Which of the following personality disorders is most likely to be mistaken for schizophrenia?

QuestionAnswerTransient psychotic symptoms are often seen in which of the following personality disorders? a) schizoid and paranoid 2) The single best word for the person with paranoid personality disorder is a) mistrustful The fear of ________ is a common issue for dependent and borderline personality disorders abandonment Individuals with schizoid and paranoid personality disorders differ significantly in their level of emotionality ________ personality disorder is much more common in men than women and involves the exploitation of others without remorse a) antisocial Both a lack of parental indulgence and parental overindulgence have been proposed as explanations for ________ personality disorder a) narcissistic 7) A lack of parental indulgence of a child’s overconfidence might play a causal role in ________ personality disorder a) narcissistic Which of the following is most likely to be mistaken for shizoprenia? a) schizotypal 9) The individual with avoidant personality disorder is unlikely to develop lasting relationships as a result of their a) fear of rejection 10) Which of the following differentiates the borderline from antisocial personality? self-injurious behavior 11) Like many individuals with personality disorders, individuals with histrionic personality disorder are rarely able to maintain relationships over time. Why? their need for attention is likely to drive others away Which is NOT part of the clinical picture in antisocial personality and psychopathy? careful planning of future activities that will help their families Which best accounts for why women are more likely to be diagnosed with histrionic than men? the symptoms tend to be exaggerations of traits normally seen in women Which of the following is NOT a Cluster B personality disorder? depressive Which best explains why it is such a challenge to treat personality disorders? by definition they are enduring patterns of thought and behavior Which of the following is most typical of the IP attitudes and behaviors of someone with antisocial personality disorder? a) cruel and callous exploitation of others for personal gain The behavioral patterns of individuals with personality disorders are thought to be relatively consistent over time, with little adaptation to new kinds of experiences 18) Which personality disorders may be mistaken for anxiety disorders? a) Cluster C Which is most typical of the IP attitudes and behaviors of someone with histrionic personality disorder? repeated manipulation of others to gain attention 20) Unlike the person with paranoid shizophrenia, the person with paranoid personality disorder experiences, at worst, transient psychotic symptoms 21) Hope believes that she is the ‘star’ of her graduate class and that others dislike her because they are jealous of her superior intelligence. She probably suffers from a) narcissistic personality disorder 22) The “clusters” of personality disorders found in the DSM-IV-TR are grouped based on symptom similarities John has a great need for order and perfection. What personality disorder does this suggest? obsessive-compulsive Why does the person with OCPD have problems in IP relationships? they have no time for relationships 25) The histrionic seeks _________, while the narcissist needs________ a) attention; admiration Which statement about personality disorders is accurate? a) the category is broad and encompasses behavioral problems that vary widely in form and severity Personality disorders were once known as a) character disorders Involvement in an abusive relationship would be most expected of the individual with _______ personality disorder a) dependent According to the DSM-IV-TR, which must be true for a diagnosis of a personality disorder? a) the patient’s behavior must not be explained by the presence of another disorder 30) After a single date, Glenn believed that Sam loved her and that she could not live without him. When he told her he did not want to see her again, she became violently angry and manipulated him to stay with her by threatening suicide. She probably h a) borderline James has 2 alcoholic parents. Research suggests that his risk for alcoholism is a) greater than if he had one alcoholic parent Emotional immaturity, low frustration tolerance, impulsivity, and aggressiveness are characteristics of a) the pre-alcoholic personality Which statement about alcohol abuse disorders and other psych disorders is accurate? the personality disorder most often associated with alcohol abuse is antisocial personality disorder 34) One of the most frequent causes of divorce in the US is a) excessive alcohol use The most effective approach to alcohol treatment appears to be a multidisciplinary approach that may also involve intensive treatment in an inpatient setting Relapses and continued deterioration after treatment for alcohol abuse are generally associated with a lack of close relationships with family or friends Drug abuse and dependence are most common in what age group and in what type of community adolescence and young adulthood; economically depressed communities About 100 years ago, the drug ______ was hailed as a cure for morphine addiction; today, the drug ______ is used to treat people with a heroin addiction. a) heroin; methadone 39) A person who has just “mainlined” heroin will experience a) a euphoric spasm that lasts for about one minute Which of the following statements about opiate addiction is true? addiction involves both tolerance and withdrawal Withdrawal from heroin is not always a very painful and sometimes a dangerous process Judd is ready to begin treatment for heroin addiction. Which offers the best chance of success? methadone in combination with psychotherapy What is buprenorphine? a new medication that is an equally effective sub for methadone but with fewer side effects and no withdrawal symptoms when discontinued Unlike opiates, cocaine stimulates the cortex of the brain and induces excitement and sleeplessness 45) Impaired memory and concentration, sluggishness, lack of motor coordination, and brain damage are side effects associated with barbiturates 46) An involuntary reoccurrence of perceptual distortions can occur weeks or months after taking a particular drug. This phenomenon is called ______; the drug is called _________. a) a flashback; LSD 47) The hemp plant, Cannabis sativa, is the source of two psychoactive drugs: a) marijuana and hashish Bertha has been drinking to excess for many years. She is malnourished. This is because although alcohol is full of calories, it has no nutritional value; alcohol impairs the body’s ability to utilize nutrients Dr. Tong says, “Alcohol abuse stems from a desire by the individual to bring about changes in mood, to feel less stress, and to gain peer approval.” These comments illustrate the ______ of drinking a) sociocultural viewpoint The first stage in the treatment of alcoholism includes