Itunes lỗi win-core-localization l1-2-0.dll năm 2024

Nếu bạn cố mở một chương trình trên máy tính Windows và nhận được thông báo lỗi “The program can’t start because api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll is missing from your computer”, điều đó có nghĩa là Universal CRT, một phần của Visual C++ Redistributable đã không cài đặt đúng hay file api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll bị mất hoặc hỏng.

Nguyên nhân gây ra lỗi “api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll is missing”

Bạn có thể nhận được lỗi này khi thử mở một số ứng dụng Adobe, phần mềm SmartFTP, Skype, Autodesk, Corel Draw, Microsoft Office, XAMPP, v.v...

Itunes lỗi win-core-localization l1-2-0.dll năm 2024
Thông báo lỗi “The program can’t start because api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll is missing from your computer”

DLL là viết tắt của Dynamic Link Libraries và là một phần của các ứng dụng chạy trên Windows hoặc bất kỳ hệ điều hành nào khác. Hầu hết các ứng dụng đều không hoàn chỉnh và lưu trữ code trong các file khác nhau. Nếu có nhu cầu về code, file liên quan sẽ được load vào bộ nhớ và sử dụng. Nếu hệ điều hành hoặc phần mềm không thể tìm thấy file DLL có liên quan hoặc nếu file DLL bị hỏng, bạn có thể nhận được thông báo “DLL file is missing”.

Sửa lỗi “api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll is missing”

Trước khi bắt đầu, hãy chắc chắn rằng Windows được cập nhật. Hãy chạy Windows Update và xác nhận việc này. Ngoài ra, hãy chạy System File Checker để thay thế các file hệ thống có khả năng bị hỏng. Cài đặt lại chương trình gây ra lỗi này cũng có thể giúp ích. Nếu không, hãy xem các tùy chọn sau.

Sửa chữa gói Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable được cài đặt

Nếu bạn đã cài đặt gói Redistributable Visual C++ 2015 và nhận được lỗi, bạn có thể cần phải sửa chữa chương trình. Để thực hiện việc này, hãy mở Control Panel và đi tới phần Programs and Features. Tìm Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable (x64), nhấp chuột phải vào nó, chọn Change > Repair.

Itunes lỗi win-core-localization l1-2-0.dll năm 2024
Sửa chữa gói Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable được cài đặt

Đăng ký lại file DLL

Nếu file DLL có mặt trên máy tính, nhưng bạn vẫn nhận được thông báo lỗi này, bạn có thể cần phải đăng ký lại file DLL.

Nếu file DLL bị thiếu được tải xuống từ Internet và dán vào một vị trí cụ thể không phải là giải pháp cho vấn đề, bạn có thể thử phương pháp trên, nhưng đôi khi nó không mang lại bất kỳ kết quả tích cực nào cả.

Cập nhật cho Universal C Runtime

Tải xuống Update for Universal C Runtime từ Microsoft. Cài đặt thành phần Runtime và khởi động lại máy tính. Chỉ cần cung cấp thông tin, khởi động Windows 10 là Universal CRT đã trở thành một phần của hệ điều hành rồi.

Cài đặt Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Update

Nếu điều này không giúp được gì, bạn có thể cần phải cài đặt Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Update từ Microsoft. Bạn cần chọn kiến ​​trúc hệ điều hành, tức là 64 bit hoặc 32 bit.

Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2017

Giống như gói Redistributable Visual C++ 2015, một số chương trình sử dụng Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2017. Có thể bạn cần cài đặt gói này tại đây.

Bạn có thể thử các giải pháp được đề cập ở trên để khắc phục sự cố này và xem giải pháp nào giúp ích cho mình.

VLC multimedia plugin Version "0.7.0-test3"<br><br>VideoLAN WWW: <a href=""></a>

  • odzip.dllODZip Module
  • s3gnb.dllS3 ProSavage & Twister Display Driver
  • sfdvd.dllSonic Foundry DVD Library
  • spmsg.dllService Pack Messages
  • ssgui.dllMicrosoft SourceSafe User Shell
  • znetm.dllZone Datafile
  • 3drbgr.dll3DR Win32s Generic Engine Module
  • acexpl.dllObjekt- und Texturkatalog
  • actole.dllACTOLE DLL
  • boehmr.dllboehmr
  • cspman.dllCreative CSP Manager
  • dpgcmd.dllDpgCmd.dll
  • expert.dllZoneAlarm Expert Module
  • kbdlt1.dllLithuanian Keyboard Layout
  • llsrpc.dllLicense Logging Service RPC Interface
  • lpdsvc.dllLpd Service
  • msgina.dllWindows NT Logon GINA DLL
  • msorun.dllMicrosoft Office Runtime
  • pifmgr.dllWindows NT PIF Manager Icon Resources Library
  • sqldbg.dllMicrosoft® SQL Debugging Proxy/Stub
  • sslite.dllSmartScore Lite 2.0 Windows Application
  • stdole.dll
  • sync20.dllNetwork HotSync® Module
  • usrdpa.dllU.S. Robotics data pump manager
  • wkwpac.dllMicrosoft® Works Word Proc. App Control
  • adobelm.dllAdobeLM
  • agt040b.dllMicrosoft Agent International Dll
  • asr3232.dll
  • autoitx.dllAutoItX Module
  • axshlex.dllAXShlEx.dll
  • brother.dllBrother Hl-720 driver
  • browser.dllComputer Browser Service DLL
  • ctimage.dllCTImage DLL
  • doubler.dllVoiceDoubler
  • dsetupe.dllDirect driver setup 32-bit fns
  • fobj601.dllFineObjects Classes Library
  • fp30wel.dllMicrosoft FrontPage Web Extender Library DLL
  • glide3x.dll3Dfx Interactive, Inc. Glide DLL
  • i2ldvp3.dllNorton AntiVirus
  • imagxr7.dllImagXR7 Dynamic Link Library
  • logging.dllLogging DLL
  • lxaxupd.dllweb update DLL
  • mfc42ud.dllMFCDLL Shared Library - Debug Version
  • mscoree.dllMicrosoft .NET Runtime Execution Engine
  • msxml4r.dllMSXML 4.0 SP1 Resources
  • ntcodec.dllNewTek, AVI Compressor
  • ntmssvc.dllRemovable Storage Manager
  • nvwrsja.dllNVIDIA nView Desktop and Window Manager
  • pmxprop.dllKYRO property page shell extension
  • rpcltc6.dllRPC SPX Client Interface DLL
  • sfman32.dllSoundFont(R) Master Manager
  • snes9xw.dll
  • sound32.dllSound32
  • strmdll.dllWindows Media Services Streamer Dll
  • vsstask.dllMicrosoft Volume Shadow Copy Service Task Resource DLL
  • a0004056.dllService Pack-meddelanden
  • adv07nt5.dllDigital Display Minidriver for Intel(R) Graphics Driver
  • alcoholx.dllAlcohol virtual device control library
  • atiicdxx.dllCDS Dynamic Link Library
  • awbtrv32.dllBit Reversal Renderer
  • axauto15.dllaxauto15 Module
  • bcgcb583.dllBCGControlBar DLL
  • bordbk60.dllBorland Debugger Kernel
  • cc3260mt.dllBorland C++ Multi-thread RTL (WIN/VCL MT)
  • cnxclsco.dllConexant Device Class CoInstaller
  • crwrap32.dllVisual Basic Wrapper DLL for Seagate Crystal Reports
  • custdben.dllSWCust DLL
  • d3drg24f.dllMicrosoft Direct3D
  • d3drg32f.dllMicrosoft Direct3D
  • dbnmpntw.dllNamed Pipes Net DLL for SQL Clients
  • dccext32.dllForm Extension DLL to display message
  • emsmdb32.dllMicrosoft Exchange Server Information Store Service Provider
  • epnhte3v.dllEPNHTE3V
  • exch_seo.dllServer Extension Objects DLL
  • fxsearch.dllFxSearch File Search Engine
  • gathercl.dllMicrosoft Search Cluster Resource
  • hellfrui.dllDiabloUI
  • hpqxmlul.dllXML Utility DLL
  • hpzjsn01.dllSNMP_PP DLL
  • ialmdev5.dllComponent GHAL Driver
  • iischema.dllADs IIS Provider Schema Initialization DLL
  • iisrstap.dllIIS Restart API Proxy dll
  • instfunc.dllSiS Compatible Super VGA InstFunc Dynamic Link Library
  • jfmp3dec.dllMP3 Decoder for jetAudio
  • kdu_v43r.dllkdu_v40 -- Kakadu core DLL
  • lfbmp11n.dllLEADTOOLS(r) DLL for Win32
  • libhttpd.dllApache HTTP Server Core
  • lmgr326a.dlllmgr326a
  • ltdlgn03.dllLotus Dialog Shared Module
  • msjetol1.dllMicrosoft OLE DB Provider for Jet
  • msjtor35.dllMicrosoft OLE DB Provider for Jet
  • nbscor4m.dllNBSCor4m
  • nntpsnap.dllNNTP MMC SnapIn DLL
  • nslms324.dllNetSentinel Win32 Client DLL
  • ntsdexts.dllSymbolic Debugger Extensions
  • nvwrseng.dllNVIDIA nView Desktop and Window Manager
  • padrs412.dllMS-IME IMEPad resource file (Korean)
  • pdfshell.dllPDF Properties Shell Extension
  • philcam1.dllUniversal Serial Bus Camera VFW Extension
  • pipeline.dllMicrosoft Commerce Server PipeLine Object
  • promdemo.dllIPromoteDemote Object
  • pschdprf.dllMicrosoft® Windows(TM) PSched Performance Monitor
  • sb_shoes.dllVST Plugin
  • seqchk10.dllSeqChk10
  • sffrgpnv.dllSound Forge Pan and Volume 1
  • shfusion.dllMicrosoft COM Runtime Fusion Assembly Viewer
  • simulink.dllSimulink
  • smierrsm.dllWMI SNMP MIB Compiler Semantic Error Messages
  • spline62.dllSpline Husk DLL
  • vbrun300.dllVisual Basic 3.0 runtime library
  • vfp8rfra.dllRessources de la bibliothиque d'exйcution de Microsoft Visual FoxPro 8.0
  • waveedit.dllWave Editor DLL
  • wiamicro.dllFlatbed Scanner Still Image Device Micro Driver DLL
  • win32spl.dll32-bit Spooler API DLL
  • wkcalsvc.dllMicrosoft® Works Calendar Service
  • xceedzip.dllPart of the Xceed Zip Compression Library, this ActiveX control must be licensed by Xceed Software to developers that wish to use it in their own applications.
  • cuteshell.dllCuteShell DLL
  • dependmgr.dllSuite Integration Toolkit Object
  • hpi_ironh.dllImage Engine DLL
  • keyfilter.dllDigidesign Keyboard Filter
  • nprpjplug.dll6.0.11.813
  • paramblk2.dllScripter utility (core plugin)
  • synsolchk.dll
  • vqfenclib.dllAudio plugin
  • acpurgeres.dllPURGERES Resource DLL
  • asfileopen.dllAsFileOpen DLL
  • asmskin80a.dllASM Skin
  • fldownload.dll
  • pentagon i.dllPentagon I VSTi
  • system.web.dllSystem.Web.dll
  • vocal rack.dllVocal Rack VST
  • icardobject.dllIGFX Card Object Handler
  • xerces-c_1_4.dllShared Library for Xerces-C Version 1.4.0
  • streamreader.dllStreamReader
  • bugslayerutil.dllBugslayer Utility Routines
  • portalconnect.dllSharePoint Portal Peronsal Site control
  • resampler 192.dllWavelab Resampler
  • sysdvrecorder.dllPD DV communicator
  • fl studio vsti.dll
  • jabo_direct3d7.dllJabo's Direct3D7 Plugin for Project64
  • crlfxeffectsintl.dllBitmap Effects
  • vpp stereo flanger.dllVPP Stereo Flange
  • microsoft.vsdesigner.dllVisualStudio Designer
  • ultrafunk fxcompressor r3.dllUltrafunk fx:compressor VST plug-in
  • microsoft.visualstudio.vcprojectengine.dll
  • ww.dllWW Module
  • hid.dllHid User Library
  • pal.dllBASE LIBRARY
  • pdh.dllWindows Performance Data Helper DLL
  • cg32.dllCodeGuard(tm) Dynamic Link Library
  • drvc.dllRealNetworks RealVideo 8+9+10
  • hfx4.dllHFX Plugin for Studio
  • inkx.dllUI Around RichInk Engine
  • live.dllBitDefender Live! Upgrade
  • neon.dllVST Instrument
  • sipr.dllACELP-NET Voice Codec for RealAudio(tm)
  • axsle.dllAdobe XSLT Engine
  • cppu3.dll
  • dapie.dllDAP MSIE Integration DLL
  • icr32.dllClient DLL for TextBridge API
  • inked.dllMicrosoft Tablet PC Platform Component
  • kxapi.dllkX Audio Driver Interface
  • mouse.dll
  • netoc.dllNetwork Optional Component Installer
  • props.dllT
  • pvrgl.dllopengl32
  • ssapi.dllMicrosoft SourceSafe User Shell
  • tcl84.dllTcl DLL
  • upl32.dllupl32
  • vlcom.dllVisual LISP COM resource DLL
  • zip32.dllInfo-ZIP's Zip dll
  • cdooff.dllMicrosoft Office Collaboration Data Objects
  • dforrt.dllCompaq Visual Fortran RTL
  • dpl100.dlldpl100
  • eaxman.dllEAXMan
  • frgusr.dllSound Forge User Interface Library
  • guitrn.dllTransports for GUI
  • hcreg8.dllAutodesk Hardcopy Registry DLL
  • iacenc.dllIndeo® audio software
  • ialmdd.dllDirectDraw(R) Driver for Intel(R) Graphics Technology
  • kbdcz1.dllCzech_101 Keyboard Layout
  • kern62.dllACIS Geometric Modeler Kernel
  • msdbg2.dllActive Debugging Proxy/Stub
  • msisip.dllMSI Signature SIP Provider
  • mstvca.dllMSTvCA (Conditional Access Manager) Module
  • ndszip.dllNovell NetWare Client NDSZIP
  • pa9w9x.dllPanson9 Printer Driver
  • pjlmon.dllPJL Language monitor
  • psprop.dllPowerShot Utilities TimeTunnel Browser
  • rsvpsp.dllMicrosoft Windows Rsvp 1.0 Service Provider
  • s3mt3d.dllS3 Trio3D Display Driver
  • setupx.dllWindows Setup Functions
  • sfms32.dllSoundFont(R) Manager
  • skca32.dllSKCA32 4.2 BETA
  • trid3d.dllTrident Display Driver
  • unires.dllUnidrv Printer Driver Resource DLL
  • urlmon.dllOLE32 Extensions for Win32
  • yacsui.dllYahoo! Audio Conferencing UI
  • brmfusb.dllUSB port interface DLL for Resource Manager
  • camtasf.dllCamtasia RealSystem File Format Plugin
  • chartui.dll
  • chtbrkr.dllChtBrkr
  • comsvcs.dll
  • filesys.dllFileSys Plugin
  • fwdprov.dllWMI
  • g200icd.dllMatrox G200 OpenGL ICD
  • gridres.dllAutodesk Hardcopy Grid Resource DLL
  • h323msp.dllMicrosoft H.323 Media Service Provider
  • iiehost.dll
  • imageio.dllimageio
  • kbddiv2.dllDivehi Typewriter Keyboard Layout
  • kbdsyr2.dllSyriac Phoenetic Keyboard Layout
  • kpsys32.dllKCMS System Interface Library, Win32 DLL
  • lxaxprp.dllprop DLL
  • mcipctv.dll
  • mrtrate.dllRate Sensing DLL
  • mshy3ge.dllLingsoft CHAPI3
  • msolang.dllMsoLang Module
  • nscstiu.dllNSC STI USD U DLL
  • nvwrsfi.dllNVIDIA nView Desktop and Window Manager
  • nwnet32.dll32-bit NW API library
  • ofdutil.dllMicrosoft OFD Clienty Utility Library
  • outlvbs.dllOutlook VB Script Library
  • realign.dllThis is a Dll to minimize the filesize of a PE file.
  • riafui2.dllPCL Unidrv Printer Driver UI Plugin
  • rpcltc1.dllRPC Named Pipe Client Interface DLL
  • shmedia.dllMedia File Property Extractor Shell Extension
  • sockets.dllMicrosoft(R) Visual C++ Windows Sockets Component
  • spoolss.dllSpooler SubSystem DLL
  • tapisrv.dllMicrosoft® Windows(TM) Telephony Server
  • vi30aut.dllMicrosoft (R) Visual InterDev Automation Wrapper for FrontPage98
  • wf2kcpl.dllWinFast Display Property Sheet Extension
  • wt9_1li.dll Corel Writing Tools Language-Independent
  • 12ghosts.dll12Ghosts Windows Extensions
  • a0001725.dllWWW-tjдnst
  • acdcgrid.dllObjGrid DLL Shared Library - Release Version
  • adresc16.dllIRichEditSpecialChar Proxy/Stub DLL
  • adv08nt5.dllDigital Display Minidriver for Intel(R) Graphics Driver
  • aiodlite.dllAcrobat Install On Demand
  • asloader.dllAntiSpam Loader
  • asrapicl.dll
  • ati_dd32.dllATI Mach64 DirectDraw HAL.
  • atv06w9x.dllDigital Display Minidriver for Intel(R) Graphics Driver
  • dd10shrd.dllDragon NaturallySpeaking for Windows DLL
  • deltasio.dllM-Audio Delta ASIO Support Library
  • dmloader.dllMicrosoft DirectMusic Loader
  • elbycdio.dllElbyCDIO DLL
  • FTCExt32.dllFaxTalk Class Extensions
  • FTFres32.dllFAPI
  • halmiata.dllHardware Abstraction Layer DLL
  • hpgtulbz.dllHewlett Packard ScanJet 4400/4470c common scanner interface library
  • hpodvd08.dllhpodvd08
  • hpzslk09.dll
  • httpod51.dllExtensiуn de servidor Microsoft ODBC HTTP
  • ipsecsvc.dllWindows IPSec SPD Server DLL
  • lffax10n.dllLEADTOOLS® DLL for Win32
  • ltfil70n.dllLEADTOOLS® DLL for Win32
  • ltkrn12n.dllLEADTOOLS(r) DLL for Win32
  • lttwn10n.dllLEADTOOLS® DLL for Win32
  • lxsdclr2.dllLexmark System Drivers Type 2 Color Table Data
  • mciole32.dllMCI OLE DLL
  • mdivwctl.dllMicrosoft Office Document Imaging Viewer Control
  • msadrh15.dllMicrosoft Data Access - ActiveX Data Objects Rowset Helper
  • nerocbui.dllNeroCBUI Module
  • nviewlib.dllDLL for NishitaViewer Library 1.1.5 (32 bit)
  • nvwrsptb.dllNVIDIA nView Desktop and Window Manager
  • pcl5eres.dllPCL5e Printer Driver
  • pmailext.dllExtension for Windows CE Inbox
  • pscript5.dllPostScript Printer Driver
  • pscrptui.dllPostScript Printer Driver User Interface
  • qtcompat.dllAdobe Premiere
  • renderer.dllopengl renderer
  • rpcproxy.dllRPC PROXY DLL
  • scanctls.dllScanCtrl DLL
  • scripted.dllScriptEd DLL
  • setupres.dllSetup localized resource module
  • sfmatmsg.dllAppletalk Messages DLL
  • shell001.dll32-bit SafeCast Toolkit
  • sqsrvres.dllSQL Server Cluster Resource DLL
  • stdvcl32.dllDelphi standard VCL type library
  • udfrwlib.dllDirectCD Rewritable Library
  • viddbpkg.dllMicrosoft (R) Visual InterDev Package
  • vmhelper.dllMicrosoft® VM Helper Library
  • wfwsetup.dllWindows for Workgroups Network Setup Library
  • wizset32.dllMicrosoft Visual FoxPro Setup Wizard Resource DLL
  • wksole32.dllOLE 2.0 Support DLL for Windows
  • wscthunk.dllMicrosoft® Windows(TM) Telephony Server
  • wufocomp.dllwUfoComp DLL
  • wunpacln.dllArchive
  • wupdinfo.dllWindows Update Info
  • annoframe.dllAnnoFrame
  • ddraw_dll.dllddraw_dll DLL
  • hhactivex.dllHHActiveX Control DLL
  • jcontrols.dllJasc software common controls library
  • atmosphere.dllAdobe Atmosphere Player
  • bitcrusher.dllVST Plug-In
  • conference.dll
  • dvdrealloc.dllDVDRealloc DLL
  • fraunhofer.dllFraunhofer MPEG Layer-3 CODEC - Driver Interface for Easy CD-DA Extractor 3
  • libguide40.dllGuide Runtime Library
  • setupctrls.dllSetupControls Dll
  • addplwizres.dllAutodesk Hardcopy Add-A-Plotter Resource DLL
  • supportlibs.dllDVDMaestro SupportLibs
  • texteditres.dllTextEditRes Resource DLL
  • vstdynamics.dllWaveLab Dynamics
  • acvmtoolsres.dllVMTools Resource DLL
  • clientutil51.dllMotive Client Utility Library
  • crdb_adoplus.dllCrystal Reports database driver for Microsoft ADO.NET
  • gpuzenopengl.dllOpenGL, PSEMU GPU Plugin
  • php_pdo_oci8.dllOracle (OCI) driver for PDO
  • crlutlintl110.dllCommon Utilities Library Resources
  • microsoft.vsa.dllMicrosoft (r) VSA Interfaces
  • reason engine.dllReason Engine
  • acetransmitres.dllacpackengRes Resource DLL
  • nsldapssl32v30.dllLightweight Directory Access Protocol DLL
  • webaccessutils.dllWebAccessUtils
  • freehand reader.dll
  • suppressautorun.dllJumpHook DLL
  • chttpdownload_rc.dllDownload program for live update
  • wscommcntrui1res.dllWeb Services Communication Center UI Resource DLL
  • magiclocallibrary.dllMagic
  • pclecapturepython.dllCapture support library for Pinnacle MovieBox USB (Python)
  • windowsaccessbridge.dllJavaAccessBridge
  • b4.dllNative Instruments B4
  • sc.dllSC1.0.6
  • amh.dllamh Module
  • clb.dllColumn List Box
  • hha.dllMicrosoft® HTML Help Author
  • iop.dllScanGear Image Operations Manager
  • nv4.dllNVIDIA Compatible Windows XP Display Driver, Version 12.40.20
  • rsl.dllRoxio Support Library
  • sfc.dllWindows File Protection
  • ver.dllVersion Checking and File Installation Libraries
  • adme.dllMS DTC contact manager DLL
  • cook.dllCooker G2 Audio Codec for RealAudio(tm)
  • cpde.dllCLR Debug Engine
  • kpng.dllImageMagick Studio library and utility programs
  • morg.dllMORG
  • mqrt.dllWindows NT MQ Run time DLL
  • ctl3d.dllCtl3D 3D Windows Controls
  • kbdpl.dllPolish Keyboard Layout
  • msafd.dllMicrosoft Windows Sockets 2.0 Service Provider
  • rotxe.dllResource Object Texture Extension Engine DLL
  • sccda.dllSCC Data Access
  • sccfi.dllSCC File Identification
  • slgen.dll
  • swdrm.dllSwDRM Module
  • vboxm.dllVbox Trial Client DLL
  • vsscc.dllMicrosoft(R) Visual Studio Source Code Control Package
  • a3dapi.dllAureal A3D API DLL
  • acvisu.dllRenerdering, wall clipping, wall generation ...
  • avgupd.dllAVG Update module
  • awsscl.dllAdobe SCL
  • blnd51.dllBlending Husk DLL
  • cnb250.dllCanon BJ Mini Printer Driver
  • cncs32.dllClick & Create Graphic Library
  • cpprod.dllCheck Point Registry usage DLL
  • cram32.dllCRAMAPI DLL
  • cscdll.dllOffline Network Agent
  • datime.dllTIME
  • devshl.dllMicrosoft (R) Developer Studio Shell
  • hdimon.dllHeidi® OLE to ADI Port Monitor
  • hpgt53.dllhp5300_5370 Module
  • hwxcht.dllHWXCHT - IV - Desktop
  • iismap.dllMicrosoft IIS mapper
  • ilinet.dllInterLok Internet DLL
  • lhlogr.dllLHLog
  • libeng.dlllibeng
  • litgen.dllLIT file generator
  • lxaxgf.dllMFCDLL Shared Library - Retail Version
  • mnmath.dllPolygonal mesh support
  • msowcf.dllmsowcf Module
  • neroco.dllNero Coinstaller
  • pcx500.dllPCX500 DLL
  • pidgen.dllPid3.0 generation
  • pp7x32.dll
  • quartz.dllActiveMovie Runtime.
  • resenu.dllCatapult English Language Resources
  • stlver.dllLicensing control DLL (32-bit version)
  • tmptbl.dlltmptbl
  • wshqos.dllWindows QoS Helper DLL
  • xvoice.dllDirectSpeechSynthesis Module
  • ac1st16.dllac1st16.dll
  • atidvag.dllATI RADEON WindowsNT Display Driver
  • cdextra.dllAdaptec CdExtra
  • craxdrt.dllCrystal Reports ActiveX Designer Runtime Support
  • cror714.dllMERANT Oracle7 ODBC Driver
  • dgrpupg.dllDigi RealPort Upgrade Dll
  • dlgobjs.dllDialog Objects Automation Library
  • escp2ms.dllEpson Stylus(TM) Printer Driver for Windows NT(TM) Operating System
  • faxutil.dllSymantec Fax Image Utilties
  • fp20utl.dllMicrosoft FrontPage Utility DLL
  • htmedui.dllMicrosoft (R) Visual Studio HTML Package
  • ialmrem.dllUninstall Utility for Intel(R) Graphics Technology
  • igfxeud.dlligfxeud Module
  • kbdarme.dllEastern Armenian Keyboard Layout
  • mfc110u.dllMFCDLL Shared Library - Retail Version
  • mlpagax.dllMLPag DLL - Memory Page Allocator
  • msdfmap.dllMicrosoft Data Access - Data Factory Handler
  • mshtml(2).dllMicrosoft (R) HTML Viewer
  • msmgr32.dllStill Image Devices DLL
  • ntshrui.dllShell extensions for sharing
  • pduiocx.dllPDUiOcx Module
  • piparse.dllWebPost PostInfo Parser DLL
  • pntintl.dllCorel PHOTO-PAINT Resource DLL
  • pptview.dllMicrosoft PowerPoint program
  • profmap.dllUserenv
  • rastapi.dllRemote Access TAPI Compliance Layer
  • srchadm.dllMicrosoft Search Admin Objects
  • stslist.dllMicrosoft Office List Datasheet Component
  • u32base.dllBASE LIBRARY
  • ujpglib.dll
  • unicows.dllMicrosoft Layer for Unicode on Win9x Systems (MSLU)
  • usrv80a.dll3cv80
  • vbsdidb.dllVisual Basic T-SQL Debugger
  • vfp8chs.dllMicrosoft Visual FoxPro 8.0 ??
  • 3dfx32v3.dll3dfx Interactive Voodoo3
  • a0002999.dllMicrosoft FrontPage Server Extensions for Microsoft Personal Web Server
  • a0097023.dllMicrosoft OLE for Windows
  • asiodxfd.dllSteinberg ASIO Direct Sound Wrapper
  • ati3d2ag.dllati3d2ag.dll
  • atiicpxx.dllCoInstaller DLL
  • atir3hal.dllATI HAL DLL
  • atv02nt5.dllDigital Display Minidriver for Intel(R) Graphics Driver
  • avgoff2k.dllOffice 2000+ anti-virus extension
  • awfext32.dllExtensie-DLL van Microsoft At Work Fax Exchange
  • bc450rtl.dllDynamic Link Run Time Library
  • bjablr32.dllOutlook LDAP Address Book Provider
  • cliconfg.dllSQL Client Configuration Utility DLL
  • clnetrex.dllDHCP and WINS Service Cluster Administrator extension DLL
  • clrviddc.dllClearVideo Decoder DLL
  • crde2000.dllImage Library Suite 5.1.1
  • ctxnotif.dllCitrix Logon\Logoff Processing
  • dhcpssvc.dllDHCP Server Service
  • download.dllShockwave Installer
  • dskmaint.dllDisk Maintenance APIs
  • dtsagent.dllReport Application Server Design-Time Server Agent
  • epnhte5a.dllEPNHTE5A
  • epnhte5d.dllEPNHTE5D
  • exstrace.dllAsync Trace DLL
  • funltdiv.dllIrfanView Filters Unlimited 8BF Interface
  • gswdll32.dllGraphics Server DLL
  • hpz2ku09.dllHPDJ Driver
  • hpzcoi09.dll
  • hpzr3203.dllDriver UI dll
  • hpzr3209.dllDriver UI dll
  • ialmgdev.dllOpenGL(R) Device Driver for Intel(R) Graphics Accelerator
  • iislog51.dllMicrosoft IIS Plugin DLL
  • javacypt.dllMS Crypt Dll for Java
  • jpeg2x32.dllJPEG2 LIBRARY
  • kbdlk41j.dllDEC LK411-JJ Keyboard Layout
  • libctx32.dlllibctx32 - libeay32, using RSA's Crypto-C
  • ltimg90n.dllLEADTOOLS® DLL for Win32
  • lttw213n.dllLEADTOOLS(r) DLL for Win32
  • mfc42ita.dllMFC Language Specific Resources
  • mmutil32.dllMMTools Utilities
  • mn350620.dllMinolta pcl5e Printer Driver
  • msaes110.dllExpression Evaluation Service for Microsoft Access
  • msdaorar.dllMicrosoft Data Access - OLE DB Provider for Oracle Resources
  • nddengnt.dllNorton Shared Component
  • ntdsbsrv.dllNT5DS
  • nvnt4cpl.dllNVIDIA Desktop Explorer, Version 53.03
  • oisgraph.dllMicrosoft Office Picture Manager Graphics
  • pdctrl32.dllPowerDesignor Controls Dynamic Link Library
  • pmigrate.dllMicrosoft Pinyin IME Migration DLL
  • ptzipw32.dllPrinter Toolkit for Windows
  • regsvr32.dllVisual Basic Setup Toolkit Library DLL
  • rpme3260.dllRealOne Player Demand Menus
  • scanusdx.dllFlatbed Scanner Still Image Devices DLL
  • smimsgif.dllWMI SNMP MIB Compiler Fatal Error Messages
  • smmsetup.dllDial-Up Networking Session Management Module Setup
  • spttseng.dllSAPI 5
  • sqlsrv32.dllMicrosoft SQL Server ODBC Driver
  • stdvcl40.dllStandard VCL ActiveX Library
  • tdisplus.dllDisplay Control Plus
  • textexpt.dllActiveReports Text Export
  • thawbrkr.dllThai Word Breaker
  • trid_pci.dllDIB Engine based Trident driver.
  • wbemdisp.dllWMI Scripting
  • wmesrcwp.dllWMESrcWp Module
  • wmspdmod.dllWindows Media Speech Decoder
  • wnd2file.dllRetrieve Execute FileName or Window Hande
  • wwint34i.dllwwint34i
  • xrxscnui.dllxscanui Module
  • acsignext.dllAcSignExt Module
  • discmaker.dllDiscMaker DLL
  • iamanager.dllIAManager
  • math3dnow.dllMath3dNow
  • pluginmgr.dllPluginMgr DLL
  • r200x_api.dllR200X_MFCDLL DLL
  • acismuires.dllacISMuiRes Resource DLL
  • gpusegud3d.dllgpuSeguD3d DLL PSEmu Pro GPU plugin
  • battery2vst.dllBattery 2
  • surroundpan.dllVST Plug-In
  • acdchatchres.dlldchatchRes Resource DLL
  • acroiehelper.dllAdobe Acrobat IE Helper Version 6.0 for ActivieX
  • mediabuild40.dllInstallShield (R) MediaBuild30 DLL
  • pixietool-csy.dllPixie5 Registration and Licensing Tool
  • mediaplayerv2.dllRoxio Media Player
  • nctaudiofile2.dllNCTAudioFile2 ActiveX DLL
  • blueparameq vst.dllBlueLine VST Audio Filter
  • videodirectshow.dllVideoDirectShow Module
  • php5apache_hooks.dllApache 1.3 (apache_hooks)
  • rex shared library.dllREX Dynamically Linked Library
  • buzz effect adapter.dllBuzz Effect Adapter for Fruityloops
  • system.serviceprocess.dllSystem.ServiceProcess.dll
  • interop.realaudioobjects.dll
  • VCL ADO Connector Components for .NET
  • aac.dllAAC DLL
  • bar.dllBar DLL
  • bib.dllBravo Interface Binder
  • cds.dllcds DLL
  • dbi.dll
  • emu.dllAdobeLM
  • echo.dllAdobe Audition Language Module
  • isrt.dllInstallShield (R) RunTime DLL
  • itcc.dllMicrosoft® InfoTech CC Local DLL
  • jlem.dllJasc Localized Error Message DLL
  • mqis.dllWindows NT MQ Information Service
  • aco2c.dllSupport DLL for o2c files
  • apreg.dllAhead AutoStart Module
  • asneu.dllAsnEndUser Dynamic Link Library
  • cal3d.dllCal3D - 3d character animation library
  • cnusd.dllStill Image Devices DLL
  • fuusd.dllStill Image Devices DLL
  • moscl.dllMOS MCP API
  • pclxl.dllPCL-XL Printer Driver
  • rcdll.dllMicrosoft Resource Compiler DLL
  • sbvdd.dllSound card emulator for the NT DOS box
  • sccex.dllSCC Export
  • speak.dllSpeak plugin for Miranda ICQ
  • vic32.dllVictor 32-bit DLL
  • vspkg.dllMicrosoft(R) Visual Studio Packaging Package
  • acdisp.dllNorton Internet Security Application Control Dispatch
  • atrace.dllAsync Trace DLL
  • bfc42d.dllMFCDLL Shared Library - Debug Version
  • CdrTra.dllCorel Graphics Applications Transactions Core
  • CRLCLR.dllColor Engine Library
  • decode.dllMPEG Layer-3 Audio Codec for MSACM
  • filedb.dllFile System Datalayer
  • grconv.dllGraphic converter
  • impwdf.dllImport Holos WDF File
  • kbdtat.dllTatar_Cyrillic Keyboard Layout
  • kbdth2.dllThai Kedmanee (non-ShiftLock) Keyboard Layout
  • libsim.dlllibsim Dynamic Link Library
  • monres.dllCreative WebCam Monitor Resource
  • msinfo.dllSystem Information Control
  • nwpp32.dllPrint Provider for NetWare
  • rewire.dllReWire
  • rsrc32.dllResource Meter 32-bit thunks
  • tiff32.dllTiff32
  • txfaux.dllSupport routines for TXF
  • u2dapp.dllApplication Export Destination DLL for Seagate Crystal Reports
  • uvbase.dllBASE LIBRARY
  • vidtc1.dllMicrosoft (R) Visual InterDev Design Time Control Set 1
  • vtdisp.dllVIA/S3G Graphics Driver
  • wbtapi.dllWBTApi DLL
  • winrnr.dllLDAP RnR Provider DLL
  • ativcr2.dllATI VCR2 Planar Format Codec
  • au30dal.dllVortex Graphic Equalizer DLL
  • avgtest.dllAVG Test User Interface
  • dao3032.dllMicrosoft Jet DAO Library
  • dhcpmib.dllDHCP SNMP AGENT
  • fp20ime.dllFrontPage Image
  • grapher.dllGRAPHER MFC Application
  • gxgamma.dllCyrix Gamma Control Applet
  • hideres.dllHIDEDLG Resource DLL
  • hnetmon.dllHome Networking Monitor DLL
  • iddao32.dll
  • instdll.dllinstdll DLL
  • instwdm.dllCreative Device Driver Installer (WDM)
  • loc32vc.dllRemote management localization dll
  • logconv.dllSnapIns Module
  • nntpsvc.dllNNTP Service
  • nvshell.dllNVIDIA Desktop Explorer, Version 30.87
  • nvwrshe.dllNVIDIA nView Desktop and Window Manager
  • opst_ui.dllAgnitum Outpost Firewall Pro
  • sfttv32.dllSoftel vdm SftTree/DLL Custom Control (WIN32)
  • treectl.dllVerCheck
  • twain32.dllTWAIN 32 1.5 Alpha 3 Source Manager (Image Acquisition Interface)\0
  • updprov.dllWMI
  • wamps51.dllWAM Proxy Stub
  • wmicore.dllWMI service core functionality
  • 14_43260.dll14.4 Audio Codec for RealAudio(tm)
  • adobexmp.dllAdobe XMP Toolkit
  • amsdspvt.dllAMSDSPVT
  • atitvout.dll
  • bluectrl.dlldigilogue Custom Controls
  • bordbk70.dllBorland Debugger Kernel
  • brmfcwia.dllBrother MFC series WIA minidriver
  • cc3250mt.dllBorland C++ Multi-thread RTL (WIN/VCL MT)
  • chartsdk.dllD
  • common98.dllsetup
  • crlctl90.dllCommon Controls Library
  • csvidcap.dllCamtasia Studio Video Capture Driver
  • custdial.dllCustom Autodial
  • d2htls32.dllDoc-To-Help Hyperformance Tools DLL
  • d3dpmesh.dllDirect3D Progressive Mesh DLL
  • dmaglide.dllThe DMA 3Dfx screen and mode handler.
  • epnhte3o.dllEPNHTE3O
  • f3ahvoas.dllJP Japanese Keyboard Layout for Fujitsu FMV oyayubi-shift keyboard
  • genprjui.dllMicrosoft® Visual Studio++ Build System Package Resources
  • hprasdui.dllRaster Common Printer Driver UI DLL
  • hpzisn12.dllSNMP Network Interface (Windows)
  • i740dnt5.dllIntel740 Display Driver
  • i81xdnt5.dllController Hub for Intel Graphics Driver
  • icudt26l.dllICU Data DLL
  • imsinsnt.dllMail and News Setup DLL
  • kbdinkan.dllKannada Keyboard Layout
  • kernel32.dllWindows NT BASE API Client DLL
  • lfgif90n.dllLEADTOOLS® DLL for Win32
  • lmclient.dllLicense Manager Client
  • ltdlg13n.dllLEADTOOLS(r) DLL for Win32
  • lxaxstrn.dllLexmark Z25-Z35 Printer Driver Language Resource
  • mspmsnsv.dllMicrosoft Media Device Service Provider
  • mspmspsv.dllMicrosoft Media Device Service Provider
  • msxbse35.dllMicrosoft Jet xBase Isam
  • mycomput.dllComputer Management
  • natdbgee.dllMicrosoft (R) Visual C++ Debugger Expression Evaluator
  • netapi32.dllNet Win32 API DLL
  • netshell.dllNetwork Connections Shell
  • neuronvs.dllNeuronVS
  • nuvparsr.dllBulk Parser Dll
  • pautoenr.dllAuto Enrollment DLL
  • pixpermn.dllPermission Library
  • spra0408.dll????µata Service Pack 1
  • sprio800.dllMDM Device Interface for Rio 800 device.
  • stclient.dll
  • string32.dllPoINT Shared DLL
  • ttcmndvb.dllTTCommDVB DLL
  • tvcc2000.dllTV Control Center 2000
  • usrrtosa.dll3crtos
  • vnchooks.dllVNC hooks DLL for Win32
  • vsoremui.dllVSO Uninstaller's UI files
  • wmiaprpl.dllWMI Performance Reverse Adapter
  • wmpshell.dllWindows Media Player Launcher
  • wnaspixp.dllASPI for Win32 DLL
  • zonelibm.dllZone RT Library
  • acdcutils.dlldcUtils Application
  • cdrflt110.dllCorel Filter Manager
  • crlclr100.dllColor Engine Library
  • crlctl110.dllCommon Controls Library
  • crlweb100.dllWeb Utilities Library
  • hcreg8res.dllAutodesk Hardcopy Registry Resource DLL
  • vision034.dllPCTV Vision Resource DLL
  • gdipainter.dll
  • liveupdate.dllLiveUpdate Module
  • mwkeithley.dllKeithley adaptor for MATLAB Data Acquisition Toolbox
  • rpshellext.dllRealOne Player Shell Extensions
  • systeminfo.dllSystemInfo
  • dc120v15_32.dllDC120V15_32
  • ekfpixio130.dllNIF KIES I/O Layer API
  • foxhhelpps8.dllMicrosoft® Visual FoxPro® HTML Help Support
  • gantt chart.dllGantt Chart Addon DLL
  • gnu_gettext.dllmingw32 Port of GNU gettext - DLL Version
  • libapriconv.dllApache APR I18N Conversion Library
  • acdcutilsres.dlldcUtilsRes Resource DLL
  • parametric eq.dllParametric EQ
  • php_pdo_pgsql.dllPostgreSQL driver for PDO
  • xerces-c_2_2_0.dllShared Library for Xerces-C Version 2.2.0
  • kernelstandard.dllAuran Jet [KernelStandard]
  • wave traveller.dllWave Traveller DLL
  • acdblclkeditres.dllAcDblClkEditRes Resource DLL
  • cddbcontrolapple.dllCDDBControl Core Module (Apple)
  • drwdistortiontool110.dllCorelDRAW Distortion Tool Library
  • tc native eq parametric vst.dllT
  • system.serviceprocess.resources.dll
  • vs.dll
  • ck2.dllCK2 DLL
  • sam.dllAdobe Audition Language Module
  • scp.dllCode Page Translation Library
  • sxs.dllFusion 2.5
  • tp4.dllIBM TrackPoint
  • actc.dllAcTc DLL
  • ereg.dllRegister Today Dynamic Link Library
  • lz32.dllLZ Expand/Compress API DLL
  • mcou.dllKaspersky Anti-Virus Mail Checker Outlook Plug-In Implementation
  • msrt.dllMedi@Show Resource DLL
  • name.dllName ActiveX Control
  • adsnt.dllADs Windows NT Provider DLL
  • dacom.dll
  • kbdsw.dllSwedish Keyboard Layout
  • mfc71.dllMFCDLL Shared Library - Retail Version
  • mprui.dllMultiple Provider
  • rpcss.dllDistributed COM Services
  • sisgl.dllSiS Compatible Super VGA OpenGL ICD
  • uicom.dllCommon UI and utility functions
  • vcpkg.dllMicrosoft (R) Visual C++ Package
  • basefx.dllBaseFX
  • bds52f.dllBIDS Class Library
  • camocx.dllDLL de vista de cбmara WIA
  • CDRUTL.dllCommon Utilities Library
  • cssedu.dllMicrosoft (R) Visual Studio CSS utilities
  • dpus11.dlldpus11
  • dssenh.dllMicrosoft Enhanced DSS and Diffie-Hellman Cryptographic Provider
  • emfgen.dllEmfGen Module
  • halmps.dllHardware Abstraction Layer DLL
  • hccoin.dllUSB Coinstaller
  • ilda32.dllImage Library
  • imguix.dllimgui DLL
  • mapi32.dllExtended MAPI 1.0 for Windows NT
  • mdt2db.dllMicrosoft Design Tool - Database Designer
  • msfs32.dllMAPI 1.0 Service Providers for Microsoft Mail
  • msoxev.dllXEV
  • multiq.dllPKM executable
  • nvrsfi.dllNVIDIA Finnish language resource library
  • secmgr.dllMicrosoft SharePoint Portal Server
  • usblib.dllUsbLib DLL
  • viwzrt.dll
  • wx_dll.dllwx_dll
  • alleg40.dll
  • cdfview.dllChannel Definition File Viewer
  • ciadmin.dllCI Administration (MMC)
  • console.dllControl Panel Console Applet
  • controt.dllMSWC Content Rotator
  • dtptdns.dllProxy DNS Handler
  • fl keys.dll
  • hdchapi.dllSeagate Open OLAP
  • hpfinst.dllHP DeskJet Installer Engine
  • iconlib.dllIcon Library
  • ieakeng.dllInternet Explorer Administration Kit Engine Library
  • iscmplr.dllInno Setup Compiler
  • mfcclwz.dllMicrosoft (R) Visual C++ ClassWizard Package
  • mmcodec.dllMMCodec DLL
  • mscat32.dllMSCAT32 Forwarder DLL
  • mshy3es.dllSpanish Hyphenation Engine
  • MSHY3NL.dllDutch hyphenator .dll
  • msspc32.dllMicrosoft® Schedule+ Core DLL
  • nmw3vwn.dllNMW3VWN.DLL
  • outlvba.dllOutlook VBA Integration Add-In
  • pagecnt.dllMSWC Page Counter
  • sfxpfx2.dllSony ExpressFX 2
  • stsupld.dllMicrosoft Office Multiple Upload
  • swing32.dllSwing32
  • sy52106.dllSystem.dll
  • u2dmapi.dllMAPI Export Destination DLL for Crystal Reports
  • webhits.dllIndexing Service Webhits
  • winsrpc.dllWINS RPC LIBRARY
  • wmm2ext.dllWindows Movie Maker Ext
  • x86math.dll
  • zipfldr.dllCompressed (zipped) Folders
  • a0001732.dllMicrosoft ODBC HTTP Server Extension
  • a0001758.dllASN.1 Runtime APIs
  • adlmbase.dllAutodesk AdlmBase DLL
  • ahqkbres.dllCreative Keyboard Resources
  • apwcmd9x.dllNAV Agent Command Library.
  • avgabout.dllAVG About Box Library
  • awclass1.dllFax Class1 Modem Driver
  • axbridge.dllActiveX bridge for JavaBeans
  • cdrxeven.dllcdrXeven DLL
  • cefstore.dllFile Replication Store
  • commerce.dllMicrosoft Commerce Server Objects DLL
  • dbexpinf.dllBorland dbExpress INFORMIX driver
  • dbexpmys.dllBorland dbExpress MySQL 3.22.x driver
  • dbmslpcn.dllClient-Side Local Inter-Process Communication (LPC) Net Library
  • epnhte2j.dllEPNHTE2J
  • hpzntp06.dllPrinter Property UI dll
  • imagfile.dllImagFile DLL
  • ioctl880.dllIOCtrl
  • ipsmsnap.dllIP Security Monitor Snapin
  • islalert.dllISLAlert DLL
  • mailnews.dllInternet Mail and News
  • mciqtz32.dllActiveMovie MCI Driver
  • mfc71fra.dllMFC Language Specific Resources
  • moddelay.dllModDelay
  • moricons.dllWindows NT Setup Icon Resources Library
  • msstkprp.dllmsprop32.ocx
  • multibox.dllMicrosoft IME 2002
  • nvmccsrs.dllNVIDIA Arabic language resource library
  • oeimport.dllOutlook Express Mail Import & Export
  • rscndc22.dllBasicScript Debugger Control
  • scardssp.dllSmart Card Base Service Providers
  • setupdrv.dllDriver Setup Library
  • sfppack1.dllSony XFX 1 Plug-In Pack
  • softokn3.dllNSS PKCS

