Which Battle of the Civil War was considered the turning point?

The Civil War is the decisive turning point in American history. A nation divided against itself before—half enslaved, half free—was reunited. Experience the Civil War through the eyes of soldiers and civilians. Learn about their harrowing stories through photographs, dioramas, videos, and over 1,500 original Union and Confederate artifacts.

Importantly, the Atlanta Campaign of 1864 was the turning point in the Civil War. Atlanta was a critical city in the South – transportation hub, industrial center, and warehouse for food, ammunition, supplies, uniforms, and other military material crucial to Confederate Armies. The battles for Atlanta and the surrender of the city to General William T. Sherman assured the re-election of President Abraham Lincoln and ultimately secured freedom for 4 million enslaved people.

One of the nation’s largest Civil War exhibitions, Turning Point: The American Civil War tells the national story of the war from beginning to end. Through original artifacts, including cannons, uniforms, swords, and other materials, visitors can better understand Civil War life. Between the horrors of battle—including medical procedures for the wounded and maimed—the life of the soldier was often tedious, waiting on fighting and facing the very real threat of death.

March Through the Past

Beyond battles and leaders and military campaigns, the homefront, too, was precarious for women, children, and others who faced hardships and the loss of loved ones in war.

Rope tension drum made by William Beal, Lowell, Mass. (ca. 1860)

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The exhibition details the ins and outs of being a soldier on the front lines.

37 Weeks: Sherman on the March

For 37 weeks in 1864, U.S. General William T. Sherman made Georgia his battleground. It was the most decisive campaign of the Civil War. In 2014, Atlanta History Center and Georgia Public Broadcasting partnered to produce this Emmy Award-winning, 37-part documentary. Each of the 90 second segments uses personal stories to bring to life what was happening that same week 150 years earlier.

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When Georgia Howled: Sherman on the March

In 1864, the future of freedom and of the United States depended mainly on one man. U.S. General William T. Sherman vowed to break the will of the Confederacy by smashing its last bastions in Georgia: “I can make the march and make Georgia howl!”

In 2015, Atlanta History Center and Georgia Public Broadcasting produced this Emmy Award-winning, gripping one-hour documentary to tell the story of how Sherman did it and what it means to us today.

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The DuBose Gallery is made possible by a gift from Mrs. Beverly M. DuBose Jr. The exhibition is also sponsored by Mr. and Mrs. W. Barrett Howell and Wachovia Bank of Georgia. Exhibition installation supported by Balentine & Company.

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    Railroads built and created Atlanta, and the restored locomotive Texas and Zero Mile Post tell Atlanta’s origin story like no others.

    Abstract: The Battle of Antietam was the single bloodiest day of the American Civil War and is considered one of the major turning points of the war. This battle was the first of two attempts by Robert E. Lee to go on the offensive and take the war onto northern soil and into the Union. This battle, while the fighting lasted only one day, resulted in the loss of life of thousands of soldiers both for the North and the South. There is some controversy over who won the battle and which side the battle helped by advancing their campaigns. The battle was a draw on both sides, but tactically was a loss for the South. The battle took place in three stages, which were affected by the geology of the battlefield. The weaponry of the South played an important role in the Battle of Antietam. The North was able to use the victory to raise morale, keep the South from gaining diplomatic recognition, and emancipate the slaves in the rebel states. While the Emancipation was generally thought of as a positive result of the battle in the North, there were negative reactions to Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation both within the United States and abroad. This battle also provided Lincoln the political cover he needed to make changes in the leadership of his army. The Battle of Antietam, the single bloodiest day of the Civil War, was a victory for the North, which allowed them to pursue actions that eventually lead to the conclusion of the war.

    Additional Information

    PublicationThesisLanguage: EnglishDate: 2014KeywordsEmancipation, American Civil War, September 17, 1862, Antietam