a) treating physical withdrawal symptoms 51) An extensive four-year follow up of treated alcoholics found that regardless of the treatment used, alcoholics are difficult to treat 52) The abstinence violation effect is the effect that physiologically addicting drugs have in making continued abstinence difficult The most frequently cited reason given by addicts for beginning to use heroin is a) pleasure If Gus is like most cocaine-dependent patients, his chances of effective treatment will be reduced because a) he has severe antisocial personality disorder, too. The combination of barbiturates and _________ is a potentially lethal one because each drug potentiates the depressant action of the other. alcohol The central feature of alcohol amnestic disorder is a memory defect for recent events Many alcohol treatment programs now include biofeedback to teach individuals to reduce their alcohol cravings Less than 20% of the world’s population consumes 80% of the world’s alcohol. This 20% comes from one culture: a) European 59) Janet participates in a treatment program in which she receives alcohol after an intramuscular injection of emetine hydrochloride, which induces nausea and vomiting. This is designed to a) induce aversive conditioning 60) Barbiturate withdrawal a) is far less severe than opiate withdrawal Individuals with personality disorders are unable to live up to societal expectations What core belief might explain the behavior of an individual with dependent personality disorder? a) “I am helpless” 63) The central problem of schizoid personality disorder is a) an inability to form attachments to other people 64) Symptoms of what Axis I disorder are present in individuals who develop ASPD? a) conduct disorder Helen is suspicious and doubts the loyalty of even her friends. She is unwilling to forgive perceived insults and never forgets a grudge. She most likely has a) paranoid personality disorder 66) Antisocial personality disorder differs from the other Cluster B disorders in that a) a need for approval or attention is not displayed Charlie has a tendency to be dramatic, emotional, and erratic. He acts impulsively and has been arrested several times. Which disorder does he most likely a) borderline Hattie has a dependent personality disorder. This means that she a) has acute discomfort when she is alone Conventional antipsychotics work by blocking dopamine receptors 70) Others are needed for self-definition in ________ personality disorder a) borderline Helena has avoidant personality disorder. She is likely to be hypersensitive to any sign of criticism or rejection Once called character disorders, ________ disorders stem from the gradual development of inflexible and distorted patterns of behavior. a) personality Schizophrenic disorders seem to be most strongly linked genetically to _________ personality disorder a) schizotypal 74) Children of parents with antisocial personality disorder who were adopted into other families developed antisocial personality disorder at higher rates only if their adoptive parents had problems, such as marital conflict The individual with __________ personality disorder is likely to be described as rigid and cold a) obsessive-compulsive Histrionic personality disorder is most likely to be diagnosed in people who are attention seeking and overly emotional Henry was a charming middle-aged man who came to the attention of authorities of bigamy charges. He had a long history of courting and supposedly marrying elderly widows, then absconding with their money. a) antisocial personality disorder 78) In research studies, in addition to failing to learn to avoid punishments, psychopaths a) did not show normal fear potential startle responses Which basic personality traits from the 5 factor model seem most important in the development of obsessive compulsive personality disorder? a) high conscientiousness and low compliance 80) What basic personality traits from the 5 factor model seem most important in the development of paranoid personality disorder? a) antagonism and neuroticism The borderline personality differs from histrionic disorder in that the central role of sexuality is not present Tina has been using cocaine for many months. She decides to stop. She can expect to have depression, fatigue, disturbed sleep, and increased dreaming The tension-reduction model of alcoholism does not explain why some excessive drinkers are able to maintain control over their drinking while others are not Why does it make sense to view addiction as a mental disorder? the symptoms are behavioral 85) Which type of treatment for alcoholism has been found to be most effective? a) none 86) Binge drinking in college can lead to many alcohol related health and life problems The main difference between borderline and antisocial personality disorders is that a) both exploit others but the person with borderline does it due to an angry reaction to disappointments and the person with antisocial does it for gain and without guilt In contrast to schizoid individuals, those with avoidant personality disorder a) are extremely upset by their lack of social relationships Bill is an alcoholic. His wife, Marge, has a lot of ready excuses she uses to explain to his boss, their friends, and their children to explain his frequent absences. This is an example of why treatment need to include identifying factors that may encourage drinking Which parenting skill or parental behavior is most associated with adolescent substance use? lack of monitoring the adolescent’s activities 91) The fear of abandonment is seen in both borderline and dependent personality disorder. A key difference is their reaction to it: the person with borderline gets angry, and the person with dependent becomes submissive The presence of psychopathy a) is the single best predictor of future violence and crime recidivism 93) Which basic personality traits from the 5 factor model seem most important in the development of narcissistic personality disorder? low agreeableness and high fantasy proneness 94) Donna has borderline personality disorder. She is in therapy, but progress is slow. Some days her therapist is the best person in the world, and other days he is the worst. This type of thinking is called a) splitting The individual with avoidant personality disorder behaves most similarly to someone with a) schizoid personality disorder 96) Who is most likely to develop antisocial personality disorder? a) a child with ADHD Sam shows little emotion and is a loner. He has no social relationships, other than his family, and he seems to experience little pleasure, if any. What might he have? a) schizoid 98) The 5 factor model a) is a model of normal personality that includes an expanded description of the 5 basic personality dimensions 100) What do all Cluster A disorders have in common? a) social dysfunction The key causal factor in borderline personality disorder seems to be failure to develop an articulated self-identity 102) Which