Bài tập Tiếng Anh lớp 10 Unit 2 sách mới

Humans and the environment

Bài tập tiếng Anh lớp 10 Unit 2 sách Kết nối tri thức với cuộc sống là tài liệu vô cùng hữu ích, giúp học sinh lớp 10 củng cố bài tập sau các bài học trên lớp.

Tiếng Anh lớp 10 Unit 2 Humans and the environment bám sát với chương trình trong sách giáo khoa, giúp các bạn học sinh có thêm nhiều gợi ý học tập, rèn luyện kiến thức tiếng Anh theo bài học. Từ đó nhanh chóng nắm vững kiến thức đạt được kết quả cao trong các bài kiểm tra, bài thi học kì 1 sắp tới. Vậy sau đây là Bài tập tiếng Anh lớp 10 Unit 2 Humans and the environment, mời các bạn cùng theo dõi tại đây.

Bài tập Tiếng Anh lớp 10 Unit 2 Humans and the environment


1. The future simple with “will”

* Cấu trúc (Form)

Affirmative (Khẳng định)

Negative (Phủ định)

Interrogative (Nghi vấn)

S + will + V (bare-inf) + (O)

S + will + not + V (bare-inf) + (O)

Will + S + V (bare-inf) + (O)?

The shop will open in June.

(will = ‘ll)

The shop won’t open in June.

(won’t = will not)

Will the shop open in June?

Note: Trong những ngữ cảnh trang trọng thì ta có thể dùng shall thay cho will khi đi với chủ ngữ IWe

E.g: Shall/ Will I see you before 10 o’clock?

* Cách dùng (Use)

- Diễn tả dự đoán không có căn cứ (predictions)

E.g: I think it will rain tomorrow. (Tôi nghĩ ngày mai trời sẽ mưa.)

- Diễn tả quyết định nhất thời tại thời điểm nói (decisions made at the moment of speaking)

E.g: I will drink coffee, please. (Tôi sẽ uống cà phê.)

- Diễn tả lời yêu cẩu, đề nghị (requests and offers)

E.g: Will you help me carry this suitcase, please? (Bạn làm ơn giúp tôi mang cái va li này nhé?) a request

E.g: Shall I make you a cup of tea? (Tôi pha cho bạn tách trà nhé?) an offer

- Diễn tả lời hứa (promises)

E.g: I promise I will arrive on time. (Tôi hứa sẽ đến đúng giờ.)

- Diễn tả lời từ chối với won’t (refusals)

E.g: No, I won’t eat this kind of food. (Không, tôi sẽ không ăn món ăn này.)

- Diễn tả sự việc thực tế sẽ xảy ra ở tương lai (future facts)

E.g: The shop will open tomorrow. (Cửa hàng sẽ mở cửa vào ngày mai.)

* Time phrases (Các cụm từ thời gian)

Chúng ta thường sử dụng thì này với các cụm từ thời gian như tomorrow, next week/ month/ etc., in the future, when I’m older, later, soon, etc.

Note: Chúng ta cũng thường sử dụng thì tương lai đơn với các cụm từ như I hope/ think/

expect/ etc hoặc các từ như probably/ perhaps

E.g: Perhaps it will rain tomorrow.

2. The future simple with “be going to”

* Cấu trúc (Form)

Affirmative (Khẳng định)

Negative (Phủ định)

Interrogative (Nghi vấn)

S + is/ am/ are + going to + V(bare-inf) + (O)

S + is/ am/ are + not + going to + V(bare-inf) + (O)

Is/ Am/ Are + S + going to + V(bare-inf) + (O)?

They are going to visit their parents.

They aren’t going to visit their parents.

Are they going to visit their parents?


1. Cấu trúc (Form)

Chủ động: S + V + O

Bị động: S + be + PP (+ by + O)

* Note:

- TÂN NGỮ (O) trong câu chủ động làm CHỦ NGỮ trong câu bị động.

- ĐỘNG TỪ (V) trong câu chủ động sẽ chuyển thành “be + PP”. Trong đó “be” chia theo thì và chia theo chủ ngữ.

- CHỦ NGỮ (S) trong câu chủ động sẽ biến đổi thành tân ngữ và có giới từ “bỵ” phía trước (by + O).

E.g: Chủ động: My parents (S) will build (V) a house (O) next year.

Bị động: A house (S) will be built (be PP) by my parents (by O) next year.

Các bước để chuyển từ câu chủ động sang câu bị động

Xác định S, V, O và thời của V trong câu chủ động.

Lấy O trong câu chủ động làm S của câu bị động.

