Cách làm admin trong hypixel

Ranks are cosmetic titles that give players on the server various cosmetics and convenient perks. They can be purchased in the Hypixel Store or from the in-game store using Gold. Ranks will appear next to a player's name in lobbies and when chatting. Players typically start with the default rank, a rank colored gray that gives the player basic benefits. Donator ranks can be purchased to earn more cosmetics, while other ranks are given to players under a certain criteria.

Default Rank

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This rank is given to any player who joins the server for the first time who haven't bought a donator rank beforehand.

  • Gray name and chat color
  • Limited to open ✭✰✰✰✰, ✭✭✰✰✰, and ✭✭✭✰✰ Mystery Boxes
  • Recent games in the Replay System last for 30 minutes
  • 1 montly Mystery Box bonus from the Delivery Man
  • 1 weekly cookie in Housing
  • Unranked rank in the Discord server

Donator Ranks

Donator ranks are purchaseable in the Hypixel Store or by using Gold in the in-game store. These ranks offer various cosmetic features and convenience perks on the server, forums, and the Discord server. Donator ranks do not receive any skill advantages.

When buying a donator rank, any future donator ranks you buy are automatically deducted by your current rank's price. Supposedly, you own the VIP rank which usually costs around $6.99 in full price. If you were to upgrade your rank from VIP to VIP+, instead of paying $14.99 which is the full price of VIP+, the price is automatically deducted $6.99 so the cost will instead be $8.00.

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  • $7.69 USD without discounts.
  • [VIP] prefix and green name color
  • Messages you send in chat are colored white
  • Ability to fly in public lobbies, toggleable using /fly
  • Ability to spawn a firework in lobbies, using /fw
  • Access to open ✭✭✭✭✰ Mystery Boxes
  • A 50% discount for crafting Mystery Boxes
  • Ability to skip the advertisement for your Daily Reward
  • Access to monthly VIP Mystery Boxes from The Delivery Guy
  • Recent games in the Replay System last for 1 day
  • Access to pet cosmetics
  • Access to the Gold Fountain gadget
  • x1.1 EXP multipler for Carpentry and Runecrafting in SkyBlock
  • SkyBlock island's guest limit increased to 3
  • VIP rank in the Discord server and access to VIP voice channels
  • VIP rank and avatar frame in the forums with access to post backgrounds
  • Bypass to 3-second chat delay
  • Priority access to the server when full
  • Hype Point limit increased to 200
  • Extra 2 Hype Points when playing games from the Prototype Lobby
  • Access to buy exclusive cosmetics across Cops and Crims, Blitz SG, VampireZ, Arcade Games, TNT Games, and Turbo Kart Racers
  • x2 Karma multiplier
  • Weekly Player Housing cookies increased to 2
  • Access to mailboxes, food, and VIP-exclusive items in Player Housing

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  • $16.49 USD without discounts.
  • [VIP+] prefix and green name color
  • Base rank: VIP
  • Access to create guilds
  • Ability to apply early access to SMPs
  • Access to monthly VIP+ Mystery Boxes from The Delivery Guy
  • Recent games in the Replay System last for 2 days
  • Access to Wild Ocelot Baby pet, and Horse morph
  • x1.25 EXP multipler for Carpentry and Runecrafting in SkyBlock
  • VIP+ rank in the Discord server
  • VIP+ rank and avatar frame in the forums
  • Access to buy exclusive cosmetics across Cops and Crims, Blitz SG, VampireZ, Arcade Games, TNT Games, Turbo Kart Racers, and Build Battle
  • x3 Karma multiplier
  • Weekly Player Housing cookies increased to 3

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  • $32.99 USD without discounts.
  • [MVP] chat prefix and cyan name color
  • Base rank: VIP+
  • Access to ✭✭✭✭✭ Mystery Boxes
  • A 50% discount for crafting Mystery Boxes
  • Access to monthly MVP Mystery Boxes from The Delivery Guy
  • Recent games in the Replay System last for 3 days
  • x1.5 EXP multipler for Carpentry and Runecrafting in SkyBlock
  • SkyBlock island's guest limit increased to 5
  • Access to exclusive gadgets: Cryotube, Diamond Shower, Kawarimi no Jutsu, Pyromaniac and Roll Over
  • MVP rank in the Discord server
  • MVP rank and avatar frame in the forums
  • Access to buy exclusive cosmetics across Cops and Crims, Blitz SG, Arcade Games, TNT Games, and Turbo Kart Racers
  • x4 Karma multiplier
  • Weekly Player Housing cookies increased to 4