basic personality traits from the 5 factor model seem most important in the development of borderline personality disorder? a) High impulsivity and affective instability 103) Why is the use of medication for borderline personality disorder controversial? a) Because it is frequently associated with suicidal behavior Which distinguishes narcissistic personality disorder from the other Cluster B disorders? a) Grandiosity 105) According to DSM-IV-TR, which must be true for a personality disorder diagnosis? a) the person’s behavior must cause them distress or impairment Loretta has long history of first idealizing men, and then feeling they have abandoned her. Feelings of emptiness change into reckless acts of sexual promiscuity, gambling, and suicide attempts. She probably has ______ a) borderline 107) Carl has psychopathy. You would expect him to be very interested in rewards and to continue his behavior even when they don’t come as often as they used to What is it that people with narcissistic personality disorder are unlikely to seek treatment? a) they think they are nearly perfect and in no need of change 109) Alcoholic blackouts a) can occur with just moderate drinking 110) Which is not a diagnosis found in the DSM? a) alcoholism 111) According to the tension-reduction explanation for alcoholism all those who experience stress-reduction following consumption are at an increased risk for alcoholism Your text describes two commonly recognized psychotic reactions to alcohol. They are what used to be called “delirium tremens” and “Korsakoff’s psychosis” In 2000, which of the following accounted for 16% of all drug-related emergency room admissions? a) heroin Why might opiate antagonists be used in the treatment of alcoholism? a) to minimize cravings 115) Both alcohol and barbiturate withdrawal a) can be minimized by administering another drug 116) One limitation on the findings of genetic influences on alcoholism is that there have not been enough studies of the majority of children of alcoholics (those who do not become alcoholics) Benzadrine is a(n) a) amphetamine 118) The behavioral patterns of individuals with personality disorders a) are thought to be relatively consistent over time, with little adaptation to new kinds of experiences 119) According to Paris’ multidimensional theory of BPD, people with high levels of impulsivity and affective instability are likely to develop BPD if they are exposed to trauma 120) Cirrhosis of the liver a) is caused by overworking the liver trying to assimilate large amounts of alcohol The individual with which Axis I disorder is most likely to also abuse alcohol? a) depression 122) A cognitive explanation for schizoid personality disorder proposes that the individual with this disorder believes that a) they are basically alone 123) Which of the following is most typical of the interpersonal attitudes and behaviors of someone with borderline personality disorder? a) vacillation between overidealization and bitter disappointment “He takes what he wants rather that earns it. He hates routine and boredom more than anything else. Thrill-seeking and impulsive actions have gotten him fired at this job. It will get him fired at many others.” psychopathy Which of the following is the most typical of the interpersonal attitudes and behaviors of someone with histrionic personality disorder? repeated manipulation of others to gain attention 131. Impulsivity and extreme instability in interpersonal relationships, self-image, and mood best characterizes a. borderline personality disorder Children of mother who use crack a. main risk is of being mistreated by their mothers Concerning the ceases of alcoholism, a. there are probably several different patterns of causes associated with several different types of alcohol dependence 136. Men who are at high risk for becoming alcoholics a. experience less stress reduction after alcohol consumption than nonalcoholic men 137. Betty was admitted to the hospital in a state of withdrawal from alcohol. She was diagnosed with alcohol withdrawal delirium (formerly known as delirium tremens). She most likely showed with of the following behaviors? a. disorientation from time and place and vivid hallucinations 138. Which statement about crack cocaine use is accurate? a. Chronic users develop sexual dysfunctions and a disinterest in sex 142. Because they are regarded as being different from standard psychiatric syndromes, the personality disorders are a. coded on Axis II The finding that temperament may play a role in the etiology of personality disorders suggests that A susceptibility to the development of a personality disorder may be inherited Schizotypal disorder is a. One of the least successful to treatment 7. Misdiagnoses are common when looking at potential personality disorders b/c a. Many of the personality disorders share common features Self-mutilation, such as is seen in borderline personality disorder, is a. Done to reduce anxiety and depression Debbie is a salesperson in a department store… Passive aggressive personality disorder Cognitive therapy for personality disorders focuses on Underlying dysfunctional schemas in the client’s mind Malnutrition May occur in alcoholics as alcohol interferes with the body’s ability to use nutrients 25. A moderating variable is Something that influences the connection b/w two other variables Which is a narcotic? a. Codeine Which statement about alcohol problems is accurate? The average life span of an alcoholic is 12 years shorter than the average citizen Luisa is a lively and emotional graduate student… Histrionic personality disorder Dialectical behavior therapy is A promising, problem focused treatment for BPD 37. Studies of the genetics of alcoholism a. Suggest that an inherited altered sensitivity might create a vulnerability to alcohol abuse 39. Alcoholic psychosis may occur due to Low thiamine levels 41. Which of the following seems to have the most impact in decreasing the amount of criminal activities of people with psychopathy and antisocial personality disorder? a. growing older 45. Which basic personality traits from the 5 factor model seem most important in the development of dependent personality disorder? 