    11 Library for Clients

  • sqldb232.dll
  • swcusten.dllSWCust DLL
  • synccore.dllSYNCCORE.DLL
  • toolhelp.dllWindows Debug/Tool helper library
  • um34scan.dllWIA Devices DLL
  • usbcheck.dllUSBCheck DLL
  • usbmn1x1.dllMidiman USB Midi 1x1 Midi Interface Windows Driver
  • vpshell2.dllNorton AntiVirus
  • wmaudsdk.dllWindows Media Audio SDK DLL
  • wmipsess.dllWMI Provider for Sessions and Connections
  • atlplugin.dllATLPlugin - 3D Shapes Container
  • cdvddraft.dllcdvddraft DLL
  • fenzeiocx.dllmb Software AG FenZei Control
  • overdrive.dllOverdrive
  • ressplash.dllresSplash DLL
  • acshellext.dllMP3 Audio Converter
  • CRLCTLINTL.dllCommon Controls Library Resources
  • db_objects.dllDB_objects Module
  • mycalendar.dllMyCalendar
  • npqtplugin.dllThe QuickTime Plugin allows you to view a wide variety of multimedia content in Web pages. For more information, visit the <A HREF=>QuickTime</A> Web site.
  • integration.dllFunction Library
  • kbsatellite.dllKBSatellite
  • laytransres.dllLayer Translator Resources
  • npqtplugin4.dllThe QuickTime Plugin allows you to view a wide variety of multimedia content in Web pages. For more information, visit the <A HREF=>QuickTime</A> Web site.
  • r14pskitres.dllAutodesk Hardcopy Plot Style Table Wizard Resource DLL
  • acdcxrefsres.dlldcxrefRes Resource DLL
  • CRLFRMWKINTL.dllCommon UI Framework Library Resources
  • nctimagefile.dllNCTImageFile ActiveX DLL
  • wnaspi32.w2k.dllwnaspi32
  • acfocusctrl16.dllAcFocusCtrl Module
  • cdrfntintl110.dllCorel Font Manager Resource DLL
  • nrage_dinput8.dllNRage_DInput8
  • Analogic Delay.dllVST Plugin
  • autocorrectdll.dllAutoCorrect ActiveX Control Module
  • installutillib.dllInstallUtilLib.lib
  • jit.dllMicrosoft® Just-in-Time Compiler for Java
  • nv3.dllRIVA 128/RIVA 128 ZX Windows 2000 Display driver, Version 3.43
  • 0011.dll32-bit Setup Launcher Resource
  • 0410.dllDownload, Install, Maintenance, Patch, Launch, Execute
  • asys.dllasys MFC Application
  • d3da.dllDX6 3rash Module
  • ie80.dll
  • neom.dllDIB Engine based NeoMagic driver.
  • plc4.dllPLC Library
  • rapi.dllMobile Device Remote API
  • vbe6.dllVisual Basic Design Time Environment
  • adsnw.dllADs Netware 3.12 Provider DLL
  • atlnt.dllATL Module for Windows NT (Unicode)
  • ax_hu.dllAlcohol multi-language resource file
  • btwin.dllbtwin DLL
  • cdoex.dllMicrosoft CDO for Microsoft Exchange Library
  • dcc40.dll
  • g400d.dllMatrox G400 Display Driver
  • isofs.dllNero Library
  • kbduk.dllUnited Kingdom Keyboard Layout
  • kxgui.dllkX GUI
  • mptax.dlltax area
  • mrsid.dllMrSID PlugIn for IrfanView
  • msjro.dllMicrosoft Jet and Replication Objects
  • mtxas.dll
  • rbass.dllRenaissance Bass
  • reg32.dllreg32
  • repvb.dllMicrosoft Repository AddIn for Visual Basic
  • shw32.dll
  • action.dll
  • CdrTxt.dllCorel Text Manager DLL
  • crswpp.dllWebPost API DLL
  • dvwssr.dllMicrosoft Design Tool - Link View
  • fxsapi.dllMicrosoft Fax API Support DLL
  • hpqxml.dllhpqxml Module
  • igfxdo.dlligfxdo Module
  • kbdjpn.dllJP Japanese Keyboard Layout Stub driver
  • mfc71u.dllMFCDLL Shared Library - Retail Version
  • mictab.dllMicTab DLL
  • msdadc.dllMicrosoft Data Access - OLE DB Data Conversion Stub
  • msihnd.dllWindows® installer
  • msocfu.dllMicrosoft Office Client Frame Utilities
  • msxml3.dllMSXML 3.0 SP 5
  • ncprov.dllNon-COM WMI Event Provision APIs
  • netcfg.dllNetwork Configuration Routines
  • normal.dllAdobe Audition Language Module
  • perl58.dllPerl Interpreter
  • regstr.dllRegistration Wizard for Readiris
  • rocket.dllPoker.
  • skin62.dllSkin Husk DLL
  • sonypi.dllSony Programmable I/O Control DLL
  • sqlsun.dllSQL Setup Uninstaller DLL
  • unzdll.dllWin32 DLL, UNZIP
  • vsetup.dllIIS4/PWS2 Winsock2 Installer
  • agt0804.dllMicrosoft Agent International Dll
  • awrtl30.dllAnswerWorks Runtime Library
  • chinese.dllchinese DLL
  • clusapi.dllCluster API Library
  • crlds3d.dllSensaura 3D driver llibrary
  • foxcbmp.dllCool Graphic Routines
  • fp50ext.dllMicrosoft FrontPage Server Extensions
  • h5rtf32.dllHighEdit Pro RTF-Parser
  • hostwiz.dll
  • hpqutil.dllHpqUtil Module
  • hpvcp70.dllMicrosoft® C++ Runtime Library
  • icuio24.dllIBM ICU ustdio DLL
  • icwhelp.dllInternet Connection Wizard Helper functions
  • imged32.dllBorland Image Editor DLL
  • isapips.dllIIS Plus Isapi Core Interface Proxy
  • kieview.dllkIEview
  • mfc70ud.dllMFCDLL Shared Library - Debug Version
  • mmcl70u.dllMFCDLL Shared Library - Retail Version
  • mmsal32.dllMusicMatch Access Layer DLL
  • msacm32.dllMicrosoft ACM Audio Filter
  • neroadb.dllNero Dolby Digital Audio Decoder
  • npdrmv2.dllDRM Netscape Network Object
  • nvwrsit.dllNVIDIA nView Desktop and Window Manager
  • nvwrstr.dllNVIDIA nView Desktop and Window Manager
  • pixlocn.dllPixel Translations Localization DLL
  • pneng50.dllRealVideo Encoder Engine DLL
  • strings.dllHalo Strings
  • stv673u.dllST-VIBU STV673 Camera Driver (32-bit DLL)
  • vbar332.dllVisual Basic for Applications Runtime - Expression Service
  • vifxrfn.dllThirdOrderEquator Module
  • vnicobj.dllNotify Object for IM Driver
  • vp31vfw.dllOn2_VP3
  • vsapi32.dllvsapi32
  • vspkgui.dllMicrosoft(R) Visual Studio Packaging Package UI
  • w3svapi.dllW3 Service Client API Stubs
  • wavelib.dllShared library
  • wmafile.dllWMA File Plug-in for GoldWave
  • a0001735.dllActive Server Pages
  • addsccus.dllMicrosoft SourceSafe Add-In Resource DLL
  • calwin32.dllNetWare® Calls Library
  • camext20.dllToUcam VFW property pages
  • camext30.dllToUcam XS VFW property pages
  • coloader.dllVsLoader
  • ctregapp.dllCreative Still Image Register Library
  • custtask.dllCustTask - DTS Custom Task implementation file.
  • dexplmnu.dllMSDN Menu Registration DLL
  • dnet3260.dllDolbyNet(tm) Audio Codec for RealAudio(tm)
  • dsetup32.dllDirectX Setup - 32-bit piece
  • gvseries.dll
  • hpv200al.dllWindows Unidrv Plugin
  • hpzr3206.dllDriver UI dll
  • iisadmin.dllMetadata and Admin Service
  • iisfecnv.dllMicrosoft FE Character Set Conversion Library
  • langserv.dllmiroVIDEO LangServ - Info Server
  • lmlayout.dllPDPLay
  • mdt2fwui.dllMicrosoft Design Tools - Framework
  • msosvabw.dllAddress Book Wrapper control
  • nemp3hlp.dllNero Library
  • nwlangid.dllNovell NetWare Client Language ID
  • olecnv32.dllMicrosoft OLE for Windows
  • olesvr32.dllObject Linking and Embedding Server Library
  • op8wpdrv.dllHiper-w Printer graphics driver
  • perfproc.dllWindows System Process Performance Objects DLL
  • php_tidy.dlltidy
  • pxsdkpls.dllPrimo Software Development Kit
  • regwizui.dllRegistration Wizard
  • rpwm3260.dllWindowsMedia Playback Support
  • scarddlg.dllSCardDlg - Smart Card Common Dialog
  • setuplng.dllMicrosoft® Works -asennusresurssit
  • sfcfiles.dllWindows 2000 System File Checker
  • sqldistx.dllMicrosoft SQL Distribution Control 7.0
  • sqlsyb32.dll
  • unidrvui.dllUniDriver User Interface
  • userdata.dllUser Data Installer
  • vct32161.dllVoxware Compression Toolkit
  • vfp8rdeu.dllMicrosoft Visual FoxPro 8.0-Laufzeitbibliothek-Ressourcen
  • vmmreg32.dllWindows VMM Registry Library
  • vpcshexh.dllShell Extension DLL
  • vsmonapi.dllTrueVector Client Interface
  • winspool.dllWindows Spooler Driver
  • cdrpdf100.dllCorel Portable Document Format (PDF) DLL
  • cdvdxeven.dllcdrXeven DLL
  • epic_eula.dllAdobe EULA DLL
  • exch_seos.dllServer Extension Objects Proxy/Stub DLL
  • resources.dllDreamweaver
  • audiocodec.dll
  • bdeinst_cz.dll
  • cdrcore110.dllCorelDRAW Core
  • extensions.dllExtensions DLL
  • graphic eq.dllGraphic EQ
  • interfaces.dllInterfaces for ESL
  • libatk-1.0-0.dllatk
  • pbkinstall.dllPbkInstall DLL
  • wolbrowser.dllWOLBrowser
  • crlfrmwk110.dllCommon UI Framework Library
  • resourcedll.dllDisk Manager 2000 Resources
  • sc monopoly.dllMono One
  • udfimporter.dllNero Library
  • externalizer.dllExternalizer
  • mda dubdelay.dllVST Plug-in
  • exch_smtpsnap.dllSMTP MMC SnapIn DLL
  • passworduires.dllpasswordUI Resource DLL
  • shellintmgr30.dllShellIntMgr
  • adobepdfmakerx.dllAdobePDFMaker ActiveX Automation Server
  • fruity wrapper.dll
  • jabo_direct3d6.dllJabo's Direct3D6 Plugin for Project64
  • cellphone_object.dllcellphone_object Module
  • Adobelmsvc Installer.dllSafeCast2
  • microsoft.visualbasic.dllVisual Basic Runtime Library
  • crystalreportpluginlib.dll
  • Office FrontPage Web Form Control Host
  • microsoft.visualstudio.vcproject.dll
  • microsoft.visualbasic.compatibility.dllVisual Basic Compatibility Runtime Library
  • ace.dllWinAce ACE Dynamic Link Library
  • fm7.dllFM7
  • sos.dllMicrosoft NTSD extension for .NET Runtime
  • wdm.dllATI Display Driver Component
  • 0009.dll32-bit Setup Launcher Resource
  • cl3d.dll3D Performance Property Page
  • qasf.dllDirectShow ASF Support
  • xhum.dllX-Hum
  • avwav.dllWave Manipulation Component
  • dac36.dllChristoph Schmelnik's Digital Audio Copy 32 Bit Copy Engine
  • icons.dllAdditional icons for IrfanView
  • iuser.dllInstallShield (R) User DLL
  • kcams.dllProductRegistration MFC Application
  • mmdrv.dllMultiMedia Kernel support Driver
  • mmdvd.dllDirectShow DVD Abstraction API
  • msdmo.dll
  • msosv.dllMicrosoft Office Services on the Web
  • necko.dll
  • nevcr.dll
  • pvw32.dllImage Decompression Engine
  • vud32.dllScanner Driver Module
  • wshfr.dllRessources internationales de Microsoft (r) Windows Script Host
  • Dynamic Library
  • bantam.dll
  • CdrPrn.dllCorel Print Engine
  • corpol.dllMicrosoft COM Runtime Execution Engine
  • daccom.dllMS DTC COM interfaces for administration DLL
  • dciman.dllDCI Manager 1.00
  • ddao35.dllMicrosoft DAO C++ Library
  • enhsig.dllSignature for rsaenh.dll
  • gptext.dllGPTExt
  • imgshl.dllImage-shellextensie
  • imutil.dllVisio database modeling utilities.
  • kbdcan.dllCanadian National Standard Keyboard Layout
  • ksuser.dllUser CSA Library
  • mltres.dllMinolta pcl5e Printer Driver
  • mrsidd.dll
  • msadcs.dllMicrosoft Data Access - Remote Data Services ISAPI Library
  • msii2c.dllmsii2c DLL
  • msohev.dllMicrosoft Office XP component
  • ntools.dllEssential NetTools DLL
  • olesvr.dllObject Linking and Embedding Server Library
  • plusr1.dllMicrosoft Plus! Application
  • pshook.dllPowerStrip Hook Library
  • psicon.dllIcons for Adobe Photoshop
  • psikey.dllnTitles Activator
  • rasppp.dllRemote Access PPP
  • rcxdti.dllMicrosoft (R) Developer Studio RC extension compiler for DESIGNINFO resources
  • DLL
  • usbmon.dllStandard USB printing Port Monitor DLL
  • vsowow.dllMcAfee VirusScan Welcome Resource
  • vssapi.dllMicrosoft® Volume Shadow Copy Requestor/Writer Services API DLL
  • wmpvis.dllWindows Media Player Visualizations
  • 5465vpm.dllCirrus Logic CL-GD5465 VPM Provider
  • adoce31.dllADOCE Control
  • agt0414.dllMicrosoft Agent International Dll
  • agt0416.dllMicrosoft Agent International Dll
  • aspexec.dllAspExec
  • cg18030.dllGB18030 DBCS-Unicode Conversion DLL
  • crgup14.dllINTERSOLV SQLBase ODBC Driver
  • dbxhost.dllDbxHost
  • dd10oem.dllDragon NaturallySpeaking for Windows DLL
  • drweb32.dllDr.Web (R) Virus-Finding Engine
  • engine2.dllResource DLL
  • hlp95en.dllMicrosoft Office WinHelp Utility DLL
  • hsfinst.dllCoInstaller for HSF on W2K
  • ieframe.dllInternet Explorer Browser UI Library
  • kltrace.dllKaspersky Anti-Virus Trace Library
  • mmaviax.dllmiroVIDEO MFP - Multi File AVI Driver
  • mozctlx.dll
  • mpg4c32.dllMicrosoft MPEG-4 Video Codec
  • msdbrpt.dllMicrosoft Data Report ActiveX Designer DLL - Version 6.0
  • msvcr70.dllMicrosoft® C Runtime Library
  • network.dllVNetwork Module
  • nmorenu.dllnmorenu.dll (English resouce DLL)
  • odbcstf.dll
  • odpdx32.dllODBC (3.0) driver for Paradox
  • parafax.dll
  • pnc3250.dllLow-Level API for RealAudio(tm) Encoder
  • rpcltc3.dllRPC TCP/IP Client Interface DLL
  • shimeng.dllShim Engine DLL
  • softkey.dllMicrosoft IME 2002
  • staxmem.dllMicrosoft Exchange Server Memory Management DLL
  • u32scan.dllScan DLL
  • usrfaxa.dll3cfax
  • wmsdmod.dllCorona Windows Media Screen Decoder
  • admpegin.dllMPEG File Decoder
  • agentdpv.dllMicrosoft Agent Data Provider
  • appwzchs.dllMicrosoft(R) Visual C++ AppWizard Chinese P.R.C Templates
  • aunzip32.dlladdUNZIP 32-bit De-compression Library
  • binkmake.dll
  • ccrpbds6.dllCCRP BrowseDialog Server (VB6)
  • certtmpl.dllCertificate Templates
  • chalkcha.dllChalk & Charcoal Effect
  • criadx07.dllIntegrator ADO Base
  • cs32ba11.dllUser mode driver
  • dbexpora.dllBorland dbExpress ORACLE driver
  • dbmirror.dllDBMIRROR DLL
  • epnhtx02.dllEPNHTX02
  • epnhtx14.dllEPNHTX14
  • fxsevent.dllMicrosoft Fax EventLog Support DLL
  • hphc3203.dllHPHa3mon
  • hpqss002.dllHPQSS002 Module
  • hpzres06.dllHP Resource Manager for Windows
  • httpsrvr.dllBorland HTTP Server
  • icsapi32.dllMicrosoft Internet Connection Sharing API
  • iecontlc.dllMicrosoft Internet Explorer Contacts resources
  • jetimage.dllJetImage DLL
  • lighting.dllUlead GIF Animator
  • common controls
  • mscuistf.dllSetup Dialog Library
  • msoadict.dllMicrosoft Office Passport dictionnary
  • msolui80.dllMicrosoft OLE DB provider for Analysis Services connection dialog 8.0
  • mssoap30.dllMicrosoft Office Soap SDK
  • netlogon.dllNet Logon Services DLL
  • npupdate.dll
  • nvdesk32.dllNVIDIA Desktop Manager Hook Library
  • nvsysrot.dllNVIDIA nView Control Panel, Version 56.64
  • nvwrsesm.dllNVIDIA nView Desktop and Window Manager
  • oissq400.dllSSQ-bibliotheek
  • pdcommon.dllPerfectDisk Common Library
  • pfutil80.dllPRFUTILS - SQL Server Profiler DLL
  • phoscyon.dllVST Plug-In
  • plasticz.dllPlastiCZ! VST plug-in
  • policman.dll
  • pytoee22.dllPython Core
  • qmgrprxy.dllBackground Intelligent Transfer Service Proxy
  • rtipxmib.dllMicrosoft Router IPX MIB subagent
  • scanintf.dllScanGear Scanner Interface
  • seclogon.dllSecondary Logon Service DLL
  • security.dllRealNetworks File Renderer Utility Toolkit
  • sfppack3.dllSony XFX 3 Plug-In Pack
  • smackw32.dll
  • supertap.dllSuperTap
  • symphone.dllACT! Dialer Support DLL
  • unitsres.dllAutoCAD Resource DLL
  • uoassist.dllUOAssist Module
  • upgr3270.dllUpgrade Support Library
  • w95inf16.dllWExtract 16bit Library
  • winipsec.dllWindows IPSec SPD Client DLL
  • wpwizdll.dllCOM-server voor de wizard Webpublicaties
  • d3dx81abd.dllDirectX 8.1 D3DX8 debug DLL for JEDI projects
  • debugview.dllDebugView
  • gamecomms.dllGameComms DLL
  • mediafile.dllMediaFile
  • roomworks.dllVST Plug-In
  • aacenc32.1.dllAACEnc - 32 bit floating point AAC encoder library
  • atteditres.dllAttEditRes Resource DLL
  • booster_mm.dllWinHL-Booster Metamod Plugin DLL
  • imorphfile.dllLife Studio:Head API
  • acthumbnail16.dllAcThumbnail Module
  • aslfoundation.dll
  • crlctlintl110.dllCommon Controls Library Resources
  • powermenuhook.dllPowerMenuHook
  • fruity squeeze.dll
  • virtual bassist.dllVirtual Bassist
  • FTP.NET Library (Free Version)
  • voice attenuator.dllVoice Attenuator
  • big tick hexaline.dllHexaline
  • nctvideotransform.dllNCTVideoTransform ActiveX DLL
  • bluecompressor vst.dllBlueLine ActiveMovie Audio Filter
  • popup notification.dllPopup Notification
  • sc virtual sampler.dllVirtual Sampler
  • virtual electric guitar.dllVSTi Virtual Instrument
  • system.configuration.install.dllSystem.Configuration.Install.dll
  • dx.dllNone
  • cab.dllCab Plugin for 7-Zip
  • csm.dllVS7 Causality Stack Manager
  • dal.dllDevice Abstraction Layer
  • kxi.dllkX VSTi Interface
  • sbe.dll
  • vqf.dllAudio plugin
  • wam.dllMicrosoft Internet Server WAM DLL
  • 34ds.dll34ds
  • ares.dllAres Module
  • cncs.dllClick & Create Graphic Library
  • djvu.dllDjVu PlugIn for IrfanView
  • dx6z.dllDX6 3rash Module
  • ecen.dllEasyClip
  • eula.dllEULA Module
  • hapi.dllSeagate Open OLAP
  • msoe.dllOutlook Express
  • ncdw.dllWindows for Workgroups Network Card Detect
  • ralf.dllRealAudio Lossless Format provides a perfect (bit-identical) reproduction of the input audio from a smaller file size.
  • rvox.dllRVox
  • test.dll
  • vfft.dllDSP Library DLL
  • vtdd.dllVIA Win95/98/ME display driver
  • authz.dllAuthorization Framework
  • ax_ua.dll??????????? ?????? ??? ???????? Alcohol 120%
  • bfc42.dllMFCDLL Shared Library - Retail Version
  • bined.dllVisual C++ Binary Editor Package
  • concl.dllKaspersky Anti-Virus Script Checker Conclusion Module
  • dkres.dllDKRES.DLL
  • dpplg.dllMicrosoft(R) Visual Studio Deployment Plugins Package
  • dxmfc.dllDXMfc DLL
  • feacp.dllMicrosoft (R) Visual C++ Compiler Front End
  • filer.dllFiler File Search Engine
  • fxsst.dllFax Service
  • hidci.dllHID class installer
  • hooks.dll
  • iisui.dllIIS MMC Snap-in utility
  • kbdlv.dllLatvia Keyboard Layout
  • libpq.dllPostgreSQL Access Library
  • msdtc.dllMS DTC SCM interface DLL
  • ntlog.dllNTLOG DLL
  • optra.dllOptra Printer Driver
  • vdt70.dllMicrosoft Visual Database Tools
  • vfp8r.dllMicrosoft Visual FoxPro 8.0 Runtime Library
  • 3dr565.dll3DR Win32s Generic Engine Module
  • 3drrgb.dll3DR Win32s Generic Engine Module
  • apidll.dllWindows NT ApiMon Hook DLL
  • cc3260.dllBorland C++ Single-thread RTL (WIN ST)
  • CdrCpr.dllCorel Compression Library
  • crpe32.dllCrystal Reports Print Engine
  • dao350.dllMicrosoft DAO 3.5 Object Library
  • dmintf.dllDisk Management DCOM Interface Stub
  • drs832.dllDRS8 dll
  • easids.dllEASI Direct Sound
  • hcreg7.dllAutodesk Hardcopy Registry DLL
  • iccvid.dllCinepak® Codec
  • imagx5.dllImagXpress Image Processing DLL
  • imlang.dllMicrosoft IME
  • inseng.dllInstall engine
  • kbddll.dllWindow Keyboard Select Message DLL
  • kbdycc.dllSerbian_Cyrillic Keyboard Layout
  • kzdi20.dllKazoo Toolkit Direct Interface DLL
  • legacy.dllLEGACY.dll
  • mfc100.dllMFCDLL Shared Library - Retail Version
  • nvqtwk.dllNVIDIA Taskbar Utility Library
  • p2ssql.dllCrystal Reports Physical Server DLL for Microsoft SQL Server
  • pccamp.dllNW8XX PC Camera Properties
  • photos.dllRGTSFirm DLL
  • pl2dll.dllpl2dll.dll
  • sslsvc.dllWS_FTP SSL DLL
  • ssus16.dllMicrosoft SourceSafe Resource DLL
  • tsbyuv.dllToshiba Video Codec
  • type32.dllMicrosoft IntelliType Pro
  • user32.dllWin32 USER32 core component
  • wisc30.dllWinInet Office Soap Connector Library 3.0
  • zipdll.dllWIN32 DLL, ZIP
  • adosync.dllADOCE Sync Stub
  • adsldpc.dllADs LDAP Provider C DLL
  • cctrust.dllCommon Client ccTrust
  • cookdoc.dllcookdoc Module
  • crlui91.dllCommon User Interface Library
  • divx412.dllDivX Video for Windows Codec
  • dsound(3).dllDirectSound
  • exsec32.dlldigsig32
  • genproj.dllMicrosoft® Visual Studio++ Build System Package
  • iissuba.dllMicrosoft IIS sub-authentication handler
  • imgutil.dllIE plugin image decoder support DLL
  • inetmgr.dllIIS MMC Snapin Module
  • lexlmpm.dllLEXLMPM DLL
  • libiges.dlllibiges
  • modlr16.dllmodlr16d.dll
  • mssitlb.dllMicrosoft Search Common Interface Type Library
  • neroipp.dllNero IPP (dll version)
  • nvwrses.dllNVIDIA nView Desktop and Window Manager
  • nxmyogg.dllOgg Vorbis plugin for Nero
  • nxmyshn.dllSoftSound Shorten plugin for Nero
  • odbcbcp.dllMicrosoft BCP for ODBC
  • outlwvw.dllOutlook Web Views
  • p16xres.dllP16X Driver Resources
  • pixperm.dllPermission Library
  • plugdll.dll
  • pscript.dllPostScript Printer Driver
  • rpclts3.dllRPC TCP/IP Server Interface DLL
  • tidyatl.dllTidy Module
  • userenv.dllUserenv
  • vidisws.dllMicrosoft (R) Visual InterDev Package
  • vsdebug.dllMicrosoft Visual Studio Debugger
  • wavemsp.dllMicrosoft Wave MSP
  • wlstore.dllPolicy Storage dll
  • wmadmod.dllCorona Windows Media Audio Decoder
  • wmiprop.dllWDM Provider Dynamic Property Page CoInstaller
  • xolehlp.dllMS DTC helper APIs DLL
  • zeeverm.dllZone Datafile
  • zlibdll.dllGZip compression library
  • 28_83260.dll28.8 Audio Codec for RealAudio(tm)
  • 82557ndi.dll82557 Network Device Installer
  • 8255xndi.dll8255x-based Network Device Installer
  • a0001726.dllInclude-tillдgg fцr Microsoft Server Side
  • anv4disp.dllNVIDIA Compatible Windows 2000 Display driver, Version 52.16
  • atv04w9x.dllDigital Display Minidriver for Intel(R) Graphics Driver
  • avpack32.dllAntiVir archive decompression library
  • awbmsc32.dllBitmap Scaler
  • bitsprx2.dllBackground Intelligent Transfer Service Proxy
  • bwcc0007.dll
  • catsrvps.dll
  • choirus2.dllVST Plug-In
  • clrtoclr.dll
  • crxf_rtf.dllRich Text and MSWord Format DLL for Crystal Reports
  • d3dx9_26.dll
  • dskquota.dllWindows Shell Disk Quota Support DLL
  • eventlog.dllEvent Logging Service
  • ffactory.dllFilter-Factory PlugIn for IrfanView
  • framebuf.dllWindows 256 color SVGA display driver
  • ftppro32.dllFTPPRO.DLL
  • hpomem05.dllHewlett-Packard memory manager module for Windows NT
  • hpontu05.dll
  • hpz2ku06.dllHPDJ Driver
  • hpzcoi06.dll
  • icsconfg.dllConfiguratie van Microsoft Internet-verbinding delen
  • inkstore.dllNotes Synchronization Store
  • itircl54.dllMicrosoft® InfoTech IR Local DLL
  • kbdlk41a.dllDEC LK411-AJ Keyboard Layout
  • kbdnecat.dllJP Japanese Keyboard Layout for (NEC PC-9800 on PC98-NX)
  • lfbmp12n.dllLEADTOOLS(r) DLL for Win32
  • lfcmp11n.dllLEADTOOLS(r) DLL for Win32
  • lmikjres.dlllminkjet Printer Driver
  • ltdis12n.dllLEADTOOLS(r) DLL for Win32
  • ltimg12n.dllLEADTOOLS(r) DLL for Win32
  • ltkrn11n.dllLEADTOOLS(r) DLL for Win32
  • managead.dll
  • msconv97.dllMicrosoft Conversion Library
  • msdaprst.dllMicrosoft Data Access - OLE DB Persistence Services
  • mso9intl.dllMicrosoft Office 2000 component
  • niscmnht.dllNorton Internet Security niscmnht
  • npptools.dllNPP Tools Helper DLL
  • pbserver.dllPhone Book Service
  • saclient.dllThe Microsoft Network shared libarary
  • setupmgx.dllWindows 2000 Setup Manager Wizard DLL
  • splitter.dllMicrosoft(R) Visual C++ Splitter Bar Component
  • spxupgrd.dllSpecialix Windows NT Driver Upgrade DLL
  • sqlakw32.dllESQL-C Runtime Library
  • vdk32118.dllToolVox Codec for Windows
  • vfp8rchs.dllMicrosoft Visual FoxPro 8.0 ??????
  • vidwebui.dllMicrosoft (R) Visual InterDev Package
  • voxciter.dllVoxCiter Vocal Enhancement PlugIn
  • vsupdate.dllVSUpdate DLL Module
  • wiashext.dllImaging Devices Shell Folder UI
  • wpdconns.dllWPD Connection Objects
  • xcrackle.dllX-Crackle
  • xmlprovi.dllNetwork Provisioning Service Client API
  • agvseries.dllAudio card dll
  • crdb_odbc.dllCrystal Reports database driver for ODBC
  • crlfom100.dllFill and Outline Manager Library
  • dx9helper.dllDX9Helper Module
  • launchpad.dllVDMSound LaunchPad Shell Extension
  • CRLUTLINTL.dllCommon Utilities Library Resources
  • simplemail.dll
  • taipanmain.dllMain Library
  • translator.dllTranslator Module
  • ygpappintf.dllYGP Soap Layer
  • acdclclient.dllACDCLClient
  • coreldrw110.dllCorelDRAW(R)
  • epoc_object.dllEPOC_object Module
  • metaflanger.dllMetaFlanger
  • datadefmodel.dllCrystal Reports Data Definition Model
  • crdb_fielddef.dllCrystal Reports database driver for Field Definitions
  • remoteinstall.dllRemoteInstall DLL
  • vcprojectengine.dllVisual C++ Build System Project Engine
  • tc native reverb vst.dllT
  • cmc.dllCommon Messaging Calls for MAPI 1.0
  • dae.dllDigidesign Audio Engine
  • nac.dllMicrosoft Internet Audio NAC DLL
  • wmi.dllWMI DC and DP functionality
  • 0412.dllDownload, Install, Maintenance, Patch, Launch, Execute
  • blue.dllVST Plug-In
  • cggl.dllCg GL Runtime Library
  • dtmf.dllAdobe Audition Language Module
  • hxvz.dllMicrosoft® Help Visuals
  • knpg.dllKlik & Play Game Library
  • mmdb.dllMusic libraray and play list manager
  • qmdx.dllQSound 3d Audio Mixer & Manager
  • tk82.dllTk DLL
  • vba6.dllVisual Basic for Applications Development Environment
  • verx.dllVersion Checking and File Installation Libraries
  • dpv11.dlldpv11
  • dsdmo.dllDirectSound Effects
  • kbctl.dllNorton Diagnostics Control
  • kbdbr.dllBrazilian Keyboard Layout
  • kbdru.dllRussian Keyboard Layout
  • mpath.dllmpath
  • nxaac.dllAdvanced Audio Coding(AAC) plugin for Nero
  • storm.dllStorm Library
  • sxgxg.dllYAMAHA SXG Driver
  • ter32.dllTE Edit Control
  • txctx.dll
  • u2fcr.dllReport Export Format DLL for Crystal Reports
  • vbscc.dllMicrosoft SourceSafe VB5 Add-In
  • vcard.dll
  • vside.dllDevelopment Environment International Resources
  • wsman.dllwsman
  • wsreg.dllsynchres DLL
  • 3dr655.dll3DR Win32s Generic Engine Module
  • 3drsys.dll3DR SYStem Module
  • abmres.dll
  • ac3api.dllac3api
  • actlib.dllactlib
  • actrpt.dllActiveReports
  • cdriso.dllISO DLL
  • cdu920.dllNero Recorder Driver
  • cewmdm.dllWindows CE WMDM Service Provider
  • cmprop.dllCMAudio Property Page
  • cnbjui.dllCanon BJ Mini Printer Driver
  • crtdll.dllMicrosoft C Runtime Library
  • dcap32.dllNetMeeting video capture APIs for NT
  • dpvvox.dllMicrosoft DirectPlay Voice Voxware Provider
  • dzip32.dllDynaZIP-32 Multi-Threading ZIP DLL
  • frgfio.dllSound Forge File Conversion Library
  • gapi32.dllMicrosoft Mail Configuration Library
  • gbaemu.dllGBAEmu DLL
  • gchand.dllGame Controller InProc Handler
  • gpedit.dllGPEdit
  • heidi7.dllHeidi® Graphics System
  • iisext.dllADs IIS Extension DLL
  • import.dll
  • jlfw32.dllJLFW32
  • kbdfi1.dllFinnish-Swedish with Sami Keyboard Layout
  • maxnet.dllKomunikations DLL
  • mmcr70.dllUser-Generated Microsoft (R) C/C++ Runtime Library
  • mobile.dllMobile DLL
  • msctfp.dllMSCTFP Server DLL
  • msgsvc.dllNT Messenger Service
  • mstask.dllTask Scheduler interface DLL
  • msxml2.dllXML OM for Win32
  • nvmccs.dllNVIDIA U.S. English language resource library
  • nvrses.dllNVIDIA Spanish language resource library
  • polish.dllAlcoholer
  • regdll.dllEXATELECOM i-BEAD100 Multi Player Installer
  • resize.dllRESIZE MFC DLL
  • rtcdll.dllRTC User Agent DLL
  • system.dllSystem.dll
  • tcpmon.dllStandard TCP/IP Port Monitor DLL
  • udmlib.dllProtection Library
  • umdm16.dllUnimodem 16-bit thunk layer
  • visdlg.dll
  • c_iscii.dllISCII Code Page Translation DLL
  • cdvdbin.dllCDVDbin
  • cnb3000.dllCanon BJ Mini Printer Driver
  • cnb4000.dllCanon BJ Mini Printer Driver
  • cnbjdrv.dllCanon BJ Mini Printer Driver
  • cnmui61.dllBJ Printer Driver Interface Driver
  • db2hapi.dllSeagate Open OLAP
  • dllio32.dllPoINT Shared DLL
  • dsadmin.dllMicrosoft Directory Service Manager Snap-in
  • fuiintl.dllCorel Import/Export Filter Dialogs Resource Dll
  • gpunull.dllGPU.DLL (CPU only driver + LFB obtained from DirectX)
  • hpojwia.dllStill Image Device DLL
  • hvision.dllATI Display Driver Component
  • kbdazel.dllAzeri-Latin Keyboard Layout
  • kbdbene.dllBelgian Dutch Keyboard Layout
  • kbdvntc.dllVietnamese Keyboard Layout
  • listenv.dllListEnv.dll
  • mcuilib.dllMcAfee UI Library
  • mdabase.dll
  • mp3util.dll
  • mplayer.dllMPATH Multiplayer Game DLL
  • msidcrl.dllIDCRL Dynamic Link Library
  • msoauth.dllWeb services authentication
  • msoobci.dllOut of Band Component Installer
  • ncsutil.dllNCSUtil
  • ntiaspi.dllNTI ASPI Layer
  • nvwrsnl.dllNVIDIA nView Desktop and Window Manager
  • p2sodbc.dllSeagate Crystal Reports Physical Server DLL for ODBC
  • p-deelay.dllVST Plugin
  • pvwv220.dllPICVideo Wavelet Compressor
  • riafres.dllPCL Unidrv Printer Driver Rendering Plugin
  • rtfhtml.dllOutlook RTF/HTML Converter
  • setup32.dllEPSON Printer Driver Installation Assistance Module
  • sfxpfx3.dllSony ExpressFX 3
  • shell32.dllSpolecnб knihovna prostredн Windows
  • softpub.dllSoftpub Forwarder DLL
  • vavsaui.dllMicrosoft(R) Visual Studio Visual System Analyzer Package
  • vfcodec.dll? ??
  • wkssfrm.dllMicrosoft® Works Spreadsheet Frame Library
  • wmm2fxb.dllWindows Movie Maker FX
  • 3dfx32v2.dll3Dfx Interactive, Inc. DirectX Driver
  • a0004062.dllMicrosoft Jet Sort Tables
  • ad2kregp.dll%hostfont% Plug-in
  • ccfwruls.dllNorton Internet Security Firewall Rules Engine
  • ccfwsetg.dllNorton Internet Security Firewall Settings Engine
  • cdengine.dllRoxio CDEngine
  • dbmsvinn.dllConnectTo VINES Net Library
  • dllres32.dllPoINT Shared DLL
  • dmusic16.dllMicrosoft DirectMusic Legacy Port (16-bit thunk peer)
  • embd3260.dllNPReal32, LiveConnect-Enabled Plugin
  • ezbwords.dllEZBWORDS DLL
  • facility.dllVisio Facilities DLL
  • filemgmt.dllServices and Shared Folders
  • flashdll.dllFlashloader DLL
  • frm645mi.dll
  • ftlx041e.dllThai Wordbreaker
  • gearosif.dllGEAROSIF DLL
  • hpoimg05.dll
  • hpotrl05.dll
  • hpzcoi04.dll
  • hpzrm309.dllPrinter Property UI dll
  • igfxress.dllxxxxres Module
  • infrared.dllMicrosoft Infrared class installer
  • iscomlog.dllMicrosoft IIS Common Logging Interface DLL
  • javasign.dllJava signing application for Java Encode/Decode Cryptograpy Attributes
  • kbdinbe1.dllBengali (Inscript) Keyboard Layout
  • kconvert.dllkconvert.dll
  • linkinfo.dllWindows Volume Tracking
  • liteutil.dllICQLite
  • localmon.dllLocal Monitor DLL
  • ltfil11n.dllLEADTOOLS(r) DLL for Win32
  • ltwvc12n.dllLEADTOOLS(r) DLL for Win32
  • maxxbass.dllMaxxBass
  • metal_ss.dllWindows Shell Style Resource Dll
  • natdbgde.dllMicrosoft (R) Visual Studio Native Debug Engine
  • nvwrszhc.dllNVIDIA nView Desktop and Window Manager
  • operamgr.dllAdobe Opera Manager Library
  • pmxinfnt.dllImagination Technologies Installer Utility DLL
  • roboex32.dllRoboHELP Extensions for WinHelp
  • s3mvirge.dllS3 ViRGE Display Driver
  • spra0404.dllService Pack 1 Messages
  • syssetup.dllWindows NT System Setup
  • trkwrite.dllTrack Writer
  • vfp6rkor.dllMicrosoft® Visual FoxPro® Runtime Library Resources
  • wbemcore.dllWMI
  • winssnap.dllWINS Management Snapin
  • wmv9dmod.dllWindows Media Video 9 Decoder
  • cdrpdf110.dllCorel Portable Document Format (PDF) DLL
  • devnotify.dllGirder Device Notify Plugin
  • fineobjfc.dllFineObjects Window Classes
  • iblicense.dllInterBase Server
  • max_sound.dllMax_Sound
  • acdcgridas.dllObjGrid DLL Shared Library - Release Version
  • acscompdll.dllAuran Jet [KernelStandard]
  • dynaplayer.dllDynaBound Player
  • zgdragdrop.dllDrag and drop dll
  • adrefmanres.dllAdRefManRes Module
  • environment.dllEnvironment DLL
  • jabo_dsound.dllJabo's Direct Sound Plugin for Project64
  • spurecorder.dllDarkMan's spu Recorder plugin
  • sysrecorder.dllSysRecorder DLL
  • datagatherer.dllVisio Data Exchange DLL
  • descgraphics.dllWhereIsIt Graphics Plugins Module
  • exch_mailmsg.dllMail Message Objects DLL
  • pixietool-dan.dllPixie5 Registration and Licensing Tool
  • accessibility.dll
  • nctvideocorem.dllNCTVideoCoreM ActiveX DLL
  • nctaudiocompress2.dllNCTAudioCompress2 ActiveX DLL
  • crystalenterpriselib.dll
  • microsoft.visualbasic.vsa.dllMicrosoft (r) VSA VB Security Trusted Engine
  • crystaldecisions.crystalreports.engine.dllCrystal Reports for Visual Studio .NET
  • a3d.dllAudio3D
  • mpg.dllMPG Editing tools
  • nps.dllNero ProductSetup
  • smp.dllAdobe Audition Language Module
  • acme.dll
  • d3d9.dllMicrosoft Direct3D
  • hdcc.dllNero Library
  • msse.dllMicrosoft (R) 32-Bit 80x86 Compiler Back End
  • raac.dllRealAudio AAC Format -- the standard-compatible solution.
  • s3mm.dllDIB Engine based S3 driver.
  • ssl3.dllNSS SSL Library
  • dpnet.dllMicrosoft DirectPlay8
  • dtccm.dllMS DTC connection manager DLL
  • fm7fx.dllFM7
  • g200d.dllMatrox G200 Display Driver
  • kbdla.dllLatin-American Spanish Keyboard Layout
  • lang0.dllZoo Tycoon Localizable Resources
  • rnr20.dllWindows Socket2 NameSpace DLL
  • svgre.dllSVGRE 6.0
  • swprv.dllMicrosoft® Volume Shadow Copy Service software provider
  • vboxs.dllVbox SDK Client DLL
  • vokko.dllVST Plugin
  • 3dreng.dll3DR LFB Accellerator Engine Module
  • acge16.dllacge16.dll
  • axdb15.dll
  • cdcopy.dllNero Library
  • dnsapi.dllDNS Client API DLL
  • dvdsys.dllDVD Region-Free System Module
  • edb500.dllMicrosoft Exchange Database Storage Engine
  • fn3api.dllBitstream Font Navigator SDK
  • gutils.dllWindows Diff Graphic Utilities
  • hook32.dllRemote Management Agent Component
  • hpiscn.dllhpiscn Module
  • illprs.dllIlluminator Parser
  • kbdth3.dllThai Pattachote (non-ShiftLock) Keyboard Layout
  • mmcp70.dllUser-Generated Microsoft (R) C/C++ Runtime Library
  • mp3ext.dll
  • neem2a.dllNeEm2a
  • netui2.dllNT LM UI Common Code - GUI Classes
  • nvrshu.dllNVIDIA Hungarian language resource library
  • pcl5ms.dllPCL5 Printer Driver
  • pdfl40.dllAdobe PDF Library
  • perlez.dllPerl Infomation Server
  • server.dllGlobal Operations Client
  • sm56co.dllSM56 Modem co-installer
  • ui_res.dllPowerDVD
  • Visio5.dllCorel Visio Import Filter
  • xpstar.dllXPSTAR70 Resource DLL
  • acchart.dllApplication Center 2000 Admin Interface
  • acfolie.dllArCon-Dll zum Folien-Import/-Export
  • acropdf.dllPDF Browser Control
  • ati_hal.dllATI HAL DLL
  • atidvcr.dllATI Digital VCR
  • coreerr.dllAutodesk Hardcopy Core Error DLL
  • dbadapt.dllMicrosoft Data Adapter DLL
  • femakro.dllFensterMakro-Bibliothek
  • fp5awec.dllMicrosoft FrontPage Client Library
  • fx5eres.dllFuji Xerox PCL Printer Driver
  • gdi8res.dllHeidi® GDI Driver Resource DLL
  • impmail.dllOutlook Mail Importer
  • karaoke.dll
  • lmgrxnt.dllPrinter Driver Graphics DLL
  • mmmixer.dllUnderstшttelse af Media Vision Mixer
  • modhelp.dllMicrosoft Solution Designer Help Package
  • msth3ge.dllmsth3ge.dll
  • msxml2a.dllXML Resources for Win32
  • nmftpsn.dllNMFTPSN.DLL
  • nvwrspt.dllNVIDIA nView Desktop and Window Manager
  • oiui400.dllUI LIBRARY
  • p2sora7.dllCrystal Reports Physical Server DLL for Oracle Server
  • ppintlv.dllMicrosoft PowerPoint Viewer
  • printui.dllPrint UI DLL
  • pxl2xls.dllPXL to XLS file converter
  • sisumgr.dllSiS Compatible Super VGA Utility Manager
  • startoc.dllStarter Edition Optional Component
  • tmdbg20.dllTmDbg20 DLL
  • u2fsepv.dllSeparated-Values Export Format DLL for Crystal Reports
  • unzip32.dllInfo-ZIP's UnZip DLL for Win32
  • vb40032.dllVisual Basic 4.0 runtime library
  • w32time.dllWindows Time Service
  • wbemsvc.dllWMI
  • adesksys.dllAutodesk System DLL
  • appwzcht.dllMicrosoft(R) Visual C++ AppWizard Templates
  • azroleui.dllAuthorization Manager
  • cdains32.dllC-Dilla Windows 32-Bit RTS Installer
  • choosusr.dllUser Chooser
  • csapi3t1.dllMicrosoft CSAPI Converter (v3 to v1)
  • d2client.dllDiablo II
  • devcon32.dllDevCon32
  • dhcpsapi.dllDHCP Server API Stub DLL
  • dxtmsft3.dllDXTMsft Module
  • epnhte3p.dllEPNHTE3P
  • fpadmdll.dllMicrosoft FrontPage Server Extensions
  • gemstone.dllMacromedia Gemstone Library
  • graphicp.dllGraphic Pen Effect
  • hdexper2.dllmiroVIDEO HD Expert DLL - Driver DLL for HD Expert
  • hpdskjet.dllHP Inkjet Printer Driver
  • hpoidr07.dllIEEE-1284.4-1999 Run-time library (kernel)
  • hpousd05.dllHP OfficeJet Still Image Device Driver
  • hpqvdisp.dllNVIDIA NVIDIA HP Display Helper DLL, Version 56.64
  • hpzpcl03.dll
  • imaadpcm.dllIMA ADPCM CODEC - Driver Interface for Easy CD-DA Extractor 3
  • imgtable.dllImgTable DLL
  • logonmgr.dllMSN IA Logon Manager
  • ltfil13n.dllLEADTOOLS(r) DLL for Win32
  • ltimg13n.dllLEADTOOLS(r) DLL for Win32
  • lxaxprpr.dllProp resource DLL
  • mfcans32.dllOLE2ANSI Library - Retail Version
  • mhputil7.dllMHPUtil Module
  • mscorjit.dllMicrosoft .NET Runtime Just-In-Time Compiler
  • msdvdopt.dllMуdulo MSDVDOpt
  • msenv2ui.dllDevelopment Environment International Resources
  • nvarch32.dllNVIDIA Compatible Resource Manager, Version 28.32
  • oifil400.dllFILING LIBRARY
  • outllibr.dllOutlook Intl Pluggable UI
  • outlookx.dllOutlookX DLL
  • padrs404.dllMS-IME IMEPad resource file(Traditional Chinese)
  • perfdisk.dllWindows Disk Performance Objects DLL
  • pop3snap.dllPOP3 MMC SnapIn DLL
  • rasapi16.dllAPI voor 16-bits inbelnetwerk
  • res_msgr.dllYahoo! Messenger
  • rivettxt.dllRivetText Module
  • shlwapi(3).dllShell Light-weight Utility Library
  • shortcut.dllShortCut DLL
  • sprb040d.dllService Pack 2 Messages
  • sqlora32.dll
  • symiconv.dllCommon Client Language Conversion Engine
  • synisdll.dllInstall Resource Strings
  • usrcoina.dllU.S. Robotics modem coinstaller
  • vanguard.dllVanguard VST plug-in
  • vfp8renu.dllMicrosoft Visual FoxPro 8.0 Runtime Library Resources
  • vsmacros.dllMicrosoft Design Tools - Framework
  • wmiutils.dllWMI
  • crviewer9.dllCrystal Report Viewer
  • dswhipres.dllAutoCAD® 2D Graphics System Resource DLL
  • helperdll.dllMSI Helper DLL
  • Visio2000.dllCorel Visio Import Filter
  • alphablend.dllCool Graphic Routines
  • audioexctl.dllAudioExCtl Module
  • installdll.dll_isuser DLL
  • mp3pro_hlp.dllAudio plugin component
  • nerosearch.dllNero File Dialog
  • rockalldll.dllRockall Heap Manager DLL
  • vbsendmail.dll
  • acdappinfo40.dllACDAppInfo DLL
  • adoceoledb31.dllADOCE OLEDB Interface
  • spupetemidas.dllspuPeteMIDAS
  • aspsmartupload.dll
  • etserializedll.dllETSerial
  • smartmessenger.dllSmartMessenger
  • mcmpgactivation.dllAdobe Media Encoder Activation
  • mscorlib.resources.dll
  • processengineering.dllProcess Engineering DLL
  • crystalpluginmgrlib.dll
  • microsoft.visualstudio.dllMicrosoft.VisualStudio.dll
  • aw.dll
  • c1.dllC1
  • c4.dllC4
  • cg.dllCg Core Runtime Library
  • iis.dllMicrosoft Internet Server Setup DLL (ANSI)
  • mys.dllManage Your Server Wizard HTA/COM object
  • pdf.dllPDF Text Exraction DLL
  • qt4.dllMovie Plugin for Acrobat
  • trs.dllABBYY FullText Retrieval Engine
  • wav.dllAudio plugin
  • dx7z.dllDX7 3rash Module
  • geom.dllGeometric utilities
  • mcad.dllMcad Module
  • nzdd.dllRealDownload
  • omi9.dllOMI 1.0 for Windows
  • popc.dllMSN IA Poptimization
  • tscc.dllTerminal Services Connection Configuration
  • vsfc.dllMathcad Component library
  • adodb.dll
  • atmfd.dllWindows NT OpenType/Type 1 Font Driver
  • ax_tr.dllAlcohol multi-language resource file
  • bmapi.dllBroadcom Management Application Programming Interface
  • dcc60.dll
  • dpu10.dlldpu10
  • fpwec.dllMicrosoft Office FrontPage Client Library
  • kbdsg.dllSwiss German Keyboard Layout
  • nmsql.dllNon-Native Model for SQL Debugger
  • noise.dllAdobe Audition Language Module
  • nview.dllNVIDIA nView Desktop and Window Manager 30.87
  • pscan.dllPScan
  • sqdll.dllMSN MoneyCentral Redistributable
  • tbkey.dllChess Database Game Module
  • bitw32.dllBitW32
  • c2_img.dllDLL with bitmap functions
  • cstart.dllCanon PnP Vendor Installer DLL
  • d3dx8d.dllDebug
  • hpgt42.dllhp4200 Module
  • idicon.dllIcon Handler Plug-in
  • iehost.dllMicrosoft IE hosting interface
  • isutil.dllInstallShield utilities.
  • lqcui2.dllQuickCam User Interface Language
  • msdasc.dllMicrosoft Data Access - OLE DB Service Components Stub
  • msimrt.dllAART
