only childs là gì - Nghĩa của từ only childs

only childs có nghĩa là

a person who has no brothers or sisters.

has its pro's and con's, you usually can mamange to get whatever you want, you don't have to deal with any annoying little brats or other siblings who irk you, but most of the time, it's lonely.


jenny has no brothers or sisters, she's an only child.

only childs có nghĩa là

A terrible disease that typically effects only-children, but can occasionally strike people with siblings. It may also effect children whose parents divorce.
Symptoms include: playing mind games with members of the opposite sex, a cripling desire for instant gratification, the inability to compromise or share, and a total disregard for anyones thoughts or feelings but their own.


Example 1: Man, that girl is such a bitch- she wouldn't even spare a square! She has the worst case of only child syndrome I've ever seen!

Example 2: My boss has the worst case of only child syndrome ever! Every time I do something good he finds a way to slam me down just so he can feel better about himself.

only childs có nghĩa là

the Only Child is a clever species which mimics the Regular Human. Indistinguishable by simply looking at them, you must get to know an Only Child to know that they are, in fact, an Only Child. As a species they tend to appreciate being alone more so than the Regular Human, and more often like quiet thinking time and don't mind hanging out by themselves. At a young age, all Only Children tend to go through an elongated "brattiness" phase, which tends to be more extreme than that of a Regular Human child. Depending on the parents, the Only Child may eventually grow out of this phase, and surrounded by Regular Human friends, can blend in perfectly. The Only Child has been observed to experience loneliness quite often, and usually feels that this loneliness can be filled best by a relationship, and extreme cases the longing for a relationship can be more important than maintaining the type of friendship observed in the species "Regular Human". However, it is indeed common for an Only Child to fall harder and faster when it comes to relationships, and tend to experience emotions more intensely. If an Only Child has trouble finding an acceptable relationship, they may become uncomfortably hormonal. For example, it is possible that a female only child could even have as many hormones as a 17-year-old male. Which is a fuckton load. Only Children also love Pokemon, especially Wooper.


1. Bro 1: If I ever have kids, I'm def gonna have more than one. I don't want to have to raise a bratty, over-hormonal only child. 2. She must have gotten through her annoying only child phase, because we've been friends for years and I just assumed she had siblings. 3. Duder 1: Man, that bitch is such an only child. When I asked her to fuck she got all emotional and now she's telling people we're dating. WTAF.

only childs có nghĩa là

Someone who has no siblings. Some upsides are getting what you want, having some friends that are only children, no being irked, and having higher goals. Downsides are lashing anger on kids who have siblings, and can end up being a jerk. Sometimes it leads to having an inflated ego.


Friend 1: How's your sister?
Friend 2: Pretty good. She's playing soccer.
Only child: I'm frickin' tired about my brother that, and my sister this! Screw all of you! *walks away*
Friend 1: God, what a jerk.
Friend 2: I know.

only childs có nghĩa là

The lonely bitch out here


Are you an only child?
You must be lonely as hell

only childs có nghĩa là

Most commonly affects teenage guys. Only Child Syndrome is a terrifying disease to those who approach the infected. It most commonly infects only children, but in some rare cases people with siblings have been known to have the disease. Symptoms are selfishness, inability to comprehend other people’s feelings, and overall brat-like behaviour. If rejected in any way, for example, a breakup, those who are affected by Only Child Syndrome will most likely isolate themselves in an attempt for attention. Do not, under any condition, pander to these pathetic cries for attention. It’s all for a bit of drama.


Person 1: Mate, Alex told me that I would let him have my phone if I truly loved him!! How lame is that? Person 2: Ignore him, it’s Only Child Syndrome.

only childs có nghĩa là

A person who was an only child growing up. They are typically very independent, hard working, and dedicated. But they must get there way, otherwise a temper tantrum will be had.


Alex works 60 hours a week. Alex has never missed a day of work. Alex didn't get what she wanted for lunch today and she started crying. Alex is a typical only child.

only childs có nghĩa là

When someone is extremely spoiled or is a huge bitch as a result of being an only child.


Why is that kid such an ass?
Oh he is always like that. It is the only child effect.

only childs có nghĩa là

A person who has similar symptoms to that of an Only Child but is not necessarily an only child. Generally they are quiet, sensible and mature for their age, serious, kind, shy and slightly awkward, and don't get bored easily. This condition typically onsets in adolescence. It is difficult to imagine an only-child type living and interacting with a sibling, even if they do actually have a sibling.


1. "No way, dude, Emily has a sister? She's such an only-child type though!"
2. "Yeah, I knew you didn't have any siblings, you're an only-child type."

only childs có nghĩa là

A group of people that are a only child in their family


Hey look at those only childs all comparing how they grew up alone