45. Which basic personality traits from the 5 factor model seem most important in the development of dependent personality disorder? Which of the following is a factor that complicates determining the causes of personality disorders? a. the likelihood that an individual with one personality disorder may also have another 50. What “border” did the term “borderline” in borderline personality disorder refer to? a. The behaviors exhibited by people with borderline personality disorder lie on continuum between neurotic and psychotic disorders 56. Which of the following statements is NOT true for treating personality disorders? a. People with both an Axis I and an Axis II diagnosis are easier to treat that someone with just an Axis II disorder because they have more distress 57. While the individual with ____ personality disorder appears cool and aloof, the individual with ___ personality disorder is best described as odd a. schizoid; schizotypal People who lack self-confidence despite good skills, who panic at the possibility of being separated form their spouse, and remain in abusive relationships have many of the symptoms of ___ PD. a. dependant 60. Harold is perfectionistic and extremely concerned with maintaining a set routine. He probably suffers from ___ PD. a. obsessive compulsive 63. In contrast to other treatment programs, AA offers both group and one-on-one support 64. Who has the highest self-reported quit rate among smokers? a. people who were hospitalized for cancer or lung problems 66. Controlled drinking- teaching alcoholics to drink in moderation a. seems to work for some people with less severe alcoholism 67. Rosa treatment of her alcohol abuse. You suspect she might have another Axis I disorder. Why is it important to evaluate her for this? a. the co-occurrence of another mental disorder has a very significant, negative effect on likely treatment outcome. 68. Passing out form a high blood level of alcohol a. may actually be a safety device 69. Endorphins a. are opium-like substances produced by the body Rates of alcoholism among Asian populations are ____ than amount Europeans. This is related to ___. a. lower; a mutant enzyme that leads to hypersensitive reactions to alcohol 71. Which basic personality traits from the 5 factor model seem most important in the development of avoidant personality disorder? a. high introversion and high neuroticism Schizophrenic disorders seem to be most strongly linked genetically to ____ personality disorder. a. schizotypal 77. Problematic drinking behavior commonly develops during a. crisis periods in a marriage or other intimate personal relationship 78. Which basic personality traits form the 5 factor model seem most important in the development of schizoid PD? high introversion and low openness to feelings What is the most serious challenge in treating eating disorders? Overcoming the patient's ambivalence toward treatment Andrea has anorexia nervosa, restricting type. Which of the following behaviors would you expect her to have? Cutting up her food into little pieces when she eats Lanugo a. is a soft hair that grows on the body of people with anorexia. Which of the following best explains the lack of well-controlled studies on the effectiveness of treatment for anorexia nervosa? Few people with anorexia are willing to seek treatment, and they are likely to drop out prematurely from treatment. The mindset of people with bulimia and people with anorexia is very different - people with anorexia don't seem bothered by other people's opinion (usually distress) about them and people with bulimia are very concerned and will do their best to hide their disorder. What is the prognosis for anorexia nervosa? a. Relapse rates are high, but recovery can often happen in the long run. Which of the following statements about the prevalence of eating disorders in the 20th century is true? a. While the incidence of anorexia has been increasing, the incidence of bulimia seems to be declining. In her mid-thirties, Cheryl became preoccupied with her weight and began dieting and exercising. Which of the following is unique about Cheryl's case? a. Eating disorders rarely start during the mid-thirties. Our current knowledge of the efficacy of treating eating disorders suggests that cognitive-behavioral therapy is the treatment of choice. Binge-eating disorder involves binges comparable to those in bulimia but without any inappropriate "compensatory" behavior to limit weight gain. The finding that temperament may play a role in the etiology of personality disorders suggests that a susceptibility to the development of a personality disorder may be inherited. The histrionic seeks ________, while the narcissist needs ________. a. attention; admiration The drug that can create a state most like psychosis is LSD Which statement about Project MATCH is accurate? a. It showed that matching a client's personality to a form of treatment makes no difference. Problematic drinking behavior commonly develops during c. crisis periods in a marriage or other intimate personal relationship. Which of the following is NOT a misconception about alcohol? Alcohol can interfere with sleep. Sharon says, "I would love to be in a relationship. My life is terribly boring and lonely. But I am shy and I would fall apart if any man criticized me in the slightest." This description best matches the symptoms of ________ personality disorder. avoidant The research on the association between borderline personality disorder and childhood sexual abuse are problematic - the abuse most likely is occurring with other factors that might be more important. Like many individuals with personality disorders, individuals with histrionic personality disorder are rarely able to maintain relationships over time. Why? Their need for attention and manipulation is likely to drive others away. Which of the following people is most likely to be dependent on barbiturates? Middle-aged and older persons who cannot get to sleep without them Persons at high risk for developing alcohol-related problems tend to be more ________ than those at low risk. a. impulsive Which of the following personality disorders is most likely to be mistaken for schizophrenia? Schizotypal "Crack" is a form of cocaine Greg has been diagnosed with schizoid personality disorder. Knowing this, which of the following jobs would he be most likely to enjoy? a. Night-time security guard who works alone The five factor model a. is a model of normal personality that includes an expanded description of the five basic personality dimensions. The behavioral patterns of individuals with personality disorders c. are thought to be relatively consistent over time, with little adaptation to new kinds of experiences. Stu has no friends except his brother. He would desperately love to date women but is certain no woman would be interested. He tried a dating service but was convinced that the secretary was trying to get rid of him because he was such a poor candidate. avoidant personality disorder Observed changes in drinking patterns suggest that in the future the ratio of male to female problem drinkers will decrease. Early criminal behavior is most characteristic of a. antisocial personality disorder. Involvement in an abusive relationship (as the one who is abused) would be most expected of the individual with ________ personality disorder. dependent In contrast to other treatment programs, Alcoholics Anonymous a. offers both group and one-on-one support. Which of the following is most typical of the interpersonal attitudes and behaviors of someone with borderline personality disorder? a. Vacillation between overidealization and bitter disappointment Randy has been dependent on alcohol for at least ten years. If a friend told Randy that he