Writing reaction paper review and critique năm 2024

Before you start writing, it is important to have a thorough understanding of the work that will be critiqued.

  • Study the work under discussion.
  • Make notes on key parts of the work.
  • Develop an understanding of the main argument or purpose being expressed in the work.
  • Consider how the work relates to a broader issue or context.

Example template

There are a variety of ways to structure a critique. You should always check your unit materials or Canvas site for guidance from your lecturer. The following template, which showcases the main features of a critique, is provided as one example.


Typically, the introduction is short (less than 10% of the word length) and you should:

  • name the work being reviewed as well as the date it was created and the name of the author/creator
  • describe the main argument or purpose of the work
  • explain the context in which the work was created - this could include the social or political context, the place of the work in a creative or academic tradition, or the relationship between the work and the creator’s life experience
  • have a concluding sentence that signposts what your evaluation of the work will be - for instance, it may indicate whether it is a positive, negative, or mixed evaluation.


Briefly summarise the main points and objectively describe how the creator portrays these by using techniques, styles, media, characters or symbols. This summary should not be the focus of the critique and is usually shorter than the critical evaluation.

Critical evaluation

This section should give a systematic and detailed assessment of the different elements of the work, evaluating how well the creator was able to achieve the purpose through these. For example: you would assess the plot structure, characterisation and setting of a novel; an assessment of a painting would look at composition, brush strokes, colour and light; a critique of a research project would look at subject selection, design of the experiment, analysis of data and conclusions.

A critical evaluation does not simply highlight negative impressions. It should deconstruct the work and identify both strengths and weaknesses. It should examine the work and evaluate its success, in light of its purpose.

Examples of key critical questions that could help your assessment include:

  • Who is the creator? Is the work presented objectively or subjectively?
  • What are the aims of the work? Were the aims achieved?
  • What techniques, styles, media were used in the work? Are they effective in portraying the purpose?
  • What assumptions underlie the work? Do they affect its validity?
  • What types of evidence or persuasion are used? Has evidence been interpreted fairly?
  • How is the work structured? Does it favour a particular interpretation or point of view? Is it effective?
  • Does the work enhance understanding of key ideas or theories? Does the work engage (or fail to engage) with key concepts or other works in its discipline?

This evaluation is written in formal academic style and logically presented. Group and order your ideas into paragraphs. Start with the broad impressions first and then move into the details of the technical elements. For shorter critiques, you may discuss the strengths of the works, and then the weaknesses. In longer critiques, you may wish to discuss the positive and negative of each key critical question in individual paragraphs.

To support the evaluation, provide evidence from the work itself, such as a quote or example, and you should also cite evidence from related sources. Explain how this evidence supports your evaluation of the work.


This is usually a very brief paragraph, which includes:

  • a statement indicating the overall evaluation of the work
  • a summary of the key reasons, identified during the critical evaluation, why this evaluation was formed
  • in some circumstances, recommendations for improvement on the work may be appropriate.

Reference list

Include all resources cited in your critique. Check with your lecturer/tutor for which referencing style to use.

  • 3.
  • 4. review, and critique are specialized forms of writing in which a reviewer or reader evaluates any of the following: •A scholarly work (academic books, articles) •A work of art (performance art, play, dance, sports, films, exhibits) •Designs (industrial designs, furniture, fashion design) •Graphic designs (posters, billboards, commercials, and digital media)
  • 5. in length from 250-750 words. Not just a SUMMARY- critical assessments, analyses, evaluation of different works. Reaction Paper, Review and Cri
  • 7. a situation or the writings or ideas of someone and offers a judgment about them the expression of disapproval of someone or something based on perceived faults or mistakes. Critique is not connected with Pessimism -is a negative mental attitude in which an undesirable outcome is anticipated from a given situation. Pessimists tend to focus on the negatives of life in general.
  • 8. Language of Critique
  • 10. Work Carefully • Choose Your Words • Start With the Positive • Consider Why It's Not Working • Take Care With Humor • Don't Shy Away From the Truth
  • 11. critique should organized in the following manner: • What are some problems people face in their daily lives? • What are some heatly debated topics discussed among groups concerning the community.
  • 13. Weaknesses Given it’s features, X may be the best among the competition.. However, X may not be a wise choice if you intend to… (Cite specific activities or features needed by a specific user or audience). X does not only provide (enumerate common features found in other counterparts) but also (enumerate unique features) In certain cases, X lacks some interesting points such as… (cite specific features or qualities). X may not appeal to certain users or audiences as it… (cite specific features or qualities).
  • 14. book, gadget, event or concept a good investment of time, effort, and money? What background knowledge does one need to see or use them?
  • 21. statement and outline. 1. Write a review about the rehabilitation in Manila Bay. Your critique should be at least 300 words and should not exceed 500 words. The critique should not only focus on the details of the topic but also on it’s contribution to our country. In addition, the review should help raise awareness of the importance of the activity.

What is the difference between reaction paper and review paper?

A reaction paper is a personal response to a text, a review is an assessment of a work, and a critique is an evaluation of a work within its field. Understanding the key elements and structures of each can help writers effectively communicate their thoughts and opinions on a text or work.

What is the difference between a review paper and a critique paper?

The main difference between critique and review is the writer; critiques are written by experts in the relevant field whereas reviews are written by people who are interested in that particular field. Therefore, critiques are considered to be more reliable than reviews.

What are the 3 parts of reaction paper?

Structure your paper with an introduction that provides context and states your thesis, followed by body paragraphs that explore your reactions and support them with evidence from the text. Finally, conclude by summarizing your main points and reflecting on the significance of your reaction.

What is the first step in making a good critique and reaction paper?

Your first step should always be a thorough read-through of the material you will be analyzing and critiquing. It needs to be more than just a casual skim read. It should be in-depth with an eye toward key elements.