Lấy S trong câu chủ động làm O và đặt sau bytrong câu bị động.

Biến đổi V chính trong câu chủ động thành PP (Past Participle) trong câu bị động.

Thêm To bevào trước PP trong câu bị động (To be phải chia theo thời của V chính trong câu chủ động và chia theo số của S trong câu bị động).

- Trong câu bị động by + O luôn đứng sau adverbs of place (trạng từ chỉ nơi chốn) và đứng trước adverbs of time (trạng từ chỉ thời gian).

- Trong câu bị động, có thể bỏ: by people, by us, by them, by someone, by him, by her … nếu chỉ đối tượng không xác định.

3. Cấu trúc câu bị động với các thì

Tenses (Thì)

Active (Chủ động)

Passive (Bị động)

1. Hiện tại đơn

S + V(s/es) + O

E.g: I do my homework every evening.

S + is/am/are + PP (+ by + O)

My homework is done every evening.

2. Hiện tại tiếp diễn

S + is/am/are + V-ing + O

E.g. He is reading books now.

S + is/am/are + being + PP (+ by + O)

Books are being read (by him) now.

3. Quá khứ đơn

S + V-ed/cột 2 + O

E.g. She wrote a letter yesterday.

S + was/were + PP (+ by + O)

A letter was written (by her) yesterday.

4. Quá khứ tiếp diễn

S + was/were + V-ing + O

E.g. They were doing the housework at 9 am yesterday.

S + was/were +being + PP (+ by + O)

The housework was being done at 9 am yesterday.

5. Hiện tại hoàn thành

S + have/ has + PP + O

E.g: My parents have given me a new computer.

S + have/ has + been + PP (+ by + O)

I have been given a new computer by my parents.

OR: A new computer has been given to me by my parents.

6. Hiện tại hoàn thành tiếp diễn

S + have/has + been + V-ing + O

E.g: Tim has been repairing the roof for 2 hours.

S + have/has + been + being + PP (+ by + O)

The roof has been being repaired by Tim for 2 hours.

7. Quá khứ hoàn thành

S + had + PP + O

E.g: He had finished his homework before 9 p.m yesterday.

S + had + been + PP (+ by + O)

His homework had been finished before 9 p.m yesterday.

Bài tập vận dụng cơ bản Unit 2 lớp 10

I. Put the verbs into the correct form (future simple tense will).

Tim, 16 years old, asked an ugly fortune teller about his future. Here is what she told him:

1. You (be) ………………………………. very happy.

2. You (get) ………………………………. a lot of money.

3. You (buy) ………………………………. a beautiful house.

4. Your friends (envy) ………………………………. you.

5. You (meet) ………………………………. a beautiful woman.

6. You (marry) ………………………………. her.

7. You and your wife (travel) ………………………………. around the world.

8. People (serve) ………………………………. you.

9. They (not/ refuse) ………………………………. to make you happy.

10. But all this (happen/ only) ………………………………. when you are 70 years old.

II. Look at the pictures and complete the sentences with the given words using “going to” future.


III. Put the verbs in the brackets into the correct tense (the future simple ‘will’ or ‘going to’ future).

1. John: Did you remember to bring that book I lent you? - Paul: Oh, sorry, I forgot again. I (bring) ………………………… it tomorrow.