  • mspmsp.dllMicrosoft Media Device Service Provider
  • mswmdm.dllWindows Media Device Manager Core
  • nisres.dllResource DLL
  • nsql32.dllLotus NotesSQL 2.0 (32-bit) ODBC Driver
  • nvrssl.dllNVIDIA Slovenian language resource library
  • nvrstr.dllNVIDIA Turkish language resource library
  • pdfl47.dllAdobe PDF Library
  • perfnw.dllClient Service for Netware Counters
  • sqlwid.dllUnicode Function .DLL for SQL Enterprise Components
  • status.dllBitDefender Status
  • tproxy.dllTProxy.dll
  • vchnt5.dllLocal Flat Panel Display Minidriver for Intel(R) Graphics Driver
  • vsdata.dllTrueVector Service DLL
  • wisc10.dllWinInet Soap Connector Library
  • ywcupl.dllWebcam Upload Networking and Imaging
  • agt0407.dllMicrosoft Agent International Dll
  • backweb.dllBackWeb
  • bsrendv.dllBS VRenderer v1
  • cdmodem.dllModem Connection Driver
  • cmnprop.dllCMAudio Property Page
  • cnbostd.dllCanon BJ Mini Printer Driver
  • comrepl.dll
  • d3dramp.dllMicrosoft Direct3D
  • dfscore.dllDistributed File System
  • hpdjres.dllHP Inkjet Printer Driver
  • ivvideo.dllVivoActive H.263 Video Decompressor
  • j_api32.dllJERICHO Application Program Interface
  • mpgaout.dllMPEG Audio Encoder
  • msado15.dllMicrosoft Data Access - ActiveX Data Objects
  • mssetup.dllSetup DLL
  • npindeo.dllIntel Indeo® video 5.1 PD Plug-In
  • nvwrsda.dllNVIDIA nView Desktop and Window Manager
  • nvwrsde.dllNVIDIA nView Desktop and Window Manager
  • nwnsp32.dllLotus Notes Service Providers
  • pdf4u32.dllPDF4U and PDF4Free Driver Module
  • php_pdo.dllPHP Data Objects
  • res_dll.dllRes_Dll
  • sbcht32.dllAudioPCI Driver Resources
  • secur32.dllSecurity Support Provider Interface
  • sendsms.dllSendSMS MFC Application
  • shell16.dllResource DLL
  • shvlres.dllFichier de donnйes de la zone
  • sqdedev.dllSQL Setup Enumeration APIs
  • sqlqp20.dllMicrosoft SQLQP 2.0
  • typelib.dllOLE 2.1 16/32 Interoperability Library
  • u32misc.dll
  • u32zlib.dllImage Editor
  • usrdtea.dll3cdte
  • vifxneg.dllNegative Module
  • vsdplui.dllMicrosoft(R) Visual Studio Deployment Package
  • wl32dll.dllMicrosoft Plus!-schermbeveiliging
  • wshirda.dllWindows Sockets Helper DLL
  • 2vdmaker.dllDvdMaker DLL
  • a0004068.dllMicrosoft Jet Excel Isam
  • atv02w9x.dllDigital Display Minidriver for Intel(R) Graphics Driver
  • aviwavim.dllFile Provider System - implementation for AVI, WAV & Images
  • compstui.dllCommon Property Sheet User Interface DLL
  • CRLFRMWK.dllCommon UI Framework Library
  • crxf_pdf.dllPortable Document Format DLL for Crystal Reports
  • ctdvda32.dllDVD-Audio Manager
  • dbexpmss.dllBorland dbExpress MSSQL driver
  • dllmsc32.dllPoINT Shared DLL
  • drv23260.dllVideo Codec 2.0 for RealVideo(tm)
  • evntagnt.dllEvent Translator SNMP subagent
  • fldrclnr.dllDesktop Cleanup Wizard
  • gkplugin.dll
  • graphics.dllFunction Library
  • hpofax08.dllHPOJFax Module
  • hpqss001.dllHPQSS001 Module
  • igxfrm2x.dllFrame Library
  • kbdhela3.dllGreek IBM 319 Latin Keyboard Layout
  • kbdit142.dllItalian 142 Keyboard Layout
  • lvcoinst.dllLogitech Co-Installer
  • msb1core.dllMicrosoft Office Translation Dictionaries
  • msinfo32.dllSysteeminfo
  • msmdcb80.dllPivotTable Service dll
  • msosvfbr.dllMicrosoft Office Services on the Web Free/Busy
  • msshlstf.dll
  • nprfxins.dllRichFX Basic Player
  • ntaspi32.dllwnaspi32
  • nvinstnt.dllNVIDIA Compatible Driver Install Library, Version 30.87
  • odbccp32.dllMicrosoft ODBC Installer
  • oleaccrc.dllActive Accessibility Resource DLL (32-bit ANSI Release)
  • opends60.dllSQL Open Data Services DLL
  • pcshll32.dllPCSHLL32 DLL for Win32
  • piaproxy.dllE-mu Plug-in Architecture Device Driver Proxy
  • prxyinet.dllPrxyInet DLL
  • python23.dllPython Core
  • sharedat.dll
  • snjawt11.dllsnjawt11 (Release Version)
  • sxlrt233.dll
  • templmgr.dllSuite Integration Toolkit Object
  • treeview.dll
  • trid_bio.dllTRID_BIO Windows 95 Display Driver
  • uihelper.dll
  • zdatai51.dllZDATAI51.DLL
  • cdrtra110.dllCorelDRAW Transactions
  • filtrator.dllFiltrator
  • gaducrypt.dllgaducrypt DLL
  • keycodev2.dllkeycode module
  • pluginvst.dllPluginSample System
  • gpupetetnt.dllgpuPeteTNT. DLL
  • lewpyglide.dllgpuLewGlide.dll
  • mda stereo.dllCubase VST Plug-In
  • svgcontrol.dllSVGControl Module 2.0
  • ttsmanager.dllTTSManager DLL
  • crlfomui110.dllFill and Outline User Interface Library
  • exch_aqueue.dllAqueue DLL
  • mediaplayer.dllShareaza Media Services
  • megatrancer.dllVST Plug-In
  • objectmovie.dllViewpoint Media Player ObjectMovie Component
  • preferences.dllpreferences
  • mda bandisto.dllCubase VST Plug-In
  • pixietool-sve.dllPixie5 Registration and Licensing Tool
  • spectralizer.dllWavelab Spectralizer
  • acproductinfo.dllApplication Center 2000 Product Information
  • exch_fcachdll.dllFCACHDLL
  • spupeopsdsound.dllspuPeopsSound
  • libgtk-win32-2.0-0.dllGIMP Toolkit
  • schnelltransfer.dllSchnellTransfer DLL
  • settings_object.dllsettings_object Module
  • tabsrmm_unicode.dllTabbed message plugin for Miranda IM
  • uncommondialogs.dllUncommonDialogs Module
  • crystalinfostorelib.dll
  • q.dllWavelab Q
  • m1.dllM1
  • avl.dlla small dll made for Mirc to use winamp
  • lan.dllICQ protocol plugin for Miranda IM, enhanced
  • ols.dllAdobe Online Services CS2 Support Library
  • rtm.dllRouting Table Manager
  • 34dd.dll34dd
  • aatp.dllMobile Channel Transport Protocol
  • b2c2.dllSkyStar2 streamreader
  • batt.dllBattery Class Installer
  • ds32.dllDemoShield Hook Function Dll
  • fxdb.dllFileXpress Database Module, Version 9.0
  • mso9.dllMicrosoft Office 2000 component
  • sufr.dllSierraUp French Resource DLL
  • aclui.dllSecurity Descriptor Editor
  • audit.dllAdobe® Audition™ Process Auditor
  • crypt.dllWindows NT BASE API Server DLL
  • ffc10.dllFeel Foundation Classes
  • kbdit.dllItalian Keyboard Layout
  • kbdro.dllRomanian Keyboard Layout
  • lvui2.dllLogitech Camera Property Pages
  • msusp.dllMicrosoft Universal Search Provider DLL
  • ovui2.dllLogitech Camera Property Pages
  • twext.dllPrevious Versions property page
  • vldlg.dllVisual LISP resource DLL
  • vssui.dllVSS Admin
  • wuweb.dllWindows Update Web Control
  • aticim.dllATI Component Installation Manager
  • dirapi.dllDirector Player
  • engine.dllFineReader Engine
  • fn3res.dllResource DLL
  • gccore.dll
  • hwxjpn.dll
  • js3250.dllNetscape 32-bit JavaScript Module
  • kbdkor.dllKO Hangeul Keyboard Layout Stub driver
  • ltmm_n.dllLEAD Multimedia Library
  • lvcomc.dllLVCom Client
  • mapper.dllMapping Wizard
  • mdippr.dllMicrosoft® Document Imaging
  • mfc71d.dllMFCDLL Shared Library - Debug Version
  • mpegid.dllmpegid DLL
  • mssp32.dll
  • nvgpio.dllNVIDIANVidia GPIO Dll
  • oisapp.dllMicrosoft Office Picture Manager App
  • smslib.dllPalm OS® Simulation Component
  • storm2.dllStorm Library
  • versit.dllvCard and vCalendar support DLL for Win32
  • aacmp32.dllAAC 32-bit helper
  • actcres.dllAcTcRes Resource DLL
  • agt0411.dllMicrosoft Agent International Dll
  • aifplug.dllSony AIFF Format
  • athprxy.dllMicrosoft Search Authentication Proxy
  • clusres.dllMicrosoft Cluster Resource DLL
  • cnb1000.dllCanon BJ Mini Printer Driver
  • cnbs400.dllCanon BJ Mini Printer Driver
  • crinf18.dllDataDirect Informix ODBC Driver
  • divxc32.dllDivX ;-) MPEG-4 Video Codec
  • es262-32.dllOpera Ecmascript Engine
  • fcctrl4.dllFolio Controls
  • foxnsox.dllInscriber graphics library
  • fuzzbox.dllVST Plug-In
  • gxtvpos.dllCyrix TV Control Applet
  • ISGDI32.dllImageStream Binding Library
  • jetchat.dlljetChat dll
  • libdb32.dllBerkeley DB 3.0 DLL
  • midisyn.dllSMax3CP DLL
  • mscorpe.dllMicrosoft .NET Runtime PE File Generator
  • msdaora.dllMicrosoft Data Access - OLE DB Provider for Oracle
  • mso97rt.dll
  • mspwl32.dllPassword list management library
  • nrapi20.dllMaxnet
  • ntprint.dllSpooler Setup DLL
  • nvwrscs.dllNVIDIA nView Desktop and Window Manager
  • oggplug.dllSony Ogg Vorbis Format
  • old9res.dllolidm9 Printer Driver
  • outlctl.dll
  • pa24res.dllPansonic 24 Pin Printer Driver
  • php_xsl.dllXSL
  • plotter.dllWindows Server 2003 Raster/Pen Plotter Driver
  • pxlfile.dllPXL file converter
  • replsub.dllSQL Server Replication Subscriber Provider
  • rootres.dllRootRes.dll
  • runaway.dllStarForce Protection Library
  • rwvoice.dllRoger Wilco voice processing library
  • u32file.dllu32File.DLL
  • winsock.dllWindows Socket 16-Bit DLL
  • wmerror.dllWindows Media Error Definitions (English)
  • 95client.dllUniversal Undo Client Library
  • a0001730.dllMicrosoft Internet Information Services Helper library
  • a0002990.dll
  • acrd10sm.dllACrd10SM
  • adv11nt5.dllDigital Display Minidriver for Intel(R) Graphics Driver
  • asoehook.dllAntiSpam OE Hook
  • cdalcdlg.dllSafeCast2
  • ch7xxnt5.dllDigital Display Minidriver for Intel(R) Graphics Driver
  • commonfx.dllCreative Common FX Plug-in
  • dbmsgnet.dllWinsock Oriented Net DLL for SQL Clients
  • dccutilc.dllSymantec Fax Starter Edition (dccutilc)
  • demilayr.dllMicrosoft® Work Group Applications for Windows(tm) System Services Layer
  • divxc32f.dllDivX ;-) MPEG-4 Video Codec
  • dpnlobby.dllMicrosoft DirectPlay8 Lobby
  • dtsffile.dllDTSFlatFile Rowset Provider DLL
  • elemutil.dllVisio database modeling element system utilities.
  • equalize.dllNero Library
  • h5menu32.dllHighEdit Pro MenuBar DLL
  • hpvdb720.dllWindows Unidrv Plugin
  • idprov32.dll
  • intlname.dllMicrosoft Office 2003 component
  • jabberoo.dll
  • kbdinmar.dllMarathi Keyboard Layout
  • kbdmaori.dllMaori Keyboard Layout
  • kdu_v32r.dllkdu_v32 -- Kakadu core DLL
  • lfgif11n.dllLEADTOOLS(r) DLL for Win32
  • lhportal.dllHydra Video Portal Resource
  • ltefx12n.dllLEADTOOLS(r) DLL for Win32
  • lxcaicur.dllLexmark Z11 System Driver IJ Core
  • metada51.dllIIS MetaBase DLL
  • meunicod.dllMiddle East Unicode support for Win95
  • mfc42enu.dllMFC Language Specific Resources
  • msdtcstp.dll
  • msvcirtd.dllMicrosoft (R) C++ Runtime Library
  • msvcrt20.dllMicrosoft® C Runtime Library
  • ndvddisc.dllDVD/CD Disc Manager DLL
  • nvmctray.dllNVIDIA Media Center Library
  • nvopenal.dllNVIDIA Corporation OpenAL(TM) Library
  • oicom400.dllCOMEX LIBRARY
  • OM518USD.dllOmnivision Still Image Devices DLL
  • orgapi32.dllOrganizer API
  • pkmtrace.dllMicrosoft SharePoint Portal Server Trace DLL
  • regtool5.dllSample ActiveX DLL providing registry support functions
  • smierrsy.dllWMI SNMP MIB Compiler Syntax Error Messages
  • srusbusd.dllStill Image Devices DLL (Digital Camera)
  • sxlrt308.dllDinkum® C++ Shared Library for VC++, Release Version
  • vbajet32.dllVisual Basic for Applications Development Environment - Expression Service Loader
  • wkcalctl.dllMicrosoft Works Calendar Controls
  • wmiscmgr.dllAdministrador de filtros WMI
  • GmDV2Mpeg.dllGoMotion.DV API
  • iviappaio.dllIviAppAIO Module
  • sfcwall31.dllFoundation Components
  • getaviinfo.dllGetAVIInfo Module
  • renderutil.dllRender Utilities
  • vslangproj.dllThe metadata wrapper for VSLangProj.tlb
  • downloaders.dllDownloaders DLL
  • etvmp4video.dllEnvivio MPEG-4 Optimized Video Decoder
  • pixietool-chs.dllPixie5 Registration and Licensing Tool
  • imageprovider.dllImageProvider DLL
  • libr_rl_zlib_.dllzlib data compression library
  • actpcatalogres.dllAcTpCatalogRes Resource DLL
  • crlfrmwkintl110.dllCommon UI Framework Library Resources
  • nctaudiocompress3.dllNCTAudioCompress3 ActiveX DLL
  • fl studio dxi (multi).dll
  • dvd express av decoder.dllMPEG, AC3 and LPCM Decoders
  • c2.dllMicrosoft (R) 32-Bit 80x86 Compiler Back End
  • msn.dllMiranda MSN Messenger plugin
  • prm.dll
  • sal.dllDVDMaestro Sal
  • acgs.dllAutoCAD 3D Graphics System
  • acil.dll
  • bank.dll
  • igdi.dllInstallShield (R) IGdi DLL
  • kx32.dllKiXtart 32 bit Thunk DLL
  • mail.dllMail Module
  • mapi.dllExtended MAPI 1.0 for Windows 3
  • poce.dllPANTONE® Open Color Environment
  • ppeu.dllPPEu
  • 95cfg.dllDLLTEMPLATE DLL
  • cnb80.dllCanon BJ Mini Printer Driver
  • eafsh.dllreads and writes EA Sports FSH file format
  • imm32.dllWindows XP IMM32 API Client DLL
  • l3enc.dlll3enc compression driver for Easy CD-DA Extractor 3
  • mcd32.dllOpenGL MCD Client DLL
  • mlang.dllMulti Language Support DLL
  • psart.dllPhotoshop Resource DLL
  • shtml.dllMicrosoft FrontPage Server Extensions
  • cmax20.dllMicrosoft Code Editor Control
  • d3dref.dllMicrosoft Direct3D
  • d3dxof.dllDirectX Files DLL
  • enigma.dllEnigma
  • heidi8.dllHeidi® Graphics System
  • id3lib.dllID3lib Dynamic Link Library
  • imscan.dllPavdll
  • kbdgeo.dllGeorgian Keyboard Layout
  • kbdtuq.dllTurkish Q Keyboard Layout
  • mcplug.dllSony MPEG Format
  • mdt2dd.dllMicrosoft Design Tools - Diagram Surface
  • mplvpx.dllMPL Video Library
  • mplvw7.dllMPL Video Library
  • msdaps.dllMicrosoft OLE DB Proxy/Stub Library
  • msidle.dllUser Idle Monitor
  • msovse.dllMicrosoft Office Scripting Package
  • nvrsfr.dllNVIDIA French language resource library
  • plotui.dllPen/Raster Plotter Driver User Interface
  • rnasmm.dllDial-Up Networking SMM utilities
  • rtcres.dllRTC Resource DLL
  • sfxbar.dllDockable bars library
  • srpump.dllSrPump
  • u2fwks.dllLotus WK? Export Format DLL for Seagate Crystal Reports
  • ucs32p.dllColorGear 32bit dll
  • visgrf.dll
  • ywcvwr.dllWebcam Viewer Networking and Imaging
  • aclddib.dllImage Library
  • agt0413.dllMicrosoft Agent International Dll
  • capture.dllHelix Producer Capture Plugin
  • certadm.dllCertificate Server Admin
  • cintime.dllMicrosoft New IME 98b
  • cncs232.dll
  • cutlist.dllAdobe Premiere Plug-in
  • d3dspy9.dllMicrosoft Direct3D Spy Proxy DLL
  • diskfau.dllDiskFAU Module
  • entutil.dllentutil
  • fm20enu.dllMicrosoft® Forms International DLL
  • gdiplus.dllMicrosoft GDI+
  • icquiex.dllMfcUIExtensions DLL
  • idlemon.dllIdle Monitor DLL
  • ieawsdc.dll
  • imjp81k.dllMicrosoft IME
  • ir41_32.dllIntel Indeo(R) Video Interactive 32-bit Driver
  • isp2000.dll
  • ixlaimg.dllIXLA image dll
  • jsd3250.dll
  • langs30.dllLanguage support DLL (32-bit version)
  • mfcn42d.dllMFCNET Shared Library - Debug Version
  • mmvcp70.dllUser-Generated Microsoft (R) C/C++ Runtime Library
  • msdaipp.dllMicrosoft Data Access Component Internet Publishing Provider
  • msdasql.dllMicrosoft Data Access - OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers
  • msimg32.dllGDIEXT Client DLL
  • msnet32.dllMicrosoft 32-bits Netwerk-API-bibliotheek
  • msv7enu.dllMicrosoft Office Localization Library
  • mswcrun.dllWebClassRuntime
  • ntdskcc.dllWindows NT Directory Service Knowledge Consistency Checker
  • nvrseng.dllNVIDIA UK English language resource library
  • popview.dllPhotoImpact Popup Viewer
  • service.dllPRISM Service Library
  • spyhk55.dllMicrosoft (R) Spy++ Hook
  • synctrl.dllSynCtrl
  • unlha32.dllLZH file processing library
  • wksblng.dllResurser fцr Portfцljen i Microsoft® Works
  • wmipdfs.dllWMI DFS Provider
  • wmiprov.dllWMI
  • wzcsapi.dllWireless Zero Configuration service API
  • 8255indi.dll8255x-based Network Device Installer
  • a0004074.dllMicrosoft Jet Engine Library
  • adobeweb.dllAdobeWeb.dll
  • anvioctl.dllASUS nVidia Series IOCTL DLL
  • atutil32.dllUtilities for AppleTalk devices
  • budapi32.dllBuddy API 3.31
  • bzpslang.dllHeidi\Pen Set Editor
  • cdr3d110.dllCDR3D ActiveX Control Module
  • crlctl91.dllCommon Controls Library
  • ctid3tag.dllCTId3Tag DLL
  • dbmsrpcn.dllConnectTo RPC Net Library
  • dbtools2.dll
  • delphimm.dllBorland Compatability Memory Manager
  • dmcompos.dllMicrosoft DirectMusic Composer
  • epnhte4s.dllEPNHTE4S
  • fxtls532.dllImageFX Effects DLL
  • h5tool32.dllHighEdit Pro Toolbars
  • ha312w32.dll
  • hpgtpusd.dllHewlett Packard ScanJet common STI USD
  • hpscaner.dllSCL communications DLL
  • hpsjmcro.dllHewlett-Packard Flatbed Scanner Still Image Device Micro Driver DLL
  • hpzscr07.dll
  • icccodes.dllProvides ICC signature codes and descriptions for Manufacturer and Model
  • idleproc.dllIDLEPROC DLL
  • igorplug.dllSFH-56 plugin for Girder
  • imjputyc.dllMicrosoft IME
  • kbdinpun.dllPunjabi/Gurmukhi Keyboard Layout
  • kodakcms.dllKODAK PROFESSIONAL Color Management System DLL
  • lxaxpmnt.dllLCNA Port Monitor
  • mmcshext.dllMMC Shell Extension DLL
  • mscoreer.dllKjшringsmotor for Microsoft .NET-kjшretid
  • msdetstf.dll
  • msjint35.dllMicrosoft Jet Database Engine International DLL
  • msjter35.dllMicrosoft Jet Database Engine Error DLL
  • mslocusr.dllLocal User Management DLL
  • msprint2.dllPrinter Setup DLL
  • msrd2x35.dllMicrosoft (R) Red ISAM
  • n32serve.dllNorton AntiVirus Server Module
  • ncpclres.dllNEC PCL Printer Driver
  • odbcconf.dllMicrosoft Data Access - ODBC Driver Configuration Program
  • pclepim1.dllPCLEPIM1 32-bit AVI Codec
  • qtintf70.dllDelphi-Qt2.x Interface Library
  • replsync.dllSQL Server Replication Synchronization Manager Handler
  • sc drums.dlldrums Sampler
  • schmmgmt.dllActive Directory Schema Manager MMC Snapin
  • sqlparse.dllSQLParser
  • symstore.dllSettings Storage DLL
  • twaops01.dll
  • u2lfinra.dll32-bit UFL to calculate financial ratios
  • u2lsamp1.dllSample User Function Library
  • usbmm1x1.dllMidiman USB Midi 1x1 Midi Interface Windows Driver
  • voicesub.dllMicrosoft IME
  • vtgamma2.dllS3Gamma Plus
  • winntbbu.dllWindows Setup BillBrd DLL
  • wmerrenu.dllWindows Media Services Error Definitions
  • wmserror.dllWindows Media Server Error Definitions (English)
  • wnaspi64.dllASPI for Win32 DLL
  • wsock32n.dllHummingbird Socks V4 Winsock stub
  • wwwnt34i.dllWIL Windows NT Extender DLL
  • armaccess.dll
  • cdrico110.dllIconHandler Shell Extension for CDR, CLK, CMX and CPT.
  • crlclr110.dllColor Engine Library
  • msvcr110d.dllMicrosoft® C Runtime Library
  • vs70uimgr.dllVS Setup UI Manager DLL
  • downmixdmo.dllDownmixDMO Module
  • epscontrol.dllEPSControl Module
  • mwadvantech.dllAdvantech Adaptor for MATLAB Data Acquisition Toolbox.
  • printinglib.dllScripting components printinglib LiveObject
  • sonicmpgmux.dllMPEG Multiplexer
  • drumsynth_eng.dllFruity DrumSynth Live
  • mpegencoderlib.dllMPEGEncoderLib - MPEG Encoder
  • nerofiledialog.dllNero File Dialog
  • msirsock_object.dllMSIrSock_object Module
  • rnginterstitial.dllRngInterstitial
  • esellerateengine.dlleSellerateEngine DLL
  • javaaccessbridge.dllJavaAccessBridge
  • nmindexstoresvrps.dllNero Home
  • pclecapturemicromv.dllCapture support library for Pinnacle capture devices
  • projectpointclient.dllProjectPointClient Module
  • multimediaconverter.dllMultimediaConverter Library
  • gpudemohardoptimized.dllgpuDemoHard DLL
  • directory services modeler.dllVisio Directory Services Modeler DLL
  • microsoft.visualstudio.designer.interfaces.dllMicrosoft.VisualStudio.Designer.Interfaces.dll
  • system.runtime.serialization.formatters.soap.resources.dll
  • au.dllAdobe Audition Language Module
  • aph.dllAPH Module
  • mbm.dllMBM 5 Core DLL
  • pse.dllPrint-Export-Send Services
  • w32.dllW32 Display Driver
  • 0413.dllDownload, Install, Maintenance, Patch, Launch, Execute
  • icmp.dllICMP DLL
  • proj.dllDirector Player
  • 8514a.dll8514/A Display Driver
  • acsfm.dllSF DLL
  • adftp.dllAdFTP FTP Shell Extension
  • delay.dllAdobe Audition Language Module
  • d-pole.dllD-Pole
  • eeswt.dllExpression Evaluator Switcher
  • midas.dllBorland MIDAS Component Package
  • mmcdw.dllMMCDW
  • pfmod.dllPfMod
  • sistv.dllSiS Compatible Super VGA TV Output
  • vamts.dllMicrosoft (R) Visual Studio VSA MTS Event Source
  • vbsld.dll
  • wgman.dllwgman
  • wt9li.dll Corel Writing Tools Language-Independent
  • aitool.dll
  • aweman.dllAWE32 Manager
  • blnmgr.dll
  • bool62.dllBoolean Husk DLL
  • cirrus.dllCirrus Display Driver
  • cnqu70.dllScanGear Universal Scanner Driver
  • codata.dllCrystal OLAP Data Library
  • comres.dll
  • ct9res.dllCT9RES resource dll
  • ctprop.dllCreative Properties DLL
  • dtspkg.dllDTSPackage Service Provider DLL
  • eeintl.dllMicrosoft Equation Editor Int'l DLL
  • encvag.dllencvag.dll
  • extmgr.dllExtensions Manager
  • gundll.dllGUN Dll
  • hpviol.dll
  • in_ape.dllin_APE
  • iwlang.dllSB64D SBSetup Library
  • kc2178.dllKC2178 DLL
  • msitss.dllMicrosoft® InfoTech Storage System Library
  • msxmlr.dllXML Resources for Win32
  • nvrscs.dllNVIDIA Czech language resource library
  • nvrsde.dllNVIDIA German language resource library
  • nvrssk.dllNVIDIA Slovak language resource library
  • oleacc.dllActive Accessibility Core Component
  • owsclt.dllMicrosoft SharePoint Extensions
  • sfmmon.dllAppleTalk Print Monitor
  • sqlqry.dllSQLQRY - SQL Server graphical query system
  • sytrus.dllSytrus Synthesizer
  • tp4res.dllIBM PS/2 TrackPoint Resource DLL
  • ttyres.dllTty Printer Driver
  • anvmini.dllASUS nVidia Series NT Kernel Library
  • aptutil.dll APTUTIL.DLL - Aptiva utilities DLL
  • certmmc.dllMicrosoft® Certificate Services Management Console
  • cmaxres.dllMicrosoft Code Editor Control Language Pack
  • cstbres.dllCanoScan Toolbox resource
  • ctsblfx.dllCreative SB FX Plug-in
  • dllav32.dllAPI functions of PoINT CD/DVD Audio/Video SDK
  • dwgcnvt.dllVisio DWGCNVT DLL
  • fmgrgui.dllFile Manager interface
  • fobj420.dllFineObjects Shared Library - Retail Version
  • g400icd.dllMatrox G400 OpenGL ICD
  • generic.dllGeneric Physmod Module
  • grabber.dllGrabber DLL
  • guidgen.dllMicrosoft(R) Visual C++ GUID Generator Component
  • helpsys.dllResource manager
  • hostmib.dllHost Resources MIB
  • hpfud50.dllWindows Unidrv Plugin
  • incdshx.dllUDF Shell Extension DLL
  • ipbootp.dllIP BOOTP
  • libpng1.dllPNG image compression library
  • massive.dllMassive Http Engine
  • msiprov.dllWMI MSI Provider
  • msobj10.dllMicrosoft (R) Object File Parser
  • mspcore.dllMicrosoft® Office Document Imaging Object Library
  • osc61as.dllObjective Studio Common DLL - Release Ver.
  • palmcmn.dllPalm Shared Library
  • pc3edit.dllAutodesk Hardcopy Plotter Configuration Editor DLL
  • shdocvw.dllShell Doc Object and Control Library
  • tcdinfo.dllRealNetworks CDInfo Interface
  • u2dpost.dllUXDPOST
  • usrlbva.dll3clbv
  • utility.dllUtility Module
  • vpmsece.dllNorton AntiVirus
  • wmdmlog.dllWindows Media Device Manager Logger
  • ws2help.dllWindows Socket 2.0 Helper for Windows 95
  • adobeps5.dllAdobe PostScript Printer Driver
  • apc60itl.dllApplication Programmability Components International Resources
  • axscphst.dllAxScriptHost70 - Active Scripting Host for SQL
  • ccpxyevt.dllCommon Client Proxy Event Factory
  • cldshowx.dllCLDShowX.dll
  • crlctl80.dllCommon Utilities Library
  • dbmsspxn.dllClient-Side NWLINK SPX WINSOCK Net Library
  • driverif.dlldriverif
  • dunzip32.dllDynaZIP-32 Multi-Threading UnZIP DLL
  • evolusbn.dllEvolution USB MIDI Keyboard Windows Driver
  • flrewire.dll
  • hpbftm32.dllPFM to Dummy TrueType
  • hpohrl05.dll
  • hpzvip09.dll
  • htrn_jis.dllHyperTerminal Applet Library
  • iecustom.dllIE Custom Update Library
  • ilansnmp.dllILanSnmp
  • indicdll.dllInternat
  • inetmib1.dllMicrosoft MIB-II subagent
  • iuengine.dllWindows Update Control Engine
  • kbdinmal.dllMalayalam Keyboard Layout Keyboard Layout
  • localspl.dllLocal Spooler DLL
  • ltimg70n.dllLEADTOOLS® DLL for Win32
  • mdt2gkor.dllMicrosoft Design Tools - Grid
  • mfc71chs.dllMFC Language Specific Resources
  • mfc71deu.dllMFC Language Specific Resources
  • mpeg2enc.dllmpeg2enc
  • msador15.dllMicrosoft Data Access - ActiveX Data Objects
  • mscorlib.dllMicrosoft Common Language Runtime Class Library
  • mscorsvr.dllMicrosoft .NET Runtime Common Language Runtime - Server
  • msgcompo.dll
  • mspatcha.dllMicrosoft(R) Patch Engine
  • msvcr70d.dllMicrosoft® C Runtime Library
  • mswebapi.dllWeb Api
  • numerics.dllnumerics
  • oitwa400.dllTWAIN LIBRARY
  • openal32.dllStandard OpenAL(TM) Implementation
  • pegreg32.dllPegasus Software Registration
  • phonelib.dllPalm OS® Simulation Component
  • profiler.dllProfiler DLL
  • rmbe3260.dllRealProducer Build Engine DLL
  • s3legacy.dllS3 Display Driver
  • servdeps.dllWMI Snapins
  • sky2pcui.dllFor B2C2, Inc. DVB4PC receiving board
  • spra041b.dllService Pack 1 Messages
  • syntpapi.dllSynTPAPI
  • vdrcodec.dllStudio 600 Codec
  • vfp8rkor.dllMicrosoft Visual FoxPro 8.0 Runtime Library Resources
  • wfxut32i.dllWFXUTIL non-MFC library
  • wkcallng.dllMicrosoft® Works Calendar Resources
  • wkwinuni.dllMicrosoft® Works Unicode Layer
  • wmdevctl.dllWMDevCtl Module
  • wmfplug2.dllSony Windows Media Format
  • wmipdskq.dllWMI Provider for Disk Quota Information
  • wmvdmoe2.dllCorona Windows Media Video Encoder
  • workssvc.dllMicrosoft® Works Task Launcher Services
  • xmencmp3.dllxmencmp3 Module
  • aawhelper.dll
  • adui16res.dlladuiRes Resource DLL
  • dvdreader.dllDVDReader DLL
  • foxburner.dllFoxBurner SDK
  • iphlpapi(3).dllIP Helper API
  • sharpness.dllSharpness Module
  • 51keyboard.dllWordPerfect(R) 11 - WP 5.1 DOS Toolkit
  • foundation.dllWavefront
  • hpsetupres.dllHPSETUPRes Resource DLL
  • php_sqlite.dllSQLite
  • versioncue.dllVersionCue
  • achlnkuires.dllHyperLinksRes Resource DLL
  • drivelocker.dllDriveLocker
  • php_pdo_odbc.dllODBC driver for PDO
  • pixietool-pol.dllPixie5 Registration and Licensing Tool
  • crlclrintl110.dllColor Engine Library Resources
  • interop_msxml.dll
  • libgthread-2.0-0.dllGThread
  • madcodehooklib.dllAPI/Code Hooking Library
  • perfectnetwork.dllPerfect Pool network
  • axe8sharedexpat.dllAXE Shared EXPAT (UTF-8 native)
  • comtrusurroundxt.dllTruSurroundXT Module
  • custommarshalers.dllMicrosoft .NET Framework Custom Marshalers
  • php_pdo_firebird.dllFirebird/InterBase driver for PDO
  • btsinterchangelib.dll
  • DirectShowDecoder.dllDirectShow Decoder
  • organization chart.dllVisio Organization Chart Solution DLL
  • js noise filtre v1.0.dllNoise Filtre
  • synthcore11resources.dllSynthCore11Resources
  • voicedesigner - mono insert.dllVST PlugIn
  • system.enterpriseservices.thunk.dllMicrosoft .NET Services Native Thunks
  • uc.dllucmore Module
  • csh.dllUser RunTime Communication DLL
  • dev.dllScanGear Device Control
  • hdd.dllHDD DLL
  • lwf.dllLuraWave Format PlugIn for IrfanView
  • NZB.dllNZB DLL
  • pid.dllMicrosoft PID
  • pm8.dllAutodesk Hardcopy Property Manager DLL
  • 1038.dllLanguage specific file
  • crqe.dllCrystal Query Engine
  • mozz.dll
  • nero.dllIrfanView Nero PlugIn
  • oc25.dllMicrosoft® OLE Control runtime DLL
  • shcv.dllSymbol Handler for Debugger
  • alice.dll
  • asp51.dllActive Server Pages
  • atmui.dllEigenschappen voor Windows ATM
  • dpprj.dllMicrosoft(R) Visual Studio Deployment Projects Code Dll
  • dtcrt.dllDTC Runtime Support
  • ersvc.dllWindows Error Reporting Service
  • esent.dllServer Database Storage Engine
  • films.dllFilms DLL
  • fwcfg.dllWindows Firewall Configuration Helper
  • ijl10.dllIntel® JPEG Library
  • iload.dllilapi11
  • kbdfc.dllCanadian French Keyboard Layout
  • mnmdd.dllApplication Sharing Display Driver
  • mnysl.dllMoney Standard Library
  • modex.dllModeX Display Driver
  • mss16.dll
  • pro-53.dllNative Instruments Pro-53
  • rverb.dllRVerb
  • sfcdx.dllSony CD UI Library
  • tiffr.dlltiffr
  • webui.dllWebUI DLL
  • adui16.dlladui DLL
  • bcspse.dllHeidi\Pen Set Editor
  • busobj.dll
  • cnet16.dllVerbindingsbeheer
  • cpscan.dllWIA Devices DLL
  • CRLFOM.dllFill and Outline Manager Library
  • devmgr.dllDevice Manager MMC Snapin
  • envdte.dllenvDTE.dll
  • fxsync.dllFxSync
  • gs_dll.dllgs_exe MFC Application
  • hpgt33.dllHP3300 Module
  • itircl.dllMicrosoft® InfoTech IR Local DLL
  • javale.dllJava Language Engine
  • kbdmon.dllMongolian Keyboard Layout
  • mciseq.dllMCI driver for MIDI sequencer
  • mpegin.dllMPEG File Decoder
  • msnp32.dllNetwerkvoorziening voor Microsoft-netwerken
  • mtxspm.dll
  • nvrsit.dllNVIDIA Italian language resource library
  • nvrsru.dllNVIDIA Russian language resource library
  • odbc32.dllMicrosoft Data Access - ODBC Driver Manager
  • pnglib.dllPortable Network Graphics Library
  • rascfg.dllRemote Access Setup config dialogs
  • rdpwsx.dllRDP Extension DLL
  • setup2.dllSETUP2 DLL
  • shgina.dllWindows Shell User Logon
  • vdswmi.dllWMI Provider for VDS
  • vray50.dllVRay
  • wshbth.dllWindows Sockets Helper DLL
  • wsxica.dllCitrix ICA Private WinStation Extensions
  • wzcdlg.dllWireless Zero Configuration Service UI
  • xl8805.dllMicrosoft Excel Lexicon
  • ymsgip.dllYmsgip
  • cygtk80.dllTk DLL
  • dbsrv32.dllDatabase Desktop Service DLL
  • digiext.dllDigidesign Extension Library
  • elbyecc.dllElbyECC DLL
  • enforce.dllENFORCE DLL
  • extract.dllVisio database modeling database reverse engineering.
  • fdeploy.dllExtensiуn de inicio de sesiуn en Windows para redirecciуn de carpetas
  • fineobj.dllFineObjects Classes Library Core
  • guidlgs.dllKasperksy Anti-Virus GUI Part
  • hnetcfg.dllHome Networking Configuration Manager
  • httpreq.dllPassport aware HTTP request COM component
  • icuuc26.dllIBM ICU Common DLL
  • imjpcic.dllMicrosoft IME
  • inetcfg.dllInternet Connection Wizard Library
  • jsproxy.dllJScript Proxy Auto-Configuration
  • ksimeui.dllksimeui
  • lonsint.dllIIS NT specific library
  • mmjbloc.dllmmjbloc
  • msieftp.dllMicrosoft Internet Explorer FTP Folder Shell Extension
  • msvcm80.dllMicrosoft® C Runtime Library
  • msw3prt.dllISAPI dll for Web Printing
  • msxml2r.dllXML Resources for Win32
  • nsqlc32.dllLotus NotesSQL 2.0 (32-bit) ODBC Driver
  • ntmsapi.dllRemovable Storage Public Interfaces
  • nvdmcpl.dllNVIDIA Desktop Manager Hook Library
  • nvwrssv.dllNVIDIA nView Desktop and Window Manager
  • nwevent.dllMensajes de sucesos para el servicio de sucesos para NetWare
  • nxmyfla.dllFree Lossless Audio Codec(FLAC) plugin for Nero
  • odkob32.dllSupport Utilities for Visual Basic 4.0 Enterprise Edition
  • oledbsv.dllMicrosoft Works Database Services
  • omipst9.dllMicrosoft Personal Folders Provider
  • packngo.dll
  • pmx2ogl.dllOpenGL Installable Client Driver
  • rdocurs.dllMicrosoft RDO Client Cursor DLL
  • rnaserv.dllInbelserver
  • shimgvw.dllWindows Picture and Fax Viewer
  • sqldata.dllSQLData
  • twnlib4.dllTwnLib4
  • u32comm.dllError Handle
  • winaspi.dllASPI for Win16 (95/NT) DLL
  • wmmutil.dllWindows Movie Maker
  • 324aud32.dllIntel® Audio Service Manager
  • acismenu.dllACIS external message database
  • ati3dcif.dllATI 3D CIF driver
  • cnxdslwz.dllDSL Wizard Interface DLL
  • compfilt.dllHTTP 1.1 Compression filter version, v1.0
  • dbmsadsn.dllADSP Net DLL for SQL Clients
  • deskperf.dllAdvanced display performance properties
  • dsp_defx.dllDeFX multi effects processor for Winamp 2.x
  • dtdr3260.dllRealMedia® Datatype Driver
  • fpexedll.dllMicrosoft FrontPage Server Extensions
  • fxsclntr.dllFax Console Resources
  • hpcabout.dll
  • hpocxi08.dllHP CUE/AiO Context Information Objects
  • hpv700al.dllWindows Unidrv Plugin
  • hpzidr12.dllIEEE-1284.4-1999 Run-time library (kernel)
  • ibppdres.dllIbmppdsl Printer Driver
  • IDR2000C.dll
  • inetcomm.dllMicrosoft Internet Messaging API
  • inetwh32.dllINETWH32
  • infocomm.dllMicrosoft Internet Information Services Helper library
  • ipxmontr.dllIPX Router Monitor DLL
  • kbdinguj.dllGujarati Keyboard Layout
  • lticnc90.dllSmartIcons Shared Module
  • lvwiaext.dllLogitech WIA extension
  • mdt2ddui.dllMicrosoft Design Tools - Surface du schйma
  • mfc70enu.dllMFC Language Specific Resources
  • minolres.dllMinolta Printer Driver
  • mon2kdbe.dllMoney2000 Database Engine Objects Library
  • mshtmlwb.dllMicrosoft (R) Scriptlet Component
  • mssadmws.dllMicrosoft SharePoint Portal Server
  • odsole70.dllOleAut driver DLL containing SQL Server sp_OA extended stored procedures
  • padrs411.dllMicrosoft IME. IMEPad resource module for japanese.
  • patchw32.dll
  • pclefuji.dllPcleFuji DLL
  • pcleiscl.dllPinnacle Image Scaler - for Convert Object
  • pngu3267.dllGUI Library
  • pvmjpg20.dllPICVideo Motion JPEG Compressor
  • pwictl2e.dllPwiCtl2E
  • rchannel.dllRChannel
  • rv403260.dllRealVideo
  • sprb0406.dllService Pack 2-meddelelser
  • sprb0407.dllService Pack 2-Meldungen
  • sprb0424.dllSporocila servisnega paketa SP 2
  • sprb0c0a.dllMensajes de Service Pack 2
  • trnsched.dllMicrosoft Schedule+ Shared File System Transport DLL
  • usrsdpia.dll3csdpi
  • vswizard.dllMicrosoft (R) Visual C++ Wizards
  • wamreg51.dllWAM Registration DLL
  • wcesview.dllMobile Devices Shell Extension
  • wiaservc.dllStill Image Devices Service
  • winmgmtr.dllWMI
  • bramusicq.dllICQ API Wrapper DLL by Bramus!
  • chartutil.dllChartUtil Module
  • topsearch.dllTopSearch
  • asmbase80a.dllASM Baseutil
  • dictionary.dll
  • dspmanager.dllDSP Manager
  • ekfpixguid.dllNIF KIES GUID Library
  • gpududsoft.dllGPU.DLL (CPU only driver + LFB obtained from DirectX)
  • instrument.dllJava(TM) 2 Platform Standard Edition binary
  • magickjbig.dllJBIG-KIT library
  • magickjpeg.dllIndependent JPEG Group's JPEG 6b-beta1 (18 Oct 1997) software
  • mechanical.dllMechanical Compiler
  • morphology.dllABBYY Morphology Engine
  • plcfmgrres.dllAutodesk Hardcopy Plot Config. Manager Resource DLL
  • sdkhelpmsi.dllSDK Update Helper for MSI
  • speakerdmo.dllDSP Module
  • ultrapitch.dllUltraPitch
  • aceplotxres.dllARX_MFCRes Resource DLL
  • acetransmit.dllacpackeng DLL
  • dc120v10_32.dllDC120V10_32
  • sfttabacres.dllSoftel vdm SftTabs/DLL Custom Control (Win32)
  • wma8connect.dllCompression CODEC
  • BaseToolCore.dllCorel Graphics Applications Base Tool Core Library
  • dvbinterface.dllDVBInterface
  • extendscript.dllExtendScript scripting engine
  • liveupdate16.dllLiveUpdate Module
  • mda testtone.dllCubase VST Plug-In
  • acmpolygoncom.dllMPolygonCOM Module
  • liteskinutils.dllSkinUtils DLL
  • CrlCmnMappedRes.dllCorel Common Mapped Resource DLL
  • extendscriptide.dllExtendScript debugger
  • system.resources.dll
  • system.web.resources.dll
  • installutil.resources.dll
  • crystaldecisions.vsshell.dllCrystal Reports for Visual Studio .NET
  • agm.dllAdobe Graphics Manager
  • atl.dllATL Module for Windows XP (Unicode)
  • crw.dllCanon CRW PlugIn for IrfanView
  • fpx.dllIrfanView FlashPix plugin
  • mmc.dllNero Recorder Driver
  • reg.dllReg DLL
  • s3v.dllDIB Engine based S3 driver.
  • yml.dllYML Dynamic Link Library
  • ospf.dllIP OSPF
  • gdi32.dllWin32 GDI core component
  • kbdfa.dllFarsi Keyboard Layout
  • kbdfi.dllFinnish Keyboard Layout
  • kbdhe.dllGreek Keyboard Layout
  • ocgen.dllWindows NT
  • peobj.dllPEObject DLL
  • poker.dllPoker.
  • vavsa.dllMicrosoft(R) Visual Studio Visual System Analyzer Package
  • cddbui.dllCDDBUIControl Module
  • comcat.dllMicrosoft Component Category Manager Library
  • comdlg.dllComDlg DLL
  • CRLUTL.dllCommon Utilities Library
  • csrsrv.dllClient Server Runtime Process
  • cw3240.dllDynamic Link Run Time Library
  • fp20tl.dllMicrosoft FrontPage Tool Library
  • ibeadh.dllEXATELECOM i-BEAD100 Multi Player Shell Extension
  • iecont.dllMicrosoft Internet Explorer Contacts
  • imagx7.dllImagX7 Dynamic Link Library
  • jfqtpl.dllQuickTime Player for jetAudio
  • kbdkaz.dllKazak_Cyrillic Keyboard Layout
  • kbdusa.dllUS IBM Arabic 238_L Keyboard Layout
  • morfit.dllMorfit DLL
  • mpgenc.dllStillsEncoder DLL
  • mst120.dllMST120 Library
  • ncsecw.dllNCSEcw
  • newdev.dllAdd Hardware Device Library
  • npkpdb.dllnProtect KeyCrypt Program Database DLL
  • pxlcnv.dllXLS to PXL and PXL to XLS file converter
  • qttest.dll QuickTime Test Dynamic Link Library
  • rjbdll.dllRealOne Player Media Library Component
  • s3sav4.dllS3 Savage4 Display Driver
  • sfspti.dllSonic Foundry SPTI Module
  • trkwks.dllDistributed Link Tracking Client
  • u32cfg.dllConfiguration
  • ufcbuf.dllUFCBUF DLL
  • wmppia.dll
  • wowfax.dllWindows 3.1 Compatible Fax Driver DLL
  • wshext.dllMicrosoft (r) Shell Extension for Windows Script Host
  • 3drrgba.dll3DR Win32s Generic Engine Module
  • 5446vpm.dllCirrus Logic CL-GD5446 VPM Provider
  • abframe.dllAddress Book Frame ATL Control Module, Version 9.0
  • adlmdll.dllAutodesk Adlmdll DLL
  • agentsr.dllMicrosoft Agent Speech Recognition Support DLL
  • apwheel.dllApoint Wheel Support Library
  • capintl.dllCorelCapture's resource dll
  • cciface.dllKaspersky Anti-Virus CC Interface
  • crbas14.dllMERANT Base ODBC DLL
  • creator.dllCreator Module
  • cssedui.dllMicrosoft (R) Visual Studio CSS Editor Resources
  • dialogs.dllDIALOGS
  • irclass.dllInfrared Class Coinstaller
  • ixlacam.dllIXLA Digital Camera Interface
  • messbox.dllMessBox DLL
  • mfcd42d.dllMFCDB Shared Library - Debug Version
  • msgr3en.dllMicrosoft English Natural Language Server
  • msvcirt.dllMicrosoft (R) C++ Runtime Library
  • odfox32.dllODBC (3.0) driver for FoxPro
  • outlrpc.dllOutlook RPC
  • perfnet.dllWindows Network Service Performance Objects DLL
  • plugdef.dllDefault Plugin
  • ralmain.dllRegister Abstraction Layer - main interface to RAL
  • sqlsnmp.dllMS SQL SNMP Extension DLL
  • ssdpapi.dllSSDP Client API DLL
  • stdprov.dllWMI
  • tcp2udp.dllTCP to UDP Bridge
  • tdlir32.dllTimex Data Link Dongle and IR Library
  • uniansi.dllZone Datafile
  • vaosolx.dllVisio solution extensions.
  • wshclus.dllWindows Sockets Helper DLL
  • a0002996.dllMicrosoft FrontPage Utility DLL
  • a0004057.dllMicrosoft Jet Text Isam
  • acspecfc.dllWindows 2000 Shim Accessory DLL
  • acutil15.dllacutil15.dll.dll
  • agnssync.dllAGNSSYNC DLL
  • avgetver.dllAVGetVer
  • btoolbox.dllbToolbox
  • camapi32.dllDS Camera Communication support Library
  • ccrptmr6.dllTimer, Countdown, and Stopwatch objects for people tired of using forms!
  • cirrusmm.dllCirrus Logic driver
  • CorelDrw.dllCorelDRAW(R)
  • crlweb91.dllCrlWeb DLL
  • ctp2wres.dllCreative PlayCenter 2 Configuration Wizard Resource Dll
  • d120_151.dllD120_151
  • d3dx9_27.dll
  • dmavideo.dllThe DMA Direct Draw screen and mode handler.
  • dsreader.dllDirectShow file reader
  • faultrep.dllWindows Error Reporting
  • hpdigwia.dllStill Image Devices DLL (Digital camera)
  • hpowin05.dll
  • hpsjvset.dllVendorSetup Extension DLL
  • hpzimc09.dllHP DeskJet Imaging DLL
  • iyvu9_32.dll
  • kbdhela2.dllGreek IBM 220 Latin Keyboard Layout
  • locwin32.dllNetware® Localization Library
  • lrwizdll.dllTerminal Server License Server Activation Wizard
  • ltcapn20.dllLotus Caption Manager Shared Module
  • ltfil12n.dllLEADTOOLS(r) DLL for Win32
  • ltkrn70n.dllLEADTOOLS® DLL for Win32
  • lxaxlcnt.dllLCNA COM Client
  • mcdvd_32.dllMainConcept DV+ Codec (b)
  • msdatobj.dll
  • msn9xmig.dllMSN Explorer migration DLL for Windows 9x Setup
  • msouplug.dllAntispam MS Outlook Plugin
