Which task would be appropriate for the nurse to assign to an unlicensed assistive personnel UAP )? Quizlet?

A patient asks, "What does it mean that my infection is caused by gram-negative bacteria? Is that bad?" The nurse most appropriately replies:
1) "In the laboratory, bacteria are treated with a stain called a Gram stain. How much of the stain the bacteria absorb indicates what kind of cell wall they have. Gram-negative bacteria pick up relatively little of the stain, and they are treated with different antibiotics than are gram-positive bacteria."2) "In the laboratory, bacteria are treated with a stain called a Gram stain. Gram-negative bacteria do not react to the stain, meaning that they are more resistant to antibiotics and therefore harder to treat than are gram-positive bacteria."3) "Most bacteria are shaped like a ball, a rod, or a spiral. However, a gram-negative bacterium lacks an organized shape, and its behavior is correspondingly less predictable. It may not respond to the first antibiotic your doctor prescribes."4) "The term gram-negative refers to whether the bacteria's cell wall allows a Gram stain to penetrate. If bacteria are gram-negative, they have relatively thin cell walls and are therefore easy to treat with antibiotics."

When planning care to avoid health-care-associated infections (HAI), the nurse is particularly aware of which of the following microorganisms? Select all that apply.1) Escherichia coli 0157:H7, which causes hemolytic uremic syndrome, characterized by bloody diarrhea and kidney failure2) Clostridium difficile, which causes the severe diarrhea pseudomembranous enterocolitis3) Escherichia coli, part of the normal flora and fauna of the colon4) Staphylococcus aureus, a cause of osteomyelitis, methicillin-resistant S. aureus, and toxic shock syndrome5) Entamoeba histolytica, the cause of amoebic dysentery, which presents with bloody diarrhea and can create abscesses in the liver, lungs, and brain

A 68-year-old client with multiple sclerosis, 2 days postoperative open cholecystectomy with recurrent mucous plugs, who is scheduled for a bronchoscopy this morning

To prepare a client for a bronchoscopy, the nurse must be able to perform basic assessment skills, such as assessing vital signs, lung sounds, ability to swallow, and gag reflex; maintain nothing-by-mouth status; prepare a checklist before the procedure; and monitor for respiratory difficulty after the procedure. Because these are skills a graduate nurse possesses, this is an appropriate assignment.
(Option 1) Initiating a heparin infusion according to institution protocol involves collecting baseline serum specimens (eg, partial thromboplastin time [aPTT], International Normalized Ratio [INR], prothrombin time, platelets, hemoglobin, hematocrit), calculating weight-based dosages, (eg, bolus dose, infusion rate in units/hr), and calculating intravenous infusion pump hourly rate. Serum aPTT and INR levels are monitored every 6 hours or according to protocol. Frequent changes in rate or dose based on these levels may be necessary to maintain a therapeutic level of heparin. For these reasons, this is not an appropriate assignment for a new graduate nurse.
(Option 2) A client with newly diagnosed cancer who is refusing radical surgery that will result in the loss of speech and inability to communicate normally is demonstrating fear and anxiety. This client needs preoperative teaching about the surgical procedure, what to expect immediately after surgery, methods for speech restoration, and general preoperative teaching (eg, deep breathing, suctioning, pain management). Emotional support, education, and advanced therapeutic communication skills are necessary to help allay fear and anxiety. For these reasons, this is not an appropriate assignment for a new graduate nurse.
(Option 4) The elderly client with new-onset confusion is at risk for developing hospital-induced delirium related to advanced age, surgery, hypoxia, fluid and electrolyte disturbances, immobility, pain, and/or drugs. The nurse must perform neurological assessments to determine the cause and intervene appropriately. For these reasons, it is not an appropriate assignment for a new graduate nurse.
Educational objective:When assigning clients to the appropriate staff member, the RN must consider the individual client needs and the skills of the staff member. The more experienced RN is assigned to the client with the more complex physiologic and psychologic needs, who requires a more advanced level of nursing skill. The new graduate nurse is assigned to the client with less complex needs, who requires basic nursing skills, such as measurement of vital signs and basic physical assessment.

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Which tasks would the nurse assign to unlicensed assistive personnel UAP?

Routine tasks, such as taking vital signs, supervising ambulation, bed making, assisting with hygiene, and activities of daily living, can be delegated to an experienced UAP.

Which role would the unlicensed assistive personnel UAP?

The Role of UAP UAP are trained to aid nurses in patient care situations. They work under nursing professionals, who delegate and supervise this level of aid. UAP typically works in assisted living facilities, nursing homes, schools, and rehabilitation facilities.

Which task is most appropriate for the nurse to delegate to the unlicensed assistive personnel UAP )? *?

Which task is most appropriate for the nurse to delegate to the unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP)? 1. Tell the UAP to check the amount, color, and consistency of the client's urine output.

What can a nurse delegate to a UAP quizlet?

Explanation: A) The nurses would delegate to the UAP tasks such as taking and recording vital signs and weights to ensure that all clients receive appropriate care. UAPs are not assigned care, they are delegated tasks, and nurses should never delegate the task of care of invasive lines to the UAP.

What tasks can a UAP perform?

The responsibilities and duties of a UAP include: Observing, documenting and reporting clinical and treatment information, including patients' behavioral changes. Assisting with motion exercises and other rehabilitative measures. Taking and recording blood pressure, temperature, pulse, respiration, and body weight.

What is the role of an unlicensed assistive personnel?

According to the American Nurses Association (ANA), the term “unlicensed assistive personnel” (UAP) applies to an unlicensed individual who is trained to function in an assistive role to the licensed nurse in providing patient/client activities as delegated by the nurse.