What is the most commonly used selection procedure?

Eight Procedures Evolved in the Selection Process of Employees!

Selection process starts where recruitment ends. Selection means fitting a round peg in a round hole. This is done by comparing the requirements of a job with the qualifications and experience of a candidate. Since the basic purpose of selection is to find out right kind of people to fill the available positions, an orderly and systematic procedures is, therefore, always advisable.

Past experience suggests that in most cases to select both over-qualified and under-qualified people turns to be costlier to the employer-enterprise. While selection of over- qualified people results frustration on the part of the employees, selecting under qualified people invites indignation of the employer frequently. Thus, selection is a critical function in the personnel relations in every way.

Although, the selection procedure varies from place to place and enterprise to enterprise, we can discuss the more common methods used. However, no all enterprises are bound to use all the steps and techniques of selection which we are discussing. Instead, the enterprise should relate selection method to job success.

In other words, which methods of selection best predict job success for certain types of works? The answer can often be obtained by using statistical methods called regression analysis and correlation (Stockton 1966). To find out the best available candidate for a job, we shall now discuss some of the more common selection procedures used in small-scale enterprises in India.

1. Preliminary Interview:

If the recruitment programme is non-selective (not trying to appeal to a special group of applicants, such as college-trained personnel or experienced carpenters), the preliminary interview is likely to be used in selection. This interview is short, often lasting for ten-fifteen minutes. The basic purpose of the preliminary interview is to determine an applicant’s suitability for further consideration.

Basic questions such as age, present occupation, and experience are asked in this interview. The kind of work available in the enterprise is explained by the interviewer. If there is felt some chance of successful placement, the applicant is allowed to continue the rest of the selection procedure.

2. Application Blank:

Application blank is commonly used in the selection process. Questions like work history, educational level, work experience and the type of work applied for are asked in the question blank. From a perusal of this record, the employer can form a broad idea about the applicant’s potential. Application blanks contain questions related to the probability of job success. The format used for this purpose varies from enterprise to enterprise.

3. Psychological Test:

Most psychological tests administered in the enterprises are paper-and- pencil. The test taker is given a series of questions and a choice of two or more possible answers to each question. The candidate must then choose the answer that he/she feels correct.

Psychological test generally includes the following:

Aptitude Test:

This is a test measuring intelligence of the applicant and his ability to learn certain skills.

Performance Test:

It is a test that measures one’s current knowledge of a specific subject.

Personality Test:

Under this test, an applicant’s personality traits such as dominance, sociability and conformity are measured.

Interest Test:

As the name of the test itself denotes, this is a test that measures one’s interest in various fields of work.

4. References:

Nowadays, almost all good enterprises ask an applicant for the names of others who can tell them something about his/her past. Frankly speaking, personal references are generally unreliable and biased. Many a times, these reference persons are not well qualified to judge one’s past work performance.

Therefore, the names of previous employees and teachers are considered more reliable and unbiased in giving judgment about one’s past experience/performance. That is why an applicant is asked to mention about his educational qualification and all previous jobs held.

As regards contacting references, it is considered best to do so in person. Compared to a written request for information, a telephonic talk is better. The reason is not difficult to seek. A telephonic talk or face-to-face contact becomes more frank in giving an employee’s past performance.

This is a general observation that many people become reluctant to put up uncomplimentary remarks about anyone in writing. In addition, one’s tone of voice and facial expression can reveal a great deal about his true opinion of someone.

5. Interview:

After all the above formalities are over, an interview is conducted with the applicant. It is an interview that facilitates an interviewer to evaluate more effectively the applicant’s potential for success in the particular job. In spite of being somewhat subjective, the interview as a method has been the most commonly used selection device in all types of organizations.

In fact, the basic objective of an interview device should be to measure those qualities and traits that cannot be better measured by some other devices like testing or application blank. Thus, by definition, an interview is, in part at least, subjective since the more easily measurable qualities/tracts are measured by other techniques. The traits probed by an interview include social poise, general appearance and the ability to express oneself effectively.

6. Physical Examination:

A physical examination is usually placed towards the end of the selection process. It gives the enterprise current information about the applicant’s physical health at the time of selection or hiring.

7. Placement:

Once a new employee has been selected, he/ she is finally placed to perform the specific job. Here, the employer needs to consider a few points before expecting work from the new employee. It is well known to all of us, the first few days in a new position are usually the hardest.

A new comer should be properly introduced to his fellow workers, shown the location of facilities available, informed of regulations, if any, and encouraged to ask any needed information. Considerations and reasonable attention to these points prove a good investment in personnel relations.

8. Orientation:

The employees selected should be made familiar with their enterprises’ objectives and activities and with their jobs. Thus begins their orientation period to learn about their work environment. Henceforth starts the training and development of newly selected employees.

What is the most common type of selection procedure?

A clinical selection approach is probably the most common selection method, and it involves all who will be making the decision to hire a candidate. The decision makers review the data and, based on what they learn from the candidate and the information available to them, decide who should be hired for a job.

What is the most effective method of selection?

Here is a list of 17 employee selection methods:.
Resume sorting process. ... .
Introductory screening. ... .
Assignment test. ... .
Cognitive strengths test. ... .
Candidate references. ... .
In-person interview. ... .
Personality assessment. ... .
Job knowledge evaluations..

What are the common methods of selection?

Both internal and external recruitment may use interviews, application forms, aptitude tests , group tasks, presentations and role-playing tasks to help select the best candidates for the job.
The interview continues to be the most common selection device used by all organizations worldwide. Furthermore, the interview tends to have a disproportionate amount of influence on the hiring decision.