Cách làm admin trong hypixel


  • $49.49 USD without discounts.
  • [MVP+] chat prefix with customizable + and cyan name color
    • The + can be customized to any color, using /rankcolor
  • Base rank: MVP
  • Join message when entering lobbies: [MVP+] Username joined the lobby
  • Unlimited access to the map selector in SkyWars, BedWars, and Murder Mystery
  • Access to enable option that auto-accepts quests
  • Access to monthly MVP+ Mystery Boxes from The Delivery Guy
  • Recent games in the Replay System last for 4 days
  • x2 EXP multipler for Carpentry and Runecrafting in SkyBlock
  • Access to exclusive gadgets, animated hats, and particle packs
    • Magic 9 Ball, When Pigs Fly, CATapult, Cowboy, Teleport Stick, iPixel, MobGun, Roll Over, and Railgun
    • Ender Pulse, Rainbow Girl, Demon Eyes, and Derpy Eyes
    • Slime, Drip Lava, Drip Water, Note, Heart, Happy Villager, Angry Villager, and Enchantment Table
  • A 75% discount on Player Housing upgrades
  • MVP+ rank in the Discord server
  • MVP+ rank and avatar frame in the forums
  • Ability to launch staff members in lobbies to the air by hitting them
  • Access to buy exclusive cosmetics across Cops and Crims, Blitz SG, Arcade Games, TNT Games, and Turbo Kart Racers
  • x5 Karma multiplier
  • Weekly Player Housing cookies increased to 5

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NOTE: This rank is a subscription service, NOT a permanent rank.

  • 7.99 USD each month, (can be bought in discount with 3-month, 6-month, and 1-year subscriptions)
  • [MVP++] chat prefix and gold name color
    • The ++ can be customized to any color, using /rankcolor
    • Option to change your rank color to cyan
  • Base rank: MVP++
  • Join message when entering lobbies: >>> [MVP+] Username joined the lobby <<<
  • Access to the nickname system, using /nick . Can only be used 6 times a day
  • Ability to create public parties up to 100 players, using /stream
  • Access to private games for your party, using /party private
  • Access to any Dreams or Laboratory mini-game in private parties
  • Ability to automatically tip players with active Network Boosters
  • Ability to open multiple Mystery Boxes at once
  • Golden Guild tag for Guild Masters
  • Gold text when typing GG or Good Game at the end of games
  • 80% more weekly Mystery Boxes
  • x3 EXP multipler for Carpentry and Runecrafting in SkyBlock
  • Ability to bypass guest limits on SkyBlock islands with up to 10 guests on a single island
  • Access to emoticons, using /emojis
  • MVP++ rank in the Discord server and access to MVP++ voice channels
  • MVP++ rank and animated avatar frame in the forums and access to MVP++ exclusive forums
  • Ability to give out Gold rating in the forums
  • Access to more status customization for your profile menu
  • x6 Player Housing cookies


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The YOUTUBER rank (aka: the Creator rank) is given to creators on YouTubers or Twitch streamers who've submitted the application and surpassed the minimum criteria. The rank features certain perks that make it easier to make content on the server.

  • [YOUTUBE] or [YT] chat prefix and red name color
  • Base rank: MVP++
  • Unlimited access to the /nick command and access to custom nicknames
  • Access to Disco Mode, using /disco
    • Enabling Disco Mode during a SkyWars game will change the time to night, add rainbow lights underneath chests, and play the Disco Mode music that plays for the duration of the game
  • Bypass to 30-second /shout command delay
  • Ability to turn invisible to other players, using /vanish
  • x10 higher probability of being the murderer or detective in Murder Mystery
  • Access to YT Cookies which are worth 25 regular cookies in Player Housing
  • All blocks, items, plants, food, and etc. are unlocked in Housing
  • Access to 5 YouTuber-exclusive housing themes, with 2 pre-built
  • Maximum player limit for Housing is increased by 500-750
  • x7 coin multiplier
  • Bypass of anti-cheat setbacks
  • Access to all heroes in Smash Heroes
  • YOUTUBER animated avatar frame on the forums
  • YouTuber rank on the Discord server
  • Limit of 15 guests on SkyBlock island
  • Has ability to give out YouTuber Redstone rating on the Hypixel Forum.[1]