needed to enter treatment, and Randy responded the way most alcohol dependent people do, he would probably say "Who do you think you are attacking me? You are the one with the problem." Concerning the causes of alcoholism, a. there are probably several different patterns of causes associated with several different types of alcohol dependence. Which of the following best explains why women tend to not "hold their booze" as well as men? Women metabolize alcohol less quickly than men. The central problem of schizoid personality disorder is an inability to form attachments to other people. Which basic personality traits from the five-factor model seem most important in the development of borderline personality disorder? High impulsivity and affective instability Amphetamine psychosis resembles c. paranoid schizophrenia. What do all of the Cluster A disorders have in common? Oddness or eccentricity The main difference between borderline personality disorder and antisocial personality disorder is that c. both exploit others but the person with borderline personality disorder does it due to an angry reaction to disappointments and the person with antisocial personality disorder does it for gain and without guilt. According to the DSM-IV-TR, which of the following must be true for a personality disorder diagnosis? The person's behavior problems must cause them distress or impairment. Which basic personality traits from the five-factor model seem most important in the development of dependent personality disorder? a. High neuroticism and high agreeableness Transient psychotic symptoms are seen in which of the following personality disorders? Paranoid and schizotypal Involvement in an abusive relationship (as the one who is abused) would be most expected of the individual with ________ personality disorder. c. dependent Which statement about crack cocaine use is accurate? Chronic users develop sexual dysfunctions and a disinterest in sex. Self-mutilation, such as is seen in borderline personality disorder, is c. done to reduce anxiety and depression. Which type of child is most likely to show the personality traits of a psychopath as an adult? a. One who has fearlessness, low anxiety and high callousness Why might opiate antagonists be used in the treatment of alcoholism? To minimize cravings Drug abuse and dependence are most common in what age group and in what type of community? Adolescence and young adulthood; economically depressed communities Which basic personality traits from the five-factor model seem most important in the development of borderline personality disorder? High impulsivity and affective instability Tom tells you that he can make his roommate take out the trash by simply thinking about his roommate doing it. he is understandable, but hard to follow. His clothes are messy. he thinks people don't like him because they are jealous and would hurt him. c. schizotypal personality disorder. Impulsivity and extreme instability in interpersonal relationships, self-image, and mood best characterize borderline personality disorder. Which of the following statements is NOT true of treating personality disorders? People with both an Axis I and an Axis II diagnosis are easier to treat than people with just an Axis II disorder because they have more distress. Which type of treatment for alcoholism has been found to be most effective? All were about equal Which of the following is NOT part of the clinical picture in antisocial personality and psychopathy? a. Careful planning of future activities that will help their families. The presence of psychopathy a. is the single best predictor of future violence and crime recidivism. Which basic personality traits from the five factor model seem most important in the development of paranoid personality disorder? c. Antagonism and neuroticism Individuals who seem odd and eccentric to others may have personality disorders from a. Cluster A. Which of the following is both a stimulant and a hallucinogen? c. Ecstasy Early criminal behavior is most characteristic of a. antisocial personality disorder. Unlike psychoactive substance abuse, psychoactive substance dependence usually involves a. physiological symptoms such as tolerance and withdrawal. Lori self-centered. When she goes out, she does things that make her the center of attention. Assuming that her behavior is sufficient to warrant an Axis II diagnosis, which of the following personality disorders would she be diagnosed with? c. Histrionic Which of the following is most typical of the interpersonal attitudes and behaviors of someone with borderline personality disorder? a. Vacillation between overidealization and bitter disappointment Which of the following statements is true about alcohol use? c. Alcoholism increases the risk of suicide. The individual with ________ personality disorder is likely to be described as rigid and cold. c. obsessive-compulsive What is the main difference between Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD)? c. People with OCPD don't have true obsessions or compulsions like people with OCD have. The fear of abandonment is seen in both borderline and dependent personality disorder. A key difference is their reaction to it: The person with borderline personality disorder gets angry and the person with dependent personality disorder becomes submissive. The drug that can create a state most like psychosis is LSD. "I am a person who has an affliction-I cannot drink like social drinkers. Spiritual change may help me in recovering from my addiction, but I will be an alcoholic for life." The person who said this would feel most comfortable in ________. Alcoholics Anonymous Which of the following statements about alcohol problems is accurate? The average life span of an alcoholic is twelve years shorter than the average citizen. Which basic personality traits from the five factor model seem most important in the development of schizoid personality disorder? High introversion and low openness to feelings Observed changes in drinking patterns suggest that in the future the ratio of male to female problem drinkers will decrease. Which of the following has legitimate medical uses, but is associated with both physiological and psychological dependence and lethal overdoses? b. Barbiturates Which of the following is a factor that complicates determining the causes of personality disorders? a. The high likelihood that an individual with one personality disorder may also have another Endorphins are opium-like substances produced by the body. Which of the following is most likely to be used to produce sleep? a. Barbiturates What core belief might explain the behavior of the individual with dependent personality disorder? a. "I am helpless." Alcohol's effects on ________ explain its ability to impair judgment. c. glutamate Like many individuals with personality disorders, individuals with histrionic personality disorder are rarely able to maintain relationships over time. Why? Their need