Bài tập toán bằn tiếng anh lop 4 năm 2024

Tổng hợp 1 số Đề thi Violympic Toán Tiếng Anh lớp 4 ĐỀ 1: Bài 1: Fill in the blank with the suitable number Question 1: How many hours are there in 4 days? Question 2: Calculate: 672g – 276g = ........... g. Question 3: How many years are in 3 century? Question 4: There are ................ days in May. Question 5: Emily write down how many kilometers she walked each day. How many kilometers did she walk on Sunday? Question 6: 765 + … = 459 + 541 The missing number is .......... Question 7: Write forty-six thousand and fifty using digits. Bài 2: Cóc vàng tài ba: Choose the most suitable answer in 4 available answers. Question 1: 1/4 century = ........... years. The missing number is .............. A. 20 B. 30 C. 25 Question 2: What time does the clock shown? D. 15 A. 6: 20 B. 4: 06 C. 4: 30 D. 6: 25 C. 217 D. 227 Question 3: Find x such that x + 215 = 432 A. 657 B. 647 Question 4: 5kg = ........... g. The missing number is ............... A. 5000 B. 50 C. 50000 D. 500 Question 5: A. 75 B. 79 C. 77 D. 76 Question 6: 5250g + 1750g = ............kg. The missing number is .............. A. 7 B. 100 C. 70 D. 10 Question 7: If m = 7 then 2000 x 3 + 2000 x m = .......... A. 9000 B. 20000 C. 2000 D. 20000 Question 8: The average of 75 and M is 82. The value of M is ............ A. 89 B. 86 C. 85 D. 79 Question 9: Today is September 2nd, four days ago is ............ A. August 28th Question 10: B. August 30th C. August 29th D. August 27th A. 6 B. 3 D. 5 C. 4 ĐÁP ÁN Bài 1: Fill in the blank with the suitable number Question 1: 96 Question 2: 396 Question 3: 300 Question 5: 8 Question 6: 235 Question 7: 46050 Question 4: 31 Bài 2: Cóc vàng tài ba: Choose the most suitable answer in 4 available answers. Question 1: C Question 2: C Question 3: C Question 5: C Question 6: A Question 7: B Question 8: A Question 9: C Question 10: D Question 4: A Đề 2 Exam number 1: Fill in the blank with the suitable number. Question 1: How many days are there in September? Answer: There are .............. days. Question 2: Find x such that x : 5 = 1537 Answer: x = .......... Question 3: Mary learns fifteen new words per day. How many new words does she learn for seven days? Answer: ......... days. Question 4: The area of the following rectangle is ............ cm2. Question 5: The perimeter of the following square is .................cm. Question 6: Calculate: (12639 + 21034) x 2 = ........... Question 7: Bella goes to the zoo. She makes a table of the number of animals at the zoo. (see the table below) How many monkeys and birds are there? Answer: ........... Question 8: Calculate: 9876 : 6 x 6 = .......... Question 9: How many right angles are there? Answer: There are ............ right angles. Question 10: There are 48 strawberries in 6 bags. How many strawberries are there in 9 bags? Answer: There are ............. strawberries in 9 bags. Exam number 2: Choose the most suitable answer in 4 available answers. Question 1: Calculate: 6723 - 2195 = .........  A. 4258  B. 4285  C. 4528  D. 4582 Question 2: Emma is 14 years old. Her sister's age is 11 years more than her age. How old is Emma's sister? Answer: Emma's sister is ............. years old.  A. 25  B. 23  C. 13  D. 15 Question 3: What time does the clock show?  A. 2 : 50  B. 2 : 10  C. 10 : 20  D. 10 : 10 Question 4: Mary goes swimming in the morning. What time can she go swimming?  A. 10:00 a.m  B. 16:00  C. 6:00 p.m  D. 14:00 Question 5: Which number can replace the question mark? 400 x ? + 800 = 2000  A. 3  B. 6  C. 30  D. 60 Question 6: Find the value of x such that x + 1606 = 2357. Answer: x = .........  A. 751  B. 715  C. 716  D. 761 Question 7: Today is Thursday, December 17. Which day of the week is the day before yesterday?  