  • msvcp100.dllMicrosoft® C Runtime Library
  • msxl3032.dllMicrosoft Jet Excel Isam
  • neomagic.dllDisplay Property Sheet Extension
  • npkcrypt.dllnProtect KeyCrypt Driver Support Dll
  • npwmsdrm.dllWindows Multimedia Services DRM Store Plug-In
  • okm24res.dllMl3390 Printer Driver
  • olepro32.dll
  • palmdevc.dllPalm OS Handheld Devices USB Class Installer
  • pcifmdio.dllDigidesign PCI Support Library
  • pcl5ures.dllPCL5e Printer Driver
  • pkmsstlb.dllMicrosoft SharePoint Portal Server Search Specific Type Libraries
  • postproc.dllPostProcessor DLL
  • sfmpsprt.dllWindows NT Macintosh Print Processor
  • sprb040b.dllService Pack 2 -viestit
  • tmdshell.dllTmdshell Module
  • vfcommon.dllVFAPI Server / Client Common Library
  • vifxpstr.dllPasteurization Module
  • vistable.dllVisio Table DLL
  • vobinput.dll
  • vtdisply.dllS3 multi-chip display switch utility
  • wincpuid.dllCPUID for Windows. Programmed by Kei.Takashima.
  • wmm2filt.dllMovie Maker Filters
  • wpdmtpdr.dll
  • xlodbc32.dllXLODBC DLL
  • avireader.dllUncompressed AVI reader
  • cdrfnt110.dllCorel Font Manager DLL
  • ltmorph40.dll
  • magickttf.dllTrueType font rendering library
  • magickzip.dllzlib data compression library
  • mda piano.dllCubase VST Instrument "mda Piano"
  • acdappinfo.dllACDAppInfo DLL
  • cengcore10.dllCEngCore10 Module
  • cookieauth.dll
  • gtdirect3d.dllCc Direct3D driver
  • lmmsgtrans.dllLogoManager Communications Transport Layer
  • rescom1600.dllStudio resource DLL
  • steam_1110.dllSteam Client Engine
  • tlbexpcode.dllMicrosoft .NET Assembly to Type Library Converter Implementation
  • sharemfcres.dllshareMFCRes.dll
  • xerces-c_1_7.dllShared Library for Xerces-C Version 1.6.0
  • bluegate vst.dllBlueLine VST Audio Filter
  • mpeg2decoder.dllMPEG Layer 1-2 Decoder
  • mpegdecoder2.dllmpegdecoder2 Module
  • pixietool-fra.dllPixie5 Registration and Licensing Tool
  • soapsudscode.dllMicrosoft SoapSuds Utility
  • sonicmpgaout.dllMPEG Audio Encoder
  • acdcimagesres.dlldcimageRes Resource DLL
  • imageservices.dllShareaza ImageServices
  • gpuimpactglide.dllGlide Renderer for Impact
  • scenecomponent.dllViewpoint Media Player Scene Component
  • audioconverterui.dllPlus! MP3 Audio Converter UI DLL
  • fruity drumsynth live.dll
  • 7za.dll7z Plugin for 7-Zip
  • msa.dllMSA DLL
  • ncc.dllNCC PlugIn for IrfanView
  • occ.dllMicrosoft(R) Visual C++ ActiveX Control Containment Component
  • paz.dllPAZ
  • ado2.dll
  • arun.dllAVG 7.0 CD AutoRun
  • plot.dllFunction Library
  • wamp.dllWinamp Information Extractor
  • asapi.dllASAPI Driver Library
  • cssed.dll
  • greek.dllAlcoholer
  • mdiui.dllMicrosoft® Document Imaging
  • mmgit.dllMUSICMATCH® GIT Module
  • mqsec.dllWindows NT, MSMQ 2.0 Security
  • msain.dllMicrosoft Access International DLL
  • msdds.dllMicrosoft Design Tools - Diagram Surface
  • mui32.dll
  • nwcfg.dllNWC Configuration DLL
  • qvusd.dllStill Image Devices DLL (Digital camera)
  • share.dll
  • sqlle.dllMicrosoft® SQL Language Engine (for Debugging)
  • ssgs1.dllPrinthru Printer Driver
  • stock.dllStock Module
  • tsd32.dll
  • xcomm.dllAVX Communicator
  • aswres.dllYahoo! Audio Setup Wizard Resources - English
  • avidll.dllavidll for adobe premiere avi plugin
  • axiodd.dllVST Plugin
  • cc3250.dllBorland C++ Single-thread RTL (WIN ST)
  • clinet.dllCLInet Module
  • ctscal.dllCreative Speaker Calibrator Engine
  • dibeng.dllWindows DIB Engine
  • dpcdll.dllDpcdll Module
  • dpvacm.dllMicrosoft DirectPlay Voice ACM Provider
  • dsinst.dllDirectory Server 4.1
  • fxsocm.dllMicrosoft Fax Optional Component Installer
  • fxst30.dllMicrosoft Fax T30 Protocol Service Provider
  • halion.dllVST Plug-In
  • iasnap.dllIAS NAP Provider
  • improc.dllFunction Library
  • kbdaze.dllAzerbaijan_Cyrillic Keyboard Layout
  • msasn1.dllASN.1 Runtime APIs
  • msgsys.dllCBA -- Message System Library
  • msth32.dll
  • nvrspt.dllNVIDIA Iberian Portuguese language resource library
  • outlcm.dllOutlook Configuration and Protocol Manager
  • perfos.dllWindows System Performance Objects DLL
  • qchart.dllQuattro Pro Charting tools
  • rududu.dllRududu video codec
  • slbcsp.dllSchlumberger Smart Card CryptoAPI Library
  • snmpcl.dllWMI SNMP Class Library
  • srvsvc.dllServer Service DLL
  • u2ldts.dllDate Time String User Function Library
  • wiadss.dllWIA TWAIN compatibility layer
  • wstdec.dllWorld Standard Teletext Decoder
  • xuikit.dllxUIKit DLL
  • ygxa_2.dllYahoo Graphics DLL
  • yzdock.dllWindows system hook DLL for Y'z Dock
  • agt0c0a.dllMicrosoft Agent International Dll
  • asst_ui.dllMotive Support Client UI Library
  • avmcapi.dll
  • barcode.dllBarcode Recognition DLL
  • CimPACK.dlllanguage specific resources
  • cmnclim.dllZone Datafile
  • cnb5500.dllCanon BJ Mini Printer Driver
  • cror818.dllDataDirect Oracle ODBC Driver
  • dpplgui.dllMicrosoft(R) Visual Studio Deployment Plugins Package
  • fltim32.dllRIOS Image Import/Export Filter
  • fontcap.dllAutodesk Font Capture Dialog DLL
  • fxsperf.dllMicrosoft Fax PerfMon DLL
  • hpcolor.dllUniversal printer driver color printing support libary
  • hpqunld.dllHpqUnld Module
  • italian.dllAlcoholer
  • kbd101c.dllKO Hangeul Keyboard Layout for 101(Type C)
  • limiter.dllLimiter
  • llaunch.dllLauncher Application Res
  • mkernel.dll
  • mscorld.dllMicrosoft Remote object loader
  • msdarem.dllMicrosoft Data Access - OLE DB Remote Provider
  • msobweb.dllMicrosoft Out of Box Experience
  • out_sqr.dllAdvanced Crossfading Output v1.5 for Winamp
  • pnrpnsp.dllPNRP Name Space Provider
  • repodbc.dllMicrosoft Repository Engine
  • sdiclnt.dllsdiclnt Module
  • storage.dll
  • svgcore.dllSVG Viewer Core 5.0
  • u2frdef.dllReport Definition DLL for Crystal Reports
  • vsupdui.dllVSUpdate Resource DLL Module
  • win32ui.dllSymantec Ghost Commom UI Library
  • 00003637.dllGadu-Gadu - Archiwum
  • a0000191.dllMicrosoft MPEG-4 Video Codec
  • adv02nt5.dllDigital Display Minidriver for Intel(R) Graphics Driver
  • adv02w9x.dllDigital Display Minidriver for Intel(R) Graphics Driver
  • adv05nt5.dllDigital Display Minidriver for Intel(R) Graphics Driver
  • animated.dllMicrosoft Clip Organizer Asset Version Proxy
  • audiosrv.dllWindows Audio Service
  • borlndmm.dllBorland Memory Manager
  • cdrwex32.dllCdrwEx32 DLL
  • cocpyinf.dllCoInstaller: CopyINF
  • commctrl.dllCustom Controls Library
  • commtb32.dllMicrosoft Button Editor DLL
  • dbnetlib.dllWinsock Oriented Net DLL for SQL Clients
  • digimidi.dllDigidesign MIDI Library
  • dsound3d.dllDirectSound3D LUT
  • epnhtx04.dllEPNHTX04
  • escp2res.dllEpson Stylus(TM) Printer Driver for Windows NT(TM) Operating System
  • eventcls.dllMicrosoft® Volume Shadow Copy Service event class
  • feclient.dllWindows NT File Encryption Client Interfaces
  • hpbf201i.dllHP LaserJet 1100 Printer Driver
  • hpv820al.dllWindows Unidrv Plugin
  • imcommon.dllVisio database modeling common utilities.
  • imekrmbx.dllMicrosoft Korean IME 2002
  • kbdibm02.dllJP Japanese Keyboard Layout for IBM 5576-002/003
  • maxsound.dllDLL zur Audio - Ausgabe mit DirectX
  • mqlogmgr.dllMS DTC log manager DLL
  • msaatext.dllActive Accessibility text support
  • mscories.dllMicrosoft .NET IE SECURITY REGISTRATION
  • msnetobj.dllDRM ActiveX Network Object
  • msoxmlmf.dllMicrosoft Office XML MIME Filter
  • msvcp71d.dllMicrosoft® C++ Runtime Library
  • nwlocale.dll
  • pg32conv.dllcrw32
  • pmxgenin.dllImagination Technologies Installer Utility DLL
  • rmoc3260.dllReal Player(tm) ActiveX Control
  • rvbaddin.dll
  • scanscsi.dllScsi Bus Scanner
  • sdhcinst.dllSecure Digital Host Controller Class Installer
  • setupmgr.dllSetupManager DLL
  • smlogcfg.dllPerformance Logs and Alerts Snap-in
  • smtpctrs.dllSMTP Server Perfmon DLL
  • ssleay32.dllTrueVector Service
  • swpdflt2.dllSidewinder PID PreFilter
  • u32aps32.dll
  • vba6mtrt.dllMT Designer RT
  • vdicmdrv.dllVirtualDub installable video compressor/decompressor
  • winshfhc.dllFile Risk Estimation
  • wlbsctrl.dllNetwork Load Balancing API
  • wmm2eres.dllWindows Movie Maker Ext Res
  • wsfirscr.dllWS_FTP Firewall Script module
  • xinstall.dllVery cool licensing system
  • crlcui110.dllCorel Color UI Library
  • echomania.dllVST Plugin
  • netfxperf.dllnetfxperf.lib
  • normalize.dllnormalize DLL
  • PBKENGINE.dllModule d'accиs annuaire
  • safecast2.dllSafeCast2
  • xinput1_3.dllMicrosoft Common Controller API
  • apploadres.dllApploadRes Resource DLL
  • autorungui.dllAutoRunGUI6 DLL
  • enforcerms.dllENFORCERMS DLL
  • sb_mixclap.dllVST Plugin
  • viscomwave.dll
  • acasetupres.dllAutoCAD Resource DLL
  • defopenal32.dllOpenAL32
  • jampgamex86.dllJA Game DLL
  • pclecapture.dllPinnacle Capture Engine
  • wnaspi32.nt.dllASPI for Win32 (95/NT) DLL
  • bandstandvst.dllBandstand
  • hfxclasses46.dllHollywood FX Shared Class Library
  • imagesupport.dllImage Support
  • mscsresource.dllMicrosoft Commerce Server MSCSResource DLL
  • java_crw_demo.dllJava(TM) 2 Platform Standard Edition binary
  • libmwbuiltins.dlllibmwbuiltins
  • SonicMPEGAudio.dllSonicMPEGAudio
  • adobeupdaterapp.dllAdobe Updater
  • becontrols_pc_z.dllBEControls Module
  • lifestudioheadapi.dllLife Studio:Head API
  • multibandcompressor.dllMultibandCompressorr
  • crystaldecisions.reportsource.dllCrystal Reports for Visual Studio .NET
  • qdv.dll
  • req.dllREQ
  • vga.dllVGA 16 Colour Display Driver
  • wma.dllWma DLL
  • wmp.dllWindows Media Player Core
  • 0405.dllDownload, Install, Maintenance, Patch, Launch, Execute
  • abls.dllABLS DLL
  • ddgl.dllDD Graphic Library
  • gchw.dllNeroVision
  • lame.dllACD - LAME
  • rt3d.dll3D Run-time
  • snmp.dllSNMP Utility Library
  • tsoc.dllTerminal Server Optional Component Setup
  • yule.dllMicrosoft Media Player Bonus Visualization - Yule Log
  • 485f4.dllInstallShield Resources
  • btddi.dllBrooktree DirectDraw Interface
  • color.dllcolor DLL
  • comms.dllWoTMUD Commication Filter
  • cwvst.dll
  • ddraw.dllMicrosoft DirectDraw
  • gzlib.dllGZLIB DLL
  • mpvis.dllWindows Media Player Visualization
  • msmom.dllmsmom
  • oggds.dllOggDS
  • pd1oc.dllMicrosoft PhotoDraw Class Library
  • tnapi.dllNAPI Functions
  • vbios.dllVBios DLL
  • vfp6r.dllMicrosoft® Visual FoxPro® Runtime Library
  • wkclv.dllMicrosoft® Works Icon View
  • wpdsp.dllWMDM Service Provider for Windows Portable Devices
  • a4s2_j.dllSFG MFC Application
  • ahqman.dllAudioHQ Manager
  • comm32.dllDS Camera Communication support Library
  • csspkg.dllVB7 CSS Editing Package
  • ctskin.dllCreative Skin Engine DLL
  • dfrgui.dllDisk Defragmenter UI Module
  • emboss.dllEmboss Effect
  • heidi6.dllHeidi® Graphics System
  • igfxhk.dlligfxhk Module
  • iprip2.dllIP RIP
  • javart.dllMicrosoft® Runtime Library for Java
  • jungle.dllJungle Screen Saver
  • mfcn30.dllMFCNET Shared Library - Retail Version
  • mprddm.dllDemand Dial Manager Supervisor
  • mso97v.dll
  • rjbviz.dllRealNetworks Visualization plugin
  • shell3.dllResource DLL
  • shsvcs.dllWindows Shell Services Dll
  • UNIDRV.dllUnidrv Printer Driver
  • vcmmgr.dll
  • vsinit.dllTrueVector Service
  • winsta.dllWinstation Library
  • xclick.dllX-Click
  • 3dfxogl.dllOpenGL 1.1 Client Driver
  • acshape.dllShape Editor
  • agt0401.dllMicrosoft Agent International Dll
  • appdata.dllAppData
  • avgcore.dllAVG Scanning Engine
  • bwfiles.dllBackWebFiles Module
  • decoder.dllWAVE/MP3 Decoder
  • dgncnvt.dllDGN Convert Component
  • dtcserv.dllMicrosoft (R) Visual Studio Design Time Control Service
  • hpzjlog.dllSDILog DLL
  • icqifdg.dllICQInfoDialogs DLL
  • imadmui.dllWindows Remote Installation UI
  • mayares.dllWavefront
  • mciwave.dllMCI driver for waveform audio
  • mprprov.dllFile Provider System - MPEG Program Stream
  • msadocg.dllMicrosoft® ADO Component Gallery Wizard
  • msdmeng.dllMicrosoft Data Mining Engine
  • msreftl.dllLook Up Reference Add-In
  • msxml3a.dllXML Resources
  • nmoldwb.dllNetMeeting Whiteboard (1.0 - 2.x)
  • ntmarta.dllWindows NT MARTA provider
  • oeminfo.dllOEM Information Provider
  • pdfport.dllPDFPort Interface Binder
  • pdsetup.dllDictionary Setup ActiveX
  • pkmcore.dllMicrosoft SharePoint Portal Server Core Objects Library
  • plustab.dllEffects Control Panel extension
  • pmxdisp.dllKYRO Display Driver
  • riafui1.dllPCL Unidrv Printer Driver UI Plugin
  • sccsccp.dllInfineon SICRYPT® Smart Card Crypto Provider COM Objects
  • ssgs1su.dllSMARTUI DLL
  • about_rc.dllAbout
  • activeds.dllADs Router Layer DLL
  • acxtrnal.dllWindows Compatibility DLL
  • admwprox.dllIIS Admin Com API Proxy dll
  • asmct80a.dllASM Cellular Topology
  • ati2dvag.dllATI Radeon WindowsNT Display Driver
  • atitvo32.dllATI RageTheater/ImpacTV2 COM interface
  • atv06nt5.dllDigital Display Minidriver for Intel(R) Graphics Driver
  • atv10nt5.dllDigital Display Minidriver for Intel(R) Graphics Driver
  • BRSPLWMK.dllbrsplwmk
  • btutil32.dll
  • btvid_32.dllBt Video I2C and GPIO API DLL
  • ch7xxw9x.dllCh700x Minidriver for Intel Graphics Driver
  • commonui.dllCommonUI DLL
  • cp3245mt.dllDynamic Link Run Time Library (VCL MT)
  • crdb_cdo.dllCrystal Reports database driver for Crystal Data Object
  • crdb_dao.dllCrystal Reports database driver for Microsoft Data Access Objects
  • csui_res.dllScanGear User Interface
  • cygtcl80.dllTcl DLL
  • cyycoins.dllCyclom-Y Co-Installer
  • dfrgsnap.dllDisk Defragmenter Snap-in Module
  • fguard32.dllFolder Guard DLL
  • hpf940al.dllWindows Unidrv Plugin
  • hpzrp306.dllPrinter Property UI dll
  • ialmcoin.dllCoInstaller: Almador Second Function, AIM 3.0 Modules
  • jpegcode.dllJpegCode Dynamic Link Library
  • karlette.dllVST Plug-In
  • lalbumui.dllQuickCam Gallery Language
  • lmpclres.dllLmpclmd3 Printer Driver
  • logscrpt.dllMicrosoft IIS Log Scripting DLL
  • ltdis13n.dllLEADTOOLS(r) DLL for Win32
  • ltkrn13n.dllLEADTOOLS(r) DLL for Win32
  • msorcl32.dllMicrosoft Data Access - ODBC Driver for Oracle
  • msrd2x40.dllMicrosoft (R) Red ISAM
  • mssoapr3.dllMicrosoft Office Soap Resource DLL 3.0
  • msvci70d.dllMicrosoft® C++ Runtime Library
  • netfxocm.dllUniversal Runtime OCM Setup
  • nmlogcxx.dllNero Home
  • notepape.dllNote Paper Effect
  • nvopengl.dllNVIDIA Compatible OpenGL ICD
  • oiadm400.dllADMIN LIBRARY
  • paftopdf.dllpaftopdf
  • pkmtempl.dllMicrosoft SharePoint Portal Server Template Format Agent
  • rasscrpt.dllDial-Up Scripting
  • s11thk32.dllSynthCore R2.0 Midi Interface Driver
  • schannel.dllTLS / SSL Security Provider
  • sclgntfy.dllSecondary Logon Service Notification DLL
  • sprb0401.dllService Pack 2 Messages
  • sprb041d.dllService Pack 2-meddelanden
  • ssnetlib.dllWinsock Oriented Net DLL for SQL Server
  • sysmod_a.dllSystem Migration Module
  • tbdwnmgr.dllMSN Updater Download Manager
  • umaxud32.dllStill Image Devices DLL
  • wbemcntl.dllWMI Control
  • wrap_oal.dllOpenAL32
  • wuauserv.dllWindows Update AutoUpdate Service
  • asmlaw80a.dllASM LAW
  • bearshare.dllBearShare
  • mscorsecr.dllMicrosoft .NET Security resource module
  • nxwavpack.dllWavPack plugin for Nero
  • sdl_mixer.dllSDL_mixer
  • txtscroll.dllAnimation Core
  • clrecorder.dllCLRecorder
  • fontcapres.dllAutodesk Hardcopy Font Capture Dialog Resource DLL
  • libaprutil.dllApache Portable Runtime Utility Library
  • CRLI18NINTL.dllGlobalization Utilities Resources
  • gpulewglide.dllgpuLewGlide.dll
  • mda limiter.dllCubase VST Plug-In
  • pptransintl.dllCorel PHOTO-PAINT Tool Resources
  • spaceeffect.dllorbiter
  • textfindres.dllTextFind Resource DLL
  • adobeupdater.dllAdobe Updater Library
  • multichannel.dllNero Multichannel Library
  • nmpluginbase.dllNero Home
  • pixietool-non.dllPixie5 Registration and Licensing Tool
  • registration.dllRegistration
  • A0 xChorus II.dllChorus VST plugin.
  • acddvpointres.dllAcDdvpoint AutoCAD Resource DLL
  • forcefeedback.dllEON ForceFeedback
  • uninstmanager.dllUninstManager
  • ExcelExport110.dllPerfectFit Excel Converter
  • interop.msdasc.dll
  • commonfunctions.dllCommonFunctions DLL
  • drwblendtool110.dllCorelDRAW XXX Tool Library
  • adimagingservices.dllAutodesk Imaging Services
  • fireworks library.dllFireworks Library
  • native reverb plus.dllNative Reverb Plus
  • camtasiaofficeaddin.dllCamtasia Studio PowerPoint Add-In
  • microsoft.vsa.vb.codedomprocessor.dllMicrosoft (r) VSA VB CodeDOM Processor
  • at.dllAudioTrack
  • em.dllExecution Model for Debugger
  • atp.dllMicrosoft Office Web Components Advanced ToolPack
  • 3dfx.dllGBH 3Dfx hardware rasteriser
  • cm32.dllAUtilBase DLL
  • gogo.dllGOGO DLL
  • mesh.dllTriangular mesh support
  • opuc.dllOffice Product Updates Engine
  • qd3d.dllQuickDraw 3D
  • tapi.dllMicrosoft® Windows(TM) Telephony Server16
  • ulib.dllFile Utilities Support DLL
  • bzip2.dllBZip2 Plugin for 7-Zip
  • ifc23.dllImmersion Foundation Classes
  • iprip.dllMicrosoft RIP for Internet Protocol
  • kbdbe.dllBelgian Keyboard Layout
  • kbdcz.dllCzech Keyboard Layout
  • linmb.dllLinMB
  • navlu.dllNorton AntiVirus
  • pmext.dllPMEXT DLL
  • sx32w.dll
  • tcl82.dllTcl DLL
  • w3ext.dllIIS W3ext Module
  • 3dfxvs.dll3dfx VSA Display Driver
  • aaffmt.dllAudible File Format Plugin
  • acmail.dllAcMail.dll
  • adview.dllAutodesk Express Viewer Control
  • aiicon.dllIcons for Adobe Illustrator
  • am90en.dllCorel Application Manager DLL
  • as2000.dllPublic Release Version
  • bboard.dllsetup
  • cdr50s.dllNero Recorder Driver
  • cw3230.dllDynamic Link Run Time Library
  • daqmex.dllMATLAB Data Acqusition Engine.
  • efsadu.dllUtilidad de cifrado de archivos
  • fxscom.dllMicrosoft Fax Server COM Client Interface
  • glmf32.dllOpenGL Metafiling DLL
  • jetocr.dllJetOCR DLL
  • kbdblr.dllBelarusian Keyboard Layout
  • licdll.dllLicdll Module
  • mplva6.dllMPL Video Library
  • mqtrig.dllMSMQ Trigger Object Module
  • msddsf.dllMicrosoft Design Tools - DDS Forms
  • netmsg.dllNet Messages DLL
  • nvrsda.dllNVIDIA Danish language resource library
  • nvwimg.dllNVIDIA nView Image Library, Version 105.25
  • p2x561.dllPerl Interpreter
  • picn20.dllPegasus Dispatcher for Win32
  • ptpusb.dllWIA PTP proxy
  • rlcore.dllApplication
  • scecli.dllWindows Security Configuration Editor Client Engine
  • scesrv.dllWindows Security Configuration Editor Engine
  • sisgrv.dllSiS Compatible Super VGA Driver
  • sparks.dllApplication
  • svrapi.dll32-bit common Server API library
  • syncom.dllSynCOM
  • teamp3.dllRealNetworks MP3 Utility Plug-in
  • udflib.dllUDFLib
  • uictrl.dllScanner Driver
  • vbai60.dllVBA Installer
  • 24cents.dllPoker.
  • amrcore.dllNokia AMR Codec
  • atidrae.dllATIRAGE Display Driver
  • bthserv.dllBluetooth Support Service
  • condmgr.dllPalm Shared Library
  • imghook.dllIMGHOOK
  • impulse.dllImpulse VST Synthesizer
  • iplcomm.dlliDEN Protocol Library
  • mfc200d.dllMFCDLL Shared Library - Debug Version
  • mmvcr70.dllUser-Generated Microsoft (R) C/C++ Runtime Library
  • mnyob99.dllMoney Core Library DLL - Obelisk
  • msscd32.dllMicrosoft Schedule+ Schedule DLL
  • nvwrsko.dllNVIDIA nView Desktop and Window Manager
  • odexl32.dllODBC (3.0) driver for Excel
  • ole2nls.dllOLE 2.1 16/32 Interoperability Library
  • ot602as.dllObjective Toolkit DLL - Release Ver.
  • outlook.dllSynchronizer OLE Server
  • plcferr.dllAutodesk Hardcopy Plot Config. Error DLL
  • recpage.dllFineReader machine-printed character recognizer
  • smmedia.dllSoundMAX Media
  • sscnis7.dllNorton Security Center Plug-in
  • vi30wrp.dllFpWrap Module
  • vs98ent.dllsetup
  • winsdec.dllESCAPE Speed codec for 124
  • wklnlng.dllMicrosoft® Works Task Launcher Resources
  • wlanmon.dllWireless Monitor Snapin
  • wp24res.dllWipro 24 Pin Printer Driver
  • zvl32cv.dllZoner Bitmap,Vector,Media Library 32
  • ati3d1ag.dllati3d1ag.dll
  • atippaxx.dllATI Desktop Control Panel
  • atv01w9x.dllDigital Display Minidriver for Intel(R) Graphics Driver
  • bldwizmg.dllMicrosoft (R) Visual InterDev BWM Service
  • c_g18030.dllGB18030 DBCS-Unicode Conversion DLL
  • cnb2100s.dllCanon BJ Mini Printer Driver
  • cw3240mt.dllDynamic Link Run Time Library
  • dlportio.dllDriverLINX Port I/O DLL
  • dmusic32.dllMicrosoft DirectMusic Legacy Port
  • epnhtx01.dllEPNHTX01
  • fxscomex.dllMicrosoft Fax Server Extended COM Client Interface
  • gbplugin.dllInstallBuddy Plugin for Liberty
  • GoMotion.dllGoMotion® MPEG API
  • hpv880al.dllWindows Unidrv Plugin
  • ib238res.dllibm238x Printer Driver
  • ikeycplx.dllIkeycplx.dll
  • imagehlp.dllWindows NT Image Helper
  • kbdintam.dllTamil Keyboard Layout
  • mfc71kor.dllMFC Language Specific Resources
  • mfcd42ud.dllMFCDB Shared Library - Debug Version
  • mm3dfx16.dll3Dfx Interactive, Inc. DirectX Driver
  • msexch40.dllMicrosoft Jet Exchange Isam
  • msuspint.dllMicrosoft Universal Search Provider International DLL
  • nprjplug.dllRealJukebox Netscape Plugin
  • nslocale.dll
  • odbctrac.dllMicrosoft Data Access - ODBC Driver Manager Trace
  • oemdspif.dllATI Driver Interface DLL
  • openglv5.dllOpenGL Client DLL
  • pnrs3260.dllResources Manager
  • rainbow2.dllRainbow VST synth plugin
  • scilexer.dllScintilla.DLL - a Source Editing Component
  • sfl201as.dllStingray Foundation Library DLL - Release Ver.
  • sirenacm.dllMSN Messenger Audio Codec
  • wmiprvsd.dllWMI
  • AnyDialog.dllUser Interface for AnyDVD
  • asmrbi80a.dllASM Repair Body Intersections
  • exch_rwnh.dllRWNH
  • frameview.dllFrameView DLL
  • freetype6.dllFreeType: font engine and rasterizer
  • hungarian.dllAlcoholer
  • ktransfer.dllPrzesylanie plikуw
  • pr_remote.dllPR_REMOTE
  • vcproject.dllVisual C++ Build System Package
  • waveshell.dllWaveShellVST
  • zlibpack5.dllZoner support library
  • acadficn16.dllacadficn
  • acsignicon.dllAcSignIcon Module
  • acstdbatch.dllAcStdBatch Module
  • admpgcheck.dllMPEG Settings Checker
  • asmcstr80a.dllconstructor
  • dbeditorpp.dllAdvanced Database Editor
  • dbexpmysql.dllBorland dbExpress MySQL 3.23.x driver
  • discburner.dllDiscBurner DLL
  • ekfpixexif.dllNIF KIES EXIF Library
  • php_pspell.dllPspell
  • pp_unicows.dllWin9x Supplemental Unicode eXtension
  • recognizer.dllRecognizer API redirector.
  • explorerlib.dll
  • plcalwizres.dllAutodesk Hardcopy Plotter Calibration Wizard Resource DLL
  • vmpegencndx.dllVMPEGEnc
  • acdappinfo50.dllACDAppInfo DLL
  • dc120v154_32.dllDC120V154_32
  • exch_smtpapi.dllSMTP Service Client API Stubs
  • gpufoxopengl.dllgpuFoxOpenGL DLL
  • soundshifter.dllSoundShifter
  • acgsconfigres.dll3D Config ObjectARX Application
  • cdrprnintl110.dllCorel Print Engine Resources
  • dsp_pitchfork.dlldsp_pitchfork
  • sm_cstrike_mm.dllSTATSME - Metamod Plugin DLL
  • acdclayoutsres.dllAcDcLayoutRes Resource DLL
  • exportmodeller.dllExportModeller Module
  • mmxptresources.dllMMxpt
  • nmcofoundation.dllNero Home
  • acdtriallicense.dllACDTrialLicense
  • macallanversion.dllMacallan Version Applications
  • system.messaging.dllSystem.Messaging.dll
  • currencyconverter.dll
  • snddsound3ddll_vbr.dllSound Engine Dll
  • Stats Client for MSN Messenger
  • voicemachine generator.dllVoiceMachine Generator
  • system.runtime.remoting.dllMicrosoft .NET Runtime Object Remoting
  • ft.dllFT Module
  • ud.dllUD DLL
  • bt3.dllBinary Tree (3) Match Finder
  • bus.dllBus DLL
  • fpc.dll
  • idr.dllIDR
  • pds.dllPDS
  • res.dllInCD RW UDF Tools
  • 040d.dllDownload, Install, Maintenance, Patch, Launch, Execute
  • 1029.dllLanguage specific file
  • hrtz.dllZone Game DLL - Hearts
  • iptc.dllIPTC information for IrfanView
  • skin.dllCreative WebCam Monitor Skin
  • adpcm.dllMicrosoft ADPCM CODEC - Driver Interface for Easy CD-DA Extractor 3
  • bp_da.dllBreakPoint Software Disk Access
  • eecxx.dllExpression Evaluator (ANSI C++) for Debugger
  • email.dllEmail PlugIn for IrfanView
  • glm7x.dllGLM7X
  • glren.dllglren
  • ild01.dll
  • irmon.dllInfrared Monitor
  • mp3rw.dllSony S4RW Component
  • mscom.dllWindows Common Controls ActiveX Control DLL
  • msscp.dllWindows Media Secure Content Provider
  • ocget.dllComponent Download Dll
  • rdpdd.dllRDP Display Driver
  • sbox7.dllShoebox Module
  • shell.dllWindows Shell library
  • xx2gr.dllGetRight's IE & NS Click Monitoring.
  • brcide.dllRC Compiler Interface
  • btpcfg.dllbtpcfg DLL
  • chrome.dll
  • comuid.dll
  • CRLCUI.dllCorel Color UI Library
  • data32.dllData32 DLL
  • dsp_wt.dllWinamp plugin
  • dsprov.dllWMI DS Provider
  • expsrv.dllVisual Basic for Applications Runtime - Expression Service
  • hpgt34.dllHP3400_4300 Module
  • impexp.dllMicrosoft Mail for Windows(TM) Message File Import Utility
  • kbdycl.dllSerbian_Latin Keyboard Layout
  • lsasrv.dllLSA Server DLL
  • mathml.dllMathML Module
  • mciole.dllOLE1 object handler for MCI objects
  • mozctl.dllMozilla ActiveX control and plugin module
  • mshy32.dll
  • netman.dllNetwork Connections Manager
  • pdfl60.dllAdobe PDF Library
  • reseng.dllEnglish Resource Library
  • rpcns4.dllRemote Procedure Call Name Service Client
  • spellr.dllspellr
  • u25dts.dllDate Time String User Function Library
  • unpack.dllJava(TM) 2 Platform Standard Edition binary
  • unplug.dllGFL SDK
  • wmsocm.dllWindows Media Services Setup DLL
  • wuv3is.dllWindows Update Engine
  • aaaamon.dllAaaa Monitor DLL
  • absetup.dllAbSetup DLL
  • agt0408.dllMicrosoft Agent International Dll
  • ati_d3d.dllATI Mach64 DirectDraw 3D HAL.
  • atkctrs.dllWindows NT AppleTalk Perfmon Counter dll
  • cnmsr61.dllBJ Language Monitor
  • comutil.dllSnapIns Module
  • crinf14.dllMERANT Informix7 ODBC Driver
  • ctagent.dllctagent
  • dgsetup.dllDGSETUP DLL
  • dllzaac.dllzAAC AAC Encoder/Decoder
  • in_asfs.dllIn_asfs
  • kontakt.dllKontakt
  • libgtk-0.dllGIMP Toolkit
  • manager.dllDisplay Manager
  • mp3plug.dllSound Forge MPEG Layer 3 Library
  • msdapml.dllMicrosoft Data Access Component Internet Publishing Provider Multi-lang DLL
  • MSGR3FR.dllMicrosoft French Grammar Checker
  • mssp3ua.dllRuta Speller API v3 DLL
  • plughnt.dllPlughNT
  • pro-53fx.dllNative Instruments Pro-53
  • qt5plug.dllSony QuickTime 5 File Format
  • s3sav3d.dllS3 Savage3D Display Driver
  • sch128c.dllTLS / SSL Security Provider (US and Canada Use Only)
  • sconfig.dllMicrosoft Workgroup Security
  • ssinc51.dllExtensiуn del archivo de inclusiуn del servidor de Microsoft
  • svgview.dllSVGView Module 2.0
  • unacev2.dll
  • vbzip11.dllInfo-ZIP's Zip dll
  • vxblock.dllVxBlock
  • wmmfilt.dllWindows Movie Maker
  • 34tvctrl.dll34TvCtrl
  • acerscad.dllUSB User Mode WIAMinidriver
  • acrord32.dllAdobe Reader 7.0
  • asycfilt.dll
  • authplay.dll
  • cdrpeops.dllcdrPeops
  • ceriched.dllRich Text Edit Control, v2.0
  • cn330res.dllCANON330 resource dll
  • cnlbpres.dllCanon CapSL printer driver
  • comsetup.dll
  • dccutili.dllSymantec Fax Starter Edition (dccutili)
  • dhcpsnap.dllDHCP Management Snapin
  • dllcda32.dllAPI functions of PoINT CDarchive
  • dllonglw.dllHeidi® Display List
  • dnsrslvr.dllDNS Caching Resolver Service
  • encsplsh.dll
  • epnhtx13.dllEPNHTX13
  • eqnupgrd.dllEquinox SST Driver NT Upgrade DLL
  • frontmip.dll
  • gbdetect.dllGBDetect Module
  • hpgt42tk.dllHewlett-Packard ScanJet 4200C Device Driver Toolkit DLL
  • hphidr11.dllIEEE-1284.4-1999 Run-time library (kernel)
  • hpzime06.dllMatterhorn Image Enhancement Module
  • insrepim.dllMSR Information Model Installation DLL
  • iologmsg.dllIO Logging DLL
  • ip6fwcfg.dllFirewall Configuration Helper DLL
  • lfcmp10n.dllLEADTOOLS® DLL for Win32
  • lfcmp13n.dllLEADTOOLS(r) DLL for Win32
  • lnamesp2.dllLogitech Gallery Language
  • ltefx13n.dllLEADTOOLS(r) DLL for Win32
  • ltfil80n.dllLEADTOOLS® DLL for Win32
  • ltfil90n.dllLEADTOOLS® DLL for Win32
  • mcagntps.dllMcAfee Agent Proxy Stub dll
  • mmfmig32.dllMMF Import Mail Utility for Windows 95 and Windows NT
  • mscomstf.dll
  • msdt70ui.dllMicrosoft Visual Database Tools
  • msexcl35.dllMicrosoft Jet Excel Isam
  • msmdun80.dllString Function .DLL for SQL Enterprise Components
  • msvidctl.dllActiveX control for streaming video
  • nemp3dmo.dllNero Library
  • nppl3260.dllRealPlayer(tm) LiveConnect-Enabled Plug-In
  • opengl32.dllOpenGL Client DLL
  • otkloadr.dllAssembly loader
  • pvw32cnv.dllImage Decompression Engine
  • racreg32.dllRemote Automation Connection Manager Server
  • sisapcom.dllSiSApCom DLL
  • sqlaiw32.dllESQL-C Compiler Library
  • tsappcmp.dllTerminal Services Application Compatibility DLL
  • vbrun400.dllVisual Basic 4.0 runtime library
  • viewprov.dllWMI View Provider
  • voodoogl.dllOpenGL 1.1 Standalone Client Driver
  • wildlb32.dllMicrosoft Plus! Screen Saver
  • winprint.dllWindows Print DLL
  • wkcalole.dllMicrosoft® Works Calendar DB Services
  • wkimgsrv.dllMicrosoft® Works Imaging Server
  • wkwzaddr.dllMicrosoft® Works Address Wizard
  • wmipcima.dllWMI Win32Ex Provider
  • xanalyze.dllXaudio MPEG Analyzer
  • cdrflt100.dllCorel Filter Manager
  • fileassoc.dllFileAssoc DLL
  • ibmxmldom.dllIBM XML DOM Interfaces
  • photoshop.dllPhotoshop Resource DLL
  • adpageview.dllAutodesk Page Viewer Control
  • asmblnd80a.dllASM Blend
  • gpukazsoft.dllGPU.DLL (CPU and DirectDraw driver)
  • pc3editres.dllAutodesk Hardcopy Plotter Configuration Editor Resource DLL
  • compression.dllRemote management component
  • CRLRCVYINTL.dllApplication Error Recovery Library Resources
  • djvucontrol.dllDjVuControl Module
  • ghostscript.dllGhostScript Dynamic Link Library
  • ppg wave 2v.dllVirtual PPG Wave 2.3 Synthesizer
  • soundplayer.dllSound Player for IrfanView
  • acdintouch50.dllACDInTouch DLL
  • acsigncore16.dllAcSignCore Module
  • exch_aqadmin.dllAdvanced Queue Admin DLL
  • stepdesigner.dllMIDI Effect Plug-In
  • CvtOptions110.dllConversion Option Passing Library 11
  • fl studio dxi.dll
  • acinetengine16.dllAcInetEngine Module
  • bj wavechanger.dllWavechanger plug-in for Cubase VST
  • nctvideocompose.dllNCTVideoCompose ActiveX DLL
  • dm.dllDebuggee Module for Debugger
  • qt.dllaeqt3
  • ics.dllICS PlugIn for IrfanView
  • iff.dllAdobe Audition Language Module
  • pm7.dllAutodesk Hardcopy Property Manager DLL
  • rdf.dll
  • SOA.dllMSAPP Export Support for Microsoft Access
  • adal.dllDatabase Abstraction Layer
  • anav.dllanav DLL
  • i18n.dll
  • intl.dllLGPLed libintl for Windows NT/2000/XP and Windows 95/98/ME
  • mqoa.dllMessage Queuing ActiveX Interface
  • mwci.dllDSP Class Installer
  • rrcm.dllRTP/RTCP Core Module
  • ssvb.dllMicrosoft SourceSafe VB Add-In
  • apc60.dllApplication Programmability Components
  • atl9x.dllATL Module for Windows (ANSI)
  • avgse.dllAVG Shell Extension
  • bpmnt.dllBPMNT
  • ecfci.dllEclipseUI - EclipseCabinet
  • ismig.dllISMigrate Dynamic Link Library
  • kdcom.dllKernel Debugger HW Extension DLL
  • libut.dlllibut
  • mmdtc.dllMicrosoft (R) Visual Studio Design Time Control Service
  • msoss.dllMSOSS: Microsoft version of OSS library
  • mssap.dllDRM
  • msutb.dllMSUTB Server DLL
  • tonic.dllTonic, Virtual Analogue Filter and Bird-Call Simulator
  • alcxnt.dllUser Mode Audio Driver
  • basedv.dllBaseDV DLL
  • crtslv.dllTSLV Module
  • dpus10.dlldpus10
  • frgkrn.dllSound Forge Kernel Library
  • hrmcom.dllhrmcom
  • icqreg.dllICQRegistrationPlugin DLL
  • kbdgkl.dllGreek_Latin Keyboard Layout
  • mdt2df.dllMicrosoft Design Tools - Forms
  • mprmsg.dllMulti-Protocol Router Service Messages DLL
  • msadcf.dllMicrosoft Data Access - Remote Data Services Data Factory
  • nmgcdd.dllNeoMagic DirectDraw HAL
  • nvrssv.dllNVIDIA Swedish language resource library
  • orutil.dllUtility
  • perlse.dllPerl Infomation Server
  • phaser.dllphaser (EPP10 DLL)
  • pkmres.dllMicrosoft SharePoint Portal Server
  • ppintl.dllMicrosoft PowerPoint for Windows
  • sqleng.dllSQLEng
  • vcmshl.dllMicrosoft Voice Commands Proxy/Stub
  • vdrdec.dllvdrdec
  • vga256.dll256 Color VGA\SVGA Display Driver
  • vsswmi.dllWMI Provider for VSS
  • wzcab2.dllWinZip CAB Detection and Extractor
  • yimage.dllYImage Dynamic Link Library
  • 3drabgr.dll3DR Win32s Generic Engine Module
  • account.dllAccount component
  • azroles.dllazroles Module
  • brmflpt.dllParallel port interface DLL for Resource Manager
  • capicom.dllCAPICOM Module
  • certmgr.dllCertificates snap-in
  • classic.dllRtlRack MFC Application
  • cnxtsdk.dllDiagnostic Interface DLL
  • digiupg.dllDigi DataFire BRI Upgrade Support
  • drmstor.dllDRM Store DLL
  • groveoa.dllgroveoa Module
  • hpotscl.dllhpotscl Module
  • httpapi.dllHTTP Protocol Stack API
  • iasperf.dllIAS Performance Monitoring DLL
  • ieaksie.dllInternet Explorer Snap-in Extension to Group Policy
  • imaging.dllWindows Imaging Library
  • ir41_qc.dllIntel Indeo® Video Interactive Quick Compressor
  • libgdk-0.dllGIMP Drawing Kit
  • mapidrv.dllmapidrv
  • mdmxsdk.dllDiagnostic Interface DLL
  • mscorrc.dllMicrosoft .NET Runtime resources
  • msgrocm.dllWindows Messenger OC Manager PlugIn
  • msjet40.dllMicrosoft Jet Engine Library
  • mssp232.dll
  • neroapi.dllNero Library
  • novnpnt.dllNovell NetWare Provider
  • ntmsmgr.dllRemovable Storage Service
  • nvwrsfr.dllNVIDIA nView Desktop and Window Manager
  • nxmympc.dllMusePack plugin for Nero
  • scanobj.dllScan Module-Scan Object
  • shell23.dllResource DLL
  • shellex.dllDirectCD Shell Extention DLL
  • snmpmib.dllMicrosoft SNMP subagent
  • sqlxmlx.dllMicrosoft XML extensions for SQL Server
  • symcjit.dllSymantec JIT Version 3.00.072b
  • tempmgr.dllVisual Basic 6.0 Template Manager Add-In.
  • uxtheme.dllMicrosoft UxTheme Library
  • 3dfxis16.dll3dfx Install Support Library
  • a0002993.dllMicrosoft FrontPage Server Extensions for O'Reilly Website
  • adminchk.dlladminchk
  • agentctl.dllMicrosoft Agent Control
  • appmgmts.dllServicio de instalaciуn de software
  • ati2cqag.dllCentral Memory Manager / Queue Server Module
  • clxwin32.dllNetWare® Connection Library
  • dataview.dllVisual Basic DataView Window
  • dbmssocn.dllWinsock Net DLL for SQL Server
  • dflayout.dllMicrosoft Docfile Layout Tool for OLE
  • fmgrobex.dllFile Manager Obex Module
  • fpnwclnt.dllFPNW Client DLL
  • fxsroute.dllMicrosoft Fax Routing DLL
  • grdkrn32.dllGrid Kernel DLL
  • hpbf201e.dllHP LaserJet 1100 Printer Driver Proxy
  • hpfimg50.dllHP DeskJet Imaging DLL
  • hpgreg32.dllhpgreg32
  • hportal2.dllHydra Video Portal COM Object
  • hpscntst.dllHewlett-Packard Scanner Test for HP scanners
  • hsfci001.dllCoInstaller for HSF on W2K
  • i81xcg9x.dllConfig Application for Intel(R) 810 Chipset Graphics Driver PV1.0
  • ialmgicd.dllOpenGL(R) Driver for Intel(R) Graphics Accelerator
  • inetclnt.dllInetClnt DLL
  • litescan.dllNorton AntiVirus Utilities
  • msgrfr32.dllLernout & Hauspie Grammatik Engine (FR)
  • msinsstf.dll
  • msnmetal.dllmsnmetal
  • msrd3x40.dllMicrosoft (R) Red ISAM
  • nxlame.1.dllLame MP3 plugin for Nero
  • oleaut32.dll
  • phvfwext.dllUniversal Serial Bus Camera VFW Extension
  • pqfeatur.dllPowerQuest Install Utility
  • riched20.dllRich Text Edit Control, v2.0
  • s32luhl1.dllLiveUpdate
  • scrptxtn.dllMicrosoft Exchange Server Scripting
  • spra041e.dllService Pack 1 Messages
  • tlbinf32.dllTypeLib Information Objects
  • u32clips.dllUlead® ImageIconObject® Utility.u32Clips.DLL
  • uisy3201.dllRealNetworks UI System Library
  • vcfiwz32.dllVTCHWZ32.DLL - Release Version
  • visionid.dllVisionID
  • win32s16.dllWin32s Compatibility Module
  • winnt32a.dllOver-the-net installation program
  • wmnetmgr.dllWindows Media Network Plugin Manager DLL
  • wsasimpl.dllSimple Interface abstracting WinSockets
  • xpsp2res.dllService Pack 2 Messages
  • adminmisc.dllWin32::AdminMisc for v5.005 (ActiveState) Win32 Perl
  • epic_pers.dllAdobe PERS DLL
  • eulachkui.dllMicrosoft EULAChk Module
  • locacqmod.dllLocAcqMod DLL
  • mda combo.dllCubase VST Plug-In
  • bj flanger.dllBJ Flanger
  • GWFSPidGen.dllPidGen
  • mwparallel.dllParallel Port Adaptor for MATLAB Data Acquistion Toolbox
  • acinetuires.dllAcInetUiRes Module
  • acutxmldom16.dllAcUtXmlDOM DLL
  • asmm80enures.dllmessages
  • filecachemgr.dllFileCacheMgr
  • gpupeopssoft.dllP.E.Op.S. gpu soft plugin
  • nctvideoview.dllNCTVideoView ActiveX DLL
  • ialmcoin_0_v8.dllCoInstaller: Almador Second Function, AIM 3.0 Modules
  • screencapture.dllScreenCapture Library
  • sonicmpgcheck.dllMPEG Settings Checker
  • audiopluginmgr.dllAudio plugin manager
  • gpupeteopengl2.dllgpuPeteOpenGL2. DLL
  • nctaudioplayer.dllNCTAudioPlayer ActiveX DLL
  • portabledevice.dllPortableDevice
  • crlpdfimport110.dllCorel PDF Import Filter
  • iwhtmllayoutmgr.dll
  • accessiblemarshal.dll
  • divxplayeratiplugin.dllDivX Player 2.x Plug-In for ATI Remote Wonder.
  • hg.dllhg
  • rm.dllOutlook to DataViz API
  • log.dllWin95-to-WinNT Migration Dll, Win95 Side
  • vgx.dllMicrosoft Vector Graphics Rendering(VML)
  • 040a.dllDownload, Install, Maintenance, Patch, Launch, Execute
  • ampx.dllWinAmpX Module
  • dess.dllWindows NT QuickView Spreadsheet Display Engine
  • klcp.dllKaspersky Anti-Virus Container Params Library
  • lib1.dllDivX Video for Windows Codec
  • mp41.dllMPEG-4 v1 and v2 Video Codec
  • scap.dllSCap DLL
  • wad3.dllWAD3 PlugIn for IrfanView
  • a1usd.dllScanner MiniDriver
  • atiht.dllProblem Report HAL Access Module
  • fpole.dllVisual FoxPro OLE Automation Client
  • ir_fe.dllIrisInterfaceAsian
  • kbddv.dllDvorak US English Keyboard Layout
  • kbdes.dllSpanish Alernate Keyboard Layout
  • kzlib.dllImageMagick Studio library and utility programs
  • msawt.dllMicrosoft AWT Library for Java
  • netid.dllSystem Control Panel Applet; Network ID Page
  • pixie.dllPixie Dynamic Link Library
  • ps5ui.dllPostScript Driver User Interface
  • pxmas.dllPxMas
  • rwnet.dllRoger Wilco networking library
  • u32tx.dll
  • amtlib.dllAMT Licensing
  • atlobj.dllMicrosoft (R) Visual C++ ATL Object Wizard
  • bidi32.dllBIDI32 DLL
  • CdrGfx.dllCorel Graphics Engine
  • cnmdrv.dllBJ Raster Printer Graphics Driver
  • fsbwce.dllF-Secure BackWeb Client Extension
  • icqsms.dllICQ SMS Plugin
  • ieakui.dllMicrosoft IEAK Shared UI DLL
  • iismui.dllUtility
  • kyores.dllKyocera FS-Series Printer Driver
  • mgspid.dllMGSPID
  • msclus.dllMicrosoft Clustering Service Automation Interfaces.
  • mslbui.dllLangageBar Add In
  • msls31.dllMicrosoft Line Services library file
  • netui0.dllNT LM UI Common Code - GUI Classes
  • noclip.dllAdobe Audition Language Module
  • nscmps.dllWindows Media Station Service Administration Proxy/Stub
  • rasdlg.dllRemote Access Common Dialog API
  • rasman.dllRemote Access Connection Manager
  • setup4.dllWindows Setup-functies
  • skydll.dllSkyDll
  • slbiop.dllSchlumberger Smart Card Interoperability Library v2