for attention and manipulation is likely to drive others away. All of the following are dangers associated with obesity EXCEPT a. asthma. A lack of body distortions among the Amish suggests that there should be a low prevalence of eating disorders among these peoples. In order to make a diagnosis of bulimia nervosa, the client must not meet the criteria for anorexia nervosa. Set-point theory about weight suggests that c. the hunger that occurs by being well below one's set-point can trigger binges. Families of people with anorexia c. exhibit tendencies towards perfectionism. Which of the following best explains the lack of well-controlled studies on the effectiveness of treatment for anorexia nervosa? Few people with anorexia are willing to seek treatment, and they are likely to drop out prematurely from treatment. The most common quality of parents' interactions with their daughters who have eating disorders is c. control. Which of the following do those with anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa have in common? a. Fear of being or becoming fat Research suggests that ________ provides the best immediate and long-term outcomes in the treatment of bulimia nervosa. Cognitive-behavioral therapy Delilah is less than 85 percent of normal body weight. She restricts her eating and is fearful of becoming fat. she appears to have lots of energy and has normal menstrual cycles. According to the DSM-IV-TR she should be diagnosed c. with Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified. What "border" did the term "borderline" in borderline personality refer to? The behaviors exhibited by people with borderline personality disorder lie on continuum between neurotic and psychotic disorders. Which of the following is most typical of the interpersonal attitudes and behaviors of someone with borderline personality disorder? a. Vacillation between overidealization and bitter disappointment Barbituate withdrawal is more dangerous and long-lasting than most drugs. Opium and heroin a. were originally used by physicians as pain relievers. Which of the following best explains why women tend to not "hold their booze" as well as men? Women metabolize alcohol less quickly than men. The tension-reduction model of alcoholism a. does not explain why some excessive drinkers are able to maintain control over their drinking while others are not. Sam shows little emotion and is loner. He has no social relationships, other than his family, and he seems to experience little pleasure, if any. What personality disorder might Sam have? Schizoid Which statement about Project MATCH is accurate? a. It showed that matching a client's personality to a form of treatment makes no difference. The reciprocal influence model suggests that it may be possible to interrupt the cycle by changing expectancies about drinking. Which of the following is a consequence of organic impairment resulting from long-term substance use, as opposed to being a consequence of drug toxicity? a. Alcohol amnestic disorder Carl has psychopathy. You would expect him to be very interested in rewards and to continue his behavior even when the rewards don't come as often as they did. People find Adam difficult to be around. His behavior is unpredictable and erratic but most often is annoying to others. He doesn't seem to learn from his bad experiences, instead he keeps repeating the same mistakes over and over. Adam most likely ha a personality disorder. An example of a moderating influence would be a. the effect of time on outcome expectancy about alcohol. Why might opiate antagonists be used in the treatment of alcoholism? To minimize cravings Early criminal behavior is most characteristic of a. antisocial personality disorder. Transient psychotic and dissociative experiences can occur in ________ personality disorder. a. borderline Personality disorders were once known as a. character disorders. Which of the following men has an alcohol-risk personality? c. Sean, who is impulsive, risk-taking, and poor at planning. A moderating variable is something that influences the connection between two other variables. Which of the following statements is NOT true of treating personality disorders? People with both an Axis I and an Axis II diagnosis are easier to treat than people with just an Axis II disorder because they have more distress. Which of the following statements is true about alcohol use? c. Alcoholism increases the risk of suicide. In contrast to schizoid individuals, those with avoidant personality disorder c. are extremely upset by their lack of social relationships. Misdiagnoses are common when looking at potential personality disorders because many of the personality disorders share common features. Which statement about personality disorders is accurate? a. The category is broad and encompasses behavioral problems that vary widely in form and severity. What core belief might explain the behavior of the individual with dependent personality disorder? a. "I am helpless." About half of the individuals with borderline personality disorder also qualify for a diagnosis of ________ at some time. c. a mood disorder Which of the following is a factor that complicates determining the causes of personality disorders? a. The high likelihood that an individual with one personality disorder may also have another Which of the following is true about the connection between psychopathy and antisocial personality disorder? Many people who have antisocial personality disorder do not have psychopathy. The research on the association between borderline personality disorder and childhood sexual abuse are problematic - the abuse most likely is occurring with other factors that might be more important. While the individual with ________ personality disorder appears cool and aloof, the individual with ________ personality disorder is best described as odd. schizoid; schizotypal Passing out from a high blood level of alcohol a. may actually be a safety device. Impaired memory and concentration, sluggishness, lack of motor coordination, and brain damage are side effects associated with excessive use of c. sedatives. Tom tells you he can make his roommate take out the trash by thinking about his roommate doing it. Tom tells you not to tell anyone because other people don't like him because they are jealous and they would hurt him. The best diagnosis for Tom is c. schizotypal personality disorder. Hope believes that she is the "star" of her graduate class and that the other students dislike her because they are jealous. She believes she is entitled to be exempted from an exam because of her outstanding performance. Hope probably suffers from Narcissistic personality disorder. Problematic drinking behavior commonly develops during c. crisis periods in a marriage or other intimate personal relationship. Why does it make sense to view addiction as a mental disorder? a. The symptoms reflect behaviors that involve the pathological need for a substance. Children of