Requirements for YouTubers

  • Frequent Minecraft-focused content for channels over 30,000 subscribers
  • Frequent and/or infrequent Minecraft-focused content for channels over 100,000 subscribers
  • 1,000+ views on your videos/past streams within 7 days of its upload
  • An active channel that produces original content with reasonable quality regularly
  • Have uploaded any Minecraft-related videos
  • Have not recently uploaded content in violation of the general content guidelines
  • Availability for your past livestreams
    • If your past livestreams are unlisted, have a public playlist that includes them
Shorts Creators
  • A generally high viewership for your Shorts, around 1,000,000 views per Short
  • More frequent scheduled content, around 3+ videos a week
  • Unique content that sets you apart from other Shorts creators

Requirements for Twitch Streamers

  • 30,000+ followers on your channel
  • 50+ average concurrent viewers
  • An active and regular streaming schedule
  • Streaming gaming-focused content with at least Minecraft-focused content


Given to members who work at Mojang Studios, Minecraft's main development studio. Whilst not yet given to all members at Mojang, members like Dinnerbone have this rank.

  • [MOJANG] chat prefix and gold name color
  • Base rank: YOUTUBER


This is a custom rank given to HypixelEvents and HypixelKaraoke, both dedicated to official events ran by Hypixel staff. As of July 2022, only HypixelEvents has the rank, with HypixelKaraoke only having the VIP rank.

  • [EVENTS] chat prefix and gold name color
  • Base rank: YOUTUBER


This rank (rumoured to be an abbreviation of Master Control Panel/Player) is a rank given to the account MasterControl. It's likely that network delevelopers and operators have access to the account. In the first Hypixel Update forums thread, it was mentioned to be a custom developed server management and load balancing system, according to AgentKid. Changes were also mentioned in the 2nd and 3rd update forum threads.[2]

  • [MCP] chat prefix and red color name
  • Base rank: ADMIN

PIG, PIG+, PIG++, and PIG+++

The PIG ranks are custom ranks given to famous and unfortunately now-deceased YouTuber, Technoblade. The rank was named after his avatar/skin which is a pig.

The rank was supposedly given to Technoblade when he reached 10 million subscribers back in 2018. However, it was given as a reward for winning the first Minecraft Monday event hosted by Keemstar, with the rank getting an extra + every time he would win. Regardless of the organizers constantly nerfing Technoblade with bad teammates, he was still able to win 4 of the events, ending him with 3 plusses on his rank. Simon, the owner would state that Technoblade had to upload a video on his channel every week for the whole summer in order to keep it permanently, which he did.

With the devastating news of Technoblade's death, it has been stated that Technoblade's account will permanently have the rank forever. Visiting Technoblade's memorial in the Main Lobby, you can see Technoblade's username and rank displayed under the arch entrance.

  • [PIG], [PIG+], [PIG++], and [PIG+++] chat prefixes and pink name color
  • Base rank: YOUTUBER
  • Rumored to have a custom pink variant of the Hype Train gadget
    • Whilst not confirmed, Technoblade did complain about not having a custom color when he got the rank, which the admins might have added by his complaint

Staff Team

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GMs (abbreviation of Game Masters) are moderators of the server, paid to do moderation tasks and work in deeper areas that greatly impact the player experience. You can apply for an application through the job listing page.

  • [GM] chat prefix and green name color
  • Access to moderator permissions and features

Cách làm admin trong hypixel


ADMINs are the highest level of staff in the server, working as developers, staff managers, customer support, artists and animators, project managers, build team leaders, financers, and operators.

  • [ADMIN] chat prefix and red name color
  • Access to all permissions and features on the server
  • Depending on their role, may have access to all permissions on the forums
  • Ability to give out Admin Diamond and Wat ratings on the Hypixel Forum.


The OWNER is given to the two founders of Hypixel: Hypixel and Rezzus

  • [OWNER] chat prefix and red name color
  • Base rank: ADMIN

Removed Ranks

April Fool's Ranks

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Screenshot of the removed Hypixel Ranks


These ranks are renames of the VIP and MVP ranks that temporarily replaced the ranks on April 1, 2015. The name is a reference to the LOLWUT meme.

  • [LOL] and [LOL+] chat prefixes and lime name colors. Renames of the VIP ranks
  • [WAT] and [WAT+] chat prefixes and cyan name colors. Renames of the MVP ranks


These ranks are renames of the donator, staff, and YouTuber ranks and were made to look like the ADMIN rank. These ranks temporarily replaced the current ranks on April 1, 2016. The ranks did not have any administrative perks and are just visual.