  • urlpkr.dllMicrosoft (R) Visual InterDev URL Dialog
  • wzcsvc.dllWireless Zero Configuration Service
  • 3dfxglb.dll3Dfx Interactive, Inc. MiniGL DLL
  • 3dfxvgl.dllOpenGL 1.1 Client Driver
  • alinkui.dllAssembly Linker Error/Warning Messages
  • autoenh.dll
  • battery.dllBATTERY software sampler
  • BRPP2KA.dllBrother print processor for Windows 2000
  • cdunzip.dllWin32 DLL, UNZIP
  • cmprops.dllWMI Snapins
  • ct24res.dllCitizen 24 pin resource dll
  • ctp2res.dllCreative PlayCenter 2 Resource
  • ep24res.dllEpson 24-pin printer driver
  • hpvud50.dllWindows Unidrv Plugin
  • kbdhept.dllGreek_Polytonic Keyboard Layout
  • mapbase.dllNovell NetWare Provider
  • msdaosp.dllMicrosoft Data Access - OLE DB Simple Provider
  • msenvui.dllDevelopment Environment Resource DLL
  • mstsmmc.dllRemote Desktops Snap-in
  • msvb7ui.dllVisual Basic Resource DLL
  • nvwrsel.dllNVIDIA nView Desktop and Window Manager
  • nvwrshu.dllNVIDIA nView Desktop and Window Manager
  • nvwrssl.dllNVIDIA nView Desktop and Window Manager
  • rnbovdd.dllSentinel System Driver Virtual Device Driver
  • rpclts5.dllRPC NetBIOS Server Interface DLL
  • sporder.dllWinSock2 reorder service providers
  • tmarina.dllMarina (application kernel) Functions
  • u252000.dllUF5 to convert 20th century dates to 21st century dates
  • u2ddisk.dllDisk Export Destination DLL for Crystal Reports
  • uniplat.dllUnimodem AT Mini Driver Platform Driver for Windows NT
  • upgrade.dllUpgrade DLL
  • vcmpkui.dllMicrosoft (R) Visual Studio Visual Component Manager
  • vfp6enu.dllMicrosoft® Visual FoxPro® Resources
  • vobject.dllVObject DLL
  • wmvadvd.dllWindows Media Video 9 Decoder
  • wmvdmod.dllCorona Windows Media Video Decoder
  • wmvdmoe.dllWindows Media Video Encoder DMO
  • 1cb6d9f0.dllBPS CD Ripper
  • a0001731.dllADs IIS Provider Schema Initialization DLL
  • acraumbu.dllAcRaumbu
  • admin_mm.dllAdmin Mod plugin to Metamod
  • ati2evxx.dll
  • aticwdde.dllATI Common Windows Display Driver Extensions
  • atipdlxx.dllATI Desktop CWDDEDI DLL
  • ativtmxx.dllATI Pixel Shader Provider
  • deltapnl.dllM-Audio Delta Control Panel Interface
  • epnhte4n.dllEPNHTE4N
  • esshared.dllCOM+ EventSystem Shared Utilities
  • fpeditax.dllMicrosoft FrontPage Editor application file
  • framewrk.dllZoneAlarm Framework Module
  • frgplugs.dllSound Forge Effects Plug-In
  • hpgt21tk.dllHewlett-Packard ScanJet 2100C Device Driver Toolkit DLL
  • hpscnmgr.dllHPSCNMGR DLL
  • hpvdb820.dllWindows Unidrv Plugin
  • i3spec32.dllSpecial Effects an Dib Functions
  • iddbas32.dll
  • iemigrat.dllMigration DLL for Windows 98 install over IE5.0
  • kbdhe319.dllGreek IBM 319 Keyboard Layout
  • lftif70n.dllLEADTOOLS® DLL for Win32
  • ltimg10n.dllLEADTOOLS® DLL for Win32
  • ltimg10w.dllLEADTOOLS® DLL for Windows
  • ltwvc11n.dllLEADTOOLS(r) DLL for Win32
  • m3jp2k32.dllMorgan M-JPEG2000 VFW codec
  • marscore.dllMicrosoft Help Center Shell
  • mpmasdll.dllmpmasdll DLL
  • msaddndr.dllAddInDesigner
  • mscondes.dllConnection Designer
  • officeav.dllNorton AntiVirus_Office Plug-in
  • prloader.dllPrague Loader
  • pwrdvdrc.dllPowerDVD ????
  • rv303260.dllVideo Codec 3.0 for RealVideo(tm)
  • s32evnt1.dllSymantec Event Library
  • sb_pants.dllVST Plugin
  • sfttabac.dllSoftel vdm SftTabs/DLL Custom Control (Win32)
  • snmpsmir.dllWMI SNMP MIB Repository
  • sprb041f.dllService Pack 2 Iletileri
  • sqlssc32.dll
  • sxlrt232.dll
  • tmigrate.dllMicrosoft Traditional Chinese IME Migration
  • twnlib20.dllTWNLIB20
  • ufcdlgbr.dllUFCDLGBR DLL
  • vfp8rcht.dllMicrosoft Visual FoxPro Runtime ?????
  • vifxnstg.dllMonochrome Module
  • vsbrowse.dllVisual Studio WebBrowser Package
  • vspell32.dllVisualSpeller(TM) 32-bit DLL for spellchecking and hyphenation
  • winalign.dllWindows Winalign-hulpprogramma
  • winbrand.dllWindows Branding Resources
  • winsctrs.dllWINS Service Performance Counters
  • wma9dmod.dllWindows Media Audio 9 Decoder
  • wmdrmnet.dllWindows Media DRM for Network Devices DLL
  • wmspdmoe.dllWindows Media Speech Encoder
  • zenapp32.dllZENworks Application Management Library for Windows 32-bit
  • ibinstall.dllInterBase Install API library
  • imgfilter.dllIMAGEFILTER DLL
  • acmatchres.dllmatchRes Resource DLL
  • acurlutl16.dlldburlutl Application
  • adctrlsres.dllADCTRLSRES DLL
  • cdrbarrett.dllGPU.DLL (CPU and DirectDraw driver)
  • imagetools.dllImageTools
  • orchestral.dllHQ Software Synthesizer Orchestral
  • ppzoomintl.dllCorel PHOTO-PAINT Tool Resources
  • vlaboutres.dllVisual LISP About dialog Resource DLL
  • becombinder.dllBEComBinder Module
  • sfconfigmgr.dllSony Configuration Manager Component
  • acddptyperes.dllAcDdptype AutoCAD Resource DLL
  • avidavicodec.dllAvid AVI Codec Version 2.0d2 for Windows NT
  • cstranslator.dll
  • padsegudikey.dllpadSeguDIKey DLL
  • A0 DK1 [Stereo].dllA0 DK1
  • spupetedsound.dllspuPeteDSound
  • acdfulllicense.dllACDFullLicense
  • epsxecutortool.dllePSXeCutorTool Dynamic Link Library
  • epsxecutorstuff.dllePSXeCutorStuff
  • axe16sharedexpat.dllAXE Shared EXPAT (UTF-16 native)
  • lang_deutsch (neu).dllGerman Language File
  • regasm.resources.dll
  • fruity compressor.dllUltrafunk Fruity Compressor VST plug-in
  • system.directoryservices.dllSystem.DirectoryServices.dll
  • CSL.dllCBA Security Layer (Domestic)
  • ie4.dllMicrosoft® IE4 Setup Custom Actions Library
  • ils.dllUser Location Services Component Module
  • bnts.dllBelief Network Troubleshooting
  • data.dll
  • dmfc.dllDragon MFC Shared Library - Retail Version
  • nss3.dllNSS Base Library
  • upnp.dllUniversal Plug and Play API
  • ax_ru.dll
  • bwsec.dllbwsec
  • cm-pci.dllConfig driver for cmpci
  • dtsui.dllDTSTaskUI - UI Provider for all internal Custom Tasks
  • ifc22.dllImmersion Foundation Classes
  • kbda2.dllArabic_2 Keyboard Layout
  • kbdfr.dllFrench Keyboard Layout
  • kbdir.dllIrish Keyboard Layout
  • libmx.dlllibmx
  • mdt2g.dllMicrosoft Design Tools - Grid
  • mfc70.dllMFCDLL Shared Library - Retail Version
  • msctl.dllECM MSCLT
  • msenv.dllDevelopment Environment DLL
  • music.dll
  • PTXT9.dllMicrosoft Publisher TXT Converter
  • query.dllContent Index Utility DLL
  • sblfx.dllSB Live! DS3D & Effects
  • usp10.dllUniscribe Unicode script processor
  • vsdpl.dllMicrosoft(R) Visual Studio Deployment Package
  • zlib1.dllzlib data compression library
  • actver.dllVersion checking library
  • appwiz.dll
  • avtapi.dllTAPI 3.0 Dialer and IP Multicast Conference Viewer
  • chtmbx.dllMicrosoft IME 2002a
  • cmpg1v.dllCyberLink MPEG1 Video Encoder
  • cwgate.dllgateway DLL
  • fpxacc.dllFPXACC.DLL
  • frgvid.dllSound Forge Video Library
  • hwtest.dllPowerDVD ????
  • hxdsui.dllMicrosoft® Help Data Services Satellite DLL
  • kbd103.dllKO Hangeul Keyboard Layout for 103
  • kzlw20.dllKazoo Toolkit LightWorks DLL
  • libmex.dlllibmex
  • ltr13n.dllLEADTOOLS(r) COM for Win32
  • mfc42u.dllMFCDLL Shared Library - Retail Version
  • mindex.dllMicrosoft Media Index
  • mmstfx.dllMovie Maker Sample Effects Module
  • mphook.dllPlus! Voice Command for Windows Media Player
  • mstvgs.dllGuideStore Module
  • pchsvc.dllMicrosoft PCHealth Service Holder
  • picn13.dllPegasus Dispatcher for Win32
  • plugin.dllMacromedia Shockwave for Director Netscape plug-in, version 8.5.1
  • slayer.dllSlayer VST plug-in
  • srchui.dllSearch Assistant UI
  • u2fxls.dllExcel Export Format DLL for Crystal Reports
  • vdmdbg.dllVDMDBG.DLL
  • winsrv.dllWindows Server DLL
  • wksgen.dllMicrosoft Works Utilities
  • agt040c.dllMicrosoft Agent International Dll
  • anvctrl.dllASUS nVidia Series Control Panel
  • autoreg.dllAutoReg Module
  • avgscan.dllAVG Scanning Module
  • awtport.dllAnswerWorks TPort Search glue
  • brclr00.dllBrother MFC7300C driver
  • cdrsapu.dllSaPu's CD-ROM Plugin
  • coadmin.dllIIS CoAdmin DLL
  • esuimgd.dllEPSON WIA USD
  • FP5AWEL.dllMicrosoft FrontPage Web Extender Library
  • fribidi.dllfribidi
  • fxstiff.dllMicrosoft Fax TIFF library
  • halapic.dllHardware Abstraction Layer DLL
  • halborg.dllHardware Abstraction Layer DLL
  • ifsutil.dllIFS Utility DLL
  • ilcor10.dllSoftimage SICORE Engine
  • iyuv_32.dllIntel Indeo(R) Video YUV Codec
  • m42_v11.dllVST Plugin
  • mathdll.dllMathcad
  • mp4file.dllMPEG-4 File Format Library
  • msjet35.dllMicrosoft Jet Engine Library
  • ncscnet.dllNCScnet
  • npnul32.dllDefault Plug-in
  • oggfile.dllOgg File Plug-in for GoldWave
  • pholder.dllsetup
  • raocx32.dllRealAudio(tm) ActiveX Control
  • rngcweb.dllBrowser Support
  • sfxpfx1.dllSony ExpressFX 1
  • simptcp.dllSimple TCP/IP Services Service DLL
  • sqlsort.dllSQL Sorting DLL
  • ssgs1ui.dllPrinThru Printer Driver User Interface
  • wmaencx.dllWMAEncoderX Control
  • wmpband.dllWindows Media Player
  • wmvcore.dllWindows Media Playback/Authoring DLL
  • xactsrv.dllDownlevel API Server DLL
  • z_setup.dll
  • 3dfxspl2.dll3dfx Splash Screen
  • acdimres.dllAcDimRes DLL
  • admxprox.dllIIS Admin Ex Com API Proxy dll
  • adoxce31.dllMicrosoft ADOCE DDL Extentions
  • avmfaxsp.dll
  • brbidiif.dllParallel driver access DLL for Resource Manager
  • catsrvut.dll
  • cinecode.dllCineCode MPEG Encoder
  • cmddefui.dllVS Command definition Resource DLL
  • crdb_ado.dllCrystal Reports database driver for Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects
  • cryptdll.dllCryptography Manager
  • cryptnet.dllCrypto Network Related API
  • ctdc0001.dllCreative Audio Device Control Engine
  • dec2tnef.dllFile Decomposer Component
  • deko1280.dllDekoX resource DLL
  • dfsystem.dllMain System for Digital Fusion
  • digpriup.dllDigi DataFire PRIme Upgrade DLL
  • doomlnch.dlldoomlnch.dll
  • efiutils.dllFunction Library
  • foxhhelp.dllMicrosoft® Visual FoxPro® HTML Help Support
  • fpexpsat.dllMicrosoft Office FrontPage
  • hpgwiamd.dllHewlett-Packard WIA minidriver.
  • hpzcon04.dllHP DeskJet Printing System for Windows
  • idropenu.dllAutodesk i-drop control
  • instagcy.dllSnapIns Module
  • ippromon.dllIP Protocols Monitor DLL
  • ltdis10n.dllLEADTOOLS® DLL for Win32
  • mcmpgdec.dllMPEG Stream Decoder
  • mfc42chs.dllMFC Language Specific Resources
  • mpg4dmod.dllCorona Windows Media MPEG-4 Video Decoder
  • msgbsutl.dll
  • msgslang.dllJazykove zбvislй prostredky programu Messenger -- ceљtina
  • mslwvtts.dllMicrosoft Linguistically Enhanced Wave File Output Engine
  • msmapi32.dllExtended MAPI 1.0 for Windows NT
  • msvcrt40.dllMicrosoft® C Runtime Library
  • netplwiz.dllMap Network Drives/Network Places Wizard
  • olfcover.dllCover Page Support
  • prontobj.dllPRONtObj Module
  • rascalls.dllRASCALLS
  • resample.dllResample
  • riched32.dllWrapper Dll for Richedit 1.0
  • rput3260.dllRealPlayer UI
  • s3ovrlay.dllS3Overlay Utility
  • serwvdrv.dllUnimodem Serial Wave driver
  • slextspk.dll
  • sprb0416.dllMensagens do Service Pack 2
  • ssce5332.dllSentry Spelling-Checker Engine
  • ttusbacc.dllControl and streaming DLL for TT-DVB USB devices
  • umdmxfrm.dllUnimodem Tranform Module
  • umpnpmgr.dllUser-mode Plug-and-Play Service
  • usrcntra.dll3ccntry
  • vaiddmgr.dllMicrosoft SharePoint Portal Server
  • vboxs430.dllVbox Trial Client DLL
  • vdt70vcs.dllMicrosoft Design Tools - VID/VSS integration
  • wkernlng.dllMicrosoft® Works Registration Resources
  • wmiapres.dllWMI Performance Reverse Adapter Resources
  • wsftpext.dllWS_FTP Pro Extension Library
  • asprotect.dllASPack compressor
  • crlutl110.dllCommon Utilities Library
  • languagex.dllAge of Empires Expansion Language File
  • ra_player.dllRealAudio player for IrfanView
  • rosesetup.dllRational Rose Setup Helper DLL
  • scintilla.dll
  • automation.dllAutomation Module
  • CDRUTLINTL.dllCommon Utilities Library Resources
  • cypython22.dllPython Core
  • instburner.dllInstBurner DLL
  • flashwindow.dllFlashWindow
  • lhdialoglib.dllLHDialogLib DLL
  • php5apache2.dllApache 2.0 Handler
  • sb_flatclap.dllVST Plugin
  • styshwizres.dllAutodesk Hardcopy Plot Style Table Wizard Resource DLL
  • acmwrapperv2.dllRoxio ACMWrapperServer
  • exch_smtpsvc.dllSMTP Service
  • mda subsynth.dllCubase VST Plug-In
  • outlookaddin.dlloutlookAddin Module
  • pixietool-ptg.dllPixie5 Registration and Licensing Tool
  • shellmanager.dllShellManager.dll
  • acdclclient30.dllACDCLClient
  • fineocrengine.dllFineReader Engine Sprint
  • mpx interface.dllMPX Interface DLL
  • php_pdo_mssql.dllDB-LIB (MS SQL, Sybase)
  • showmfcdialog.dllShowMfcDialog DLL
  • wscommcntrui1.dllWeb Services Communication Center UI DLL
  • phonebook_object.dllphonebook_object Module
  • dvdstreamprovider.dllDVDStreamProvider DLL
  • microsoft.stdformat.dll
  • multiband compressor.dllWavelab Compressor
  • ultrafunk fxcompressor.dllUltrafunk fx:compressor VST plug-in
  • cdo.dllCollaboration Data Objects 1.21s for Windows NT
  • flt.dllFilter manager
  • p2p.dllPeer-to-Peer Grouping
  • pfc.dllCD/DVD pre-mastering toolkit for Win32
  • btcc.dllMSVIDEO: Bt84x Closed Caption Decoder
  • itss.dllMicrosoft® InfoTech Storage System Library
  • mofd.dllWMI
  • ntoc.dllNT OC Manager DLL
  • cdapi.dllAdobe® Audition™ CD Common Interface
  • kbdlt.dllLithuania Keyboard Layout
  • kbdsp.dllSpanish Keyboard Layout
  • menus.dllcustom menu system (core dll)
  • mfc30.dllMFCDLL Shared Library - Retail Version
  • mscms.dllMicrosoft Color Matching System DLL
  • omint.dllOMI 1.0 for Windows
  • outex.dllOutlook Exchange User Interface
  • sd242.dllMMxpt
  • sfcdi.dllSony CD/CDR Interface Library
  • yhook.dllY!Tunnel Hook Module
  • acbr15.dllAcis 6 based file
  • acconn.dllBestandteil von ArCon
  • actrtl.dllACS RunTime Library
  • atiddc.dllatiddc
  • dbgeng.dllSymbolic Debugger Engine for Windows 2000
  • dsetup.dllDirect driver preloader
  • export.dllExport DLL
  • fhtpro.dllAdobe Audition Language Module
  • fmtcp8.dllfmtcp8
  • hpcjrr.dllJobRetention Render Plug-In module
  • icfg95.dllInternet Configuration Library
  • imgdll.dllImgDLL
  • kdcsvc.dllKDC Service
  • lexedf.dllElectronic Document Finishing Utility
  • libgdx.dlllibgdx
  • lvcam2.dllVideo Driver
  • migism.dllCobra Migration Engine
  • mp3pro.dllAudio plugin
  • mprdim.dllDynamic Interface Manager
  • npgmup.dllnProtect GameGuard Update Module
  • ntvdmd.dllNTVDMD.DLL
  • nvrsel.dllNVIDIA Greek language resource library
  • perfts.dllWindows 2000 Terminal Services Performance Objects
  • regexp.dllRegular expressions engine
  • rjmisc.dllRealOne Player Media Library Component
  • salrtl.dllUser-Generated Microsoft (R) C/C++ Runtime Library
  • samsrv.dllSAM Server DLL
  • scrobj.dllWindows (r) Script Component Runtime
  • tapi32.dllMicrosoft® Windows(TM) Telephony API Client DLL
  • tridxp.dllTrident Display Driver
  • usseng.dll
  • vb6ide.dllVisual Basic Environment International Resources
  • vds_ps.dllMicrosoft® Virtual Disk Service proxy/stub
  • 6to4svc.dllService that offers IPv6 connectivity over an IPv4 network.
  • acledit.dllAccess Control List Editor
  • adctrls.dllADCTRLS DLL
  • atlst16.dllatlst16.dll
  • avgtmgr.dllAVG Test Manager User Interface
  • compobj.dllOLE 2.1 16/32 Interoperability Library
  • drishti.dllZENworks for Desktops Drishti driver
  • dssbase.dllMicrosoft Base DSS and Diffie-Hellman Cryptographic Provider (Export Version) (Export Version)
  • fp4areg.dllSrvReg Internet Server Extension Module
  • g726dec.dllG726Dec Module
  • granny2.dllGranny
  • hidserv.dllHID Audio Service
  • hnetwiz.dllNetwork Setup Wizard
  • hpcfont.dll
  • icmw_32.dllMotionWavelets Video Codec
  • itidib2.dllInterActual Player Component
  • jfmp3rd.dllMP3 Reader for jetAudio
  • mcgdmgr.dllMcAfee Security Download Control
  • mqrtdep.dllMessage Queueing Dependent Client
  • msvci70.dllMicrosoft® C++ Runtime Library
  • msxml4a.dllMSXML 4.0 SP1 Resources
  • msxml5r.dllXML Resources
  • nvwrsno.dllNVIDIA nView Desktop and Window Manager
  • outlwab.dllOutlook Contacts WAB Provider
  • owssupp.dllMicrosoft SharePoint Client Support
  • qosname.dllMicrosoft Windows GetQosByName Service Provider
  • replrec.dllSQL Server Replication Merge Reconciler
  • scrrnes.dllBiblioteca de tiempo de ejecuciуn de recursos internacionales de Microsoft (r) Script
  • sisv256.dllSiS Framebuffer Display Driver
  • spcplui.dllSAPI 5
  • spunull.dllSEAL DLL
  • tscrec2.dllCamtasia Screen Recorder Control
  • u32path.dll
  • uv22 hr.dllUV22HR
  • vfpodbc.dllvfpodbc
  • vssccui.dllMicrosoft(R) Visual Studio Source Code Control Package
  • wkssole.dllMicrosoft® Works OLE Support DLL
  • wmvconv.dllWMVConverter Module
  • a0003001.dllMicrosoft FrontPage Server Extensions for Microsoft IIS
  • a0004055.dllMicrosoft Replication Library
  • a0004066.dllMicrosoft Jet Exchange Isam
  • acexpldb.dll
  • acverfyr.dllWindows 2000 Shim Accessory DLL
  • appwzjpn.dllMicrosoft(R) Visual C++ AppWizard Japanese Templates
  • aspnetoc.dllUniversal Runtime OCM Setup
  • asycpict.dllMicrosoft® Picture DLL
  • atiiiexx.dll.INF file installer
  • atrc3260.dllSony ATRAC3 Audio Codec for RealAudio 8(tm)
  • calogg00.dll
  • cgamex86.dllJA Client Game DLL
  • clnwin32.dllNetWare® Client Library
  • co2c40en.dllCrystal Reports OLE 2 UI
  • comaddin.dll
  • compatui.dllCompatUI Module
  • cp3240mt.dllDynamic Link Run Time Library
  • d3drm32f.dllMicrosoft Direct3D
  • dbcoed32.dll
  • dmdskmgr.dllDisk Management Snap-in Support Library
  • drawintl.dllCorelDRAW Resources
  • fmpruilg.dllFile Manager Progress GUI
  • gearaw32.dllGEARAW32 DLL
  • hpgt53tk.dllUSB DLL
  • hpqdlg08.dllHP OfficeJet Common DLGs DLL
  • ir50_qcx.dllIntel Indeo® video 5.10 Quick Compressor
  • j2pkcs11.dllJava(TM) 2 Platform Standard Edition binary
  • lcodccmp.dllLEAD MCMP/MJPEG Codec
  • loadhttp.dllloadhttp Application
  • ltaswn23.dllAswan 32bit DLL
  • lxaxunrs.dllLexmark Z25-Z35 Uninstaller strings
  • maxscrpt.dllMaxscrpt
  • mfc42fra.dllMFC Language Specific Resources
  • mscormmc.dllMicrosoft .NET Runtime Execution Engine Starter for MMC
  • msencode.dll
  • novellnp.dllNovell Client Provider for Windows 9x
  • od9ibres.dllOki9ibm Printer Driver
  • odbcjt32.dllMicrosoft ODBC Desktop Driver Pack 3.5
  • prop7134.dllPhilips SAA7133 Audio Dialog
  • python22.dllPython Core
  • python27.dllPython Core
  • rpcl3260.dllRealPlayer UI
  • setu3270.dllSetup Library
  • spectrum.dllspectrum
  • sprb0816.dllMensagens do Service Pack 2
  • sqlinf32.dll
  • sqllib80.dllOracle Pre-Compiler Library
  • ssubtmr6.dllSubclassing and Timer Assistant, modified for configurable message response, multi control support and bug fixed for timer errors.
  • u32xview.dll
  • w95inf32.dllW95INF32
  • wlbsprov.dllNetwork Load Balancing Provider
  • advrcntr2.dllAdvrCntr Module
  • crsgame20.dllCRSGame library
  • d3d8xstub.dllD3D8X Stub Lib
  • dvdengine.dllDVDEngine DLL
  • php5isapi.dllISAPI
  • rescombmp.dllStudio resource DLL
  • scriptle2.dllScript Debug Engine
  • sspnt2kxp.dllSspnt2kxp DLL
  • utilities.dllThe ZoomBrowser Utilities
  • acstdstyle.dllacstdstyle Module
  • backendlib.dll
  • dwgaidsres.dlldwgaidsRes Resource DLL
  • iaiexplore.dllITIIE Module
  • iepallibcs.dllIEPalLibru DLL
  • linguistic.dllLinguistic Library
  • magickmpeg.dllMPEG encoding and decoding library
  • php_mysqli.dllMySQLi
  • acrodistdll.dllAcrobat Distiller
  • crvspackage.dllCrystal Reports for Visual Studio .NET
  • lhaudiodllr.dllLionhead Studios Audio Library DLL
  • crlcmnres110.dllCorel Common Resource DLL
  • pixietool-esp.dllPixie5 Registration and Licensing Tool
  • flashresources.dllFlash MX 2004
  • libr_rl_bzlib_.dllbzlib data compression library
  • nctaudiorecord.dllNCTAudioRecord ActiveX DLL
  • reportrenderer.dll
  • nrage_dinput8_v2.dllZilmar Specs Plugin(v1.0) for N64 Emulators
  • microsoft.visualstudio.converters.interop.dllConversion Interop Assembly
  • s1.dllS1
  • fdb.dllFDB DLL
  • ifw.dllImport Flowchart Data Wizard DLL
  • mcm.dllMSN-cliлnthulpprogramma
  • phl.dllWindows Unterstьtzungs-DLL fьr Leistungsdaten
  • uml.dll
  • 040b.dllDownload, Install, Maintenance, Patch, Launch, Execute
  • gvms.dllGirder Variable Manipulation Script
  • idle.dllMicrosoft(R) Visual C++ Idle Component
  • sapi.dllSAPI 5
  • vsed.dllVisual Studio Standard Editor package
  • apc63.dllApplication Programmability Components
  • csp16.dllCSP
  • dc265.dllDC265 1.0.0600
  • ecfdi.dllEclipseUI - EclipseCabinet
  • gds32.dllInterBase Server
  • input.dllText Input DLL
  • kbdur.dllUkrainian Keyboard Layout
  • libdb.dllBerkeley DB 2.0 DLL
  • mcs32.dllMCS32 Library
  • mscdm.dll
  • msls2.dllMicrosoft Applications Line Services library file
  • msowc.dll
  • power.dllAdaptec Power Management Module
  • sscrc.dllAmigo MFC Application
  • vaiec.dllMicrosoft (R) Visual Studio VSA Inproc Event Creator
  • vlb32.dllWindows Virtual Listbox
  • admexs.dllIIS AdminEx sample DLL
  • asptxn.dllActive Server Pages Transaction Object
  • awvid5.dllpcAnywhere Display Driver for Windows 2000
  • cnb240.dllCanon BJ Mini Printer Driver
  • CrlIUI.dllCorel User Interface
  • dnsmgr.dllDNS Snapin
  • dplayx.dllMicrosoft DirectPlay
  • frgutb.dllSound Forge Toolbar Library
  • kbdest.dllEstonia Keyboard Layout
  • laprxy.dllWindows Media Logagent Proxy
  • mdt2fw.dllMicrosoft Design Tools - Framework
  • msgbox.dll
  • msndui.dllMicrosoft Network Desktop UI Handlers
  • nmocod.dll
  • nvrshe.dllNVIDIA Hebrew language resource library
  • nvrsnl.dllNVIDIA Dutch language resource library
  • pmxapi.dllHardware Abstraction Layer
  • signal.dllFunction Library
  • splash.dllMicrosoft(R) Visual C++ Splash Screen Component
  • ssrmax.dllSQL Server Maximum/Latest Conflict Resolver
  • umdm32.dllUnimodem Service Provider 16-to-32 bit thunk layer
  • upgres.dllRessources utilisйes par scriptin.exe et upgrade.exe.
  • wship6.dllIPv6 Helper DLL
  • wwasum.dllMicrosoft Word
  • ximage.dll
  • zenccs.dllZEN for Desktops NICI Support DLU
  • agt040e.dllMicrosoft Agent International Dll
  • aifflib.dllShared library
  • akrip32.dll
  • anigif2.dllUlead GIF-X.Plugin
  • audio3d.dllAudio3D
  • bgextra.dllBackground voices for BrainWave Generator.
  • boobass.dllBooBass
  • bvrpnac.dllBVRPNac
  • dgupgrd.dllDigi Async Upgrade Dll
  • fp4awel.dllMicrosoft FrontPage Web Extender Library DLL
  • igfxdev.dlligfxdev Module
  • jgsh400.dllJG Slide Show Player DLL
  • lmprint.dllPdpPriNT
  • mathcpu.dllMathCPU
  • mscsups.dllMicrosoft Commerce Server Profile Service Object
  • neroerr.dllNero Library
  • nwapi32.dllNW Win32 API DLL
  • perlcrt.dllUser-Generated Microsoft (R) C/C++ Runtime Library
  • permchk.dllMSWC Permission Checker
  • psviews.dllPhotoshop Resource DLL
  • rtutils.dllRouting Utilities
  • snti386.dllSentinel Driver Setup DLL
  • tgiul50.dllTrident Display Driver
  • trialoc.dllInternet Connection Wizard Trial Reminder Helper
  • ushadow.dll
  • vtinfo2.dllS3 Graphics Display Adapter Information Utility
  • wdigest.dllMicrosoft Digest Access
  • 3dfxis32.dll3dfx Install Support Library
  • a0097021.dllDistributed COM Services
  • asengbay.dllBayEngine
  • atioglxx.dllATI OpenGL driver
  • cteapsfx.dllAPS FX Plug-in
  • ecsnwext.dllecsnwext
  • freetype.dllFreeType: font engine and rasterizer
  • FTfapi32.dllFAPI
  • hcappres.dllDLL ъnica del Centro de ayuda de PC Health
  • hfxgui-kr.dllHollywood FX UI
  • hpbf201f.dllHP LaserJet 1100Printer Driver User Interface
  • hpomon05.dll
  • hpqprint.dllhpqprint Module
  • hpzpnp07.dll
  • hpzsnt09.dll
  • idasci32.dll
  • lfpng12n.dllLEADTOOLS(r) DLL for Win32
  • ltdis11n.dllLEADTOOLS(r) DLL for Win32
  • maxkernl.dllPaperPort File & Rendering
  • mfc71cht.dllMFC Language Specific Resources
  • msltus35.dllMicrosoft Jet Lotus 1-2-3 Isam
  • msnmtllc.dllmsnmetal
  • msolapsl.dllSlicer user interface
  • mspfctl0.dllMicrosoft Money Personal Finance Custom Control DLL
  • multizip.dll
  • ntdsbcli.dllNT5DS
  • oldsetup.dllsetup
  • oledb32r.dllMicrosoft Data Access - OLE DB Core Services Resources
  • pkmaxctl.dllMicrosoft SharePoint Portal Server
  • prismioc.dllPRISM Driver Interface Library
  • scint100.dllCorel SCRIPT Interpreter DLL
  • sfppack2.dllSony XFX 2 Plug-In Pack
  • sisaudio.dllSiS PCI Audio User Mode Driver
  • sprio600.dllMDM Device Interface for Rio 600 device.
  • sqlunirl.dllString Function .DLL for SQL Enterprise Components
  • steamold.dllSteam Client Engine
  • svrnetcn.dllSQL Server Network Utility DLL
  • Transman.dllNorton AntiVirus
  • trueverb.dllTrueVerb
  • vb6debug.dllVisual Basic 6.0 Debugging Support
  • vidpcore.dllSonic Foundry Vegas Video Plugins
  • wfxdnt40.dllWinFax NT Printer Driver
  • wiafbdrv.dllFlatbed Scanner Still Image Devices DLL
  • wmfplug3.dllSony Windows Media Format
  • wowfaxui.dllWindows 3.1 Compatible Fax Driver UI DLL
  • wpdf200a.dllPDF Export DLL
  • adocedb31.dllADOCE CEDB Interface
  • btinstall.dllClass-Installer DLL for Bluetooth USB dongle
  • dxinstall.dllDXInstall DLL
  • generator.dllGenerator API to Java
  • imacommon.dllIMA Common
  • jagamex86.dllJedi Academy Game DLL
  • mozmapi32.dll
  • padgnneco.dllpadGnneco is a pad plugin for PS emulator.
  • symphonic.dllSymphonic
  • asmcovr80a.dllASM Cover
  • battmanres.dllBlock Attribute Manager Resources
  • cserhelper.dllDebug Helper Routines
  • hlguard_mm.dllHLGuard Metamod Plugin DLL
  • mda epiano.dllVST Synth Plug-in
  • mp3pro_dmo.dllAudio plugin component
  • xpcom_core.dll
  • ekfpixpsets.dllNIF KIES PSETS Library
  • gpupetesoft.dllgpu soft plugin
  • npqtplugin5.dllThe QuickTime Plugin allows you to view a wide variety of multimedia content in Web pages. For more information, visit the <A HREF=>QuickTime</A> Web site.
  • vpp multi fx.dllVPP Multi FX 1
  • fhlangresource.dll
  • spacesynthesizer.dllorbiter
  • microsoft.visualc.dllMicrosoft® Visual C++ Metadata
  • dwgcheckstandardsres.dllAcStdBatchRes Module
  • ultrafunk fxreverb r3.dllUltrafunk fx:reverb VST plug-in
  • system.web.regularexpressions.dllSystem.Web.RegularExpressions.dll
  • microsoft.visualstudio.vccodemodel.dll
  • jet.dllJET Engine DLL
  • ogl.dllopengl renderer
  • ppe.dllR200X_PPE Dynamic Link Library
  • sms.dllMiranda SMS plugin
  • sqx.dllSQX 4.0 Developer Kit
  • uir.dllGirder UIR/IRA/IRman/CTInfra/Hollywood+ Plugin
  • hxds.dllMicrosoft® Help Data Services Module
  • mcps.dllMedia Catalog Proxy/Stub
  • s3nb.dllS3 ProSavage & Twister Display Driver
  • tslv.dllTSLV Module
  • vjoy.dll32-bit Joystick Virtual Device Driver
  • bcaut.dllVisual Basic Authoring
  • dmocx.dllTreeView OCX
  • nspr4.dllNSPR Library
  • ntdsa.dllNT5DS
  • owc11.dllMicrosoft Office Web Components 2003
  • sccch.dllSCC Chunker
  • scdmi.dllDmi Module
  • shsql.dllSymbol Handler for SQL Debugger
  • smb0w.dllMicroTek scanner driver
  • wkwbl.dllMicrosoft® Works Generic Support
  • ACCWIZ.dllMicrosoft Access Wizard Controls
  • adui15.dlladui DLL
  • awgina.dllpcAnywhere Authentication Interface
  • cdmnew.dllCode Download Manager
  • CdrPsi.dllCorel PostScript Interpreter
  • cscomp.dllVisual C# Compiler
  • dlint8.dllHeidi® Display List
  • fusion.dllAssembly manager
  • junox2.dllJunoX2 VST plug-in
  • kbdcz2.dllCzech_Programmer's Keyboard Layout
  • lmuint.dllPdpUiNT
  • mdt2sd.dllMicrosoft Design Tools - Site Designer
  • mpadec.dllMPEG Audio Decoder
  • msswch.dllmsswch
  • nslite.dllMicrosoft Windows Media Lite Client
  • p2smon.dllActive Data Reporting DLL for Crystal Reports.
  • psdesk.dllPowerStrip Desk Library
  • rescue.dllRescue Disk Core Engine
  • swmenu.dllShockwave Context Menu Support
  • agt041d.dllMicrosoft Agent International Dll
  • cmnresm.dllArchivo de datos de Zone
  • colbact.dll
  • craxdui.dllCrystal Reports ActiveX Designer
  • custsat.dllcustsat
  • d3d8thk.dllMicrosoft Direct3D OS Thunk Layer
  • davclnt.dllWeb DAV Client DLL
  • dwdcw20.dll
  • hiipunv.dllElastic Reality HIIP Universal DLL
  • ikeycmd.dllIkeycmd.dll
  • ir32_32.dll
  • ir50_32.dllLigos Indeo® Video 5.11
  • kbdurdu.dllUrdu Keyboard Layout
  • keycode.dllkeycode Module
  • lmoufrc.dllLogitech Force Feedback Driver
  • mancore.dllMancore
  • mapi32x.dllExtended MAPI 1.0 for Windows 95
  • mssip32.dllMSSIP32 Forwarder DLL
  • MSSP3FR.dllMssp3fr.dll
  • msvcp70.dllMicrosoft® C++ Runtime Library
  • neo20xx.dllMicrosoft® Windows® Operating System
  • ntdsatq.dllAsynchronous Thread Queue
  • ptipbmf.dllfasttraktype DLL
  • rpcltc5.dllRPC NetBIOS Client Interface DLL
  • rtcimsp.dllRTC IM Service Provider DLL
  • sqlinf9.dll
  • usrv42a.dll3cv42
  • votebot.dllVOTEBOT DLL
  • wavplug.dllMicrosoft Wave
  • win32cd.dllCD-ROM Driver
  • wstream.dllBrooktree WaveStream DLL (Shell version)
  • 040904b0.dllEnglish (US) Language Resource
  • 2escomus.dllStudio Resource DLL
  • acvbares.dllAutoCAD Resource DLL
  • almuirsc.dllalmuirsc
  • asusasv2.dll
  • aweman32.dllAWE32 Manager
  • callcont.dllCall Control Module
  • cimwin32.dllProveedor de WMI para Win32
  • clrviddd.dllClearVideo Decompressor Driver
  • comctl31.dllCommon Controls Library
  • cooltype.dllCoolType Typography Engine
  • crviewer.dllCrystal Report Viewer
  • crxlat32.dllSeagate Crystal Reports ToWords DLL
  • d3dx9_25.dll
  • dagsetup.dllData Access Components 1.5 Setup
  • dc210usd.dllDC210USD DLL
  • drmv2clt.dllDRMv2 Client DLL
  • epnhtx12.dllEPNHTX12
  • faus3270.dllATH Library
  • hfxgui55.dllHollywood FX UI
  • hpfwin08.dll
  • hpgt34tk.dllHpgdtt
  • ibprores.dllIBPRORES driver
  • imagxpr7.dllImagXpr7 Module
  • imgman32.dllImageMan API DLL
  • interact.dllSnapIns Module
  • lfcmp70n.dllLEADTOOLS® DLL for Win32
  • lffax11n.dllLEADTOOLS(r) DLL for Win32
  • libeay32.dllLibeay32: open Secure Socket Layer protocol
  • lzexpand.dllWindows file expansion library
  • m3jpeg32.dllMorgan Multimedia MJPEG 32-bit codec
  • mcsubmgr.dllMcAfee Subscription manager module
  • mfc71esp.dllMFC Language Specific Resources
  • mmmpeg32.dllMMMPEG32.DLL
  • msjtes40.dllMicrosoft Jet Expression Service
  • msmdgd80.dllMicrosoft SQL Server Analysis Services driver
  • msnspell.dllMicrosoft (R) HTML Spell Checker
  • msvcr71d.dllMicrosoft® C Runtime Library
  • nmexchex.dllNetMeeting Exchange-extensies
  • npjava14.dllJava Plug-in 1.4.2 for Netscape Navigator (DLL Helper)
  • nwshlxnt.dll
  • optrares.dllOptra Printer Driver
  • outlacct.dllOutlook Accounts
  • pcdlib32.dllPCDLIB32
  • pcledial.dllPinnacle Disc Abstraction Layer
  • python20.dllPython Core
  • rpmn3260.dllRealPlayer UI
  • sfupload.dllSfUpload
  • sisparse.dllScript Parser DLL
  • snmpsnap.dllSNMP snap-in
  • spra0407.dllService Pack 1-Meldungen
  • sqlmergx.dllMicrosoft SQL Merge Control 7.0
  • ssce5232.dllSentry Spelling-Checker Engine
  • tabctl32.dllTabCtl32.dll
  • tscfgwmi.dllTerminal Server Configuration WMI provider
  • xercesrs.dllShared Library for Xerces-C Version 1.1.0
  • xlslicer.dllMicrosoft Office 2003 component
  • zerox_as.dllZeroX_SC DLL
  • amx_admin.dllSmall Abstract Machine for Admin Mod
  • in_mp3pro.dllin_mp3PRO
  • launchexe.dlllaunchEXE Module
  • metalizer.dllVST Plug-In
  • mpeg2dec3.dllMPEG2Dec3 for Avisynth 2.5
  • xerceslib.dllShared Library for Xerces-C Version 1.6.0
  • acdintouch.dllACDInTouch DLL
  • corelpp110.dllCorel PHOTO-PAINT(R)
  • muon synth.dllMuon Synth
  • sqlcluster.dllSQL Setup Cluster DLL
  • stylophone.dllVST Instrument
  • acopmextres.dllAcOpmExtRes Resource DLL
  • compsvcspkg.dllVisual Studio Component Services DLL
  • pythoncom22.dll
  • qt-mteval320.dllQt
  • acdintouch40.dllACDInTouch DLL
  • audiocardlib.dllShared library
  • cddbuiwinamp.dllCDDBUIControl Module (Winamp)
  • mda repsycho!.dllCubase VST Plug-In
  • pixietool-deu.dllPixie5 Registration and Licensing Tool
  • pixietool-rus.dllPixie5 Registration and Licensing Tool
  • pywintypes22.dll
  • exch_snprfdll.dllTransport Perfmon Counter DLL
  • jabo_direct3d.dllJabo's Direct3D6 Plugin for Project64
  • libr_rl_tiff_.dllLIBTIFF
  • adniwacadgroup.dllAdNiwAcadGroup Module
  • bluestereo vst.dllBlueLine ActiveMovie Audio Filter
  • neroburnplugin.dllNero Fast CD-Burning Plug-in Service Provider
  • csoledbprovider.dllMicrosoft Commerce Server OLE DB Provider
  • calendarresource.dllMyCalendar
  • obexsyncreq_object.dllobexsyncreq_object Module
  • camtasiaofficeaddinres.dllCamtasia Studio PowerPoint Add-In Resource DLL
  • macromedia_licensing_installer.dllSafeCast2
  • md.dll
  • abc.dllActuate LRX API
  • imk.dllImage Processing Engine for KNIFE.VBX
  • ldf.dllLuraDocument Format PlugIn for IrfanView
  • mps.dllModular Parsing System
  • sxl.dllGARMIN-specific C++ Library
  • atla.dllATL Module for Windows (ANSI)
  • hvac.dllHVAC.dll - HVAC solution
  • mde-x.dllMDE-X
  • scui.dllMcAfee SecurityCenter UI Resource
  • cao16.dllCAO Module
  • cdlog.dllCDLog Dll
  • dac34.dllChristoph Schmelnik's Digital Audio Copy 32 Bit Copy Engine
  • divx4.dllDivX Video for Windows Codec
  • hppcl.dllHPPCL driver
  • htmed.dllMicrosoft (R) Visual Studio HTML Package
  • iconv.dllLGPLed libiconv for Windows NT/2000/XP and Windows 95/98/ME
  • iuctl.dllWindows Update Client Control
  • kbdgr.dllGerman Keyboard Layout
  • msgsc.dllMessenger ActiveX Control
  • mso97.dll
  • pxsub.dllVarious Services
  • sptip.dllSAPI5.0/CTF layer DLL
  • sstub.dllSStub Module
  • tlloc.dllLocal Transport Layer for the Debugger
  • adsnds.dllADs NDS Provider DLL
  • CBAXFR.dllCBA -- File Transfer Library
  • cdrw32.dllCdrw32 DLL
  • cgd3d8.dllCg D3D8 Runtime Library
  • cthtml.dllCTHtml
  • gxdraw.dllCyrix Direct Draw Driver
  • hdfchk.dllHDFlib
  • hmmapi.dllMicrosoft HTTP Mail Simple MAPI
  • hpcstr.dll
  • isdnui.dllWindows eigenschappen ISDN
  • kbdkyr.dllKyrgyz Keyboard Layout
  • kbdsl1.dllSlovak(QWERTY) Keyboard Layout
  • mfc70u.dllMFCDLL Shared Library - Retail Version
  • mprapi.dllWindows NT MP Router Administration DLL
  • nvrsno.dllNVIDIA Norwegian language resource library
  • nwnp32.dllNetwork provider for Novell NetWare
  • orback.dllBackend DLL
  • upnpui.dllUPNP Tray Monitor and Folder
  • vcmutl.dllVcmUtl Module
  • veui32.dll3-D custom controls support module
  • winnls.dllWindows IME interface core component
  • asfsipc.dllASFSipc Object
  • au_util.dllMSN Updater Utility
  • bckgres.dllArchivo de datos de Zone
  • Cliscan.dllNorton AntiVirus
  • CRLI18N.dllGlobalization Utilities Library
  • crlui80.dllCommon Utilities Library
  • cychmck.dllcychmck Module
  • dartweb.dllPowerTCP© HTTP Control
  • dmcolor.dllUniversal printer driver color printing support libary
  • dnsperf.dllDNS Server PerfMon DLL
  • dnsprov.dllMicrosoft DNS Provider
  • fp20htp.dllMicrosoft FrontPage Parser DLL
  • hotplug.dllSafely Remove Hardware applet
  • icqinfo.dllICQRegisterDll DLL
  • lvui2rc.dllLogitech Camera Property Pages
  • mp2prov.dllFile Provider System - implementation for MPEG-2
  • mrt7enu.dllMicrosoft Office Localization Library
  • msenc10.dllMicrosoft (R) Debugging Edit and Continue Library
  • msimnui.dllOutlook Express
  • np32dsw.dllMacromedia Shockwave for Director Netscape plug-in, version 8.5
  • npswf32.dllShockwave Flash 5.0 r41
  • nvapi9x.dllNVIDIANVidia GPIO Dll
  • oki9res.dllOkidata 9-pin Printer Driver
  • pluswiz.dllMicrosoft Plus! Application
  • rasuser.dllDial-in User Management Snapin
  • scrprmv.dllFARE for FAU
  • styedit.dllAutodesk Hardcopy StyEdit DLL
  • support.dllSupport Services For Import/Export Filters
  • tfswapi.dllDirect Access Component
  • txresus.dllResources DLL
  • wmapint.dllWM Event Notify Service Interface
  • wuaueng.dllWindows Update AutoUpdate Engine
  • 34i2curd.dll34I2Curd
  • a0003000.dllMicrosoft FrontPage Server Extensions for Netscape Servers
  • a0003003.dllMicrosoft FrontPage Server Extensions
  • a0004058.dllMicrosoft Jet Paradox Isam
  • adobepsu.dllAdobe PostScript Driver User Interface
  • autprx32.dllMicrosoft Remote Automation Proxy for Windows NT(TM) Operating System
  • baseball.dllBaseball Screen Saver
  • BRUHL01A.dllBrother Printer Driver User Interface
  • cluadmex.dllCluster Administrator Standard Extension
  • cnbjdrv2.dllCanon BJ Mini Printer Driver
  • cook3260.dllCooker G2 Audio Codec for RealAudio(tm)
  • crashrpt.dllCrash Report Module
  • crliui91.dllCorel User Interface
  • ebueulax.dllEulaDll
  • gklayout.dll
  • hfxgui46.dllHFX User Interface Library
  • hposrl05.dll
  • hpzlnt09.dll
  • infoadmn.dllInternet Info Server Admin Client API Stubs
  • jda_cimg.dlljda_cimg
  • livesnth.dllLupdate
  • lttwn13n.dllLEADTOOLS(r) DLL for Win32
  • lttwn90n.dllLEADTOOLS® DLL for Win32
  • lxadsrdr.dllLexmark Z12 System Driver Rendering Plug-in
  • mergemod.dllMSM Merge Tool COM Server
  • mscdex32.dllDLL calls MSCDEX, ASPI and WinSCSI
  • msjt3032.dllMicrosoft Jet Engine Library
  • msjter40.dllMicrosoft Jet Database Engine Error DLL
  • mspshell.dllMS PropShell Control
  • noote_di.dllNooTe_DI DLL
  • nsextint.dllSharePoint Portal Server
  • nv4_disp.dllNVIDIA Compatible Windows 2000 Display driver, Version 30.87
  • pchshell.dllMicrosoft Help Center Shell
  • pcleutil.dllPinnacle Utilities - for pclePrograms
  • pdvcodec.dllDV Video for Windows Driver
  • powercfg.dllToepassing voor geavanceerd energiebeheer (APM)
  • prmabout.dllAbout dialog DLL (32-bit version)
  • rascauth.dllRemote Access Client Side Authentication Package
  • ricohres.dllricohres Printer Driver
  • rjbc3260.dllRealOne Player Media Library Component
  • scandlgs.dllNorton AntiVirus
  • sendcmsg.dllSend Console Message
  • shellres.dllResource DLL
  • sniffpol.dllPPServer Module
  • spra0418.dllService Pack 1 Messages
  • sprb0414.dllMeldinger for Service Pack 2
  • sqlint32.dll
  • sqlresld.dllSQL Enterprise Manager Reesource DLL Loader
  • srclient.dllSR CLIENT DLL
  • twain_32.dllTWAIN 32bit Data Source Manager (Image Acquisition Interface)
  • vfp7rdeu.dllMicrosoft® Visual FoxPro®-Laufzeitbibliothek-Ressourcen
  • wmicookr.dllWMI
  • zerox_sc.dllZeroX_SC DLL
  • cspenures.dllCSP Resource DLL
  • divx_xx11.dlldivx
  • fdsplugin.dllFDS sound plugin for Win32
  • foximager.dll
  • midi gate.dllVST Plug-In
  • morphoder.dllMorphoder
  • plotmaker.dllLokalizovanй zdroje PlotMakeru.
  • synsoacc2.dll
  • changeinfo.dllMiranda IM - Change ICQ details plugin
  • crxf_wordw.dllRich Text and MSWord Format DLL for Crystal Reports
  • nctwmvfile.dllNCTWMVFile ActiveX DLL
  • cddbcontrol.dllCDDBControl Module
  • coreldrw100.dllCorelDRAW(R)
  • dvdcompiler.dllDVDCompiler
  • adbenotifier.dllAcrobat Reader for Palm OS Application Notifier
  • swt-win32-3128.dllSWT for Windows native library
  • gpupetedx6d3d.dllgpu d3d dx6 plugin
  • jpg_transform.dllLossless JPG transformations for IrfanView
  • minimp3decode.dllMiniMP3Decode DLL
  • stlport_vc645.dllSTLport
  • common_context.dllcommon_context
  • smptegenerator.dllVST Plug-In