mothers who use crack c. are at risk for being mistreated by their mothers. Observed changes in drinking patterns suggest that in the future the ratio of male to female problem drinkers will decrease. ________ personality disorder is much more common in men than women and involves the exploitation of others without remorse. a. Antisocial The central problem of schizoid personality disorder is an inability to form attachments to other people. Passing out from a high blood level of alcohol may actually be a safety device. Opium and heroin were originally used by physicians as pain relievers. Antisocial personality disorder differs from psychopathy in that antisocial personality disorder focuses more on observable behaviors. Which basic personality traits from the five-factor model seem most important in the development of obsessive compulsive personality disorder? High conscientiousness and low compliance An employee evaluation: "He takes what he wants rather than earns it. He hates routine and boredom more than anything else. Thrill-seeking and impulsive actions have gotten him fired from this job." What kind of disorder does the employee illustrate? Psychopathy Which statement about alcohol abuse disorders and other psychological disorders is accurate? The personality disorder most often associated with alcohol abuse is antisocial personality disorder. Schizophrenic disorders seem to be most strongly linked genetically to ________ personality disorder. schizotypal Which of the following statements about alcohol problems is accurate? The average life span of an alcoholic is twelve years shorter than the average citizen. Alcohol withdrawal delirium typically lasts from three to six days. Which basic personality traits from the five-factor model seem most important in the development of dependent personality disorder? High neuroticism and high agreeableness Amphetamine psychosis resembles paranoid schizophrenia. Because they are regarded as being different from standard psychiatric syndromes, the personality disorders are coded on Axis II. ________ personality disorder is much more common in men than women and involves the exploitation of others without remorse. Antisocial Drug abuse and dependence are most common in what age group and in what type of community? Adolescence and young adulthood; economically depressed communities Bill is an alcoholic. His wife, Marge, has a lot of ready excuses she uses to explain to his boss, their friends, and their children to explain his frequent absences. This is an example of why treatment needs to include identifying factors that may encourage drinking. Heavy drinking during pregnancy, especially the early part, often causes aggressiveness and withdrawal in the child. Luisa is a lively and emotional graduate student. She dresses provocatively and behaves in a very seductive manner with her male professors. She has had a long string of short-lived, stormy romances. Luisa is most likely to have a diagnosis of histrionic personality disorder. The presence of psychopathy is the single best predictor of future violence and crime recidivism. In 2005, which of the following accounted for 11 percent of all drug-related emergency room admissions? Heroin Which statement about crack cocaine use is accurate? Chronic users develop sexual dysfunctions and a disinterest in sex. children do not understand that the world that others experience is different from their own. Children tend to overestimate their abilities. A failure to outgrow these characteristics might explain the development of ________ personality disorder. narcissistic Which of the following men has an alcohol-risk personality? Sean, who is impulsive, risk-taking, and poor at planning. Avoidant personality disorder is extremely similar to and hard to distinguish from generalized social phobia. Donna has borderline personality disorder. She is in therapy, but progress is slow. some days she thinks her therapist is the most wonderful person in the world. On other days, she thinks he is worthless and untrustworthy. This type of thinking is called splitting. Which of the following is a diagnosis found in the DSM-IV-TR? Substance-Dependence Disorder The main difference between borderline personality disorder and antisocial personality disorder is that both exploit others but the person with borderline personality disorder does it due to an angry reaction to disappointments and the person with antisocial personality disorder does it for gain and without guilt. Which basic personality traits from the five factor model seem most important in the development of schizoid personality disorder? High introversion and low openness to feelings Tina has been using cocaine for many months. She decides to stop. She can expect to have depression, fatigue, disturbed sleep, and increased dreaming. Brendan has been using marijuana daily for more than six years. If he stops using the drug, we may expect withdrawal-like symptoms such as nervousness and changes in sleeping and eating. Keith complains life is "what you do while you're waiting to die." He says his job at the factory is lousy, but it is the best he can do (he has a college degree). He doesn't see the point in changing. What is Keith's most likely diagnosis? Depressive personality disorder John has a great need for order and perfectionism. He can't leave the house until every hair is in place, and he has been known to iron the same shirt over and over to ensure that he is wrinkle-free. What personality disorder does John's behavior suggest? Obsessive-compulsive disorder Binge drinking in college can lead to many alcohol-related health and life problems. Helena has avoidant personality disorder. She is likely to be hypersensitive to any sign of criticism or rejection. The fear of abandonment is seen in both borderline and dependent personality disorder. A key difference is their reaction to it: The person with borderline personality disorder gets angry and the person with dependent personality disorder becomes submissive. Early criminal behavior is most characteristic of antisocial personality disorder. The tension-reduction model of alcoholism does not explain why some excessive drinkers are able to maintain control over their drinking while others are not. Histrionic personality disorder is most likely to be diagnosed in people who are attention-seeking and overly emotional. Which of the following is a common personality characteristic of those who later abuse alcohol? strong need for praise and admiration Who is most likely to develop antisocial personality disorder? A child with conduct disorder and A or B hope believes she is the "star" of her graduating class and thinks students dislike her because they are jealous. she thinks she should be exempted from an exam because of her outstanding performance in class narcissistic personality disorder impulsivity and extreme instability in interpersonal relationships, self-image, and mood best characterize borderline personality