Be careful this workbook contains one or more queries that might be unsafe

When you open a workbook that contains links to cells in other workbooks, you may receive the following message:

Be careful this workbook contains one or more queries that might be unsafe

You can click either Update or Don’t Update. By default, Excel displays this message.

To suppress the message and to automatically update the links, follow these steps:

  1. In Excel, select File > Options > Advanced.
  2. Under General, click to clear the Ask to update automatic links check box.

Sharepoint 2013 Resolve refresh ExceBe careful. This workbook contains one or more queries that might be unsafe

How to solve the prompt to refresh Excel data Be careful. This workbook contains one or more queries that might be unsafe

 Singapore projects are often isolated and helpless. Internet access is very limited, in order to write this article, I copied a few pictures.

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This problem is caused by Excel Services.

Open SharePoint Central Administration Open Application Management Click Service Applications open Manage service applications Click Excel Services application click Trusted File Locations and click on the Address that contains the workbook.

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Under External Data, remove the Refresh warning enabled hook.

Just fine

The following image View Image

This article is contributed by Anonymous and text available under CC-SA-4.0


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  •   sharepoint-enterprise  -  excel-services  -  sharepoint-online  -  excel-web-access-webpart
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  •  16-01-2021
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I try to display data using Excel services in a web part. First of all, my Sharepoint version is Sharepoint 2013; In addition, all authentication processes are working properly and I can retrieve the data. My excel is set to refresh connection each time the page is opened. Where my problem starts is that when I open the page, I get a warning: "Be careful. This workbook contains one or more queries that might be unsafe". I have searched about it found some solutions from: and from :

  1. Creating a Trusted file location; I have done this, but did not solve my problem.

  2. To disable warnings ( "In External Data, clear the checkbox for Warn on data refresh." ). This solution removed the warning however it made a side effect. After disabling the warning, my Excel does not refresh data automatically when the page is opened. Now it refresh only when the user click to refresh manually. I would like to ask if there is any solution for that? Briefly, I want to refresh my data connection each time the page is opened, also do not want to get "Be careful. This workbook contains one or more queries that might be unsafe" error displaying to the user. User should see the most recent data without on the page load automatically without clicking anywhere.

    Thank you in advance.

No correct solution


I resolved this pesky warning by doing the following:

  1. Open Document in Microsoft Excel
  2. Select Data > Get Data drop down > Query Options

    Be careful this workbook contains one or more queries that might be unsafe

  3. Went to Security > changed Web Preview Warning Level to 'None'

    Be careful this workbook contains one or more queries that might be unsafe

  4. I also updated Privacy to 'always ignore privacy level settings'

It shouldn’t affect the automatically refresh data after untick “warning refresh enabled” option.

Whether there are other excel files with external data have this same issue?

Make sure you have configured refresh data when opening the file in excel file.

Technically this is not a SharePoint question but an Excel question. Here is a solution.

Create a Visual Basic module called Workbook_Open()

Private Sub Workbook_Open() 'Refresh the data link to Sharepoint List View ActiveWorkbook.RefreshAll Range("A1").Select ActiveWorkbook.Save End Sub

Save the workbook as an Excel Macro-Enable Workbook. This will then run when you open the file.

To resolve this problem, do the following:.
Check for unresponsive instances of Microsoft® Excel®. Close all Microsoft® Excel® Workbooks. ... .
Check the Microsoft® Excel® workpaper for improper links. ... .
Check the workpaper for improper External Reference (links). ... .
Check for multiple Microsoft® Office installations..
To suppress the message and leave the links (not updated) until you choose to update them, follow these steps:.
In Excel, select Edit Links in the Queries & Connections group on the Data tab..
Click Startup Prompt..
Click the Don't display the alert and don't update automatic links option. Warning..
Open the Excel spreadsheet..
Click File..
Click Info..
Click Edit Links to Files..
In the Edit Links pop-up, if relevant select the link and click Break Link and confirm..
Save the spreadsheet..