  • databasemanager.dllDatabaseManager Module
  • microsoft_vsavb.dllThe metadata wrapper for VSA VB Engine
  • nemp3dmo_original.dllNero Library
  • ultrafunk fxwahwah.dllUltrafunk fx:wahwah VST plug-in
  • visio nds provider.dllVisio NDS Provider DLL
  • buzz generator adapter.dllBuzz Generator Adapter for Fruityloops
  • fruity envelope controller.dll
  • system.configuration.install.resources.dll
  • sa.dllSA Module
  • are.dllAdobe Raster Express
  • cdr.dllCDR - Digital Audio Extraction Library
  • disp.dll
  • html.dllHTML Export
  • nmft.dllNetMeeting File Transfer Utility
  • bdrec.dllMicrosoft Office 2000 component
  • brush.dllBrush
  • cards.dllEntertainment Pack Cardplaying Helper DLL
  • dcc70.dll
  • duser.dllWindows DirectUser Engine
  • dx7vb.dllMicrosoft DirectX for Visual Basic
  • icwdl.dllInternet Service MIME Mutlipart Download
  • kbdfo.dllFжroese Keyboard Layout
  • kbdsl.dllSlovak Keyboard Layout
  • prefs.dllPrefs DLL
  • setup.dllInstallShield (R) Setup Launcher Resources
  • wkwat.dllMicrosoft® Works Generic Support
  • wmpns.dllWindows Media Player Applet Support DLL
  • adprop.dllWindows Active Directory Admin Property Pages
  • apperr.dllAutodesk Hardcopy Error-Handler DLL
  • avgset.dll
  • axdb16.dll
  • CdrIco.dllIconHandler Shell Extension for CDR, CLK, CMX, CPT and DES files.
  • credui.dllCredential Manager User Interface
  • dict32.dllDictionary I/O Library
  • ipsnap.dllIP Routing Management Snapin
  • kbdax2.dllJP Japanese Keyboard Layout for AX2
  • kbdmac.dllFYROMacedonian_Cyrillic Keyboard Layout
  • lang_e.dllscanobj DLL
  • lmmib2.dllSNMP LanMan MIB
  • mdsync.dllIIS 4.0 Metadata Synchronizer
  • mfc110.dllMFCDLL Shared Library - Retail Version
  • mfc200.dllMFCDLL Shared Library - Retail Version
  • mfc70d.dllMFCDLL Shared Library - Debug Version
  • mqutil.dllUtilidad DLL de Windows NT MQ
  • netui1.dllNT LM UI Common Code - Networking classes
  • php5ts.dllPHP Script Interpreter
  • resdll.dllResDll DLL
  • stmain.dllst
  • u2frtf.dllRich Text Format DLL for Crystal Reports
  • vss_ps.dllMicrosoft® Volume Shadow Copy Service proxy/stub
  • wdfapi.dllWindows User Mode Driver Framework API
  • webres.dllWEB.Designer Resources
  • 21755a7.dllInstallShield Resources
  • 3drbgra.dll3DR Win32s Generic Engine Module
  • 7-zipfar.dll7-Zip FAR Plugin
  • acstmgr.dllacstmgr Module
  • acstobo.dlllmStoBo DLL
  • boscomp.dllBOS/SBS Compliancy dll
  • cnmdr61.dllBJ Raster Printer Graphics Driver
  • colctrl.dllSQLColCtrl Module
  • dartftp.dllPowerTCP© FTP Control
  • decdnet.dllRealAudio(tm) Shared Component
  • docutil.dllDocutil Module
  • gtsmirc.dllmIRC eXtension DLL
  • gwrks32.dllGEAR.wrks main dll
  • home_ss.dllWindows Shell Style Resource Dll
  • idapi32.dll
  • idsql32.dll
  • mfcapwz.dllMicrosoft(R) Visual C++ AppWizard
  • mimedir.dllOutlook Mimedir
  • mscal32.dllMicrosoft Schedule+ Schedule DLL
  • msdatl3.dllMicrosoft Data Access - OLE DB Implementation Support Routines
  • msnmigr.dllMSN IA Migration
  • mspst32.dllMicrosoft Personal Folder/Address Book Service Provider
  • myyahoo.dllMyYahoo Module
  • n124ufw.dllScanGear Device Driver
  • neronet.dllNeroNET dll
  • ntmsevt.dllRemovable Storage Manager Event Logger
  • psparse.dllPowerShot file parsing library
  • scanres.dllU32SCAN DLL
  • speaker.dllSpeaker DLL
  • termsrv.dllTerminal Server Service
  • ttunnel.dllPowerShot Utilities TimeTunnel Browser
  • wmdband.dllWindows Media Player
  • a0002988.dllMicrosoft FrontPage Server Administration Snapin
  • a0002997.dllMicrosoft FrontPage Text Library
  • a4ii3spi.dllDS<->Driver Medium
  • adv11w9x.dllDigital Display Minidriver for Intel(R) Graphics Driver
  • agldt28l.dllICU Data DLL
  • atisserv.dllATI Shared Services
  • browsewm.dllBrowseWM Player
  • c2supprt.dllCrystal Reports Support Client
  • chatsock.dllMicrosoft Chat Sockets DLL
  • clbcatex.dll
  • deskmg16.dllDesktop management instrumentation
  • direcpll.dllDirecPLL Library
  • direct32.dllDirect32
  • dpugui11.dlldpuGUI11
  • ecp2eres.dllESCP2E driver
  • hanjadic.dllHanja Dictionary Engine
  • hpbafd32.dllHP Appflags Utility DLL - 32bit
  • hpgt33tk.dllHewlett-Packard ScanJet 3300C Device Driver Toolkit DLL
  • hpvaut32.dll
  • hpzjrd01.dllhpzjrd01
  • ib239res.dllib239res Resource Dll
  • imagelib.dllIMAGELIB
  • kyocerax.dllKyocera FS-Series Printer Driver
  • lxaxlpar.dlllpa resource DLL
  • mdsmount.dllMedia descriptor file access library
  • mgapdx64.dllMatrox MGAX64 Millennium Display Driver DLL
  • msgstrpc.dllHPC Inbox Remote Database
  • mstext40.dllMicrosoft Jet Text Isam
  • msvcp110.dllMicrosoft® C Runtime Library
  • msxbde40.dllMicrosoft Jet xBASE Isam
  • nextlink.dllMSWC Content Linking
  • obexkrnl.dllObexKrnl
  • openglv3.dllOpenGL Client DLL
  • rasadmin.dllRemote Access Admin Support Package
  • rmme3260.dllMerge for RealMedia Files DLL
  • rsmgrstr.dllBrother MFL Pro R/M Langage Resource
  • setupdll.dllWindows 2000 Setup Dynlink
  • sfmwshat.dllWindows Sockets Helper DLL for AppleTalk
  • shlxthdl.dll
  • shplayer.dllShell integrated media player
  • smmscrpt.dllAutomated Script Point-to-Point Protocol Session Management Module
  • ssce5132.dllSentry Spelling-Checker Engine
  • sscsdk80.dllD
  • struntme.dllLearn2 Runner DLL
  • sxgmasys.dllSXG manager
  • sysclass.dllSystem Class Class Installer
  • uolpatch.dllUOL Patch Routines
  • vcdmaker.dllVcdMaker DLL
  • vfpoledb.dllMicrosoft® Visual FoxPro® OLE DB Provider
  • vmefnw32.dllcc:Mail VIM ME Dispatcher for Windows 32 Bit
  • voodoo2z.dllVoodoo2 3rash Module
  • vspubapi.dllTrueVector Service
  • vsstskex.dllMicrosoft Volume Shadow Copy Service Task Resource Admin Extension DLL
  • wtsapi32.dllWindows Terminal Server SDK APIs
  • asmfct80a.dllASM Faceter
  • asmswp80a.dllASM Sweep
  • cdrprn100.dllCorel Print Engine
  • declicker.dllWavelab DeClicker
  • driversv2.dllRoxio Drivers
  • mircustom.dllmIRC customizer
  • msdatasrc.dll
  • padtsgknp.dllASPI DLL
  • twsupdate.dll
  • axedomcore.dllAdobe XML Engine: DOM Core
  • CDRFNTINTL.dllCorel Font Manager Resource DLL
  • crli18n110.dllGlobalization Utilities Library
  • crystalres.dllcrystal MFC Application
  • mp4filelib.dll
  • actscaleres.dllacTscale Resources
  • keycheckdll.dllKeyCheckDLL DLL
  • npqtplugin3.dllThe QuickTime Plugin allows you to view a wide variety of multimedia content in Web pages. For more information, visit the <A HREF=>QuickTime</A> Web site.
  • exch_ntfsdrv.dllNTFS Message Store DLL
  • ni_dfd_1_3_0.dllNI DFD extension
  • exch_adsiisex.dllADSI Extension
  • xmdaudiodecode.dllXmdAudioDecode
  • thumbnailviewer.dllThumbnailViewer Module
  • fruity video player.dll
  • interop.mediaplayer.dll
  • nctaudioinformation.dllNCTAudioInformation ActiveX DLL
  • voicemachine processor.dllVoiceMachine Processor
  • organization chart wizard.dllVisio Organization Chart Wizard DLL
  • system.runtime.serialization.formatters.soap.dllMicrosoft .NET Runtime Soap Serialization Library
  • a1.dllA1 Analog Synth Unit
  • gg.dllprotokуl Gadu-Gadu™
  • aec.dllAec.dll - Building Plan Solution
  • aif.dllAdobe Audition Language Module
  • asw.dllYahoo! Audio Setup Wizard
  • gfx.dllGeneric Graphics Utilities
  • mng.dllMNG PlugIn for IrfanView
  • voc.dllAdobe Audition Language Module
  • d3dg.dll3DA Direct3D Wrapper
  • dd39.dllMicrosoft® OLE Control runtime DLL
  • dd43.dllmaterialsystem
  • vapi.dllMicrosoft(R) Visual Studio Team Server VAPI
  • acdlg.dllArCon Dialog-DLL fьr MFC-Dialoge
  • cloak.dllCloak
  • dimap.dllMicrosoft DirectInput Mapper
  • dx8vb.dllMicrosoft DirectX para Visual Basic
  • isxdl.dllISX Download DLL
  • mgaud.dllMatrox Millennium/Mystique Display Driver
  • rdisk.dllRDiskRes
  • vim32.dllcc:Mail VIM for Windows 32
  • acdb16.dllacdb16.dll
  • acsrtl.dllACS RunTime Library
  • alrsvc.dllAlerter Service DLL
  • crwdnr.dllCrystal Reports Physical Server DLL for Oracle Server
  • csamsp.dllMicrosoft CSA MSP
  • dapbho.dllDAP IE Browser Helper Module
  • dbscan.dllMSR Oledb Schema Importer
  • dec130.dllEidos Technologies 130 decoding DLL
  • GmDvsd.dllLigos DVSD Video Decoder
  • hinstd.dllAladdin Device Driver Custom Installation API.
  • inkeng.dllWindows Desktop RichInk Engine
  • medcat.dllMedia Catalog Object
  • mfc40u.dllMFCDLL Shared Library - Retail Version
  • msadce.dllMicrosoft Data Access - OLE DB Cursor Engine
  • record.dllrecord DLL
  • rsasig.dllSignature for rsabase.dll
  • sfs4rw.dllSonic Foundry S4RW Component
  • sscdlg.dllPublic C callable Amigo Dialog components
  • tbgame.dllChess Database Game Module
  • u2fpdf.dllPortable Document Format DLL for Crystal Reports
  • vidtlp.dllMicrosoft (R) Visual Studio Theme/Layout picker
  • visweb.dllMicrosoft Visio Web diagramming DLL
  • vsutil.dllTrueVector Service
  • ws2thk.dll32bit thunk Helper for winsock.dll/Win98
  • xl8409.dllMicrosoft Excel Lexicon
  • 3dfxcmn.dll3dfxTools Common Library
  • acgsres.dllAutoCAD 3D Graphics System Resource DLL
  • afterfx.dllAdobe After Effects
  • apphelp.dllApplication Compatibility Client Library
  • atidiag.dllDiagnostics Page
  • atidrab.dllATI2DRAB Display Driver
  • bids50f.dllBIDS Class Library
  • chkrres.dllArchivo de datos de Zone
  • ctl3dv2.dllCtl3D 3D Windows Controls
  • d3drm8f.dllMicrosoft Direct3D
  • dataobj.dll
  • dxtrans.dllDirectX Media -- DirectX Transform Core
  • ep2bres.dllEP2BRES Printer Driver
  • fsmuiav.dllFSAV FSM AV UI
  • gnucdna.dllGnucleus DNA
  • hportal.dllHydra Video Portal COM Objectt
  • icuin24.dllIBM ICU I18N DLL
  • jp2klib.dllJPEG200 Core Library
  • jpeglib.dllJPEGLIB.DLL
  • langs40.dllLanguage support DLL (32-bit version)
  • msgr2en.dllMicrosoft Grammar Checker DLL
  • msh_zwf.dll
  • msvcr71.dllMicrosoft® C Runtime Library
  • nc24res.dllNC24RES resource dll
  • nendgui.dllUser interfaces for NeroDigital encoder filters
  • ntdsapi.dllNT5DS
  • nvrszht.dllNVIDIA Chinese (Traditional) language resource library
  • oksidm9.dllOksidm9 Printer Driver
  • oledb32.dllMicrosoft Data Access - OLE DB Core Services
  • photocd.dllPCDLIB32
  • pmx2hal.dllKYRO DirectX Driver
  • repcdlg.dll
  • resedit.dllVisual Basic 6 Resource Editor
  • rmxrend.dllRealNetworks File Renderer Utility
  • scripto.dllMicrosoft ScriptO
  • sensapi.dllSENS Connectivity API DLL
  • setuphk.dllAdditinal functions DLL
  • shareui.dllUI Support DLL
  • sstrasl.dllNVIDIA nForce Taskbar Slovenian Resources
  • svctl32.dllSoftVoice Control DLL
  • tefonts.dllInstallShield Font Functions
  • umaxusd.dllStill Image Devices DLL
  • urender.dlluRender DLL
  • wasp xt.dll
  • winsmib.dllWINS SNMP AGENT
  • winstrm.dllStreams DLL
  • wkwzlng.dllMicrosoft® Works Wizard Resources
  • wmm2fxa.dllWindows Movie Maker FX
  • wmprevu.dllWindows Media Preview Object
  • ws2_32(3).dllWindows Socket 2.0 32-Bit DLL
  • xplog70.dllSQL Login Integration Procedures DLL
  • yacscom.dllYahoo! Audio Conferencing Control
  • 34pciurd.dll34PCIurd
  • 3dfx32vb.dll3Dfx Interactive, Inc. Voodoo Banshee
  • 3dprocpl.dllSideWinder 3D Pro Property Page
  • amspcore.dllAMSPluginCore
  • ati2edxx.dllatieduxx
  • atv01nt5.dllDigital Display Minidriver for Intel(R) Graphics Driver
  • atv04nt5.dllDigital Display Minidriver for Intel(R) Graphics Driver
  • authfilt.dllSample Filter DLL
  • bitsprx3.dllBackground Intelligent Transfer Service 2.0 Proxy
  • clnwinth.dllNetWare® Client Lib. Thunk Layer for Win95
  • crxf_xls.dllExcel Export Format DLL for Crystal Reports
  • cryptsvc.dllCryptographic Services
  • d3drm16f.dllMicrosoft Direct3D
  • dpmodemx.dllModem and Serial Connection For DirectPlay
  • dtctrace.dll
  • epnhte4p.dllEPNHTE4P
  • epnutx22.dllEPNUTX22
  • exclexpt.dllExport filter dll supporting Microsoft Excel
  • fnfilter.dllFNFILTER.DLL
  • guitrn_a.dllTransports for GUI
  • hpqtap08.dllTAPAS Link Server
  • inloader.dllMicrosoft Internet Connectivity
  • ipnathlp.dllMicrosoft NAT Helper Components
  • iscustom.dllInstall Custom DLL
  • kbdhe220.dllGreek IBM 220 Keyboard Layout
  • kbdsmsno.dllSami Extended Norway Keyboard Layout
  • kommctrl.dllCustom Controls Library
  • kptaxiom.dllKPT
  • kygrpres.dllKeyGrip MFC Application
  • lfcmp90n.dllLEADTOOLS® DLL for Win32
  • ltkrn10n.dllLEADTOOLS® DLL for Win32
  • lvcodec2.dllVideo Codec
  • mdt2dbns.dllMicrosoft Design Tools - DB Namespace
  • mgxoschk.dll
  • mscorwks.dllMicrosoft .NET Runtime Common Language Runtime - WorkStation
  • mscpydis.dllSetup Copy Disincentive Library
  • mssadmin.dllMicrosoft Search Admin Objects
  • msvcp70d.dllMicrosoft® C++ Runtime Library
  • mswebcap.dllMicrosoft Web Capture Extension
  • natdbgdm.dllMicrosoft (R) Visual C++ Debug Monitor (x86)
  • ntwdblib.dllSQL Server Client Library
  • pcledvdc.dllPinnacle DV Decoder - for Multi Media eXtensions
  • primosdk.dllPrimo Software Development Kit
  • pscadimg.dllCanon Digital Camera Image Naming Library
  • rasfil32.dllRemote Access Configuration File Management Library
  • rjbe3260.dllRealNetworks Equalizer plugin
  • rmto3260.dllRMTools SDK DLL
  • s2sqlprs.dllCrystal SQL Parser Component
  • shfusres.dllMicrosoft COM Runtime Fusion Assembly Viewer Resources
  • shibatch.dllA sample-rate-convertor and equalizer library
  • sisvideo.dllSiS Compatible Super VGA Video Setting
  • smtpsnap.dllSMTP MMC SnapIn DLL
  • snmpincl.dllWMI SNMP Provider
  • spra040d.dllService Pack 1 Messages
  • trasher2.dllTrasher2 VST plug-in
  • ttdvbacc.dllControl and streaming DLL for TT-DVBsat PCI
  • ufcpntbs.dllUFCPNTBS DLL
  • umaxscan.dllWIA Devices DLL
  • usrvoica.dll3cvoice
  • vb6stkit.dllVisual Basic Setup Toolkit Library DLL
  • wmdrmdev.dllWindows Media DRM for Network Devices Registration DLL
  • wmv8dmoe.dllWindows Media Video 8 Encoder DMO
  • aspupload.dllAspUpload 2.01
  • btballoon.dllBalloon Tooltip Routine DLL
  • inspector.dll
  • nctrmfile.dllNCTRMFile ActiveX DLL
  • pcpitstop.dllPCPitstop Module
  • synthesis.dllText Analyzer DLL
  • trianglib.dllLife Studio:Head API
  • accountmgr.dllSuite Integration Toolkit Object
  • cdvdbina64.dllCDVDbin
  • php5apache.dllApache 1.3
  • sms_object.dllsms_object Module
  • surrounder.dllVST Plug-In
  • ekfpixaudio.dllNIF KIES AUDIO Library
  • shellintmgr.dllShellIntMgr
  • spueternall.dll
  • acsignextres.dllAcSignExtRes Module
  • crtowords_en.dllCrystal Reports ToWords DLL
  • flashplayerw.dll
  • sonicpcmaout.dllMPEG PCM Audio
  • wdminterface.dllWDMInterface
  • audioresampler.dllAudio resampler
  • ExcelImport110.dllPerfectFit Excel Converter
  • libgdk-win32-2.0-0.dllGIMP Drawing Kit
  • js limiteur v1.0.dllLimiteur
  • microsoft.mshtml.dll
  • mpegvcodecmpeg2dvd.dllVindaloo Codec
  • microsoft.vsdesignerui.dllVSDesigner Native Resource
  • px.dllPx
  • sg.dllVisio Shape Gallery
  • cdb.dllCorel Database component
  • fte.dllBestandsoverdrachttoepassing
  • mac.dllMAC Environment library
  • nic.dllMicrosoft Server Appliance Network Plugin
  • udf.dllUDF Module
  • aiff.dllAudio plugin
  • coex.dllSWCust DLL
  • edec.dllESCAPE Effects codec for 124
  • knps.dllKlik & Play Graphic Library
  • tlpd.dllPassword Door kernel
  • wave.dllCompression CODEC
  • acres.dllApplication Compatibility Message Library
  • fstnb.dllF-Secure TNB API
  • gfdev.dllGoFlight Device Dynamic-Link Library
  • gkgfx.dll
  • iwrps.dllIWamRequest Proxy Stub
  • kbdbu.dllBulgarian Keyboard Layout
  • kbdic.dllIcelandic Keyboard Layout
  • mmreg.dllmmreg
  • morph.dllmorphology module
  • mss32.dll
  • neamr.dllAhead AMR WB / AMR NB Audio Decoder
  • netdi.dllNetwork Device Installer
  • nvcod.dllNVIDIA Driver CoInstaller
  • nwwks.dllClient Service for Netware
  • pxdrv.dllPx Unit Table
  • spsrx.dllSAPI 5
  • stats.dllAdobe Audition Language Module
  • tsddd.dllFramebuffer Display Driver
  • vssln.dllMicrosoft(R) Visual Studio Solution Package
  • wamps.dllWAM Proxy Stub
  • 7-zip32.dll7-zip32
  • apwcmd.dllNorton AntiVirus APW Command DLL
  • bilw32.dllBilW32
  • btfunc.dllbtfunc DLL
  • dxmasf.dll
  • expdmo.dllInterVideo EXP DMO Module
  • fwbase.dllMasterCook(TM) Dynamic Link Library
  • gswdll.dllGraphics Server DLL for Microsoft Windows
  • hpgblt.dllHewlett-Packard ScanJet 5400/5470 scanner toolkit
  • kbdheb.dllKBDHEB Keyboard Layout
  • kbdusx.dllUS Multinational Keyboard Layout
  • mqperf.dllWindows NT MQ Performance Coutners
  • msdatl.dllMicrosoft OLE DB Implementation support library
  • mtxclu.dll
  • npsvg3.dllSVG Viewer 3.0 for Netscape
  • outlph.dllOutlook POP, FAX and MAPI Protocol Handlers
  • owl50f.dllObjectWindows Library
  • pdfl70.dllAdobe PDF Library
  • pfctoc.dllCD/DVD pre-mastering toolkit for Win32
  • shell5.dllResource DLL
  • solver.dllFunction Library
  • sqlsut.dllSQL Setup Utility DLL
  • vxcsub.dllVarious Services in C
  • w32n50.dllWinDis 32 API & Platform Compatibility DLL
  • wksbdp.dllMicrosoft® Works Portfolio
  • 21755b7.dllSTYLUS Setup Resource DLL
  • aacplus.dllAhead AAC / AAC-Plus Audio Decoder
  • aamd532.dllaamd532 DLL
  • adlmres.dllAutodesk Adlm Resource DLL
  • agt040d.dllMicrosoft Agent International Dll
  • agt0412.dllMicrosoft Agent International Dll
  • appconf.dllIIS AppConfig Module
  • authzax.dllMicrosoft Office Authorization Control
  • bdrintl.dllMicrosoft Office 2000 component
  • bootvid.dllVGA Boot Driver
  • cclogin.dllCommon Client Login Manager
  • compand.dllcompanderDMO Module
  • CrlMath.dllCorel Math Library
  • ctrlwiz.dll
  • customs.dllCUSTOMS DLL
  • delphi2.dllVisual Basic 4.0 runtime library
  • dlgsetp.dllDelegate Access Extension
  • ep9bres.dllEP9BRES Printer Driver
  • finecom.dllFineCOM Manager
  • fp40ext.dllMicrosoft FrontPage Server Extensions
  • fshxeng.dll
  • hpokm05.dllHP Printing System for Windows
  • ikernel.dllInstallShield (R) Setup Engine
  • ipv6mon.dllIF Monitor DLL
  • kbddiv1.dllDivehi Phonetic Keyboard Layout
  • mdminst.dllModem Class Installer
  • midimap.dllMicrosoft MIDI Mapper
  • mmtools.dll
  • mprserv.dllMultinet Router
  • mso7enu.dllMicrosoft Office Localization Library
  • msoert2.dllMicrosoft Outlook Express RT Lib
  • msthes3.dllMicrosoft Thesaurus dll
  • nvrsesm.dllNVIDIA Latin American Spanish language resource library
  • nvwrssk.dllNVIDIA nView Desktop and Window Manager
  • ospfmib.dllIP OSPF MIB
  • PbkUser.dllModule d'extraction
  • plcfmgr.dllAutodesk Hardcopy Plot Config. Manager DLL
  • pstorec.dllProtected Storage COM interfaces
  • sdntdrv.dllSDNTDrv
  • smtpapi.dllSMTP Service Client API Stubs
  • wbemess.dllWMI
  • a0001727.dllService Pack-meddelanden
  • adobeisf.dllAdobeisf
  • afengine.dllAfSetup
  • aoccache.dllAdobe Photoshop Album 2.0 Starter Edition component
  • audiovis.dllAudioVis Module
  • avgunarc.dllAVG Kernel Archive Support
  • cdudflib.dllDirectCD Library
  • cfgbkend.dllConfiguration Backend Interface
  • cnb1000s.dllCanon BJ Mini Printer Driver
  • drmclien.dllDRM Client DLL
  • epnhte3t.dllEPNHTE3T
  • hpi_util.dllHpi_Util DLL
  • hsfci006.dllCoInstaller for HSF on W2K
  • infostor.dllCrystal Enterprise
  • ipxpromn.dllIPX Router Monitor DLL
  • kbdinben.dllBengali Keyboard Layout
  • kbdintel.dllTelugu Keyboard Layout
  • keystone.dllKeystone
  • kyofonts.dllFonts for Kyocera FS-Series Page Printers
  • langinfo.dllLetters and languages support dll
  • lfcmp12n.dllLEADTOOLS(r) DLL for Win32
  • ltscsn10.dllLotus Country/Language Services
  • ltwvc13n.dllLEADTOOLS(r) DLL for Win32
  • mgscomms.dllMGSCOMMS Communication & Security Library
  • mousectl.dllNorton Diagnostics Control
  • mscrlrev.dllECM MSCRLRev
  • msidntld.dllMicrosoft Identity Manager
  • msrtedit.dllmsrtedit Module
  • msvcr40d.dllMicrosoft® C Runtime Library
  • oledb32x.dll
  • photowiz.dllPhoto Printing Wizard
  • pngu3266.dllGUI Library
  • preminfo.dllMAX implementations of Premiere SDK
  • rescomus.dllStudio Resource DLL
  • sfhammer.dllSony Wave Hammer
  • sfmpsdib.dllWindows NT Macintosh TrueImage Interpreter
  • slayerxp.dllCompatibility Tab Shell Extension DLL
  • solver32.dllSOLVER32 DLL
  • spra0412.dllService Pack 1 Messages
  • stadev32.dll
  • swpidflt.dllSidewinder PID PreFilter
  • vbacv10d.dllVBA DBCS Converter (1.0)
  • vsfilter.dllVobSub & TextSub filter for DirectShow/VirtualDub/Avisynth
  • wbemcons.dllWMI Standard Event Consumers
  • webshell.dllNorton AntiVirus
  • wfxut32c.dllWinFax PRO Utilities (MFC)
  • wmitimep.dllWMI
  • admpgaout.dllMPEG Audio Encoder
  • adpcmaout.dllMPEG PCM Audio
  • cdrcpr110.dllCorel Compression Dll
  • commonres.dllSuite Integration Toolkit Object
  • kantosvst.dllAntares Kantos VST Plugin
  • php5nsapi.dllNSAPI
  • reseditui.dllVisual C++ Resource Editor Package User Interface
  • saveasweb.dllVisio Save As Web DLL
  • whohasres.dllwhohasRes Resource DLL
  • amcdocbase.dll
  • asmofst80a.dllASM Offset
  • directcdbf.dllDirectCDObj
  • fifa2001gc.dllFIFA2001GC Module
  • hpi_common.dllShared Low-Level Utilities
  • messagedll.dllMessageDll DLL
  • pictureviz.dllPictureViz Module
  • stereoecho.dllVST Plug-In
  • timebandit.dll
  • acoscaleres.dllOleRescaleRes Resource DLL
  • gpudemohard.dllgpuDemoHard DLL
  • npqtplugin6.dllThe QuickTime Plugin allows you to view a wide variety of multimedia content in Web pages. For more information, visit the <A HREF=>QuickTime</A> Web site.
  • prntprogres.dllAutodesk Hardcopy Plot Progress Dialog Resource DLL
  • acdcframeres.dlldcframeRes Resource DLL
  • nctaudiofile.dllNCTAudioFile ActiveX DLL
  • pextnbplugin.dllPExTNBPlugin Module
  • pst_fp_flash.dllFlashApp
  • hollywoodfx30.dllHollywood FX User Interface Library
  • orangevocoder.dllOrangeVocoder
  • acdcsymbolsres.dlldcsymbRes Resource DLL
  • libgmodule-2.0-0.dllGModule
  • camtasiafilters.dllCamtasia Studio DirectShow Filters
  • drwbezierfreehandtoolcore110.dllCorelDRAW Bezier and Freehand Tool Core Library
  • dla.dllDLA
  • lpk.dllLanguage Pack
  • tin.dllTIN Services Library
  • vui.dllAdobe Encoder UI
  • 041d.dll
  • 1036.dllLanguage specific file
  • ace2.dllMathConnex Language DLL
  • agm3.dllAdobe Graphics Manager
  • alie.dllAnti-Leech plugin for Internet Explorer
  • am18.dllMicrosoft AudioMan
  • chat.dllChat Service
  • dlls.dll
  • en-us.dllEnglish (U.S.) Locale
  • glzw.dllGlzw DLL
  • mcee.dllC# and MC++ Expression Evaluator
  • nmas.dllApplication Sharing Core DLL
  • null.dllACD - NULL
  • aac.1.dllAAC DLL
  • cdben.dllCorel Database component
  • cnb85.dllCanon BJ Mini Printer Driver
  • dmime.dllMicrosoft DirectMusic Interactive Engine
  • fpmmc.dllMicrosoft FrontPage Server Administration Snapin
  • ijl11.dllIntel® JPEG Library - Retail Version
  • iprop.dllOLE PropertySet Implementation
  • mp3pp.dllAudio plugin
  • msdbx.dllMSDBX
  • piapi.dllPiApi
  • skdll.dllSerial Keys
  • space.dllSpace Screen Saver
  • twain.dllTwain Source Manager (Image Acquisition Interface)
  • vllib.dllVisual LISP resource DLL
  • ycomp.dllYahoo! Companion for Internet Explorer
  • 38a1ea.dllInstallShield Resources
  • bids45.dllBIDS Class Library
  • c2aspi.dllCeQuadrat SCSI/ATAPI Interface
  • CdrPDF.dllCorel Portable Document Format (PDF) DLL
  • ceutil.dllRegistry Utility Library
  • chorus.dllAdobe Audition Language Module
  • cmutoa.dllMicrosoft Connection Manager Unicode To Ansi Lib
  • dmband.dllMicrosoft DirectMusic Band
  • dudata.dllDU Meter Data Collection Module
  • encdec.dll
  • fplace.dllMicrosoft Office XP component
  • gpulog.dllGpu For Redirection & Logging
  • hpcola.dllHewlett-Packard COLA DLL
  • icaapi.dllDLL Interface to TermDD Device Driver
  • iisrtl.dllIIS RunTime Library
  • imgcmn.dllImage-standaardonderdelen
  • instph.dllINSTPH
  • lprmon.dllLPR Print Monitor
  • morefx.dllMoreFX
  • mppsdk.dllmppsdk
  • mqsnap.dllWindows NT MSMQ Admin
  • msosec.dllCustom membership condition
  • nmchat.dllNetMeeting Chat
  • notify.dllNotify Service
  • nswste.dllSystemWorks Suite DLL
  • ntport.dllNTPort Library
  • numisc.dllNorton Shared Component
  • nvrsja.dllNVIDIA Japanese language resource library
  • pavdll.dllPavdll
  • pfit90.dllPerfectFit Main DLL
  • ptpusd.dllISO15740 WIA mini driver
  • spxlib.dllSendPix Client Library SDK
  • vepb40.dllVE PlayBack Engine
  • vfpcab.dllVFPCAB
  • vislib.dll
  • wkwpqd.dllMicrosoft® Works Word Processor
  • wshisn.dllNWLINK2 Socket Helper DLL
  • avcmhk4.dllKaspersky Anti-Virus service library
  • banshee.dll3Dfx Voodoo Banshee Display Driver
  • basesrv.dllWindows NT BASE API Server DLL
  • cdrnull.dllASPI DLL
  • ctabout.dllCreative About Box
  • ctl3d32.dllCtl3D 3D Windows Controls
  • devsupp.dllAlcohol Software Device Capability Library
  • dmstyle.dllMicrosoft DirectMusic Style Engline
  • heidilw.dllHeidi® Graphics System
  • idpdx32.dll
  • imjpdct.dllMicrosoft IME 2002. Dictionary Tool.
  • itngram.dllSAPI 5
  • jpinscp.dllJava(TM) 2 Platform Standard Edition binary
  • jscript.dllMicrosoft (r) JScript
  • ksuser(2).dllUser CSA Library
  • mmfutil.dllWMI Snapin Helpers
  • mscorie.dllMicrosoft .NET IE MIME Filter
  • msddsui.dllMicrosoft Design Tools - Diagram Surface
  • msports.dllPorts Class Installer
  • mssoap1.dllMicrosoft Soap SDK
  • mstores.dllClip Organizer
  • nsqlv32.dllLotus NotesSQL 2.0 (32-bit) ODBC Driver
  • op8wpui.dllOKI Hiper-w UI Printer Driver
  • opapi11.dllopapi11
  • pdaddin.dll
  • rasauto.dllRemote Access AutoDial Manager
  • rasmans.dllRemote Access Connection Manager
  • refedit.dllRefEdit Object 1.0
  • s3savmx.dllS3 Savage/MX, Savage/IX Display Driver
  • sh30w32.dll
  • sqlora8.dll
  • templop.dllTemplOp Module
  • thumbvw.dllThumbnail View Extension
  • trcintl.dllCorelTRACE
  • u2l2000.dllUFL to convert 20th century dates to 21st century dates
  • utildll.dllWinStation utility support DLL
  • wmsdmoe.dllWindows Media Screen Encoder DMO
  • wmsui32.dllGebruikersinterface voor WMS
  • 34dialog.dll34dialog
  • a0000208.dllNAV Agent Command Library.
  • a0001728.dllIIS NT specific library
  • a0001747.dllService Pack-meddelanden
  • a0097022.dllRemote Procedure Call Runtime
  • acadficn.dllacadficn
  • aclayers.dllWindows 2000 Shim Accessory DLL
  • asiomm32.dllSteinberg ASIO Mulimedia Driver
  • ati2dvaa.dllATI RAGE 128 WindowsNT Display Driver
  • ati_dd16.dllATI Mach64 DirectDraw HAL.
  • avgxch32.dllAVG pro Microsoft Outlook/Exchange
  • canonlbp.dllCanon CapSL printer driver
  • cdac14ba.dllSafeCast2
  • clcfgsrv.dllCluster Configuration Wizard and Server
  • craxddrt.dllCrystal Reports ActiveX Designer Design and Run Time Support
  • d3dim700.dllMicrosoft Direct3D
  • denoiser.dllDeNoiser
  • dll4wise.dllTODO: <File description>
  • dmdskres.dllDisk Management Snap-in Resources
  • epnhtx15.dllEPNHTX15
  • eularegn.dllMicrosoft® Works Registration
  • filedata.dllFileData DLL
  • h5krnl32.dllHighEdit Pro Word Processor
  • hccutils.dllhccutils Module
  • hpbf201h.dllHP LaserJet 1100 Printer Driver
  • hporsu05.dll
  • htmlwp11.dllHTML conversion DLL for WPWin11
  • i81xgdev.dllOpenGL(R) Device Driver for Intel(R) Graphics Accelerator
  • intelnic.dllIntel(R) Network Interface Card CoInstaller
  • irrshape.dllIrrShape DLL
  • iswframe.dll
  • ixlaijpg.dllixlaIJPG
  • ltbubn12.dllLotus Bubble Help
  • mfc71enu.dllMFC Language Specific Resources
  • mmutilse.dllMicrosoft Multimedia Controls Utilities
  • mscorsec.dllMicrosoft .NET Security module
  • msdadiag.dllMicrosoft Data Access - Built-In Diagnostics
  • msmixmgr.dllMicrosoft Audio Mixer Manager
  • nvwrszht.dllNVIDIA nView Desktop and Window Manager
  • olfdnt40.dllSymantec Fax Starter Edition Printer Driver
  • osuninst.dllUninstall Interface
  • pkmforms.dllMicrosoft SharePoint Portal Server
  • prismres.dllPRISM Resources
  • ra3228_8.dll28.8 Audio Codec for RealAudio(tm)
  • raspppoe.dllPPP over Ethernet Protocol Notify Object
  • sccres91.dllCorel SCRIPT Compiler Resources
  • schdmapi.dllAddress Book
  • script_a.dllv1 Script Module
  • scriptui.dllNorton AntiVirus Script Blocking UI
  • sitsetup.dllSuite Integration Toolkit Object
  • spcustom.dllMicrosoft Update Custom Component Locator
  • spra0816.dllMensagens do Service Pack 1
  • star9res.dllSTAR9E driver
  • storprop.dllProperty Pages for Storage Devices
  • vbscript.dllMicrosoft (r) VBScript
  • vshelpui.dllMicrosoft(R) Visual Studio Help System Package
  • wiavideo.dllWIA Video
  • wkcalpse.dllMicrosoft® Works Calendar Print, Send To, Export
  • wmv8dmod.dllWindows Media Video 8 Decoder
  • writedvd.dllWriteDVD Library
  • wsecedit.dllMуdulo de UI de configuraciуn de seguridad
  • cscompmgd.dllManaged C# Compiler
  • divx_xx07.dlldivx
  • mscsadmin.dllMicrosoft Commerce Server Administration support DLL
  • vsampler3.dllVSampler3 VSTi/DXi
  • wwwplugin.dllDialerData Module
  • audiotrack.dllAudioTrack
  • bj tremolo.dllTremolo plug-in for Cubase VST
  • fifa2002gc.dllFIFA02GC Module
  • gen_mircex.dllgen_mircex
  • pdrecorder.dllPDRecorder
  • crlfomui100.dllFill and Outline User Interface Library
  • dvdmpeg2enc.dllDVD MPEG2 Encoder Plugin
  • libglib-2.0-0.dllGLib
  • vxmpmetadata.dllXMPMetadata
  • xercesxmldom.dllXerces XML DOM Interfaces
  • db compressor.dllCompressor plugin for Cubase/VST
  • exportsupport.dllExport Support DLL
  • browserengine2.dllBrowserEngine Module
  • nmdataservices.dllNero Home
  • onlineservices.dllOnline Services Library
  • caspol.resources.dll
  • iacommonservices.dllCommonServices Module
  • cddbcontrolwinamp.dllCDDBControl Core Module (Winamp)
  • libgdk_pixbuf-2.0-0.dllGIMP Toolkit
  • virtual bassist fx.dllVirtual Bassist FX
  • fl studio vsti (multi).dll
  • ultrafunk fxmultiband r3.dllUltrafunk fx:multiband VST plug-in
  • microsoft.windowsce.forms.dll.NET Compact Framework
  • mso.dllMicrosoft Office XP component
  • bckg.dllZone Backgammon Client
  • rave.dllQuickDraw 3D Rendering Acceleration Virtual Engine - RAVE
  • wups.dllWindows Update client proxy stub
  • admin.dllMicrosoft FrontPage Server Extensions
  • brclr.dllBrother MFC7150 driver
  • combo.dllVerCheck
  • ctccw.dllCreative Custom Control for Windows
  • dac32.dllChristoph Schmelnik's Digital Audio Copy 32 Bit Copy Engine
  • dklib.dllDKLIB.LIB
  • hts32.dllHTML Add-on
  • kbda3.dllArabic_French_102 Keyboard Layout
  • kbdca.dllCanadian Multilingual Keyboard Layout
  • kbdhu.dllHungarian Keyboard Layout
  • kbdsf.dllSwiss French Keyboard Layout
  • msctf.dllMSCTF Server DLL
  • nmcom.dllNetMeeting Core
  • picdb.dllODBCDLL DLL
  • pkmws.dllSharePoint Portal Server Windows API Stub Library
  • plds4.dllPLDS Library
  • srsvc.dllSystem Restore Service
  • vstdx.dllVST DirectX Plug-in Wrapper
  • dmdlgs.dllDisk Management Snap-in Dialogs
  • dpcres.dllDPC PCL4 Printer Driver
  • ercore.dllElastic Reality Core DLL
  • fxsmon.dllMicrosoft Fax Print Monitor
  • g2plug.dllSony Windows Real G2 Format
  • idecoi.dllNVIDIA IDE Coinstaller
  • jpdw32.dllRIOS JPEG Image Decompression Library
  • kpcp32.dllKODAK DIGITAL SCIENCE Color Processor DLL
  • mdt2qd.dllMicrosoft Design Tools - Query Designer
  • msadds.dllMicrosoft Data Access - OLE DB Data Shape Provider
  • msdaer.dllMicrosoft Data Access - OLE DB Error Collection Stub
  • msidxs.dllMicrosoft OLE DB Provider for Microsoft Index Server and Microsoft Site Server Search
  • msvcrt.dllMicrosoft (R) C Runtime Library
  • mtxoci.dllMicrosoft database support DLL for Oracle
  • mysql2.dll
  • nerodb.dllNero Library
  • nvrsko.dllNVIDIA Korean language resource library
  • perl56.dllPerl Interpreter
  • repgen.dll
  • report.dllVisio database modeling report manager.
  • scrrun.dllMicrosoft (r) Script Runtime
  • sfc_os.dllWindows File Protection
  • sqlvdi.dllVirtual Device Interface for BACKUP/RESTORE
  • usrvpa.dllU.S. Robotics voice pump
  • vntuni.dllVNTMINI Printer Driver
  • wpdmtp.dllMTP core protocol component
  • acadres.dllAutoCAD Resource Library
  • agt0415.dllMicrosoft Agent International Dll
  • agt0816.dllMicrosoft Agent International Dll
  • avgtres.dllAVG Test Results User Interface
  • blue_ss.dllWindows Shell Style Resource Dll
  • brothui.dllbrothui.dll
  • chsbrkr.dllChsBrKr
  • clusocm.dllCluster Optional Component Manager
  • comsnap.dll
  • db2_11~1.dllCrystal Open OLAP
  • deesser.dllSPL DeEsser
  • directx.dllDirectX Plug-in Wrapper for GoldWave
  • dpdplui.dllMicrosoft(R) Visual Studio Deployment Package
  • eefonts.dll
  • ggcrypt.dllGG Crypt
  • icwutil.dllInternet Connection Wizard
  • kbd101b.dllKO Hangeul Keyboard Layout for 101(Type B)
  • langdll.dllLangDll.dll
  • lead51n.dllLEADTOOLS® DLL for Win32
  • libdb40.dllBerkeley DB 3.0 DLL
  • msdia20.dllMicrosoft® Debug Information Accessor
  • mvut14n.dllMediaView Utility Library
  • nppdf32.dllAdobe Acrobat Plug-In Version 5.00 for Netscape
  • omfcsat.dllMFC Language Specific Resources
  • outllib.dllOutlook Core
  • pa24w9x.dllpanson24 Printer Driver
  • pcl5ems.dllPCL5e Printer Driver
  • php_gmp.dllGNU GMP support
  • raschap.dllRemote Access PPP CHAP
  • sbcht16.dllAudioPCI Driver Resources
  • ssdpsrv.dllSSDP Service DLL
  • triedit.dllMicrosoft (R) HTML Editing Component
  • u2fodbc.dllODBC Export Format DLL for Crystal Reports
  • vdsutil.dllVirtual Disk Service Utility Library
  • vfp8cht.dllMicrosoft Visual FoxPro 8.0 Resources
  • vfp8enu.dllMicrosoft Visual FoxPro 8.0 Resources
  • winhttp.dllWindows HTTP Services
  • winplay.dllESCAPE Windows 95 Player DLL
  • a0004075.dllMicrosoft (R) Red ISAM
  • acopmres.dllopmRes Resource DLL
  • adfactry.dllActive Delivery Factory
  • adftpres.dllAdFTPRes Resource DLL
  • appwzenu.dllMicrosoft(R) Visual C++ AppWizard U.S. English Templates
  • asferror.dllASF Error Definitions
  • ati2draa.dllATI RAGE 128 WindowsNT Display Driver
  • atipdsxx.dllATI Desktop Control Panel
  • audition.dllAdobe Audition Language Module
  • awresx32.dllResource Executor
  • bink2w64.dllRAD Video Tools
  • cfgmgr32.dllConfiguration Manager Win32 Interface
  • colorres.dllcolorRes Resource DLL
  • comadmin.dll
  • cpeaut32.dllCPEAUT DLL
  • crxmlx07.dllClosed XML ADO Provider
  • dbexpint.dllBorland dbExpress INTERBASE driver
  • digirlpt.dllDigi RealPort® Driver Setup
  • dmconfig.dllLogical Disk Manager Configuration Library
  • drv43260.dllRealVideo 9
  • dtsrcfle.dllData source file
  • epngui30.dllEPNGUI30
  • exlate32.dllHTML translator DLL for Crystal Reports
  • hcfreadr.dllHSF Modem Country File Reader
  • hpzlnt06.dll
  • http3260.dllHTTP File System plugin for RealMedia®
  • idr20009.dll
  • jpeg1x32.dllJPEG1 LIBRARY
  • lfwmf13n.dllLEADTOOLS(r) DLL for Win32
  • ltkrn90n.dllLEADTOOLS® DLL for Win32
  • ltvid12n.dllLEADTOOLS(r) DLL for Win32
  • mscscore.dllMicrosoft Commerce Server Core Components DLL
  • msdis110.dllMicrosoft (R) Disassembler
  • msrepl35.dllMicrosoft Replication Library
  • msrepl40.dllMicrosoft Replication Library
  • myde3260.dllMyDevices plugin
  • OM518EXT.dllOmniVision VFW Extention Page
  • ovcodec2.dllVideo Codec
  • palmutil.dllpalmutil DLL
  • qedwipes.dllDirectShow Editing SMPTE Wipes
  • rasadhlp.dllRemote Access AutoDial Helper
  • reglib32.dllSymantec Fax Starter Edition Extension
  • resource.dllResourcemodul fьr MoreTV
  • rpap3260.dllRealPlayer
  • rtve3290.dllHelix Producer Video Codec Filter
  • sfmirror.dllSony Acoustic Mirror
  • sprb0413.dllService Pack 2-berichten
  • spunull7.dllspuNull7 DLL
  • validate.dll
  • vbe6intl.dllVisual Basic Environment International Resources
  • vpinmame.dllCOM class for PinMAME
  • vsavb7rt.dllMicrosoft Visual Basic Scripting Engine
  • wfxiif32.dllFax HAL
  • wkimging.dllMicrosoft® Works Imaging
  • wmidcprv.dllWMI
  • wmnotify.dllWM Event Notify Login Extension
  • wmvcore2.dllWindows Media Playback/Authoring DLL
  • wsftpctl.dllwsftpctl DLL
  • wstdecod.dllWST Decoder Filter
  • crlfom110.dllFill and Outline Manager Library
  • crlfxintl.dllCorel User Interface
  • dashboard.dll
  • yzdocklet.dllDocklet helper DLL for Y'z Dock
  • admcmpgdec.dllMPEG Stream Decoder
  • gpunaksoft.dllPSEmuPro GPU Plugin
  • mbmstarter.dllDLL to autostart MBM.DLL
  • appregagent.dllAppRegAgent Module
  • cdrpeteaspi.dllcdrPete
  • npqtplugin2.dllThe QuickTime Plugin allows you to view a wide variety of multimedia content in Web pages. For more information, visit the <A HREF=>QuickTime</A> Web site.
  • obex_object.dllobex_object Module
  • buttonres_en.dllButtonRes
  • gpukazopengl.dllGPU.DLL (CPU and DirectDraw driver)
  • hfxclasses55.dllHollywood FX Shared Class Library
  • imagerenderer.dll
  • xerces-c_2_1_0.dllShared Library for Xerces-C Version 2.1.0
  • btscomponentslib.dll
  • js equalizer v1.0.dllEqualiser 3 bands
  • inside your computer.dllInside your Computer Screen Saver
  • Basic Compatibility Runtime Library
  • dbl.dllAdobe Audition Language Module
  • fop.dll
  • mcp.dll
  • pst.dllPST_CORE DLL
  • sdi.dllSDI Dynamic Link Library
  • 040c.dllDownload, Install, Maintenance, Patch, Launch, Execute
  • atrc.dllSony ATRAC3 Audio Codec for RealAudio 8(tm)
  • drv1.dllRealNetworks RealVideo 1.0
  • fm20.dllMicrosoft® Forms DLL
  • gzip.dllGZip Plugin for 7-Zip
  • midi.dllWav DLL
  • mofl.dllMicrosoft Office 2003 component
  • qhtm.dllHelper Library
  • sens.dllSystem Event Notification Service (SENS)
  • sqlb.dllSQL Builder UI & Core
  • dalib.dllFreelancer
  • dllix.dllPoINT Shared DLL
  • lineq.dllLinEq
  • msxml.dllXML OM for Win32
  • ntevt.dllWMI Event Log Provider
  • org50.dllSynchronizer OLE Server
  • SWI32.dllSummus Wavelet Image Compressor DLL
  • vb6de.dllInternationale Ressourcen fьr Visual Basic-Umgebung
  • vbame.dllVBA : Middle East Support
  • wstr9.dllWordPerfect String Support
  • 5sdsnd.dllDVDLogic
  • actcui.dllAcTcUi DLL
  • af_asf.dllANX ASF Audio File Plug-In
  • arcctl.dllArcade Controls
  • cachex.dllCache DLL - File Cache for miroVIDEO
  • catsrv.dll
  • CdrSty.dllCorel Text Manager DLL
  • cdutil.dllCDUtil DLL
  • cfgmgr.dllConfiguration manager
  • cfsres.dllMicrosoft Combat Flight Simulator Module
  • cmds21.dllHotSync® Module
  • cmpg2v.dllCyberLink MPEG2 Video Encoder
  • dao360.dllMicrosoft DAO 3.6 Object Library
  • dirprj.dllVisual Studio Directory Project DLL
  • fltlib.dllFilter Library
  • hermes.dllHERMES 1.2 Dynamic Link Library
  • igmpv2.dllIGMPV2
  • imgpro.dllImgPro
  • inetpp.dllInternet Print Provider DLL
  • kbdth1.dllThai Pattachote Keyboard Layout
  • mplaa6.dllMPL Audio Library
  • msadco.dllMicrosoft Data Access - Remote Data Services Data Control
  • mscofd.dllMicrosoft OFD C++ Class Library
  • msdatt.dllMicrosoft Data Access - OLE DB Temporary Table Services
  • msenvp.dllDevelopment Environment Proxy
  • msoert.dllMicrosoft Outlook Express RT Lib
  • msotw9.dllMicrosoft Office 2000 component
  • nersdb.dll
  • nmasnt.dllApplication Sharing WinNT DLL
  • nvasio.dllNVIDIA® nForce(TM) ASIO Library