A. Wednesday  B. Tuesday  C. Friday  D. Saturday Question 8: Two numbers have the product of 9315. If the product is five times as same as the greater number. The smaller number is ..........  A. 1863  B. 4  C. 1763  D. 5 ĐÁP ÁN Exam number 1: Fill in the blank with the suitable number. Question 1: How many days are there in September? Answer: There are .............. days.  30 Question 2: Find x such that x : 5 = 1537 Answer: x = ..........  7685 Question 3: Mary learns fifteen new words per day. How many new words does she learn for seven days? Answer: ......... days.  105 Question 4: The area of the following rectangle is ............ cm2.  135 Question 5: The perimeter of the following square is .................cm.  492 Question 6: Calculate: (12639 + 21034) x 2 = ...........  67346 Question 7: Bella goes to the zoo. She makes a table of the number of animals at the zoo. (see the table below) How many monkeys and birds are there? Answer: ...........  539 Question 8: Calculate: 9876 : 6 x 6 = ..........  9876 Question 9: How many right angles are there? Answer: There are ............ right angles.  5 Question 10: There are 48 strawberries in 6 bags. How many strawberries are there in 9 bags? Answer: There are ............. strawberries in 9 bags.  72 Exam number 2: Choose the most suitable answer in 4 available answers. Question 1: Calculate: 6723 - 2195 = .........  C. 4528 Question 2: Emma is 14 years old. Her sister's age is 11 years more than her age. How old is Emma's sister? Answer: Emma's sister is ............. years old.  A. 25 Question 3: What time does the clock show?  D. 10 : 10 Question 4: Mary goes swimming in the morning. What time can she go swimming?  A. 10:00 a.m Question 5: Which number can replace the question mark? 400 x ? + 800 = 2000  A. 3 Question 6: Find the value of x such that x + 1606 = 2357. Answer: x = .........  A. 751 Question 7: Today is Thursday, December 17. Which day of the week is the day before yesterday?  B. Tuesday Question 8: Two numbers have the product of 9315. If the product is five times as same as the greater number. The smaller number is ..........  A. 1863 ĐỀ 3 1) 36 The average of 46; 25 and 37 2) ¼ century = … a) 15 years. is …. a) 38 b) 31 c) 35 d) The missing number is … b) 20 c) 30 d) 25 3) What time does the clock shown? a) 6: 20 b) 6: 25 4) 5 kg = … g. a) 50 c) 4: 30 d) 4: 06 The missing number is … b) 5000 c) 500 d) 50000 5) In his English class, Harry has 5 tests. His scores is shown in the table below. Test 1: 78; a) 75 test 2: 67; b) 77 test 3: 79; test 4: 86; c) 79 test 5: 75 d) 76\ 6) Bella earns $40 per day. She will earn $... in 5 days. a) 150 b) 200 c) 100 d) 45 7) The average of two number is 13. One of these number is the least 2-digit number. The smaller number is … a) 26 b) 16 c) 3 d) 10 8) The average of 75 and M is 82. The value of M is … a) 79 b) 89 c) 86 d) 85 9) 36 minutes 23 seconds + … = 45 minutes 15 seconds. What time can fill in the blank? 10) a) 9 minutes 8 seconds b) 8 minutes 8 seconds c) 8 minutes 52 seconds d) 9 minutes 52 seconds Today is September 2nd. Four days ago is … a) August 27th b) August 28th c) August 30th ĐỀ 4 Exam number 1: Fill in the blank with the suitable sign (>, <, =) Question 1: 4567/6789 ............ 