  • [ADMIN] chat prefix and red color name. Renames of the donator ranks
  • [ADIM] chat prefix and red color name, Renames of the staff ranks
  • [ADMON] chat prefix and red color name, Renames of the YOUTUBE rank


These ranks are renames of all known ranks on the server and replaced the current ranks during April 1, 2020 and were removed the following day after. This was a reference to the duplicating Jerry NPCs found in SkyBlock islands, a meme made popular from Technoblade's Potato War series.

  • [JER] and [JER+] chat prefixes and lime name color. Renames of the VIP ranks
  • [JRY] and [JRY+] chat prefixes and cyan name color. Renames of the MVP ranks
  • [JRY++] chat prefix and gold name color. Rename of the MVP++ rank
  • [JERRY] chat prefix and purple name color. Rename of the HELPER rank
  • [JERRY] chat prefix and green name color. Rename of the GM rank
  • [SR JERRY] chat prefix and red name color. Rename of the ADMIN rank
  • [YERRY] chat prefix and red name color. Rename of the YOUTUBE rank
  • [JERRY+++] chat prefix and pink name color. Renames of the PIG ranks

Staff Ranks


JR HELPERs (Junior Helpers) were focused on helping players. This rank was used temporarily to give people who don't meet the age requirement a chance to help out during summer and winter holidays. The Junior Helper program has not since been repeated and is confirmed by many staff members to unlikely be repeated due to issues caused by younger staff.

  • [JR HELPER] chat prefix and purple name color
  • May have helper permissions. If not, higher priority in player reporting.

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HELPERs was the second to lowest volunteer staff rank, focused on helping players and moderate chat. You have to be at least 16 years old, have a donator rank, have access to TeamSpeak and a microphone, and must not be staff on any other server. To become a helper, one had to have written an application on the forums and if selected, go through an interview on TeamSpeak. If accepted, the player would enter the next stage, which was the training stage.

  • [HELPER] chat prefix and purple name color
  • Access to helper permissions.
  • Ability to give out the Helper Lapis ratings on the Hypixel Forum.

Cách làm admin trong hypixel


MODs were essentially Game Masters, with the same role of dealing with rule breakers, and help other players where necessary, especially on the forums. They could also be part of a team, such as applications, forums, or appeals. Moderators were once HELPERs which were selected to rank up in the staff team. Only people within the HELPER team could be selected to become a MOD. However, since the removal of the HELPER ranks, the MOD rank was replaced with the GM rank.

  • [MOD] chat prefix and green name color
  • Moderators were volunteers that were once Helpers and were selected to rank up in the staff team. Only people within the Helper team could be selected to become a Moderator
  • Moderators had the permission to ban and mute players, as well as the ability to nick or vanish themselves
  • Could lock, move, delete threads and ban users on the Hypixel Forums. Also had the ability to give out the Mod Emerald and Rude ratings


This rank was given to builders in the Hypixel server, responsible for making maps and the game lobbies. However, the rank was removed in July 28, 2020 and all players with the rank were given the ADMIN rank instead.

  • [BUILD TEAM] chat prefix and cyan name color
  • Access to moderator permissions.


This rank was a higher up to the BUILD TEAM rank and were given to the administrators and managers of the build team. With the removal of the base rank, all players with this rank were given the ADMIN rank as well.

  • [BUILD TEAM+] chat prefix and cyan name color
    • The + color was not customizable and remained red.
  • Access to moderator permissions.



This rank was given temporarily to Chaz360. As he was chilling in the once-existng VIP lounge, AgentKid who was a moderator was also there. AgentKid told a helper that they were special to him. Chaz360 would respond with "I wish I was special to you". AgentK, probably being bored gave him a custom rank. After that, the rank would be supposedly removed, However, a few days after, the server would go down for around 3 days, but after it came back up, the rank still existed.

However, he would be encountered by a HELPER, who asked one of the higher-ups about the rank. AgentKid would teleport him to the server's developer world and ask a few questions on how he still had the rank after the supposed removal. By then, his rank would be removed and be replaced with the YOUTUBE rank.

  • [SPECIAL] chat prefix and light gray name color
  • Base rank: YOUTUBE


This rank would be given to NoxyD who left the Hypixel team. However, the rank would be removed. NoxyD is the founder of Noxcrew.