  • object.dll
  • p2psvc.dllPeer-to-Peer Services
  • rtcrtp.dllMicrosoft TAPI Audio, Video and RTP Filters
  • sfcdll.dllSystem File Checker Library
  • speech.dllMicrosoft Speech
  • uiutil.dllUIUtil DLL
  • xerces.dllShared Library for Xerces-C Version 1.4.0
  • 3dsetup.dll3DSetup
  • ACWIZRC.dllDLL internationale des Assistants Microsoft Access
  • agt0405.dllMicrosoft Agent International Dll
  • autoplt.dllAuto Pilot - Index Tunning DLL
  • cnb4300.dllCanon BJ Mini Printer Driver
  • dungeon.dllDungeonSiege Module
  • dxdiagn.dllMicrosoft DirectX Diagnostic Tool
  • dxtmsft.dllDirectX Media -- Image DirectX Transforms
  • fp4anwi.dllMicrosoft FrontPage Client Library
  • fp4awec.dllMicrosoft FrontPage Client Library
  • gdpfile.dllLife Studio:Head API
  • hhsetup.dllMicrosoft® HTML Help
  • hpg4400.dllHewlett-Packard ScanJet 4400/4470 scanner toolkit driver
  • hprasdd.dllRaster Common Printer Driver DLL
  • ibrowse.dllIBrowse
  • idqbe32.dll
  • igfxpph.dlligfxpph Module
  • ipmontr.dllIP Router Monitor DLL
  • iprof32.dllIntuit UserProfile DLL
  • issetup.dllInternet Connection Sharing Setup
  • lead52n.dllLEADTOOLS® DLL for Win32
  • malslib.dllMALSLIB.DLL
  • metamod.dllMetamod Half-Life MOD DLL
  • msderun.dllMicrosoft Data Environment Runtime
  • msvcp50.dllMicrosoft (R) C++ Runtime Library
  • netcfgx.dllNetwork Configuration Objects
  • nisprod.dllNIS Product Plugin
  • pngfilt.dllIE PNG plugin image decoder
  • prmtpro.dll
  • psetup8.dllPSETUP8 Dynamic Link Library
  • pwsdata.dllPWS Data Collector
  • refvw30.dllrefvw30.dll
  • savrt32.dllSymantec Realtime DLL
  • sbchs32.dllAudioPCI Driver Resources
  • setupdb.dllSuite Integration Toolkit Object
  • setupex.dllDO NOT DELETE THIS FILE
  • sfspti2.dllSonic Foundry SPTI2 Module
  • sisinst.dllSiSInst DLL
  • spsreng.dllSAPI 5
  • svcsrvl.dllMS DTC DTCCFG helper DLL
  • wldap32.dllWin32 LDAP API DLL
  • 34vcap32.dll34vcap32
  • 3dfx16v2.dll3Dfx Interactive, Inc. DirectX Driver
  • 3dfxspl3.dll3dfx Splash Screen
  • a0004061.dllVisual Basic for Applications Runtime - Expression Service
  • actxprxy.dllActiveX Interface Marshaling Library
  • addrprsr.dllOutlook Address Parser
  • apengine.dllAplix CD/DVD Writing Engine
  • atihal64.dllATI Hardware Abstraction Layer.
  • ativvaxx.dllRadeon Video Acceleration Universal Driver
  • axcntrls.dllaxcontrols DLL
  • BROHL01A.dllBrother Printer Driver
  • BRSPL2KB.dllbrspl2kb
  • bvrpctln.dllPrizpusobenй ovlбdacн prvky a knihovna utilit
  • bw5mount.dllBlindwrite 5 image access library
  • cdrpdf91.dllCorel Portable Document Format (PDF) DLL
  • clussprt.dllCluster Support API Library
  • comctl32.dllCommon Controls Library
  • cscompui.dllVisual C# .NET Compiler Error/Warning Messages
  • dlldev32.dllPoINT Shared DLL
  • dynamics.dllDynamics
  • epnhte2k.dllEPNHTE2K
  • framedyn.dllWMI SDK Provider Framework
  • Fregshex.dllFregshave
  • fxscfgwz.dllMicrosoft Fax Configuration Wizard
  • hpbf201g.dllHP LaserJet 1100 Printer Driver
  • hpi_hlpm.dllhpi_hlpm DLL
  • hpojui07.dllJob UI
  • hpqcxm08.dllHP CUE Context Manager Objects
  • hypertrm.dllHyperTerminal Applet Library
  • ialmdnt5.dllController Hub for Intel Graphics Driver
  • idapinst.dll
  • ierpplug.dllRealOne Player Automation Interface
  • imagegen.dllNero Library
  • imagxpr5.dllImagXpress v5.0
  • imgman31.dllImageMan API DLL
  • inetsloc.dllInternet Service Location protocol library
  • logagent.dllACS Log Agent
  • maptable.dllMapTable
  • mathpiii.dllMathPIII
  • mpeg2lib.dllmpeg2lib Dynamic Link Library
  • msaexp30.dllMicrosoft Access Expression Builder DLL
  • msgres32.dllLernout & Hauspie Grammatik Engine (ES)
  • msnntmig.dllMSN Explorer Migration DLL for Windows 2000
  • msonsext.dllMicrosoft Web Folders
  • nrdwin32.dllNovell NetWare NDS Registry Library
  • odbctl32.dllODBC Helper Function DLL
  • oki24res.dllOKI 24 pin driver
  • ole2disp.dllOLE 2.1 16/32 Interoperability Library
  • provthrd.dllWMI Provider Thread & Log Library
  • qtreader.dllCompressed Quicktime reader
  • rnms3270.dllMessaging System
  • sccomp91.dllCorel SCRIPT Compiler DLL
  • setupapi.dllWindows NT Setup API
  • setupenu.dllMicrosoft Age of Empires II AutoRun/Setup Resources
  • str24res.dllSTAR24E driver
  • tibase32.dllMicrosoft Plus! for Kids Talk It! - SoftVoice Base DLL
  • uwupdate.dlluwUpdate DLL
  • vdmredir.dllVirtual Dos Machine Network Interface Library
  • vdsdyndr.dllVDS Dynamic Volume Provider, Version 1.0
  • wbemupgd.dllWMI Setup Upgrade DLL
  • zlibwapi.dllzlib data compression library
  • 2escombmp.dllStudio resource DLL
  • acgsimage.dllAutoCAD 3D Graphics System Image Module
  • appupdate.dllAppUpdate Control (
  • epic_regs.dllAdobe REGS DLL
  • ieproxy16.dllAutoCAD Image Engine Proxy Module
  • imasystem.dllIMA System
  • movreader.dllUncompressed MOV reader
  • sfxengine.dllSFXEngine Dynamic Link Library
  • tageditor.dllTODO: <File description>
  • crdesigner.dllCRDesigner VsPackage
  • pluginping.dllMacromedia Shockwave for Director Netscape plug-in, version 8.5.1
  • spuprodigy.dllspuProdigySoundDriver DLL
  • gpurecorder.dllDarkMan's gpu Recorder plugin
  • php_pdo_oci.dllOracle (OCI) driver for PDO
  • xerces-c_1_6.dllShared Library for Xerces-C Version 1.6.0
  • audiolimiter.dllHelix Producer Audio Limiter Plugin
  • stereowizard.dllVST Plug-In
  • interop.vbrun.dll
  • m_interpreter.dllm_interpreter
  • pclecapturedv.dllCapture support library for Pinnacle capture devices
  • libgobject-2.0-0.dllGObject
  • reportgenerator.dll
  • awscommonsymbols.dllAWSCommonSymbols
  • js humanizer v1.0.dllFiltre ressonnant oscillant
  • .NET library for Management
  • xpbtsock_2_object.dllxpbtsock_2_object Module
  • drwbasetoolcore110.dllCorelDRAW Base Tool Core Library
  • system.enterpriseservices.dllMicrosoft .NET Services Support Infrastructure
  • med.dllMED player for IrfanView
  • 7-zip.dll7-Zip Shell Extension
  • dfdc.dllDFD modeling add-on.
  • flac.dllFLAC
  • sage.dllTask Scheduler Sage DLL
  • scom.dllScom
  • ssrc.dllHQ Sample-Rate-Convertor
  • tk83.dllTk DLL
  • uv22.dllUV22
  • 34api.dll34api.dll
  • atl70.dllATL Module for Windows (Unicode)
  • bthci.dllBluetooth Class Installer
  • ccale.dllNorton Internet Security Application Lookup Engine
  • cdrom.dllNero Recorder Driver
  • cdrtc.dllAdaptec CDR4VSD support DLL
  • d32-fw.dllFW DLL
  • fsisu.dllF-Secure Installation Support DLL
  • hwdll.dllMicrosoft® Help Workshop
  • kbdcr.dllCroatian/Slovenian Keyboard Layout
  • mcxml.dllmcxmld
  • netan.dllSnapIns Module
  • pxwma.dllPxWMA.dll
  • res2d.dllres2D DLL
  • sccfa.dllSCC Filter Access
  • swdir.dllShockwave ActiveX Control
  • wam51.dllMicrosoft Internet Server WAM DLL
  • 3dr332.dll3DR Win32s Generic Engine Module
  • apcups.dllAPC Smart Provider
  • atmlib.dllWindows NT OpenType/Type 1 API Library.
  • avdlog.dll
  • cbndll.dll
  • cdrdrv.dllCD-Recorder Drivers
  • clccrt.dllCyberLink Corp. PowerDirector Main
  • drprov.dllMicrosoft Terminal Server Network Provider
  • helper.dllHELPER DLL
  • hlp256.dllWinHelp 256 Color Bitmap DLL
  • iilist.dllIIList DLL
  • imagr5.dllImagXpress Image Processing DLL
  • licwmi.dllWindows Product Activation Configuration WMI provider
  • mekupd.dllRatUpdater DLL
  • nvwddi.dllNVIDIA nView Display Driver Interface Lib, Version 45.23
  • ovcomc.dllOVCom Client
  • pa9res.dllpanson9 Printer Driver
  • pafcv2.dllpafcv2 CS
  • regapi.dllRegistry Configuration APIs
  • rotate.dllAdobe Audition Language Module
  • semsfc.dllSFC - Starfighter Foundation Classes v1.0 DLL
  • sysmod.dllSystem Migration Module
  • tridsn.dllMicrosoft (R) HTML Design Component
  • vcmcab.dllCabEng Module
  • vdt70g.dllMicrosoft Design Tools - Grid
  • vsansi.dllMicrosoft Design Tools - W95 Wrappers
  • xnoise.dllX-Noise
  • bivbx11.dllVBX Emulation Library
  • cnb4100.dllCanon BJ Mini Printer Driver
  • ctsures.dllAudioHQ Surround Mixer Resource DLL
  • ddraw16.dllMicrosoft DirectDraw
  • emitter.dll
  • fp4autl.dllMicrosoft FrontPage Utility DLL
  • hpcjrui.dll
  • hpguapi.dllHewlett-Packard ScanJet 5400/5470 scanner toolkit
  • htmutil.dllMicrosoft (R) Visual Studio HTML Utilities
  • maxutil.dllMiscellaneous utilities
  • mediaxw.dllMediaXW Main DLL
  • msado10.dllMicrosoft ActiveX Data Objects Library
  • msdaerr.dllMicrosoft OLE DB Error Collection Localized Strings
  • mshyph2.dll
  • msprint.dllPrinter Setup DLL
  • mssdi98.dllMicrosoft® SQL Debug Interface
  • msth3es.dllSpanish Thesaurus Engine
  • msvcrtd.dllMicrosoft (R) C Runtime Library
  • nerocom.dllNero COM Module
  • pegconv.dllActiveSync File Conversion
  • qt-mt331.dllQt
  • setupdd.dllNetMeeting Display Driver for Windows NT Setup Utility
  • spuandy.dllAndy's SPU Audio Driver
  • u2lexch.dllUser Function Library for Exchange
  • vbacv10.dllVBA Converter (1.0)
  • vcomctl.dllAPIs for Voice Recording
  • vct3216.dllVoxware Compression Toolkit
  • vdt70ui.dllMicrosoft Visual Database Tools
  • webpost.dllWebPost API DLL
  • wkwplng.dllMicrosoft® Works Word Processor Resources
  • adofiltr.dllActiveSync File Conversion
  • avewin32.dllAntiVir fьr Windows
  • awdenc32.dllAWD Utility
  • awview32.dllViewer Support
  • blnmgrps.dll
  • cavo2gui.dllCA-Visual Objects 2.5 GUI Class Library
  • cinemres.dllcinemres
  • colorcvt.dllColor Conversion Library
  • ctcoinst.dllCtCoInst
  • ctspkhlp.dllCtSpkHlp DLL
  • d3dx81ab.dllDirectX 8.1 D3DX8 DLL for JEDI projects
  • dbp645mi.dll
  • dciman32.dllDCI Manager
  • dmivcitf.dllDisk Management Snap-in Support Library
  • dpugui10.dlldpuGUI10
  • dsetup6e.dllDirectX Setup - 16-bit piece
  • exchange.dllFile Exchange
  • fb63uusd.dllScanGear Device Driver
  • fxsext32.dllMicrosoft Fax Exchange Command Extension
  • hpvscp50.dllWindows Unidrv Plugin
  • hpzrpp03.dllPrinter Property UI dll
  • ialmrnt5.dllController Hub for Intel Graphics Driver
  • ibp24res.dllIBP24RES resource dll
  • imepadsm.dllMicrosoft IME 2002
  • inetrepl.dllActiveSync Favorite Synchronization
  • ipsecsnp.dllInternet Protocol Security Policy Management Snap-in for Microsoft Windows 2000
  • iviewers.dllOleViewer Interface Viewers DLL
  • libssl32.dllLibssl32: open Secure Socket Layer protocol
  • LOC32VC0.dllloc32vc0
  • m_parser.dllm_parser
  • medctroc.dllWindows NT
  • mondomod.dllMondoMod
  • npkeysdk.dllINCA nProtect Key Crypt Driver DLL
  • nvinst32.dllNVIDIA Compatible Driver Install Library, Version 12.41
  • polarzip.dllPolarZIP DLL compression library
  • pscript4.dllPostScript Printer Driver
  • rsvpperf.dllMicrosoft® Windows(TM) RSVP Performance Monitor
  • spcommon.dllMicrosoft Speech SR/TTS Common Library
  • spra0405.dllZprбvy Aktualizace Service Pack 1
  • srscaler.dllLinear Video Converter
  • sstree32.dllCreative Controls: Tree/List WIN32 Control
  • upnphost.dllUPnP Device Host
  • vb5stkit.dllVisual Basic Setup Toolkit Library DLL
  • vcfidl32.dllVTCHDL32.DLL - Release Version
  • vs_setup.dllWindows Installer to Suite Integration Technology Bridge
  • wamregps.dllWAMREG Proxy Stub
  • wiadefui.dllWIA Scanner Default UI
  • winscard.dllMicrosoft Smart Card API
  • ccddriver.dllCCDDriver DLL
  • crliui110.dllCorel User Interface
  • paddikeys.dllASPI DLL
  • shmetapdb.dllMeta-PDB Symbol Handler
  • steam_api.dllSteam Client API
  • terrained.dllTerrainEd DLL
  • inetsocket.dllINETsocket DLL
  • libgaduw32.dlllibGadu - win32
  • ltspynen30.dllEnglish SPYN
  • nctavifile.dllNCTAVIFile ActiveX DLL
  • quadrafuzz.dllQuadrafuzz
  • rwuxthemes.dllRWUXTheme Dynamic Link Library
  • system.xml.dllSystem.Xml.dll
  • acadinetres.dllAcadInetRes Resource DLL
  • doubledelay.dllDoubleDelay
  • npqtplugin7.dllThe QuickTime Plugin allows you to view a wide variety of multimedia content in Web pages. For more information, visit the <A HREF=>QuickTime</A> Web site.
  • ej3danimator.dll3DAnimator
  • mda roundpan.dllCubase VST Plug-In
  • pixietool-ita.dllPixie5 Registration and Licensing Tool
  • compsvcspkgui.dllVisual Studio Component Services DLL
  • exch_smtpctrs.dllSMTP Server Perfmon DLL
  • php_pdo_sqlite.dllSQLite 3.x driver for PDO
  • esirsock_object.dllESIrSock_object Module
  • mpegvcodecmpeg2.dllVindaloo Codec
  • cross functional.dllCross Functional Flowchart DLL
  • eventlogmessages.dllEventLogMessages.dll
  • nctvideocompress.dllNCTVideoCompress ActiveX DLL
  • ms98irsock_object.dllMS98IrSock_object Module
  • cdm.dllWindows Update CDM Stub
  • fft.dllFunction Library
  • jcm.dllJCM DLL
  • 0407.dllDownload, Install, Maintenance, Patch, Launch, Execute
  • 0411.dllDownload, Install, Maintenance, Patch, Launch, Execute
  • expr.dllExpression support
  • htui.dllCommon halftone Color Adjustment Dialogs
  • math.dll
  • alink.dllAssembly Linker
  • blw32.dll
  • ciodm.dllIndexing Service Admin Automation Objects
  • d3drm.dllDirect3D Retained Mode DLL
  • dmfc6.dllDragon MFC Shared Library - Retail Version
  • dssec.dllDirectory Service Security UI
  • msdbg.dllActive Debugging Proxy/Stub
  • mslid.dllMicrosoft Language Identification DLL
  • ocmsn.dllMSN OC Manager PlugIn
  • rsalv.dllMicrosoft OFD Red salvage
  • sccut.dllSCC Utility
  • steam.dllSteam Client Engine
  • stmp3.dllEXATELECOM i-BEAD100 Multi Player DLL
  • tar32.dlltar32
  • untfs.dllNTFS Utility DLL
  • vfp8t.dllMicrosoft Visual FoxPro 8.0 Runtime Library
  • acdb15.dllacdb15.dll
  • adsiis.dllADs IIS Provider DLL
  • AMSLIB.dllAMS2 - Library
  • btcusb.dllUSB DLL
  • cw3220.dllDynamic Link Run Time Library
  • dlint7.dllHeidi® Display List
  • dmutil.dllLogical Disk Manager Utility Library
  • dspdmo.dllDSP Module
  • encapi.dllEncoder API
  • fldpub.dllMicrosoft Outlook Network Folders
  • ftpapi.dllFTPAPI
  • gpkcsp.dllGemplus Cryptographic Service Provider
  • intsrc.dllIntsrc Image Import / Export Filters
  • kxasio.dllkX ASIO Driver
  • mcicda.dllMCI driver for cdaudio devices
  • mplaw7.dllMPL Audio Library
  • mpoai9.dllMicrosoft MapPoint Office Add-in DLL
  • mrbupd.dllMarimba Castanet UpdateNow SDK
  • msdt70.dllMicrosoft Visual Database Tools
  • myctrl.dllmyCtrl
  • npdjvu.dllDjVu Plug-In(external version 3.5.Release 0)
  • pebase.dllPEBase DLL
  • siint5.dllDigital Display Minidriver for Intel(R) Graphics Driver
  • vxmath.dllVxMath
  • w95scm.dllSQL Server Windows 95 Lite SCM
  • wmploc.dllWindows Media Player
  • 2dmgr90.dllMicrosoft Geography 2D Annotations Manager
  • anavres.dllanavRes Resource DLL
  • asiomme.dllSteinberg ASIO Mulimedia Driver
  • avginet.dllAVG Inet Library
  • binlsvc.dllBINL Service
  • cabinet.dllCabinet File API
  • cnb6000.dllCanon BJ Mini Printer Driver
  • cnbjui2.dllCanon BJ Mini Printer Driver
  • crlinet.dllInternet Protocol Library
  • d3dref8.dllMicrosoft Direct3D
  • dhcpmon.dllDHCP Monitor Dll
  • esent97.dllMicrosoft(R) Windows NT(TM) Server Database Storage Engine
  • ftpsvc2.dllFTP Service
  • fxsxp32.dllMicrosoft Fax Transport Provider
  • hpvcr70.dllMicrosoft® C Runtime Library
  • httpcom.dll
  • icfgnt5.dllInternet Connection Wizard
  • icqmutl.dllICQUtilsLib
  • idapi01.dll
  • igfxres.dllxxxxres Module
  • imgwalk.dllImage Walk DLL (copyright J. Richter 1994-1995)
  • jsj3250.dll
  • mmnotes.dllMMNotes
  • msadcfr.dllMicrosoft Data Access - Remote Data Services Data Factory Resources
  • msdtctm.dllMS DTC transaction manager DLL
  • mspdb40.dllMicrosoft® Program Database
  • navprod.dllNorton AntiVirus NAVProd
  • psdkdll.dllHight level DLL of PSDK
  • selfreg.dllSelf Registration DLL
  • snmpapi.dllSNMP Utility Library
  • stardds.dllStarDDS - Starfighter ActiveX control containing DaVinci Drawing Surface
  • vsslnui.dllMicrosoft(R) Visual Studio Solution Package
  • xmlprov.dllNetwork Provisioning Service
  • a0001733.dllHTTP Extensions for Windows NT
  • admpgmux.dllMPEG Multiplexer
  • agenthks.dllMicrosoft Agent Hooks
  • appwzkor.dllMicrosoft(R) Visual C++ AppWizard Korean Templates
  • avp_iont.dllLow level I/O driver (Win NT/2000)
  • avpscrch.dllKaspersky Anti-Virus Script Checker Main Module
  • cdrmmc32.dllCdrMmc32 DLL
  • cluscomp.dllMicrosoft Cluster Server Setup
  • criadx09.dllIntegrator ADO Base
  • crpaig80.dllCrpaig80
  • dmserver.dllLogical Disk Manager service dll
  • dolbyhph.dllDolby Headphone Engine
  • dpnhpast.dllMicrosoft DirectPlay NAT Helper PAST
  • drvtrntm.dllWave sound driver for the Total Recorder (Standard Edition)
  • eregui32.dllERegUI32
  • hlinkprx.dll
  • hpfrdb08.dllEnglish Text Library for the HP DeskJet Series 5XX Printer Driver
  • hpqmfc08.dllCUE MFC Extension DLL
  • ibmsgnet.dllIBM NIC Message DLL
  • iisclex4.dllCluster IIS 5.0 administrator
  • keyshell.dllKeyshell.dll
  • kppaddon.dllKL Extensions
  • mcscan32.dllAV Scanning Engine
  • mdt2fw95.dllMicrosoft Design Tools - W95 Wrappers
  • mfc42jpn.dllMFC Language Specific Resources
  • mfcn42ud.dllMFCNET Shared Library - Debug Version
  • mp43dmod.dllWindows Media MPEG-4 Video Decoder
  • mscorcfg.dllAdministrative tool for .NET UI
  • mscorier.dllMicrosoft .NET Runtime IE resources
  • msdbrptr.dllMicrosoft Data Report Runtime DLL - Version 6.0
  • msexch35.dllMicrosoft Jet Exchange Isam
  • msstdfmt.dllMicrosoft Standard Data Formating Object DLL
  • msvbvm50.dllVisual Basic Virtual Machine
  • msvcp120.dllMicrosoft® C Runtime Library
  • msvcp60d.dllMicrosoft (R) C++ Runtime Library
  • multilan.dllMultiLanguage DLL
  • netuires.dllMUI resources for .NET Admin shortcuts
  • nxpsytel.dllPsyTEL AAC plugin for Nero
  • oislb400.dllSLB-bibliotheek
  • powrprof.dllPower Profile Helper DLL
  • pscparse.dllCanon Digital Camera file parsing library
  • rare3260.dllRealAudio Renderer plugin for RealMedia®
  • rdbios32.dllRDBios32 Library
  • schedsvc.dllTask Scheduler Engine
  • setupqry.dllIndexing Service Install
  • sierranw.dllWON DLL
  • sipr3260.dllACELP-NET Voice Codec for RealAudio(tm)
  • sisagp98.dllSiS AGP Driver Install Function
  • sisuinfo.dllSiS Compatible Super VGA Information viewer
  • sqloledb.dllMicrosoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server
  • ssmslpcn.dllClient-Side Local Inter-Process Communication (LPC) Net Library
  • syntpfcs.dllSynTPFcs
  • u2fwordw.dllWord for Windows Export Format DLL for Crystal Reports
  • u32brows.dllUlead Browser
  • usrsvpia.dll3csvpi
  • vifxrscl.dlliviMovieRescale Module
  • vstlbinf.dllTypeLib Information Objects (VS .NET)
  • wab32res.dllMicrosoft (R) Address Book DLL
  • winnt32u.dllOver-the-net installation program
  • wkeykill.dllWinKey Killer Library
  • wpequ532.dllEquation Converter DLL
  • crlutl100.dllCommon Utilities Library
  • mmhttpsvr.dllMMHttpSvr DLL
  • php_mysql.dllMySQL
  • updateace.dllUpdateAce Module
  • lsxcommand.dllLSXCommand Litestep Module
  • bcgcbpro730.dllBCGControlBar Professional DLL
  • diskinfomgr.dllSuite Integration Toolkit Object
  • imaraclient.dllIMA RemoteAccess Client
  • defconvertor.dllAudio plugin
  • drvinterface.dllInterface dll for 98/Me
  • exch_smtpadm.dllSMTP OLE Admin Interface DLL
  • logincontrol.dll
  • neromediacon.dllNero Library
  • sonicmpgvout.dllMPEG Video Wrapper
  • subtsgmscd32.dllsubMSCD32 extDLL
  • btnexgenipl32.dllImage Processing Library
  • FileAssocator.dllFile Associate Dll
  • zoneaccessapi.dllClient DLL for ZoneAccessApi
  • atllightplugin.dllATLLight - 3D Light Shapes Container
  • axinterop.wmplib.dll
  • acdctextstylesres.dlldctxtstyRes Resource DLL
  • drwdimensiontool110.dllCorelDRAW Dimension Tool Library
  • playlisttransformproppage.dllWindows Media Services Playlist Transform Plugin Property Page
  • es.dllCOM+ EventSystem Library
  • l2.dllL2
  • vc.dll
  • 2bp.dllBMP to 2BP file converter
  • drv.dllFantom CD Device Support Library
  • ext.dllMicrosoft Plus! Partner Extension
  • mp3.dllMP3 Player PlugIn for IrfanView
  • opp.dllOPP
  • vox.dllAdobe Audition Language Module
  • core.dllSurvivability Model Core DLL
  • dssl.dllDS Sound Library
  • mmci.dllInstallatie van Windows Multimedia Class
  • omfc.dllMicrosoft Office MFC
  • rvse.dllZone Game DLL - Reversi
  • 9xmig.dllMigration DLL for Win9x install over OE / WAB
  • ifmon.dllIF Monitor DLL
  • kbdal.dllAlbania Keyboard Layout
  • mmxpt.dllMMxpt
  • msdbi.dllMicrosoft (R) VC Program Database
  • msofd.dllMicrosoft OFD Interface Library
  • ps4ui.dllPostScript Driver User Interface
  • repbr.dllMicrosoft Repository Browser
  • smb3w.dllMicroTek scanner driver
  • vcmpk.dllMicrosoft (R) Visual Studio Visual Component Manager
  • wab32.dllMicrosoft (R) Address Book DLL
  • zlang.dllZlang
  • acdsee.dllACDSee Plug-In for ATI Remote Wonder.
  • appmgr.dllExtensiуn del complemento de instalaciуn de software
  • brevif.dllSti interface DLL for Resource Manager
  • btpres.dllBluetooth Application
  • chiadi.dllMicrosoft Backup DLL
  • cnvfat.dllFAT File System Conversion Utility DLL
  • dialog.dllDialog Module
  • digsig.dllDIGSIG 5.0
  • epson9.dllEpson 9 pin driver
  • fxcore.dllApplication
  • iddr32.dll
  • jabber.dllJabber Protocol Plugin for Miranda IM
  • lead52.dllLEADTOOLS® DLL for Windows
  • msxml4.dllMSXML 4.0 SP 1
  • nvrspl.dllNVIDIA Polish language resource library
  • pdflib.dllPDFlib - a library for generating PDF on the fly
  • resmgr.dlldiscreet core resources
  • rotary.dllVST Plug-In
  • sccore.dllScripting components core runtime
  • telnet.dllMicrosoft Server Appliance Folders and Shares Plugin
  • tshoot.dllTSHOOT Module
  • txflog.dllSimple Kernel-mode File-based Log
  • uniime.dllGeneric IME 5.0 version
  • vdsbas.dllVirtual Disk Service Basic Provider
  • wiascr.dllWIA Scripting Layer
  • agpfunc.dllSiS Compatible Super VGA InstFunc Dynamic Link Library
  • agt041f.dllMicrosoft Agent International Dll
  • brserif.dllSerial driver access DLL for Resource Manager
  • deskadp.dllAdvanced display adapter properties
  • distort.dllAdobe Audition Language Module
  • fgiebar.dllFlashGet IE Bar
  • fp30wec.dllMicrosoft FrontPage Client Library
  • idbat32.dll
  • itlib32.dllITLIB32
  • md5filt.dllSample Filter DLL
  • msir3jp.dllJapanese Wordbreaker and Stemmer
  • mssched.dllMicrosoft Schedule+ Schedule DLL
  • mssp3ge.dllLingsoft CSAPI
  • mystery.dllMystery Screen Saver
  • nvrsptb.dllNVIDIA Portuguese (Brazilian) language resource library
  • nxmyape.dllMonkey's Audio plugin for Nero
  • pgscard.dllPGScard playing card library
  • point32.dll
  • tsccvid.dllTechSmith Screen Capture Codec
  • u2ftext.dllText Export Format DLL for Crystal Reports
  • uilib71.dllUILib
  • winsmon.dllWINS Monitor Dll
  • wmpcore.dllWindows Media Player
  • 546x_hbc.dll546X_HBC DLL
  • a0004064.dllMicrosoft (R) Red ISAM
  • a0004071.dllMicrosoft DAO 3.6 Object Library
  • adv01w9x.dllDigital Display Minidriver for Intel(R) Graphics Driver
  • appicons.dllSpeedCommander
  • atir3d16.dllATI Mach64 DirectDraw HAL.
  • atiraged.dllATIRAGE Display Driver
  • bsrendv2.dllBS SDLL
  • cdrcpr80.dllCorel Compression Dll
  • cluadmmc.dllCluster Administration SnapIn
  • dfdlg100.dllCompaq Visual Fortran Dialog Procedure RTL
  • drv33260.dllVideo Decoder 3.0 for RealVideo(tm)
  • emgusbcp.dllemagic Bulk Midi for USB
  • eventmgr.dllEventMgr
  • hpf880al.dllWindows Unidrv Plugin
  • hphidr09.dllIEEE-1284.4-1999 Run-time library (kernel)
  • hpodio08.dllHP OfficeJet COM Device IO Objects (CUE)
  • hpopcl05.dll
  • imagedrv.dllNERO IMAGEDRIVE control library
  • jpeg2000.dllJPEG 2000 Format PlugIn for IrfanView
  • kerberos.dllKerberos Security Package
  • lgnwnt32.dll
  • ltfil10n.dllLEADTOOLS® DLL for Win32
  • ltscsn13.dllLotus Country/Language Services
  • mdwmdmsp.dllWMDM Service Provider driver for MDM Drivers
  • metadata.dllIIS MetaBase DLL
  • mfc71ita.dllMFC Language Specific Resources
  • msain900.dllMicrosoft Office 2000 component
  • mspdox35.dllMicrosoft Jet Paradox Isam
  • nemp3enc.dllNero Library
  • netevent.dllNet Event Handler
  • ntlanman.dllMicrosoft® Lan Manager
  • nxmylpac.dllLPAC plugin for Nero
  • office10.dllMicrosoft Clip Organizer Asset Version Proxy
  • ouniansi.dllOpera Unicode Ansi conversion layer
  • pdlangen.dllPerfectDisk English Language Library
  • pfclnt80.dllTRC_CLNT - SQL Server Profiler DLL
  • plotcfg7.dllAutodesk Hardcopy Plot Config. Toolkit DLL
  • protll32.dllLow Level Comm Library
  • pstorsvc.dllProtected storage server
  • pvmjpg21.dllPICVideo Motion JPEG Compressor
  • repdrvfs.dllWMI
  • reverb a.dllReverb A
  • simsynth.dll
  • ticamusd.dllTI Digital Still Camera minidirver
  • titankey.dllC-Dilla Keygen
  • trnsprov.dllWMI
  • vmpegenc.dllVideo Encoding Library
  • v-station.dllVSTi instrument
  • wkgenlng.dllMicrosoft Works Utility Resource DLL
  • wpdmtpus.dllUsbscan transport layer for MTP driver
  • zoneclim.dllZone Client Library
  • 3douninst.dll3DO Product uninstall Dll
  • apperrres.dllAutodesk Hardcopy Error-Handler Resource DLL
  • cdrfnt100.dllCorel Font Manager DLL
  • pc3exeres.dllAutodesk Hardcopy Plotter Configuration Editor Resource DLL
  • styexeres.dllAutodesk Hardcopy Plot Style Table Editor Resource DLL
  • CrlCUIintl.dllCorel Color UI Library Resources
  • deviceinfo.dllDevice Info Extractor
  • mmsecurity.dllSecurity DLL
  • crlfrmwk100.dllCommon UI Framework Library
  • mpegdecoder.dllmpegdecoder Module
  • diasymreader.dllDia based SymReader
  • httpclient51.dllClient HTTP Library
  • xpcom_compat.dll
  • bluedelay vst.dllBlueLine VST PlugIn
  • gpupeteopengl.dllgpuPeteOpenGL. DLL
  • nehdblkaccess.dllNero Library
  • stlport_vc745.dllSTLport
  • aslunittesting.dll
  • medialibrarynse.dllNero File Dialog
  • system.xml.resources.dll
  • eio.dllI2C
  • fur.dllApplication
  • gmi.dllGeometric modeling interface
  • qt3.dllMovie Plugin for Acrobat
  • seo.dllServer Extension Objects DLL
  • tpm.dllScanGear TWAIN Protocol Manager
  • 2057.dllAraxis Merge UK English language resources
  • csui.dllScanGear User Interface
  • vsdb.dllTrueVector Service
  • apc62.dllApplication Programmability Components
  • des-56.dllDES-56 Encryption Library
  • glsps.dllGLSPS DLL
  • hppjl.dllHP PJL Driver
  • imafc.dllIMAFC
  • iml32.dllIML
  • mfc42.dllMFCDLL Shared Library - Retail Version
  • nsepm.dllIIS NSEP mapping DLL
  • nvcpl.dllNVIDIA Display Properties Extension
  • pro-52.dllNative Instruments Pro-52
  • ssscc.dllMicrosoft SourceSafe SCC Provider
  • audlii.dllAudio LII - RAL Codec for Audio LII
  • awapi4.dllAnswerWorks 4 API
  • cdonts.dllCollaboration Data Objects Interface DLL
  • dbsync.dllDatabase sync dll
  • dispex.dllMicrosoft (r) DispEx
  • dtswiz.dllDTSWIZ - DTS Wizard
  • dwintl.dllMicrosoft Application Error Reporting
  • esconf.dllMicrosoft Exchange Event Service Config Object
  • fxsdrv.dllMicrosoft Fax Printer Driver
  • InkObj.dllMicrosoft Tablet PC Platform Component
  • kbd101.dllJP Japanese Keyboard Layout for 101
  • kbd106.dllJP Japanese Keyboard Layout for 106
  • keymgr.dllStored User Names and Passwords
  • LXBBGF.DLLMFCDLL Shared Library - Retail Version
  • mdimon.dllMicrosoft® Document Imaging
  • mpgmux.dllMPEG Multiplexer
  • msdeui.dllMicrosoft Data Environment
  • msowcw.dllMicrosoft Office Web Components Wizards
  • mutils.dllFunction Library
  • nvrsar.dllNVIDIA Arabic language resource library
  • qmixer.dllQSound 3d Audio Mixer & Manager
  • regact.dllregact DLL
  • rpcrt4.dllRemote Procedure Call Runtime
  • rsaenh.dllMicrosoft Enhanced Cryptographic Provider (US/Canada Only, Not for Export)
  • slintl.dllMicrosoft Office XP component
  • spgrmr.dllSPTIP Grammar DLL
  • sqlwoa.dllUnicode/ANSI Function .DLL for SQL Enterprise Components
  • stream.dllStream DLL
  • vaimem.dllMicrosoft SharePoint Portal Server
  • ygpsvc.dllYGP Service Layer
  • acadbtn.dllAutoCAD Button Resource Library
  • call3ss.dllDialler Server
  • certcli.dllMicrosoft® Certificate Services Client
  • certenc.dllCertificate Server Encoding
  • crase18.dllDataDirect Sybase Wire Protocol ODBC Driver
  • d3dhalf.dllMicrosoft Direct3D
  • deko800.dllDekoX resource DLL
  • dsquery.dllDirectory Service Find
  • fp5autl.dllMicrosoft FrontPage Utility DLL
  • huffyuv.dllHuffyuv lossless video codec
  • implode.dllCrystal Reports for Visual Studio .NET
  • ir50_qc.dllIntel Indeo® video 5.10 Quick Compressor
  • logview.dllVisio database modeling ER/Logical graphical elements.
  • mfc100u.dllMFCDLL Shared Library - Retail Version
  • mnyinet.dllMicrosoft Money Internet Library
  • msdbgen.dllMicrosoft Debugger Strings
  • msgr3ge.dllMicrosoft German Grammar Checker
  • mspdb60.dllMicrosoft (R) Program Database
  • msvbprj.dllVisual Basic Project DLL
  • msvcr80.dllMicrosoft® C Runtime Library
  • replres.dllSQL Server Replication Resource Library
  • russian.dllAlcoholer
  • scrauth.dllScriptBlocking Authenticator
  • scredir.dllSmart Card Redirection for TS
  • smtpsvc.dllSMTP Service
  • snjrt11.dllSymantec Native Java Core Runtime (Release Version)
  • sp5x_32.dllSP5X_32
  • vb40016.dllVisual Basic 4.0 runtime library
  • vcvrt32.dllBASE LIBRARY
  • warpvst.dllWarpVST
  • winsupp.dllSupport Library
  • 3dfxvbps.dllVoodoo Banshee Property Sheet
  • a0003002.dllMicrosoft FrontPage Server Extensions
  • angelina.dllangelina
  • asusasvd.dll
  • atipuixx.dllATI Desktop Control Panel
  • ativcoxx.dll32-bit ATI VCO Driver
  • avertv2k.dllAVerTV2K
  • cengcore.dllCEngCore Module
  • cilogger.dllCrystal Enterprise
  • crdb_com.dllCrystal Reports database driver for COM data provider
  • ctemupia.dllCreative FX Plug-in Strings
  • database.dlldatabase Module
  • epnhte4a.dllEPNHTE4A
  • ftppro2k.dllFTPPRO.DLL
  • gpiproxy.dllGPIProxy Module
  • grappler.dllBrooktree Bt848/Bt848A/Bt878 Video Grappler Interface
  • gsmcodec.dllGSM Codec
  • gtxt_acq.dllGlobeText Dynamic Link Library
  • haspvb32.dllEmulбtor hasp klнce
  • hpgtmcro.dllHewlett-Packard ScanJet Device Micro Driver DLL
  • hpzipt12.dllSNMP Network Interface (Windows)
  • hpzjpp01.dllSDIPrintPath DLL
  • idodbc32.dll
  • intldate.dllINTLDATE DLL
  • ipevlpid.dllPid3.0 generation
  • language.dllPRISM Language Library
  • listview.dll
  • loadperf.dllLoad & Unload Performance Counters
  • lxsupmon.dllSupplies Monitor
  • mfc71jpn.dllMFC Language Specific Resources
  • mp3 (lame).dllCompression CODEC
  • msolap80.dllMicrosoft OLE DB Provider for Analysis Services 8.0
  • mxmidi32.dllMaximum MIDI ToolKit 95/NT DLL
  • oidis400.dllDISPLAY LIBRARY
  • perfctrs.dllPerformance Counters
  • remotepg.dllRemote Sessions CPL Extension
  • rpwe3260.dllRealOne Player Web Components
  • signtime.dllSignTime DLL
  • twaindsb.dllTwainDriver DLL
  • vfp6renu.dllMicrosoft® Visual FoxPro® Runtime Library Resources
  • vsagntui.dllVSOAGNTui
  • wbemperf.dllWBEM Generic Windows NT Performance Data Provider
  • wcmicons.dll
  • wmenceng.dllWMEncEng Module
  • wmstream.dllWindows Media Streamer DLL
  • xpsp1res.dllService Pack 1 Messages
  • 2iscmaker.dllDiscMaker DLL
  • admpgvout.dllMPEG Video Wrapper
  • cdrprn110.dllCorel Print Engine
  • cdrpsi100.dllCorel PostScript Interpreter
  • complogic.dllCompLogic
  • ctcdshell.dllCopyToCD shell integration DLL
  • mminstall.dllmmInstall
  • thegrand2.dllVST Plug-In
  • diskwriter.dllDiskWriter Module
  • insthelper.dllInstaller mini-helper
  • libagluc28.dllIBM ICU Common DLL
  • shellstyle.dllWindows Shell Style Resource Dll
  • acxploderes.dllAcXplode AutoCAD Resource DLL
  • cddbuiroxio.dllCDDBUIControl Module (Roxio)
  • cmdevtgprov.dllProveedor de eventos de de lнnea de comandos de cliente
  • prxyinetres.dllPrxyInetRes Resource DLL
  • wavestation.dllWAVESTATION
  • CRLPDFImport.dllCorel PDF Import Filter
  • tranceformer.dllVST Plug-In
  • acpltstampres.dllAutoCAD Resource DLL
  • spunull2mixer.dllspuNull2'sSoftwareMixer DLL
  • nctaudioeditor.dllNCTAudioEditor ActiveX DLL
  • acdclinetypesres.dlldcltypeRes Resource DLL
  • cddbcontrolroxio.dllCDDBControl Core Module (Roxio)
  • wmsservertypelib.dllWindows Media Services and Plugin SDK
  • gpuadrenalinesoft.dllgpuAdrenalineSoft.dll - Software GPU Renderer For PsEmu Compatible Emulators
  • nctaudiotransform.dllNCTAudioTransform ActiveX DLL
  • impersonatorlib_rd.dllImpersonatorLib DLL
  • microsoft.visualstudio.vshelp.dll
  • Reports for Visual Studio .NET
  • da.dllDocument Analysis DLL
  • pcm.dllACD - Uncompressed PCM
  • tar.dllTar Plugin for 7-Zip
  • uiw.dlluiw
  • dpca.dllMicrosoft (R) Visual Studio UrlConvert custom action
  • dx3j.dllMicrosoft® DirectX for Java
  • idos.dllTODO: <File description>
  • mpeg.dllAudio MPEG player DLL
  • pop3.dllPop3 DLL
  • al2np.dllNetPumper detector
  • atmgr.dllAuthorManager Module
  • dgnet.dllDgnet Module
  • dpdpl.dllMicrosoft(R) Visual Studio Deployment Package
  • dpv10.dlldpv10
  • fpdtc.dllMicrosoft Office FrontPage Design-Time Controls
  • owc10.dllMicrosoft Office XP Web Components
  • psmon.dllPostscript Language Monitor DLL
  • ttyui.dllTTYUI Text Only Driver
  • wlsnp.dllWireless Network Policy Management Snap-in
  • 34dlg2.dlldialog3 DLL
  • azip32.dlladdZIP 32-bit Compression Library
  • CDRCRV.dllCurve Engine Library
  • CDRFLT.dllCorel Filter Manager
  • dswhip.dllAutoCAD® 2D Graphics System (ADI replacement)
  • ep9res.dllEpson 9 pin driver
  • fssync.dllFSSync.DLL
  • hpsj32.dllHP Scanner Control Language Library
  • iislog.dllMicrosoft IIS Plugin DLL
  • kbdlv1.dllLatvia-QWERTY Keyboard Layout
  • kbdnec.dllJP Japanese Keyboard Layout for (NEC PC-9800)
  • kbdth0.dllThai Kedmanee Keyboard Layout
  • lmhsvc.dllTCPIP NetBios Transport Services DLL
  • msadox.dllMicrosoft Data Access - ActiveX Data Objects Extensions
  • msddsc.dllMicrosoft Dashboard Services Component
  • mstime.dllMicrosoft (R) Timed Interactive Multimedia Extensions to HTML
  • netrap.dllNet Remote Admin Protocol DLL
  • nlhtml.dllNet Library HTML filter
  • opengl.dllHFX OpenGL Rendering Engine
  • repvcm.dll
  • rpcref.dllMicrosoft Internet Information Services RPC helper library
  • sqlgui.dllSQLGUI - SQL Server GUI Support DLL
  • srrstr.dllSystem Restore Restore Operation Library
  • uv22hr.dllUV22HR
  • vga64k.dll32K/64K color VGA\SVGA Display Driver
  • wizman.dll
  • wscsvc.dllWindows Security Center Service
  • 2dmgr10.dllGeo 2D Annotations Manager DLL
  • agt0406.dllMicrosoft Agent International Dll
  • avgklib.dllAVG Kernel Utility Functions
  • control.dllShockwave ActiveX Control
  • ctaudfx.dllCreative SB FX Plug-in
  • cygwin1.dllCygwin® POSIX Emulation DLL
  • dcpromo.dllActive Directory Installation Wizard
  • destdll.dllDestDLL Module
  • getfile.dllWeb File Download
  • glide2x.dll3Dfx Interactive, Inc. Glide DLL
  • gri_crx.dllGRI Library for Sony CRX CD-RW drives
  • hpvui50.dllWindows Unidrv Plugin
  • hticons.dllHyperTerminal Applet Library
  • htmdlgs.dllVB7 HTML Dialogs
  • imjpcus.dllMicrosoft IME
  • imskdic.dllMicrosoft IME 2002
  • mmcbase.dllMMC Base DLL
  • mpgvout.dllMPEG Video Wrapper
  • mscorsn.dllMicrosoft .NET Strong Name Support
  • mssoapr.dllMicrosoft Soap Resource DLL
  • nmsqldb.dllNero Home
  • pcl4res.dllPCL4 driver
  • proprpt.dllVisio Property Reporting Solution DLL
  • qt-dx331.dllQt
  • safireu.dllSaFireU
  • scint91.dllCorel SCRIPT Interpreter DLL
  • sdl_ttf.dllSDL_ttf
  • sendcom.dllSony Send Command DLL
  • setup2k.dllNetwork component installation
  • sldasmu.dllsldasmu
  • spuseal.dllSEAL DLL
  • themeui.dllWindows Theme API
  • u32prod.dllProduct
  • unidrv4.dllUnidrv Printer Driver
  • vfp6kor.dllMicrosoft® Visual FoxPro® Resources
  • vifxshp.dllSharpEffectWrap Module
  • w32topl.dllWindows NT Topology Maintenance Tool
  • 3dfx32vs.dll3dfx Interactive VSA 100® Series
  • 3dfxv2ps.dll3Dfx Interactive, Inc. Property Page DLL
  • a0000210.dllNorton AntiVirus Instant Message Scanner
  • acadinet.dllAcadInet DLL
  • adobeols.dllAdobe Online Services Library
  • adsloc32.dll32-bit Advantage Local Server
  • atipdxxx.dllATI Desktop Control Panel
  • brmfpmon.dllBrother PortMonitor for MFC
  • cddmsaud.dllcddmsaud
  • cnb265sp.dllCanon BJ Mini Printer Driver
  • cnbjcres.dllCanon BJC-800 driver
  • compiler.dllcompiler
  • dartsock.dllPowerTCP© Winsock Controls
  • deko1024.dllDekoX resource DLL
  • epnhte4i.dllEPNHTE4I
  • fpencode.dll
  • hfxgui-cs.dllHollywood FX UI
  • hhctrlui.dllMicrosoft® HTML Help Control
  • hpf900al.dllWindows Unidrv Plugin
  • hpovst08.dllHP Scan VendorSetup/Co-Installer
  • hpqsvres.dllhpqsvres Resource DLL
  • hpqvwocx.dllMagview Module
  • hpzjut01.dllSDIUtilities DLL
  • hpzuci01.dllPrinter Class Installer dll
  • httpodbc.dllMicrosoft ODBC HTTP Server Extension
  • imgprocs.dllImgProc
  • libpng12.dllLibPng: PNG image compression library
  • ltclr13n.dllLEADTOOLS(r) DLL for Win32
  • ltimg11n.dllLEADTOOLS(r) DLL for Win32
  • mcshield.dll
  • mfco42ud.dllMFCOLE Shared Library - Debug Version
  • mmcndmgr.dllMMC Node Manager DLL
  • MSGRNL32.dllDutch Grammar .dll
  • mshtmpgd.dllDHTMLPageDesigner
  • msimrt16.dllAART95
  • mspbde40.dllMicrosoft Jet Paradox Isam
  • mtssetup.dll
  • mtxcatex.dll
  • multprot.dllRemote management component
  • ncobjapi.dll
  • ncpwin32.dllNetWare® Core Protocol Library
  • olethk32.dllMicrosoft OLE for Windows
  • pdfmword.dllWord DLL
  • pipppush.dllPicturePusher Module
  • pixdfltn.dllISIS (Image and Scanner Interface Standard)
  • ra32dnet.dllRealAudio(tm) Shared Component
  • rw32core.dllBorland Resource Compiler DLL
  • sierrapt.dllSierraUp DLL
  • snwvalid.dllWON DLL
  • sqldb2v5.dll
  • stobject.dllSystray shell service object
  • syntpcom.dllSynTPCOM Module
  • u32video.dll
  • ucsrwufo.dllwcsRWUFO DLL
  • vct16151.dllVoxware Compression Toolkit 16bit
  • vifxmvft.dlliviMovieEffectDMO Module
  • visiodwg.dllVisio VISIODWG DLL
  • vpclient.dllSorontiView.dll
  • wbemcomn.dllWMI
  • amcuibase.dll
  • appbarcom.dllAppBarCom Module
  • asfwriter.dllASF File Writer
  • expressui.dll
  • fl slayer.dll
  • smileyadd.dllSmileyAdd plugin for Miranda IM
  • xpcapicom.dllxPC Target API COM Module
  • discwriter.dllDiscWriter DLL
  • nctwmafile.dllNCTWMAFile ActiveX DLL
  • rnd_opengl.dllOpenGL Rendering Engine for Hollywood FX
  • ultravoice.dllVST PlugIn
  • vsbasereqs.dllVS Setup Base Requirements
  • d3d-renderer.dlld3d renderer
  • icqcontrols.dllICQControls Module
  • natdbgtlnet.dllMicrosoft (R) Visual C++ Debugger TCP/IP transport (x86)
  • spukazdsound.dllSPU.DLL
  • versioncueui.dllVersion Cue UI
  • acidropmgrres.dllAutoCAD Resource DLL
  • php_pdo_mysql.dllmySQL 3.x driver for PDO
  • rvbpreviewwiz.dll
  • cppuhelper3msc.dll
  • melodynebridge.dllMelodyne Bridge VstPlugin
  • wmiscriptutils.dllWMIScriptUtils Module
  • smpte generator.dllVST Plug-In
  • dreamweaverctrls.dllMacromedia Dreamweaver MX custom controls for .NET
  • axinterop.shdocvw.dll
  • drwcontourtool110.dllCorelDRAW Contour Tool Library
  • js 6 equalizer v1.0.dllEqualiser 6 bands 12dB/octave