2. Sally: Do you know what to buy your sister for her birthday? - Tom: Yes. I (buy) ………………………… her a book on gardening.

3. I don’t feel like going out this evening. I (stay) ………………………… at home and watch TV.

4. Elizabeth: There’s someone at the door. - Mark: I (go) ………………………… and see who it is.

5. David: Do you know that Mark (open) ………………………… a shop in the center of town? - Linda: Really? What type of shop?

6. I’ve decided that I (look) ………………………… for a new job.

7. The train is faster than the bus. - OK, I (take) ………………………… the train.

8. There’s a big traffic jam on the motorway to the stadium. - OK, I (go) ………………………… another way.

9. Do you know what to buy your dad for his birthday? - Yes, I (buy) ………………………… a watch.

10. Did you bring my books? - Sorry, I forgot. I (bring) ………………………… them tomorrow.

11. There’s someone at the door. - OK, I (open) ………………………… it.

12. My wife and I (start) ………………………… a new business. We’re planning to open an antiques shop.

IV. Decide whether the following sentences belong to the active voice or passive voice.

1. I have never been to Paris. (active voice/ passive voice)

2. I have never been arrested. (active voice/ passive voice)

3. The tower was built in 1802 by a French Artist. (active voice/ passive voice)

4. Nothing happened. (active voice/ passive voice)

5. No one was injured by the fire. (active voice/ passive voice)

6. The award was given to the top student. (active voice/ passive voice)

7. We decided not to hire anyone. (active voice/ passive voice)

8. The pizza was delicious. (active voice/ passive voice)

9. The pizza was ordered. (active voice/ passive voice)

10. The pizza made me sick. (active voice/ passive voice)

V. Fill in the blank with the correct form of the passive voice

1. The words (to explain - Present simple) ……………………………. by the teacher.

2. My car (to steal - Past simple) ……………………………. while I was gardening.

3. A new restaurant (to open - Future simple) ……………………………. next week

4. Our street (to close - Present continuous) ……………………………. because of snow.

5. A new house (to build - be going to) ……………………………. by my parents next month.

VI. Change the sentences into the passive voice by filling in the missing words.

1. People eat 40 million hamburgers every day.

40 million hamburgers ……………………………. every day.

2. People speak English all over the world

English ……………………………. all over the world.

3. Where did they invent gun powder?

Where …………………. gun powder ……………………….?

4. The police didn’t find the missing girl last weekend.

The missing girl ……………………………. last weekend.

5. Tourists don’t visit this museum very often.

This museum ……………………………. very often.

6. Workers are building a new fun park in town.

A new fun park ……………………………. in town.

7. When did they translate this book into English?

When ……………………. this book ………………………. into English?

8. Women send thousands of emails to the star every month.

Thousands of emails ……………………………. to the star every month.

9. Daisy brought me some fresh grapes.

I ……………………………. some fresh grapes by Daisy.

10. Some dangerous looking men were following me the whole evening.

I ……………………………. the whole evening by some dangerous looking men.

VII. Change the sentences into the passive voice.

1. People speak Vietnamese in Vietnam.


2. The government is planning a new road near my house.


3. My grandfather built this house in 1990.


4. Picasso was painting Guernica at that time.


5. The cleaner has cleaned the office.


6. He had written three books before 1867.


7. John will tell you later.


8. Somebody did the work.


VIII. Change the sentences into the active voice.

1. The children are helped by the policemen.


2. A letter is being typed by the manager.


3. Sally’s little brother will be looked after by her.


4. Our window was broken by the robber.


5. The car has been cleaned by us.


6. I was offered a bike for my birthday by my parents.


IX. Reorder the words to make a complete sentence.

1. in Thailand/ made/ cars/ are/?


2. to hospital/ been/ taken/ has/ she/?


3. fried/ the potatoes/ be/ can/ in ten minutes/?


4. for the exam/ be/ prepared/ the students/ will/?


5. tea/ when/ be/ served/ will/?


6. today/ being/ is/ lunch/ provided?


7. given/ last week/ laptops/ were/ to them/?


8. the videos/ may/ be/ broadcasted/?


Bài tập tổng hợp nâng cao Unit 2 lớp 10

X. Put the verbs in the brackets into the correct tense.

1. The train (arrive) ……………………………. at 12:30.

2. We (have) ……………………………. dinner at a seaside restaurant on Sunday.

3. It (snow) ……………………………. in Brighton tomorrow evening.

4. On Friday at 8 o’clock I (meet) ……………………………. my friend.

5. John (fly) ……………………………. to London on Monday morning.

6. Wait! I (drive) ……………………………. you to the station.

7. The English lesson (start) ……………………………. at 8:45.

8. Are you still writing your essay? If you (finish) ……………………………. by 4 pm, we can go for a walk.

9. You’re carrying too much. I (open) ……………………………. the door for you.

10. Look at the clouds – it (rain) ……………………………. in a few minutes.

XI. Change the sentences into the passive voice by filling in the missing words.

1. Someone burgled my house while I was away.

My house ……………………………. while I was away.

2. He started to leave before they had given him the directions.

He started to leave before he ……………………………. directions.

3. I went to the showroom but was informed that they had sold all the houses.

I went to the showroom but was informed that all the houses ………………………

4. They were still building the hotel when we stayed there.

The hotel ……………………………. when we stayed there.

5. They sent my son home from school for being cheeky to the teachers.

My son ………………………. home from school for being cheeky to the teachers.

6. My doctor prescribed me some medicine for my cough.

I ……………………………. some medicine for my cough.

7. They haven’t finished fixing my car yet. They’re so slow!

My car ……………………………. yet. They’re so slow!

8. I visited my home town last year, only to find that they’d demolished the house I’d grown up in.

I visited my hometown last year, only to find that the house I’d grown up in



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