  • [RETIRED] chat prefix and red name color
  • Base rank: ADMIN


This rank was given to native players of the server to test mini-games in its beta stages, though they were mostly given automatically to people playing a beta game - accidentally or not.

  • [BETA TESTER] chat prefix and pink name color


This rank was a small joke pulled off by the ADMIN team and was given to a player for an extremely short amount of time.

  • [GOD] chat prefix and yellow name color


This rank would be temporarily given to AgentKid as a small joke for giving a player the SPECIAL rank.

  • [ABOVE THE RULES] chat prefix and dark red name color


This rank would be given to HumidMC, the co-founder of MCProHosting, which is a Minecraft server hosting service.

  • [MCProHosting] chat prefix and red name color
    • [MCProHosting] chat prefix in tablist
  • Base rank: YOUTUBE


The rank was given to MonsieurApple for helping out with the server. As of now, he has the MVP+ rank.

  • [APPLE] chat prefix and gold name color
  • Base rank: YOUTUBE


This rank (previously called [BEAM]) was given to members who worked at Mixer, owing to Hypixel's partnership with them. SuitJames and Sacheverell were the only known players to have this rank. However, due to Mixer's shutdown, the rank was removed and SuitJames instead has MVP+ and Sacheverell instead has YouTube rank.

  • [MIXER] chat prefix and cyan name color
  • Base rank: YOUTUBE


This rank was given to PreparedAngus as a personal rank. It would however be removed.

  • [ANGUS] chat prefix and red name color
  • Base rank: ADMIN


The rank was given to SlothPixel as a personal tag. It would however be removed.

  • [SLOTH] chat prefix and red name color
  • Base rank: ADMIN


This rank was temporarily given to YouTuber Lego_Maestro as a joke[3] [4]

  • [CRINGE] chat prefix and yellow name color
  • Base rank: YOUTUBE


This rank was given to streamer Slashcrashcup for about a minute due to him almost crashing the game's servers simply by using the water in the Salmon kit in SkyWars. However, due to him being nicked during a game, he wasn't able to type anything while he had the rank, and was too late to do so. [ADMIN] Cecer claims that the rank did not exist in the first place. However, the live stream proves otherwise since he had gotten the message of him getting and losing the rank.

  • Unknown chat prefix
    • Rumored to be colored red as the message of him recieving the rank was red.



This rank was given to the 7 most voted candidates to lead The Uprising in SkyBlock who were 56ms, 2nfg, TimeDeo, thirtyvirus, FurryEBoy, and Refraction. They recieved the rank upon defeating Mayor Dante in the event. 2nfg should have recieved the rank for being the 2nd most voted candidate. However, since he is banned, he would not recieve the rank.

  • [MINISTER] chat prefix and red name color


This rank was given to Technoblade for being the most voted candidate and leading The Uprising against Mayor Dante in SkyBlock.

  • [MAYOR] chat prefix and pink name color
  • Base rank: YOUTUBE

Rank Color

For players with the MVP+ and MVP++ ranks, the plus symbols can be customized to an array of different colors. By default, you are given a red color. You unlock more colors by reaching certain milestones.

Color Criteria Preview




Red N/A [MVP+] [MVP++]
Gold Hypixel Level 35 [MVP+] [MVP++]
Lime Hypixel Level 45 [MVP+] [MVP++]
Yellow Hypixel Level 55 [MVP+] [MVP++]
Pink Hypixel Level 65 [MVP+] [MVP++]
White Hypixel Level 75 [MVP+] [MVP++]
Blue Hypixel Level 85 [MVP+] [MVP++]
Green Hypixel Level 95 [MVP+] [MVP++]
Maroon Hypixel Level 150 [MVP+] [MVP++]
Cyan [MVP+] [MVP++]
Purple Hypixel Level 200 [MVP+] [MVP++]
Gray [MVP+] [MVP++]
Black Hypixel Level 250 [MVP+] [MVP++]
Dark blue Gifted Ranks: 50 [MVP+] [MVP++]


  1. https://hypixel.net/threads/the-forums-recent-changes-and-future-plans.3448578/
  2. https://hypixel.net/threads/update-1-2-and-3-patch-notes.3473/
  3. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/506912400524574740/793235210929438810/unknown.png
  4. https://youtu.be/-vmLeyeNWEw?t=360

  • https://hypixel.net/threads/all-hypixel-ranks-custom-tags-in-one-image.1749054/