  • cba.dllCBA Interface Library
  • cda.dllAdobe Audition Language Module
  • eax.dllEAX Unified
  • lm-7.dllVST Instrument Plug-In
  • mga.dllMGA Display Driver
  • rex.dllREX Dynamically Linked Library
  • divx.dllDivX Video for Windows Codec
  • gi90.dllPerfectFit Graphics Interface
  • hfx5.dllHFX Plugin for Studio
  • ilut.dllILUT: A portable image library in development
  • ole2.dllOLE 2.1 16/32 Interoperability Library
  • oxui.dllConfiguration utility for OX16C95x serial ports
  • psll.dll32bit PowerShot communication library
  • sdm2.dllSession Debug Manager
  • 3dr32.dll3DR Win32s SPI Module
  • ace32.dllAdvantage Client Engine DLL
  • atl71.dllATL Module for Windows (ANSI)
  • ax_pt.dllAlcohol multi-language resource file
  • cdral.dllCDRAL DLL
  • dmreg.dllDesktop management registry wrapper
  • jbrws.dllJasc Browser Support DLL
  • kbdda.dllDanish Keyboard Layout
  • kbdpo.dllPortuguese Keyboard Layout
  • msacm.dllMicrosoft Audio Compression Manager
  • mwmcc.dllMCC adaptor for MATLAB Data Acquisition Toolbox
  • nokia.dllDynamic Link Run Time Library
  • nvack.dllNVIDIA® nForce(TM) Audio Library
  • opera.dllOpera Internet Browser
  • procs.dllDll to dump process/module information.
  • rnanp.dllBerichtgeving voor Externe toegang
  • scp32.dllCode Page Translation Library
  • smush.dllSmush Animation Library
  • umlvb.dllVisio UML VB6 addin.
  • wmasf.dllWindows Media ASF DLL
  • wshes.dllRecursos internacionales de Microsoft (r) Windows Script Host
  • xverb.dllFree NoiseGate for VST
  • ygpwz.dllAOL Member Expression Wizard
  • adptif.dllIPX Interface via WinSock
  • asplib.dllMicrosoft Commerce 2000 UPM asplib DLL
  • atim64.dllDIB Engine ATI Accelerator driver.
  • avglog.dllAVG Logging Module
  • esscli.dllWMI
  • imappr.dllIncrediAppRes DLL
  • imgenh.dllScanGear Image Enhancement
  • jfrmpl.dllRealMedia Player for jetAudio
  • kbduzb.dllUzbek_Cyrillic Keyboard Layout
  • libcef.dllChromium Embedded Framework (CEF) Dynamic Link Library
  • memory.dllmemory
  • msimsg.dllWindows® Installer International Messages
  • mspp32.dllPrint Provider for Microsoft Networks
  • nwab32.dllNetwork AB provider for Novell NetWare
  • office.dll
  • oleprn.dllOleprn DLL
  • script.dllv1 Script Module
  • visres.dllMicrosoft Visio Resource DLL
  • w3ctrs.dllW3 Service Performance Counters
  • wmisvc.dllWMI
  • zoneoc.dllZone Datafile
  • acelite.dllAdobe Color Engine
  • agt0409.dllMicrosoft Agent International Dll
  • agt0410.dllMicrosoft Agent International Dll
  • aviplug.dllSony Video For Windows 2 File Format
  • clbcatq.dll
  • cpuinfo.dllCpuInfo
  • dtspump.dllDTSDataPump Service Provider DLL
  • ebueula.dllEulaDll
  • fu24res.dllFU24RES resource dll
  • h5dlg32.dllHighEdit Pro Dialogs
  • hpfui50.dllWindows Unidrv Plugin
  • hpgud32.dllHewlett Packard ScanJet 4400/4470 scanner toolkit
  • hpsdres.dllHPSdRes.dll
  • ialmdd5.dllDirectDraw(R) Driver for Intel(R) Graphics Technology
  • icuuc24.dllIBM ICU Common DLL
  • icwconn.dllInternet Connection Wizard
  • iscript.dllInstallShield (R) Script Engine
  • lay_edi.dllArtwork editor
  • msdmine.dllMicrosoft OLE DB Provider for Data Mining Services
  • mspdb70.dllMicrosoft® Program Database
  • msvcp60.dllMicrosoft (R) C++ Runtime Library
  • msvcp71.dllMicrosoft® C++ Runtime Library
  • mvcl14n.dllMediaView API Library
  • neacenc.dllNeAcEnc
  • sprof32.dllKODAK DIGITAL SCIENCE ICC Profile API
  • svcpack.dllWindows 2000 Service Pack Setup
  • tserial.dllSerial Transport.
  • u2fhtml.dllHTML Format DLL for Crystal Reports
  • u32fido.dllu32Fido
  • waveout.dllACD - Wave Out
  • wkdbext.dllMicrosoft® Works Spreadsheet Extension Library
  • wmv9vcm.dllWindows Media Video 9 VCM
  • xphraze.dllXphraze - the ultimate phraze synthesizer
  • a0001721.dllMicrosoft Update Custom Component Locator
  • a0001729.dllAsynchronous Thread Queue
  • a0002992.dllMicrosoft FrontPage Web Extender Library DLL
  • a0004070.dllMicrosoft Jet xBASE Isam
  • adsmsext.dllADs LDAP Provider DLL
  • ahqtures.dllCreative AudioHQ
  • ati3duag.dllati3duag.dll
  • avp_io32.dllAVP low lewel I/O driver (Win 95/98)
  • axdocwiz.dll
  • bgswitch.dllWindows XP PowerToys
  • bibutils.dllBravo Interface Binder Utilities
  • camexl20.dllCamExL20.dll
  • cddriver.dllColortron Device Driver
  • crde96v3.dllImage Library
  • csseqchk.dllCSSeqChk
  • d3dx9_43.dllDirect3D 9 Extensions
  • dcom2w98.dllMigration DLL for Windows 98 over DCOM98
  • epnhte4c.dllEPNHTE4C
  • fittings.dllANWIDA Soft fittings library
  • fpsrvutl.dllShared Web Utilities Component
  • freinteg.dllFRE Integrator
  • gearaspi.dllGEARAspi
  • halaacpi.dllHardware Abstraction Layer DLL
  • hpv800al.dllWindows Unidrv Plugin
  • iasrecst.dllIAS Jet Database Access
  • iprtrmgr.dllIP Router Manager
  • kbdinhin.dllHindi Keyboard Layout
  • libintl3.dllGetText: library and tools for native language support
  • ltefx10n.dllLEADTOOLS® DLL for Win32
  • modeleng.dllVisio modeling engine.
  • mp4sdmod.dllCorona Windows Media MPEG-4 S Video Decoder
  • msjt4jlt.dllMicrosoft Jet Engine Library for Jolt
  • msvcr110.dllMicrosoft® C Runtime Library
  • msxactps.dllMicrosoft Data Access - OLE DB Transaction Proxies/Stubs
  • oigfs400.dllGFS LIBRARY
  • oiprt400.dllAfdrukbibliotheek
  • padrs804.dllMS-IME IMEPad resource file(Simplified Chinese)
  • pdcmpg2v.dllCyberLink MPEG2 Video Encoder
  • pstprx32.dllProxy Store Provider
  • psut9532.dllWin95 32-BIT Thunk DLL
  • rsagnt32.dllrsagnt32
  • scriptle.dllScript Language Engine
  • shfolder.dllShell Folder Service
  • sjrinput.dllSJR's Direct Input
  • snmpthrd.dllWMI SNMP Thread & Log Library
  • sqlmss32.dll
  • stvscale.dllImage Scaler
  • supersub.dllSuperSub
  • ttlcdacc.dllControl and streaming DLL for TT-DVBsat PCI budget
  • vsruledb.dllTrueVector Service
  • wfxifmod.dllWinFax Pro Serial Modem HAL DLL.
  • crlctl100.dllCommon Controls Library
  • crlweb110.dllWeb Utilities Library
  • gpunikd3d.dllgpuNikD3D.DLL (Direct3D gpu Driver)
  • magickpng.dlllibpng
  • matrixdll.dllFunction Library
  • shellvrtf.dllShellvRTF
  • twainctrl.dllTwainCtrl DLL
  • asmeulr80a.dllASM Euler
  • ekfpixjpeg.dllNIF KIES JPEG Library
  • enablerdll.dllEnablerDLL
  • ppcropintl.dllCorel PHOTO-PAINT Tool Resources
  • rainlendar.dllRainlendar DLL
  • stereoizer.dllVST Plug-In
  • hh_helphome.dll
  • ideproperty.dllIDEproperty DLL
  • installhelp.dllInstallHelp
  • mda beatbox.dllCubase VST Plug-In
  • mda degrade.dllCubase VST Plug-In
  • bcgcbpro730u.dllBCGControlBar Professional DLL
  • forcelibrary.dllMaking processes load your dlls >:-)
  • libagli18n28.dllIBM ICU I18N DLL
  • msjetoledb40.dllMicrosoft OLE DB Provider for Jet
  • padsegudijoy.dllpadSeguDIJoy DLL
  • pitchcorrect.dllAdobe Audition Language Module
  • libr_rl_jpeg_.dllIndependent JPEG Group's JPEG 6b
  • utilitylibrary.dllUtility Library
  • js vibrato v1.0.dllvibrateur
  • audioconverterleui.dllPlus! MP3 Audio Converter LE UI DLL
  • nmthumbnailiconsgen.dllNero Home
  • crystaldecisions.web.dllCrystal Reports for Visual Studio .NET
  • ultrafunk fxdelay r3.dllUltrafunk fx:delay VST plug-in
  • ultrafunk fxequalizer r3.dllUltrafunk fx:equalizer VST plug-in
  • bmp.dll2BP to BMP file converter
  • ilu.dllILU: A portable image library in development
  • sdl.dllSDL
  • 1033.dllLanguage specific file
  • b4fx.dllNative Instruments B4
  • c1xx.dllMicrosoft (R) Visual C++ Compiler Front End
  • dimm.dllActive IMM Server DLL
  • lmrt.dllLiquid Motion Runtime Control
  • mqad.dllWindows NT MQ Client AD Access
  • nw16.dllNetware API stubs
  • qmgr.dllBackground Intelligent Transfer Service
  • rend.dllMicrosoft Rendezvous Control
  • skcl.dllPLUS SKCL Std 4.109b
  • 34com.dllVampCOM Module
  • anim8.dllMindscape(c) 1995 Animation Library
  • cscui.dllClient Side Caching UI
  • devil.dllDevIL: A great portable image library in development
  • eesql.dllExpression Evaluator for SQL Debugger
  • fdate.dllMicrosoft Office 2003 component
  • ietag.dllMicrosoft Office 2003 component
  • ifc21.dllImmersion Foundation Classes
  • ijl15.dllIntel® JPEG Library - Retail Version
  • imskf.dllMicrosoft IME 2002
  • jcmyk.dllJasc CMYK Support DLL
  • kbdus.dllUnited States Keyboard Layout
  • msntb.dllMSN Toolbar extension
  • paqsp.dllPaqSP Module
  • vlide.dllVisual LISP IDE resource DLL
  • vlmsg.dllVisual LISP resource DLL
  • vobhw.dllVOB Hardware Driver
  • wmpui.dllWindows Media Player
  • acge15.dllAutoCAD Geometry Library
  • acrx15.dllacrx15.dll
  • amcdom.dll
  • aoehlp.dllAge of Empires Help DLL
  • aspicd.dllASPICD Interface for Easy CD-DA Extractor 3
  • bmixer.dllbMixer.dll
  • CdrFnt.dllCorel Font Manager DLL
  • cdrrip.dllCorel Raster Image Processor
  • cshell.dllGlobal Operaions Client
  • csproj.dllC# Project System DLL
  • dlcapi.dllDLC APIs
  • kbdukx.dllUnited Kingdom Extended Keyboard Layout
  • msjava.dllMicrosoft® VM
  • msv1_0.dllMicrosoft Authentication Package v1.0
  • nbs4mb.dllNBS4mb
  • nxlame.dllnxLame
  • ppvexp.dllPocket PowerPoint file converter
  • ptipbm.dllpmscache DLL
  • samlib.dllSAM Library DLL
  • sfpdll.dllSFP DLL
  • shell2.dllResource DLL
  • sqldmo.dllDistributed Management Objects OLE DLL for SQL Enterprise Manager
  • sqlmmc.dllSQLMMC - SQL Snapin for Microsoft Management Console
  • vba332.dllVisual Basic for Applications Development Environment
  • vcmagg.dllVcmAgg
  • vshelp.dllMicrosoft(R) Visual Studio Help System Package
  • wmpasf.dllWindows Media Filter Shim
  • wmpdxm.dllWindows Media 6.4 Player Shim
  • ac1st15.dllAc1st15.dll
  • acpires.dllAcpiRes DLL
  • agt0404.dllMicrosoft Agent International Dll
  • amainip.dllDVDLogic
  • autopan.dllVST Plug-In
  • avntdll.dllAVNTDLL DLL
  • cnb4400.dllCanon BJ Mini Printer Driver
  • crddt32.dllCrystal Reports Data Definition Tool
  • ddrawex.dllDirect Draw Ex
  • dfrgres.dllDisk Defragmenter Resource Module
  • es_es_t.dlleMule Language DLL
  • FTVOX32.dllFAPI
  • fxswzrd.dllMicrosoft Fax Wizard UI
  • gswag32.dllAutoGraph DLL
  • halacpi.dllHardware Abstraction Layer DLL
  • hpdcmon.dllWin32 Language Monitor for direct connect HP printers
  • hpqjres.dllhpqjres resource dll
  • imgjpeg.dll
  • itiimg3.dllITI Imaging Library
  • kbd101a.dllKO Hangeul Keyboard Layout for 101 (Type A)
  • migrate.dllMicrosoft Office Migration DLL
  • mpacore.dllRealNetworks Real System MP Core
  • nvoglnt.dllNVIDIA Compatible OpenGL ICD
  • project.dllProject DLL
  • proxyid.dllproxyID
  • rapilib.dllRSVP Libary 1.0 DLL
  • rassapi.dllRemote Access Admin APIs dll
  • rpclts6.dllRPC SPX Server Interface DLL
  • sccbase.dllInfineon SICRYPT® Base Smart Card CSP
  • sprfile.dllProject File Manager
  • spyxxhk.dllMicrosoft Spy++ 7.0 (Hook)
  • txtonly.dllTXTONLY DRIVER
  • uwinapi.dll
  • vdfs32e.dllVdfs32e.dll
  • version.dll
  • 3dviewer.dllQuickDraw 3D Viewer Controller
  • aacenc32.dllAACEnc - 32 bit floating point AAC encoder library
  • actproxy.dllAct recording proxy
  • actscore.dllKaplan ACT Scoring RT97 DLL
  • adv05w9x.dllDigital Display Minidriver for Intel(R) Graphics Driver
  • asfilter.dllAntiSpam Email Filter
  • audiodll.dllaudiodll DLL
  • avgcckrn.dllAVG Kernel Plugin Module
  • browscap.dllMSWC Browser Capabilities
  • Cliproxy.dllNorton AntiVirus
  • contmenu.dllContext Menu for zip files
  • counters.dllMSWC Counters
  • cpitool7.dllCPIToolsUD
  • ctcammgr.dllCreative CamHAL Manager
  • dlldrv32.dllPoINT Shared DLL
  • dllprf32.dllPoINT Shared DLL
  • dvdmaker.dllDvdMaker DLL
  • el2k_cpp.dllEL2k_CPP
  • elements.dllVisio database modeling element system.
  • fastprox.dllWMI
  • firewire.dllPhotoshop Video Preview Dll
  • hpzimv03.dllHP DeskJet Imaging DLL
  • icam3ext.dllIcam3EXT DLL
  • imgpr16s.dllImgPrc16
  • keyboard.dllGirder TaskSwitch Plugin
  • korwbrkr.dllKorean WordBreaker
  • mdigraph.dllMicrosoft® Document Imaging
  • mfc42deu.dllMFC Language Specific Resources
  • mfcuia32.dllMicrosoft Windows(TM) OLE 2.0 User Interface Support
  • msdaprsr.dllMicrosoft Data Access - OLE DB Persistence Services Resources
  • msltus40.dllMicrosoft Jet Lotus 1-2-3 Isam
  • msolapui.dllMicrosoft OLE DB provider for OLAP Services connection dialog
  • msspell3.dllMicrosoft Speller
  • msvidc32.dllMicrosoft Video 1 Compressor
  • navshext.dllNorton AntiVirusNAVShellExt Module
  • ok9ibres.dllOKI9IBM driver
  • ole2prox.dllOLE 2.0 Library
  • php_soap.dllSOAP
  • pnen3260.dllRealMedia® Client Core
  • polspell.dllPolar SpellChecker ActiveX Control Module
  • pop3util.dllPOP3Util
  • rasmontr.dllRAS Monitor DLL
  • rigpsnap.dllRemote Installation Service Policy Snap-in
  • rsoptcom.dllRemote Storage Optional Component
  • s32krnll.dllSymantec Kernel API Library
  • sharenui.dllNon-UI Support DLL
  • slayerui.dllCompatibility Tab Shell Extension DLL
  • smidispb.dllSilicon Motion Display Driver
  • snmpstup.dllWMI SNMP Setup Utility DLL
  • swplugin.dllNorton AntiVirus Integrator Plugin
  • wnaspi32.dllNero Aspi Library
  • wsreg32r.dllsynchres DLL
  • asmrem80a.dllASM REM
  • asmshl80a.dllASM Shelling
  • emuengine.dllEmuEngine DLL
  • icmfilter.dllicmfilter Module
  • namespace.dllWindows Multimedia Streaming Namespace
  • pixomatic.dllPixomatic
  • quicktime.dllQuickTime PlugIn for IrfanView
  • sdl_image.dllSDL_image
  • svgexport.dllSVGExport 6.0
  • asmintr80a.dllASM Intersections
  • cdrtsgmscd.dllMSCD DLL
  • craxddrt20.dllCrystal Reports ActiveX Designer Design and Run Time Support
  • hpi_adjust.dllHPI_Adj DLL
  • vorbisencx.dllVorbisEncoderX Control
  • grungelizer.dllVST Plug-In
  • isymwrapper.dllMicrosoft .NET Runtime Managed Symbol Wrappers
  • lightmapsed.dllPlugin DLL
  • mda vocoder.dllVST Plug-in
  • aspnet_isapi.dllaspnet_isapi.lib
  • aspsmartmail.dll
  • browserengine.dllBrowserEngine Module
  • extensibility.dllExtensibility.dll
  • bluechorus vst.dllBlueLine ActiveMovie Audio Filter
  • crvspackagelib.dll
  • stereoexpander.dllStereoExpander
  • acwebpublishres.dllAcWebPublishres Resource DLL
  • msmeirsock_object.dllMSMEIrSock_object Module
  • fireworks importer.dllFireworks Importer
  • dvd express 3d sound.dll3D Virtualization support
  • tc native reverb vst master.dllT
  • l1.dllL1
  • dsi.dllDigidesign System Interface
  • efi.dllFunction Library
  • jmi.dlljmi
  • mp4.dllMP3/FAAC Encoder for Easy CD-DA Extractor 5
  • rpt.dllKaspersky Anti-Virus Report Library
  • 1sms.dll1SMS - SMS structure
  • alut.dllOpenAL(TM) Utility Library
  • dec1.dllDelphi Encryption Compendium Part I
  • drv2.dllRealNetworks RealVideo G2
  • jsee.dllMicrosoft® JScript Debugger Expression Evalutor
  • mime.dll
  • wh95.dllWinHacker 95 Dynamic Link Library
  • a1spi.dllSPICALL DLL
  • adrot.dllMSWC Advertisement Rotator
  • avwin.dllAuraVision-Orchid support library
  • cdo32.dllCrystal Data Object
  • cnc-si.dllSnapIns Module
  • cnmur.dllMP Printer Driver Localizable Resource
  • d3dim.dllMicrosoft Direct3D
  • dgemu.dllGraphisoft Dialog Manager
  • kbdne.dllDutch Keyboard Layout
  • macro.dllMacro
  • migv2.dllMigration Wizard Automation Class
  • mstcp.dllMicrosoft TCP/IP
  • p5dll.dllInterface to P5Device
  • psapi.dllProcess Status Helper
  • wmidx.dllWindows Media Indexer DLL
  • xfile.dllFile Module for PefectScan API
  • atidev.dllATI Advanced Display Shell Extension
  • cdains.dllcdains
  • cdtool.dllCDTool Module
  • clipdd.dllOLE Clipboard and Drag-n-Drop Support
  • CRLCTL.dllCommon Controls Library
  • ddelib.dllDDELIB.DLL
  • dswave.dllMicrosoft DirectMusic Wave
  • dtu100.dlldtu100
  • editor.dll
  • fpxlib.dllFPXLIB.DLL
  • ftpwpp.dllWebPost API DLL
  • hpjdnp.dllHP Network Provider
  • kbdpl1.dllPolish Programmer's Keyboard Layout
  • libpng.dllLibPng SPECS LibPng: PNG image compression library
  • macdll.dllMonkey's Audio DLL Library
  • myinfo.dllIIS Executable
  • ntaspi.dllASPI for NT
  • nwgina.dllZEN For Desktops GINA
  • pdfl50.dllAdobe PDF Library
  • pecomm.dllpeComm DLL
  • pfpick.dllICC Profile Picker
  • qtintf.dllDelphi-Qt2.x Interface Library
  • sendto.dllSendTo9 RPC Proxy/Stub DLL
  • signer.dllAuthenticode Signing Interface
  • smime3.dllNSS S/MIME Library
  • spnike.dllMDM Device Interface for Nike device.
  • svcext.dllServices IISAdmin Extension DLL
  • tridkb.dllTrident Display Driver
  • u2frec.dllRecords Export Format DLL for Crystal Reports
  • u2lcom.dllSeagate Crystal Reports COM UFL Manager DLL
  • wabimp.dllMicrosoft WAB Importer/Exporter
  • wp9res.dllWipro 9 Pin Printer Driver
  • xaudio.dllXaudio MPEG Playback Engine
  • zcorem.dllZone Datafile
  • 3drargb.dll3DR Win32s Generic Engine Module
  • ahqures.dllCreative AudioHQ Resource file
  • atidvai.dllM3 WindowsNT Display Driver
  • dbghelp.dllWindows Image Helper
  • dmsynth.dllMicrosoft DirectMusic Software Synthesizer
  • dsrdr20.dlliGrafx Designer Component
  • effects.dllEffects PlugIn for IrfanView
  • gri_mmc.dllGRI Library for MMC and ATAPI recorders
  • jrt3240.dll
  • kyrares.dllKYOCERA driver
  • metconv.dllMicrosoft Office 2003 component
  • mfco42d.dllMFCOLE Shared Library - Debug Version
  • mfcsubs.dll
  • msddslm.dllMicrosoft Design Tools - Layout Manager
  • neroshx.dllNero MultiMounter
  • offfilt.dllOffFilt
  • physpen.dllAutodesk Hardcopy PhysPen DLL
  • pmirror.dllPMIRROR.DLL
  • rdchost.dllRDSHost Client Module
  • s3mtrio.dllS3 Trio Display Driver
  • sbcsy16.dllAudioPCI Driver Resources
  • setupnt.dllsetupNT
  • testdll.dll
  • vfp8kor.dllMicrosoft(R) Visual FoxPro(R) Resources
  • wkslang.dllMicrosoft® Works for Windows Language DLL
  • wsnmp32.dllMicrosoft WinSNMP v2.0 Manager API
  • a0001734.dllFTP-tjдnst
  • adv07w9x.dllDigital Display Minidriver for Intel(R) Graphics Driver
  • adv09nt5.dllDigital Display Minidriver for Intel(R) Graphics Driver
  • advrcntr.dllAdvrCntr Module
  • amstream.dll
  • atimpenc.dllATI MPEG Encoder
  • audwin32.dllNetWare® Audit Library
  • bhoproxy.dllBhoProxy Module
  • brcoinst.dllBrother Multi Function CoInstaller
  • chtskdic.dllMicrosoft IME 2002a
  • cladmwiz.dllCluster Application Configuration Wizard
  • ctapi3t2.dllCTAPI v3 to 2 converter
  • ctrun_nt.dllCtrun DLL for Windows NT
  • d3drm24f.dllMicrosoft Direct3D
  • d3dx9_42.dllDirect3D 9 Extensions
  • ebrowser.dllIE Embedding Dll
  • ftpsapi2.dllFTP Service Client API Stubs
  • getuname.dllUnicode name Dll for UCE
  • gtxt_dsp.dllGlobeTTX Dynamic Link Library
  • hpcjrrps.dllJobRetention Render Plug-In module
  • hpv850al.dllWindows Unidrv Plugin
  • iiscrmap.dllMicrosoft IIS certificate mapper
  • instaide.dllPalm Desktop Shared Library
  • kbdnecnt.dllJP Japanese Keyboard Layout for (NEC PC-9800 Windows XP)
  • mciavi32.dllVideo For Windows MCI driver
  • mimefilt.dllMicrosoft (R) IMimeFilter Persistent Handler DLL
  • msimrt32.dllAART95
  • msrecr40.dllMicrosoft Jet Briefcase Reconciler Resource Library
  • mstext35.dllMicrosoft Jet Text Isam
  • msvcr120.dllMicrosoft® C Runtime Library
  • netwin32.dllNetWare® Net Library
  • nisalert.dllNorton Internet Security Alert
  • nwprovau.dllClient Service for NetWare Provider and Authentication Package DLL
  • ochlp30e.dllMicrosoft Multimedia Controls Component
  • plotcfg8.dllAutodesk Hardcopy Plot Config. Toolkit DLL
  • pngu3264.dllGUI Library
  • pwiofcnv.dllInkWriter Document Converter for desktop Office
  • rdeesser.dllRenaissance DeEsser
  • setuplog.dllSuite Integration Toolkit Object
  • shdoc401.dllShell Doc Object and Control Library - IE 4.01 compat
  • sis300iv.dllSiS 300/305/630/540/730 Super VGA Driver
  • srchctls.dllSearch Assistant Controls
  • streamci.dllStreaming Device Class Installer
  • vfp8rcsy.dllMicrosoft® Visual FoxPro® Runtime Library Resources
  • vtovrlay.dllS3Overlay Utility
  • wlnotify.dllCommon DLL to receive Winlogon notifications
  • cdrtxt110.dllCorel Text Manager DLL
  • jbrwsutil.dllJasc Browser Utilities DLL
  • ossupport.dllKeyCheckDLL DLL
  • rescom800.dllStudio resource DLL
  • seengbase.dllSEEngBase DLL
  • sfmarket2.dllSony Marketing Component
  • 3dfxgl_ht2.dll3Dfx Interactive, Inc. OpenGL DLL
  • asmkern80a.dllASM Kernel
  • gpupeted3d.dllgpu d3d dx7 plugin
  • libsndfile.dlllibsndfile
  • ptplatform.dllAdobe Photoshop Album 2.0 Starter Edition component
  • vsscenario.dllVS Setup Baseline Scenario
  • zinclude40.dllZInclude40ResCZ
  • acfilterres.dllAcFilter AutoCAD Resource DLL
  • anubisutils.dllAnubisUtils Module
  • hcresources.dllLanguage-specific resources for Trivial Pursuit Millenium Edition
  • naturalverb.dllNaturalVerb
  • prepssupport.dllPreps Support
  • adobelinguistic.dllLinguistic Library
  • js magneto v1.1.dllCompresseur exponetiel
  • QuickTimeDecoder.dllQuickTime Decoder
  • waveshell-vst 5.0.dllWaveShellVST
  • libaccess_partfile_plugin.dlleMule part file access for VideoLAN 0.6.2
  • cmd.dllDVDLogic
  • dsp.dllDSP Module
  • els.dllEvent Viewer Snapin
  • ias.dllInternet Authentication Service
  • msi.dllWindows Installer
  • help.dllMiranda Help Plugin
  • kvdd.dllKrusty Video Driver Detection
  • mqqm.dllWindows NT MQ Queue Manager
  • rwnh.dllRWNH
  • wmex.dllWM Encoder Extensions
  • album.dllAlbum
  • cnmpd.dllCanon BJ Print Processor Dispatcher
  • cnmui.dllBJ Printer Driver Interface Driver
  • dpu11.dlldpu11
  • flash.dllFlash 4 player for IrfanView
  • isatq.dllAsynchronous Thread Queue
  • kbda1.dllArabic_English_101 Keyboard Layout
  • kbdno.dllNorwegian Keyboard Layout
  • mdt3g.dllMicrosoft Visual Database Tools - Grid
  • moscc.dllMSN Client Utility
  • msapi.dllMSAPI DLL
  • msocf.dllMicrosoft Office Client Frame
  • mtxdm.dll
  • rscan.dllNorton Shared Component
  • sccvw.dllSCC View Window
  • sfttb.dllSoftel vdm SftTabs Custom Control
  • tapi3.dllMicrosoft TAPI3
  • vamec.dllMicrosoft (R) Visual Studio VSA Master Event Collector
  • vfp7t.dllMicrosoft® Visual FoxPro® Runtime Library
  • vticd.dllVIA/S3G CLE266/KM400/KN400/K8M800/K8N800 ICD Driver
  • acui15.dllAcUi DLL
  • ahqres.dllCreative AudioHQ Resource file
  • avglng.dllAVG Language Support
  • bdcore.dllBitDefender CORE
  • bitmap.dllCamera Wizard Resource DLL
  • cdlmso.dllMicrosoft CDL
  • core40.dllOracle CORE DLL
  • csslib.dllcsslib
  • frgcfx.dllSound Forge Effects Plug-In (C)
  • hwxkor.dllHWXKOR - IV - Desktop
  • kbdusl.dllDvorak Left-Hand US English Keyboard Layout
  • msbind.dllMicrosoft Data Binding Collection Object DLL
  • newmsg.dllnewmsgd
  • parser.dll
  • pkmcdo.dllMicrosoft SharePoint Portal Server Object Model
  • rshx32.dllSecurity Shell Extension
  • rtsock.dllRtSock Module
  • sigtab.dllFile Integrity Settings
  • tcpmib.dllStandard TCP/IP Port Monitor Helper DLL
  • u2fdif.dllDIF Export Format DLL for Crystal Reports
  • u2fxml.dllXML Export Format DLL for Crystal Reports
  • u32cvt.dllU32CVT.DLL
  • vforms.dllMicrosoft Mail for Windows(TM) Viewed Forms DLL
  • wmserr.dllWindows Multimedia Streaming Service Error DLL
  • ws2_32.dllWindows Socket 2.0 32-Bit DLL
  • camtasr.dllCamtasia RealSystem Rendering Plugin
  • catalog.dllMicrosoft Commerce Server Catalog Dll
  • dtcutil.dll
  • dxusb10.dllDriverX USB DLL
  • easimme.dllEASIMMEWrapper
  • english.dllLanguage specific file
  • fperson.dllMicrosoft Office 2003 component
  • gsiinst.dllDSL Installer DLL
  • hpoui05.dll
  • icqplug.dllICQPluginClient DLL
  • imgcore.dllImgCore DLL
  • inetcom.dllACT!Internet Communications Engine
  • iuiintl.dllCorel User Interface
  • lemd3d8.dllLemD3D8
  • license.dllLicenseDLL_Full DLL
  • mitwain.dllMiTwain DLL
  • mobsync.dllMicrosoft Synchronization Manager
  • msrle32.dllMicrosoft RLE Compressor
  • msvmres.dllVisual Modeler
  • nvwrsar.dllNVIDIA nView Desktop and Window Manager
  • pixdflt.dllISIS (Image and Scanner Interface Standard)
  • pscdvlp.dllPowerShot image development library
  • quartz(2).dll
  • rewired.dll
  • rsabase.dllMicrosoft Base Cryptographic Provider (Export Version)
  • t2embed.dllt2embed
  • tracker.dll
  • ufccomm.dllUFCCOMM DLL
  • undomgr.dllUndo manager
  • vapecui.dllMicrosoft (R) Visual Studio Analyzer Primary Event Collector
  • wsftp32.dllWSFTP32.DLL
  • a0004063.dllMicrosoft Jet Sort-bibliotek
  • accuimr5.dllAccuSoft Image Format Library/Windows NT DLL
  • apedbset.dllSetup wizard for Data Access Explorer sample application
  • autodisc.dllWindows AutoDiscovery API
  • BRSPL01A.dllbrspl01a.dll
  • btviddlg.dllMSVIDEO: Brooktree Video Capture Driver Dialogs
  • c_is2022.dllISO-2022 Code Page Translation DLL
  • cavo2rdd.dllCA-Visual Objects 2.5 RDD Class Library
  • cinmst32.dllCinemaster Software DVD Decoder
  • cnmdump3.dllBJ Raster Printer Driver Dump Module with TBL file part2(from A3100)
  • ctintres.dllCreative PlayCenter 2 - Internet View Resource DLL
  • datzap32.dllTimex Data Link Packager DLL
  • defannty.dllNorton AntiVirus Utilities
  • dllpnt32.dllPoINT Shared DLL
  • dmscript.dllMicrosoft DirectMusic Scripting
  • dmvdsitf.dllDisk Management Snap-in Support Library
  • dvdpld32.dllCinemaster DVD Navigation Support
  • epnhte3q.dllEPNHTE3Q
  • etoolbox.dllEToolBox Dynamic Link Library
  • fileinfo.dllWindows Media Encoder File Info
  • imagxra7.dllImagXRA7 Dynamic Link Library
  • imekrcic.dllMicrosoft Korean IME 2002
  • kbdnec95.dllJP Japanese Keyboard Layout for (NEC PC-9800 Windows 95)
  • krnlprov.dllWMI
  • ltdis90n.dllLEADTOOLS® DLL for Win32
  • mcinsctl.dllMcAfee Security Installer Control
  • msdart32.dllMicrosoft Data Access - OLE DB Runtime Routines
  • msisam11.dllMicrosoft MSISAM 1.1
  • msmdcxml.dllMicrosoft Repository MDC XML Transfer Utility
  • mspgimme.dllMicrosoft® Gimme library
  • msrclr40.dllMicrosoft Jet Briefcase Reconciler Library
  • mstlsapi.dllMicrosoft® Terminal Server Licensing
  • n32dlist.dllDrive List
  • nviewimg.dllNVIDIA nView Image Library, Version 53.03
  • nwipxspx.dll
  • objectps.dllInstallShield (R) ObjectPS DLL
  • outlmime.dllMicrosoft Outlook MAPI/MIME Converter
  • pnen3240.dllCore Support Library for RealPlayer®
  • psisdecd.dllMicrosoft SI/PSI parser for MPEG2 based networks.
  • rjbxfade.dllRealNetworks Cross Fade plugin
  • schedule.dllscheduler DLL
  • scrblock.dllScriptBlocking
  • scriptpw.dllScriptPW Module
  • sis6306v.dllSiS 530/620 Framebuffer Display Driver
  • sisudisp.dllSiS Compatible Super VGA Display Modes Setting
  • smclient.dllSQL Monitor Client Interface
  • sprb041b.dllHlбsenia balнka Service Pack 2
  • sqlmap70.dllSQL Mapi Integration Procedures DLL
  • vofile32.dllVOFILE32 DLL
  • winpppoe.dllPPP over Ethernet Protocol NDI Procedures
  • wmipiprt.dllWBEM Provider for IP4 Routes
  • wmpencen.dllWindows Media Player Encoding Module
  • wnaspint.dllMusicMatch Access Layer DLL
  • acui16res.dllAcUiRes Resource DLL
  • analog_vu.dllvu
  • asmahl80a.dllASM Autodesk Hidden Line
  • asmlop80a.dllASM Local Operations
  • cdrrip110.dllCorel Raster Image Processor
  • divx_xx0c.dlldivx
  • stylusrmx.dllStylus RMX 1.5.1c
  • swsupport.dllShockwave Remote Support
  • vqfdeclib.dllAudio plugin
  • webengine.dllWebEngine DLL
  • CDRPDFINTL.dllCorel Portable Document Format Resources
  • encsession.dllEncoding engine
  • hypersonic.dllHypersonic 2
  • regacadres.dllRegAcadRes resource DLL
  • sampletank.dllSampleTank
  • spueternal.dll
  • cdrtxtui110.dllCorel Text Manager UI DLL
  • ppcrlconfig.dllPassport CRL configuration
  • gpuimpactd3d.dlld3d renderer
  • mediabuild30.dllInstallShield® MediaBuild30
  • querybuilder.dllCrystal Query Builder
  • objectmanager.dllObjectManager
  • xerces-c_2_4_0.dllShared Library for Xerces-C Version 2.4.0
  • timestretchdmo.dlltimestretchDMO Module
  • interop.shdocvw.dll
  • nctaudiograbber.dllNCTAudioGrabber ActiveX DLL
  • directwavectengine.dllDirectWaveCtEngine.dll
  • flaskmpegpeasopeich.dlladobe premiere avi plugin
  • fnt.dllTTF, FON to FNT file converter
  • jff.dllJasc Image File Support DLL
  • 0408.dllDownload, Install, Maintenance, Patch, Launch, Execute
  • em2v.dllem2v
  • aires.dllAdobe Illustrator 11.0 Resource
  • bicrt.dllUser-Generated Microsoft (R) C/C++ Runtime Library
  • kousd.dllStill Image Devices DLL
  • mbmio.dllMBMIO DLL
  • mfc40.dllMFCDLL Shared Library - Retail Version
  • mssdm.dllSession Debug Manager
  • rnaph.dllDial-Up Networking Phonebook utilities
  • scope.dllSnapIns Module
  • sport.dllSports Screen Saver
  • viwz1.dll
  • winio.dllWinIo
  • wkwfx.dllMicrosoft® Works Generic Support
  • 3dctrl.dllControl Panel extension
  • 3dfxgl.dll3Dfx Interactive, Inc. OpenGL DLL
  • 3dr555.dll3DR Win32s Generic Engine Module
  • A0 DK1.dllA0 DK1
  • acui16.dllAcUi DLL
  • acutil.dllAcUtil DLL
  • aimapi.dllAIM API DLL
  • alld40.dll
  • avgcfg.dllAVG Configuration Module
  • bool51.dllBoolean Husk DLL
  • dmtmdl.dll
  • fpcutl.dllMicrosoft Office FrontPage Client Utility Library
  • ftpmgr.dllftpmgr DLL
  • geniso.dllNero Library
  • kbdhu1.dllHungarian 101-key Keyboard Layout
  • kbdru1.dllRussia(Typewriter) Keyboard Layout
  • libapr.dllApache Portable Runtime Library
  • mfc42d.dllMFCDLL Shared Library - Debug Version
  • mkl_p4.dllIntel(R) Pentium(R) 4 processor kernel
  • mminet.dllMMInet DLL
  • mplvm6.dllMPL Video Library
  • msimtf.dllActive IMM Server DLL
  • rchook.dllRCHook Module
  • rdpsnd.dllTerminal Server MultiMedia Driver
  • syslib.dllArchitecture system library
  • wamreg.dllWAM Registration DLL
  • wmmres.dllWindows Movie Maker
  • ymmapi.dllYMMAPI Module
  • 3ivxdmo.dll3ivX delta 2 decoder
  • ati_vpe.dllATI Mach64 DirectDraw VPE HAL.
  • cdraspi.dllASPI DLL
  • cnbjmon.dllLangage Monitor for Canon Bubble-Jet Printer
  • crdb214.dllMERANT DB2 ODBC Driver
  • dispdib.dllVGA 256 Color DIB Display DLL
  • dxctrls.dllcontrols Module
  • fp30utl.dllMicrosoft FrontPage Utility DLL
  • icdwapi.dllCD Writing API
  • icule24.dllIBM ICU Layout DLL
  • imutils.dllIncrediUtils DLL
  • ipwssl5.dllIP*Works! SSL V5
  • kbd106n.dllJP Japanese Keyboard Layout for 106
  • lxadsui.dllLexmark Z12 System Driver UI Customization Plug-In
  • mprsnap.dllRouting and Remote Access Snapin
  • mshy3ua.dllRuta Hyphenator API v3 DLL
  • msoeuro.dllMicrosoft Office Euro Converter
  • multios.dllmulti-operating-system functions
  • nvhwvid.dll
  • nvrszhc.dllNVIDIA Simplified Chinese language resource library
  • nvwrspl.dllNVIDIA nView Desktop and Window Manager
  • olchk32.dllO'License Key Registration DLL
  • pdfmont.dllPDF4U and PDF4Free PDF Creator Monitor Driver
  • repbrui.dllMicrosoft Repository Browser
  • rvseres.dllArchivo de datos de Zone
  • scanusd.dllUSB User Mode Minidriver
  • sqlse20.dllMicrosoft Sqlse 2.0
  • symneti.dllSymantec Network Driver Interface
  • traffic.dllMicrosoft Traffic Control 1.0 DLL
  • vbzip10.dllInfo-ZIP's Zip dll
  • vocoder.dllVST Plug-In
  • 3dfxglam.dll3Dfx Interactive, Inc. Proprietary demo code.
  • adv01nt5.dllDigital Display Minidriver for Intel(R) Graphics Driver
  • atv10w9x.dllDigital Display Minidriver for Intel(R) Graphics Driver
  • awkrnl32.dllKernel Extensions
  • blackbox.dllBlackBox DLL
  • brmfbidi.dllWINAPI Type --- Client interface DLL for Resource Manager
  • brscnrsm.dllBIDI Access module
  • dbexpdb2.dllBorland dbExpress DB2 driver
  • drop2exe.dllDrop2exe
  • epndrv01.dllEPNDRV01
  • epnhte3n.dllEPNHTE3N
  • epnhte4g.dllEPNHTE4G
  • epnhtx16.dllEPNHTX16
  • h5icon32.dllHighEdit Pro StyleBar
  • hporsa05.dll
  • hpzcon03.dllHP DeskJet Printing System for Windows
  • hpzcon06.dllHP DeskJet Printing System for Windows
  • hpzcon09.dllHP DeskJet Printing System for Windows
  • hpzrp307.dllPrinter Property UI dll
  • iische51.dllADs IIS Provider Schema Initialization DLL
  • isrdbg32.dllISR Debug 32-bit Engine
  • lhporta2.dllHydra Video Portal Resource
  • locvista.dllEnuVista DLL
  • maxcodec.dllPaperPort Compressor-Decompressor
  • mscordbi.dllMicrosoft .NET Runtime Debugging Services
  • msdis130.dllMicrosoft® Disassembler
  • msdtcprx.dllMS DTC OLE Transactions interface proxy DLL
  • msftedit.dllRich Text Edit Control, v4.1
  • mshtmpgr.dllDHTMLPageDesigner
  • msjter32.dllMicrosoft Jet Database Engine Error DLL
  • msrpfs35.dllMicrosoft Jet Transport Library
  • mstsmhst.dllTerminal Services Connections multihost
  • msuilstf.dll
  • msvbvm60.dllVisual Basic Virtual Machine
  • mswdat10.dllMicrosoft Jet Sort Tables
  • myquotes.dll
  • neroscsi.dllNero Library
  • ntdsetup.dllNT5DS
  • pdbu3210.dllCD Burning
  • r14pskit.dllAutodesk Hardcopy Plot Style Table Wizard DLL
  • rtrfiltr.dllpacket filters configuration
  • rts8891u.dllHewlett-Packard ScanJet 4400/4470 scanner toolkit
  • s3disply.dllS3 multi-chip display switch utility
  • sb_chest.dllVST Plugin
  • setupwbv.dllInternet Explorer Control Panel Progman
  • spra0414.dllService Pack 1-meldinger
  • sqlinitx.dllMicrosoft SQL Snapshot Control 8.0
  • sspifilt.dllSSPI Filter
  • tmplprov.dllWMI
  • tsuserex.dllTerminal Services Local Users and Groups Extension
  • vdk3211w.dllMetaSound Audio Codec for Windows
  • w001t32w.dllConversion Component
  • wbemprox.dllWMI
  • wiamsmud.dllStill Image Devices DLL
  • winhttp5.dllWindows HTTP Services
  • wkwpquil.dllMicrosoft® Works WP Quill Control
  • wmpsrcwp.dllWMPSrcWp Module
  • wmsdmoe2.dllCorona Windows Media Screen Encoder
  • wwctl34i.dllControl Manager, WIL language extender
  • autoupdps.dllAutoUpd Proxy
  • axeparser.dllAdobe XML Engine Parser
  • cdrrip100.dllCorel Raster Image Processor
  • gkcontent.dll
  • omffilter.dllOMF Filter
  • 2escom1280.dllStudio resource DLL
  • rescom1024.dllStudio resource DLL
  • rescom1280.dllStudio resource DLL
  • smartsound.dllSmartSound COM Object
  • acdorderres.dllDraw Order Resource DLL
  • mda ringmod.dllCubase VST Plug-In
  • pdfsettings.dllAdobe PDF Settings Manager
  • psizewizres.dllAutodesk Hardcopy Paper Size Wizard Resource DLL
  • quicktracks.dll
  • acshellextui.dllMP3 Audio Converter
  • acsignappres.dllAcSignApp Resources
  • cgziplibrary.dll
  • pixietool-fin.dllPixie5 Registration and Licensing Tool
  • voicedesigner.dllVST PlugIn
  • winuae_german.dllWinUAE
  • bluefilter vst.dllBlueLine VST Audio Filter
  • bluereverb vst.dllBlueLine VST Audio Filter
  • elementmanager.dllElement Manager DLL
  • mfcsupportlibs.dllMFCSupportLibs DLL
  • system.drawing.dllSystem.Drawing.dll
  • bluemultitap vst.dllBlueLine VST PlugIn
  • sacommoncontrols.dllCrystal Analysis Common Controls
  • compressor deesser.dllCompressor DeEsser
  • fireworks resources.dllFireworks Resources
  • visio ldap provider.dllVisio LDAP Provider DLL
  • arm.dllARM
  • csp.dllCSP
  • gti.dllGTInstall batch installer
  • icq.dllICQ protocol plugin for Miranda IM
  • pdm.dllProcess Debug Manager
  • phx.dllRestart Daemon
  • vb-1.dllVST Plug-In
  • anim.dllMindscape(c) 1995 Animation Library
  • chkr.dllZone Game DLL - Checkers
  • jcap.dllJasc Screen Capture DLL
  • jmem.dllJasc Memory Management DLL
  • msde.dllMicrosoft Data Environment
  • poly.dllPolyMesh Object
  • ssus.dllMicrosoft SourceSafe Resource DLL
  • ax_pl.dllAlcohol multi-language resource file
  • bkgnd.dllBackground voices for BrainWave Generator.
  • cdcdr.dllcdcdr
  • dpedt.dllMicrosoft(R) Visual Studio Deployment Editors
  • fmifs.dllFM IFS Utility DLL
  • fname.dllMicrosoft Office 2003 component
  • iso32.dllCeQuadrat 32bit ISO 9660/Joliet formatter
  • it_it.dlleMule Language DLL
  • msyuv.dllMicrosoft UYVY Video Decompressor
  • pncrt.dllReal Networks C/C++ Runtime Library
  • reres.dllEngine
  • sspng.dllSSPng
  • tjupg.dllISDN Upgrade DLL for Windows NT 2000
  • tln0t.dllTCP/IP Transport layer for debugger
  • vcmui.dll
  • video.dllVideo/Audio PlugIn for IrfanView
  • wzcnf.dllReplication Conflict Viewing and Resolution for Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 and Microsoft Jet 4.0
  • 3dr664.dll3DR Win32s Generic Engine Module
  • adsldp.dllADs LDAP Provider DLL
  • ccfg95.dllDLL-bestand voor Internet-configuratie
  • cdosys.dllMicrosoft CDO for Windows 2000 Library
  • datube.dllVST Effect Plug-In
  • dxmrtp.dllMicrosoft TAPI Audio, Video and RTP Filters
  • kbdtuf.dllTurkish F Keyboard Layout
  • mdiink.dllMicrosoft® Office Document Imaging Ink Library
  • msdart.dllMicrosoft Data Access - OLE DB Runtime Routines
  • nmsckn.dllNMSCKN.DLL
  • pxwave.dllPxWave
  • rastls.dllRemote Access PPP EAP-TLS
  • regsvc.dllRemote Registry Service
  • sangam.dllSangam Core Code
  • sqlstr.dllString Function .DLL for SQL Enterprise Components
  • uninst.dllCustom Uninstall Utility
  • vidtc2.dllMicrosoft (R) Visual Studio Design Time Controls 2
  • vstdll.dllVirtual Studio Technology Engine
  • WKCVQD.dllMicrosoft® Works Word Processor
  • wkssvc.dllWorkstation Service DLL
  • wmasvc.dllAdobe® Audition™ WMA9 Common Interface
  • alpsres.dllALPS Printer Driver for Windows NT(TM) Operating System
  • avgctrl.dllAVG Control Library
  • awiml32.dllIML
  • btpanui.dllBluetooth PAN User Interface
  • cfx2032.dllChart FX® DLL for Windows
  • clssbld.dll
  • cluswmi.dllCluster WMI Provider
  • cnbjdrc.dllCanon BJ Mini Printer Driver Resource
  • confmsp.dllMicrosoft IP Conferencing Media Service Provider
  • crabout.dllcrabout
  • ctwdm32.dllCreative WDM Driver
  • deco_32.dll32-bit Decompressor Library
  • deskmon.dllAdvanced display monitor properties
  • eulachk.dllMicrosoft EULAChk Module
  • filefpx.dllFILEFPX DLL
  • flanger.dllFlanger
  • formats.dllAdditional file formats for IrfanView
  • hpsjusd.dllHpsjusd
  • hrtzres.dllFichier de donnйes de
  • httpmib.dllHTTP Server SNMP Agent
  • icenter.dllMiniCenter DLL
  • jalcomm.dllJALCOMM DLL
  • kbdarmw.dllWestern Armenian Keyboard Layout
  • kjabber.dllObsluga sieci Jabber
  • magneto.dllMagneto
  • mfsrvss.dllIMA MFServer SS
  • mgmtapi.dllMicrosoft SNMP Manager API (uses WinSNMP)
  • msadomd.dllMicrosoft Data Access - ActiveX Data Objects (Multi-Dimensional)
  • msointl.dllMicrosoft Office XP component
  • mstscax.dllTerminal Services ActiveX Client
  • mwnidaq.dllNI-DAQ adaptor for MATLAB Data Acquisition Toolbox.
  • nwcalls.dll
  • patcher.dllPatcher
  • pdf2img.dllAdobe Photoshop Album 2.0 Starter Edition component
  • plusvis.dllPlus! 3-D Visualizations
  • ramdisk.dllPalm OS® Simulation Component
  • rfutils.dll
  • sqlvdir.dllIIS Virtual Directory Management for SQL Server
  • ss32d25.dllFarPoint Spreadsheet Control
  • tremolo.dlltremolo (EPP20 DLL)
  • wifeman.dllWindows WIFE interface core component
  • wkcalac.dllMicrosoft® Works Calendar AppControl
  • wpwin11.dllWordPerfect(R) 11
  • acgenral.dllWindows 2000 Shim Accessory DLL
  • adsiedit.dllADSI Edit
  • aefilter.dll
  • atiyuv12.dll
  • bandtest.dllBandTest
  • cnbjmon2.dllLangage Monitor for Canon Bubble-Jet Printer
  • ctmasetp.dllRocketPort RocketModem RocketModemII RocketModem i(TM) Series Async Adapters for the Microsoft® Windows(TM) Operating System