3456/5678 d) August 29th Fill in the blank with the suitable number: Question 2: Professor Ngo Bao Chau was born in 1972. He was born in the .......... th century. Question 3: 1818/2727 of 2376 is ........... Question 4: Find x such that: x + 17 x 12 = 216 Answer: x = ........... Question 5: Three oranges are weighted in pairs and these weights are 400; 412; and 424 gram. What is the weight of the lightest orange? Answer: The weight of the lightest orange is .......... gram. Question 6: The area of a rectangle increased by 57cm2 when each side increases by 3cm. The perimeter of the origial rectangle is ............. cm. Question 7: How many 4 - digit numbers can you make by using only 0 and 1? Answer: There are ......... numbers. Question 8: Some men meet at a conference. Each man shakes hands with each other exactly once. If there are 4950 handshakes in total then the number of men is .............. Question 9: In the equation: N x U x (M + B + E + R) = 33, six letters are 6 distinct digits from 0 to 9. What is the greatest possible value of the number NUMBER? Answer: ............. Question 10: The sum of the digits of all 2-digit numbers is ............. Exam number 2: Choose the most suitable answer in 4 available answers. (Cóc vàng tài ba) Question 1: Which of the following numbers can represent the question mark?  a. 48  b. 45  c. 54  d. 36 Question 2: Which of the following numbers is divisible by 6?  a. 33332  b. 25760  c. 42378  d. 12357 Question 3: Which of the following is the number 2,003,047?  a. Two million, three thousand, fourty seven  b. Two million, thirty thousand, four seven  c. Two million, three thousand, four seven  d. Two million, thirty thousand, fourty seven Question 4: Find the value of The value of A is ..........  a. 1007  b. 4006/2015  c. 2015  d. 4002/2015 Question 5: Jonn uses 1/3 of his land for growing apples, 1/4 for oranges, 1/5 for bananas and the remaining 13 hectares for flowers. The total area of his land is ............ hectares.  a. 60  b. 70  c. 50  d. 80 Question 6: Find the value of B = 2016 x 20152015 - 2015 x 20162015 Answer: The value of B is .........  a. 2015  b. 2016  c. 20152016  d. 20162015 Question 7: The product of 2 natural numbers is 2015. Find the smallest possible sum of these two numbers? Answer: The smallest possible sum of these numbers is ...............  a. 96  b. 65  c. 408  d. 2016 Question 8: Peter, Bob and Jack do a work. If they work in pairs: Peter and Bob can complete it in 12 hours; Bob and Jack can complete it in 10 hours; Jack and Peter can complete it in 15 hours. Peter needs ........ hours to complete this work by himself.  a. 18  b. 40  c. 24  c. 42 Question 9: One chain with 3 links is 14cm long. Another chain made from 5 links of the same type is 22cm long. How long is a chain with 40 such links? Answer: A chain with 40 such links is ............  a. 162cm long  b. 158cm long  c. 160cm long  d. 155cm long Question 10: Find the missing number x in the following number sequence: 2 9 18 25 x 57 114 121 Answer: x is ..........  a. 32  b. 34  c. 50  d. 45 Exam number 3: Vượt chướng ngại vật Question 1: Fill in the blank with the correct number 35km + 700cm = ......... m Question 2: 765 - ........ = 123 x 2 + 276 The correct number filled in the blank is ........... Question 3: How many triangles in the following figure? Answer: There are ................ triangles. Question 4: Find the value of digit x if 2006 < 20x5 < 2041 and 20x5 is divisible by 3? Answer: The value of x is ................ Question 5: Find the greatest natural number m such that: Answer: m = ............ ĐÁP ÁN Question 1: 4567/6789 ............ 3456/5678  > Fill in the blank with the suitable number: Question 2: Professor Ngo Bao Chau was born in 1972. He was born in the .......... th century.  20 Question 3: 1818/2727 of 2376 is ...........  1584 Question 4: Find x such that: x + 17 x 12 = 216 Answer: x = ...........  