem as was noted above for the Freudian contingency algorithm. In the present case, however, the confusion would presumably be only in one direction (namely portions of the body being identified as environment), whereas the Freudian proposal allowed confusion in both directions (contingent stimuli arising in the body being identified as environmental, and noncontingent stimuli in the environment being identified as attributes of the body).

The Hypothesis of Contingency Perception

There does appear to be at least one mechanism that would work to distinguish the line between body and world. Lewis and Brooks-Gunn (1979) speculate in a manner similar to Gibson (1966, 1979) that the earliest form of self/ other distinction is probably based on some kind of response-contingent stimulation, such as that produced when the infant sees the movements of his hand as he waves it in front of his face or when she feels the proprioceptive stimulation of leg movement as she flexes her legs. Given the substantial amount of evidence on the human infant’s capacity to perceive response-stimulus contingencies by the age of 3 months or earlier, Lewis and Brooks-Gunn set this age period as the probable time of the first primitive discrimination of self and other.

There have been a number of studies to date that have attempted to assess the infant’s direct discrimination of self versus other in the age span of 3 to 5 months. With the exception of a study by Bahrick and Watson (1985), all these attempts have involved the discrimination of face and upper torso. Bahrick and Watson presented an image not of the face and torso, but of the legs and feet. The immediate effect of this change is that it eliminates the potential artifacts of eye motion and eye contact that exist with facial images. That is to say, in studies comparing the relative attractiveness of mirror (or on-line video) reflection of self versus the view of another infant, looking at self entailed looking at an image with eyes immobile. Furthermore, with the exception of a study by Papousek and Papousek (1974), the immobile eyes were staring at the subject. By contrast, the “other” image had moving eyes that probably seldom fixated the subject. Replacing faces with feet, Bahrick and Watson avoided this apparent confound in the earlier studies between category of target and its stimulus structure.

In Bahrick and Watson’s study, the infant sat facing two video screens. Each screen displayed the dynamic image of a pair of legs and feet. By inverting the video camera, the images produced approximately the retinal distribution of the subjects’ normal view of their own legs and feet. That is, the left, right distribution was correct and the legs projected toward the upper portion of the visual field as is so for infants’ direct view of their legs and feet. In three of four experiments, the infants’ legs were occluded with a screen so that the only visual information for their leg movements was on one of the TV monitors.

Three experiments were run to see if 5-month-olds would show discriminative attention to a choice between a live video image of their legs versus those of a peer or, in one experiment, a prior recording of themselves. The results confirmed the expectancy that 5-month-old infants would perceive the difference between the contingent self-image and the noncontingent peer image. Consistent with prior findings with facial images at this age (e.g., Papousek & Papousek, 1974), the subjects in each experiment looked significantly longer on average at the display that was not their contingent self. The authors concluded that these data support the proposal that young infants can use behavior-stimulus contingency as a basis of differentiating self from environment.

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URL: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0166411505800202

What is the major difference between primary circular reactions and secondary circular reactions in Piagets sensorimotor stage?

In primary circular reactions, infants are focused on their own bodies, while in secondary circular reactions, the focus shifts to objects and environmental events.

Which of Piaget's stages is associated with primary and secondary circular reactions?

The sensorimotor stage of development can be broken down into six additional sub-stages including simple reflexes, primary circular reactions, secondary circular reactions, coordination of reactions, tertiary circular reactions, and early symbolic thought.

What are primary circular reactions according to Piaget?

Primary circular reactions. During this stage, children will discover pleasurable actions around their bodies. It occurs in the first four months of their lives. Hallmarks of this stage include wiggling their fingers, kicking their legs, or sucking their thumbs.

What are secondary circular reactions according to Piaget?

in Piagetian theory, a repetitive action emerging around 4 to 5 months of age that signifies the infant's aim of making things happen.