disorder which of the following statements is NOT true of treating personality disorders? people with both an Axis I and an Axis II diagnosis are easier to treat than people with just an Axis II disorder because they have more distress the individual with _____ personality disorder is likely to be described as rigid and cold. obsessive-compulsive which mental disorder is most commonly comorbid with alcoholism? major depressive disorder which basic personality traits from the five factor model seem most important in the development of paranoid personality disorder? antagonism and neuroticism antisocial personality disorder differs from psychopathy in that antisocial personality disorder focuses more on observable behaviors luisa is a lively and emotional graduate student. she dresses provocatively and behaves in a seductive manner with her male professors. she has had many short lived stormy romances. she is most likely to have a diagnosis of histrionic personality disorder rates of alcoholism among asian populations are _____ than among european peoples. this fact may be related to ______. lower, a mutant enzyme that leads to hypersensitive reactions to alcohol. which of the following is a common personality characteristic of those who later abuse alcohol? strong need for praise and admiration which of the following is a factor that complicates determining the causes of personality disorders? the high likelihood that an individual with one personality disorder may also have another avoidant personality disorder is extremely similar to and hard to distinguish from generalized social phobia both alcohol and barbiturate withdrawal can be minimized by administering another drug which of the following is most typical of the interpersonal attitudes and behaviors of someone with histrionic personality disorder? repeated manipulation of others to gain attention the five factor model is a model of normal personality that includes an expanded description of the five basic personality dimensions observed changes in drinking patterns suggest that in the future the ratio of male to female problem drinkers will decrease which of the following core dysfunctional beliefs might explain the development of histrionic personality disorder? "if i am not fun, they will abandon me." which parenting skill or parental behavior is most associated with adolescent substance use? lack of monitoring the adolescent's acitivities which of the following best accounts for why women are more likely to be diagnosed with histrionic disorder than men? the symptoms tend to be maladaptive exaggerations of traits normally seen in women emily calls her husband every day at work to ask him what she should make for dinner.... dependent personality disorder the reciprocal influence model is best described as a ______ explanation for teen drinking cognitive adam and beth are both being treated for alcohol dependence by being given medications. adam's makes him vomit after taking it. beth's reduces her craving. most likely adam is taking ___ and beth is taking___ antabuse; naltrexone transient psychotic symptoms are seen in which of the following personality disorders? paranoid and schizotypal malnutrition may occur in alcoholics as alcohol interfere's with the body's ability to use nutrients people find adam difficult to be around. his behavior is unpredictable and erratic but often is annoying to others. he doesnt seem to learn from bad experiences, he repeats the same mistakes. his family says adam has been like this since junior high. a personality disorder the "clusters" of personality disorders found in the DSM-IV-TR are grouped based on symptom or feature similarities henry used to become intoxicated after 6 drinks. now he needs 10 to get the same effect. tolerance greg has been diagnosed with a schizoid personality disorder. knowing this, which of the following jobs would he be most likely to enjoy? night-time security guard who works alone what evidence is there that the legal definition of alcohol intoxication (a blood alcohol content of 0.08) should be changed? judgement becomes impaired long before this blood alcohol level is reached helen is suspicious and doubts the loyalty of even her friends. she is unwilling to forgive percieved insults and never forgets a grudge. she is most likely to be diagnosed with _____ personality disorder. paranoid harold is perfectionistic and extremely concerned with maintaining a set routine. he probably suffers from ____ personality disorder. obsessive compulsive james has two alcoholic parents. research suggests that his risk for alcoholism is greater than if he had one alcoholic parent both a lack of parental indulgence and parental overindulgence have been proposed as explanations for _____ personality disorder narcissistic the research on the association between borderline personality disorder and childhood sexual abuse. are problematic- the abuse most likely is occurring with other factors that might be more important amphetamine psychosis resembles paranoid schizophrenia why might opiate antagonists be used in the treatment of alcoholism? to minimize cravings since there are substantial problems with reliability and validity of the diagnoses of personality disorders it is less likely that research on a disorder will be able to be replicated by other researchers. the finding that temperament may play a role in the etiology of personality disorders suggests that a susceptibility to the development of a personality disorder may be inherited unlike disorders like depression and ptsd personality disorders develop gradually the borderline personality differs from histrionic disorder in that the central role of sexuality is not present

What three personality disorders share features that are similar to schizophrenia?

Personality disorders (PD) with positive and negative psychotic-like features are assumed to be closely related to the schizophrenia spectrum; these are paranoid PD, schizoid PD, and schizotypal PD (SPD).
Schizophrenia. While schizoid personality disorder is considered one of the schizophrenia spectrum disorders and shares some common symptoms with schizophrenia and schizotypal personality disorder, there are important distinctions that separate SPD from those two disorders.

What is similar to schizoid personality disorder?

SPD have also traits in common with other personality disorder such as lack of empathy with narcissistic (NPD) and antisocial personality disorder (ASPD), withdraw (self-sufficiently in the case of NPD) from others, and failure to form human and social relationships with NPD and avoidant personality disorder.

Is schizoid and schizotypal personality disorder the same?

The main difference between schizotypal and schizoid personality disorder is that schizoid does not have any paranoid ideation or suspiciousness. This means that people with a schizoid diagnosis will not be overly worried about other people's motivations or worried that people are out to get them.