12 Question 5: Three oranges are weighted in pairs and these weights are 400; 412; and 424 gram. What is the weight of the lightest orange? Answer: The weight of the lightest orange is .......... gram.  194 Ba quả cam được cân theo cặp và cân nặng cân được là: 400; 412 và 424g. Hỏi cân nặng của quả cam nhẹ nhất là bao nhiêu? Question 6: The area of a rectangle increased by 57cm2 when each side increases by 3cm. The perimeter of the origial rectangle is ............. cm.  32 Diện tích của một hình chữ nhật tăng thêm 57cm2 khi mỗi cạnh tăng thêm 3cm. Chu vi của hình chữ nhật gốc là: .................cm. Question 7: How many 4 - digit numbers can you make by using only 0 and 1? Answer: There are ......... numbers.  8 Có bao nhiêu số có 4 chữ số được tạo thành từ 0 và 1? Question 8: Some men meet at a conference. Each man shakes hands with each other exactly once. If there are 4950 handshakes in total then the number of men is ..............  100 Question 9: In the equation: N x U x (M + B + E + R) = 33, six letters are 6 distinct digits from 0 to 9. What is the greatest possible value of the number NUMBER? Answer: .............  315420 Trong phép tính: N x U x (M + B + E + R) = 33, 6 chữ cái là 6 chữ số riêng biệt từ 0 đến 9. Hỏi giá trị số lớn nhất có thể của chữ NUMBER là bao nhiêu? Question 10: The sum of the digits of all 2-digit numbers is .............  855 Tổng các chữ số của tất cả các số có 2 chữ số là: ......... Exam number 2: Choose the most suitable answer in 4 available answers. (Cóc vàng tài ba) Question 1: Which of the following numbers can represent the question mark?  a. 48 Question 2: Which of the following numbers is divisible by 6?  c. 42378 Question 3: Which of the following is the number 2,003,047?  a. Two million, three thousand, fourty seven Question 4: Find the value of The value of A is ..........  a. 1007 Question 5: Jonn uses 1/3 of his land for growing apples, 1/4 for oranges, 1/5 for bananas and the remaining 13 hectares for flowers. The total area of his land is ............ hectares.  a. 60 Question 6: Find the value of B = 2016 x 20152015 - 2015 x 20162015 Answer: The value of B is .........  a. 2015 Question 7: The product of 2 natural numbers is 2015. Find the smallest possible sum of these two numbers? Answer: The smallest possible sum of these numbers is ...............  a. 96 Question 8: Peter, Bob and Jack do a work. If they work in pairs: Peter and Bob can complete it in 12 hours; Bob and Jack can complete it in 10 hours; Jack and Peter can complete it in 15 hours. Peter needs ........ hours to complete this work by himself.  b. 40 Peter, Bob và Jack cùng làm một công việc. Nếu họ làm theo cặp: Peter và Bob có thể hoàn thành nó trong vòng 12 giờ; Bob và Jack có thể hoàn thành trong 10 giờ; Jack và Peter có thể hoàn thành trong 15 giờ. Peter cần ......... giờ để một mình hoàn thành công việc này. Question 9: One chain with 3 links is 14cm long. Another chain made from 5 links of the same type is 22cm long. How long is a chain with 40 such links? Answer: A chain with 40 such links is ............  a. 162cm long Question 10: Find the missing number x in the following number sequence: 2 9 18 25 x 57 114 121 Answer: x is ..........  c. 50 Exam number 3: Vượt chướng ngại vật Question 1: Fill in the blank with the correct number 35km + 700cm = ......... m  35007 Question 2: 765 - ........ = 123 x 2 + 276 The correct number filled in the blank is ...........  243 Question 3: How many triangles in the following figure? Answer: There are ................ triangles.  15 Question 4: Find the value of digit x if 2006 < 20x5 < 2041 and 20x5 is divisible by 3? Answer: The value of x is ................  2 Question 5: Find the greatest natural number m such that: Answer: m = ............  6 ĐỀ 5 Exam number 1: Choose the most suitable answer in 4 available answers. Question 1: The value of expression: a. 1008 b. 4007/2016 is .................. c. 504 Question 2: The area of the following rhomus is ............ d. 2017/2016