What is the total number of IP addresses that are available in the 192.168 1.0 24 network?

About IPv4 Subnet Calculator

Enter IP address and netmask (decimal separated by dots (e.g., CIDR (e.g. 29) or a Cisco wildcard (e.g. and the IPv4 subnet calculator will calculate the broadcast, network, Cisco wildcard mask, host range and quantity of hosts. Online and for free. The wildcard is the inverse netmask used for access control lists (ACL's) in Cisco routers.
This free online IPv4 subnet calculator also can be used as a teaching tool and presents the subnetting results as easy-to-understand binary values.
We can see two things: all host bits are zeroes in a network address, in a broadcast address they are all set. First bits determine the class of your network from A to E. A, B and C are commonly used. Each class has a range of valid IP addresses.
Address Range of Class A - to (supports 16 million hosts on each of 127 networks).
Class B - to (65,000 hosts on each of 16,000 networks).
Class C - to (254 hosts on each of 2 million networks).
Class D - to (address range reserved for multicast groups).
Class E - to (reserved for future use, research and development purposes).

If you're looking for some quick information for questions like "How many IPs are in a /24?" please click here!

Why Is an IP Range / Subnet Mask Calculator Useful?

If you ever tried to do some IP network calculations by hand you were probably in school and wanted to rip your hair out. It's tedious, time-consuming, and—frankly—boring. It would have been nice to have one of those old-school scientific calculators which also included an IP subnet calculator, right?

What is the total number of IP addresses that are available in the 192.168 1.0 24 network?
What is the total number of IP addresses that are available in the 192.168 1.0 24 network?

Ahh, memories....

Fortunately for you, Colocation America has your back with our IP range calculator suitable for all ages! Just plug in your IP range to figure out your subnet mask, IPv4/6 range, and the amount of usable IPs. Now, let's get into the nitty-gritty. The calculator is useful because it does the work for you. If you don't know, there are a total of 4,294,967,296 possible IP addresses in IPv4. That number jumps to over 300,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 in IPv6.

What is the total number of IP addresses that are available in the 192.168 1.0 24 network?
What is the total number of IP addresses that are available in the 192.168 1.0 24 network?
If you're buying a usable block of IPs for your business, it would be tedious to calculate all the things necessary for your networking purposes by hand or ledger. One of the most useful functions of our IP calulator is the ability to show you subnet information.

What Is a Subnet Mask Address and What's It Good For?

A subnet mask boils down to "masking" out the host bits of your IP leaving only the Network ID visible. It can also determine the size of a subnet and, if the IP address on a subnet is known, the subnet mask is used to determine where the endpoints of the subnet are. This involves a lot of binary math. You could use our calculator or do it the long way: An example of subnet IP address is as follow: a subnet mask has a binary mask that is 11111111.11111111.11111111.11111100. The number of 0s a binary mask has is directly related to the subnet length. Continuing from the example, the subnet for IP address length of the subnet mask is 2. When calculating subnets and subnet masks, there are special numbers that reoccur and remembering these numbers is essential. These numbers are 255, 254, 252, 248, 240, 224, 192, and 128.

These numbers are useful for IP networking and help determine where a subnet can be properly broken up into smaller subnets. For much more information on converting IP addresses from dotted decimal to binary and other IP calculations, please visit our very technical page here. So, you can do it that way—or simply plug in your IP address or IP range into our calculator and make it much easier on yourself. Trust us, using an IP network calculator complete with a subnet mask calculator will save you so much time. After all, we're here to help!

Quick Hits: IP Networking Chart

If you're looking for quick information before calculating your block of IPs, please view the charts below. Class A IP Addresses Network Bits Subnet Mask Number of Subnets Number of Hosts

Network BitsSubnet MaskNumber of SubnetsNumber of Hosts/8255.0.0.0016777214/9255.128.0.02 (0)8388606/10255.192.0.04 (2)4194302/11255.224.0.08 (6)2097150/12255.240.0.016 (14)1048574/13255.248.0.032 (30)524286/14255.252.0.064 (62)262142/15255.254.0.0128 (126)131070/16255.255.0.0256 (254)65534/17255.255.128.0512 (510)32766/18255.255.192.01024 (1022)16382/19255.255.224.02048 (2046)8190/20255.255.240.04096 (4094)4094/21255.255.248.08192 (8190)2046/22255.255.252.016384 (16382)1022/23255.255.254.032768 (32766)510/24255.255.255.065536 (65534)254/25255.255.255.128131072 (131070)126/26255.255.255.192262144 (262142)62/27255.255.255.224524288 (524286)30/28255.255.255.2401048576 (1048574)14/29255.255.255.2482097152 (2097150)6/30255.255.255.2524194304 (4194302)2

Class B IP Addresses Network Bits Subnet Mask Number of Subnets Number of Hosts

Network BitsSubnet MaskNumber of SubnetsNumber of Hosts/16255.255.0.0065534/17255.255.128.02 (0)32766/18255.255.192.04 (2)16382/19255.255.224.08 (6)8190/20255.255.240.016 (14)4094/21255.255.248.032 (30)2046/22255.255.252.064 (62)1022/23255.255.254.0128 (126)510/24255.255.255.0256 (254)254/25255.255.255.128512 (510)126/26255.255.255.1921024 (1022)62/27255.255.255.2242048 (2046)30/28255.255.255.2404096 (4094)14/29255.255.255.2488192 (8190)6/30255.255.255.25216384 (16382)2

Supernetting (CIDR) Chart CIDR – Classless Inter-Domain Routing. Note: The Number of Class C networks must be contiguous. For example, represents the following block of addresses:,, and Class C CIDR Block Supernet Mask Number of Class C Addresses Number of Hosts

How many IP addresses are in a 24?

Class C IP Addresses 0.0 to 223.255. 255.255 , with a default subnet mask of 255.255. 255.0 (or /24 in CIDR). Class C translates to 2,097,152 (221) networks and 254 (28-2) usable addresses per network.

What is IP 192.168 1.0 24?

Subnet Mask (in Binary) This means that this IP address is in the subnet = 192.168. 1.0 with subnet mask = 255.255. 255.0. Shorthand (AKA CIDR, Classless Inter-Domain Routing), this can be written 192.168. 1.0 /24 where the '/24' represents the number of subnetwork bits active in the mask.

How many usable IP addresses are available on the 192.168 1.0 27 network?

Explanation: The network id bits of the given address are 27 bits, which means the host address bits are 5. There are 32 (25) IP addresses possible in this network.

How many devices can we have on a 192.168 1.0 network?

This provides for a maximum of 254 connected interfaces (hosts), plus the obligatory network number (192.168. 1.0) and broadcast address (192.168.