Blue is the warmest color review

Anchored by two of the most natural, committed performances you’ll ever see, Blue Is The Warmest Colour is the most moving love story of the year.

One of the best movies I've ever seen in my life. A movie where you cry together, where you feel what they feel. Tthe landscape is wonderful and the soundtrack too. Léa Seydpux and Adele Exarchopoulos are wonderful actresses! Definitely a movie worthy of oscar. The only thing that spoils is the way it was done and the director.

I was planning on seeing this movie and got really interested and I was planning on watching it on my own cause it's a **** lesbian romantic drama in foreign language as in French. This is not the first time I've ever seen a foreign film and it's not the first time I've seen an NC-17 rated film considering that it has a lot of sex which are very realistic. Adèle played by who else, Adèle Exarchopoulos, is interested in falling in love with the collage boy but then finds herself with a blue-haired woman called Emma played by Léa Seydoux. So those two fall in love, go to the **** bar and have sex. So the whole movie is in French and good thing it has subtitles just so I can know what they're saying otherwise I'll get confused and won't know was going on, so I'll have to look at the subtitles while watching and all is done. Considering the fact that it's three hours long, it is completely worth it. The story is really well written, the actors and actresses who are from France have acted fantastically including Léa Seydoux and Adèle Exarchopoulos who have great chemistry on screen. And blue is my favourite colour and it is the warmest color. I have never seen in independent film with foreign language is as fantastic as I've ever seen. I gotta say my mum had no idea. I told her that people have to learn different language someday and she says that how can I order a coffee in different language. People! What do you do with them? Blue Is the Warmest Color is an impeccable drama foreign film that I've enjoyed in my point of view.

Less concerned with classic storytelling than with creating virtual performance pieces on screen, the film features dozens of extended sequences of Adele and Emma both in and out of bed—scenes that are virtuously acted and directed, even if they run on for longer than most filmmakers would allow.

A beautiful, wise, erotic, devastating love story, this tale of a young lesbian couple’s beginning, middle and possible end utilizes its running time to give us a full sense of two individuals growing together and apart over the course of years. It hurts like real life, yet leaves you enraptured by its power.

Watching Blue is the Warmest Color provides viewers with that rarest of motion picture opportunities: the ability to lose oneself in the life of another for three hours and to emerge having felt something.

If you don’t really understand women — or don’t even want to — it’s easier to just call them a mystery and let it go at that. For all the close-ups, that may be why Blue Is the Warmest Color never gets close enough.

Kechiche's doting on entwined limbs, thrusting pelvises and oral stimulation, all carefully posed and continued longer than necessary to get his point across, races beyond titillation to creepy voyeurism.

Absolutely amazing movie. This brings back memories of young love. Adele is breathtakingly beautiful in this movie. The emotion is raw and her innocence is real.

"Blue Is The Warmest Color" 10 Scale Rating: 6.5 (Decent) ... The Good: The film is brave and has no problem showing the dark and ugly side of some relationships. Realistic almost to a fault with extremely good performances from the two leads. Exceptional dialogue that enhance some very powerful moments. The Bad: At just over three hours, the film is just way WAY too long. It isn't as if all that time was filled with relevant scenes either. Far too often, a drawn out scene would pop up that would be a basic conversation between two or more characters. These scenes did nothing to build the characters or add to the story itself. It almost felt like the director wanted to intentionally hit the three hour mark.

Good story, good acting, but not really well-structured, in my opinion. A bit overlong (and I usually like films to be over 2 and a half hours) and the craving for "realistic-ness" just too pushed, which resulted in the film not being really realistic after all. This results in a compelling but slightly average watch. I just want to point out that the explicit scenes didn't bother me at all, in fact, the first two or three were almost necessary. Besides, they seem to be a common feature in French film. The one thing that bothered me, though, was the pseudo-intellectual dialogues between the characters, as if the screenwriter wanted us, the viewers, to learn something about philosophy too - a bit offensive and, again, pushed.

BAD PORN gone glorified porn. Complete waste of three hours, the plot is non-existent. No character development or real drama. Just a girl-meets-girl history with lots of ASS showing. The only reason to watch this movie is to see the gorgeous Adele. But do we need to **** for three hours straight? No!

The 3 is for the gorgeous cinematography. The minus 7 is for the boredom of three hours of a teenage girl's confusion, naivete, tears and snot. Carry some tissues if you are in tears with a runny nose half your life. Here's the critic with whom I agree: Steve Persall Nov 7, 2013 "Kechiche's doting on entwined limbs, thrusting pelvises and oral stimulation, all carefully posed and continued longer than necessary to get his point across, races beyond titillation to creepy voyeurism". Tampa Bay Times. This might have been edited to an hour and a half, maintained the strong parts, and allowed the audience to leave not thinking they all needed showers (not cold, just cleansing). Another "Tree of Life" experience. Where are the "the emperor is wearing no clothes" critics? Hmmm. .

Production Company Quat'sous Films, Wild Bunch, France 2 Cinéma, Scope Pictures, Vértigo Films, Radio Télévision Belge Francophone (RTBF), Canal+, Ciné+, France 2 (FR2), Eurimages, Région Nord-Pas-de-Calais, Centre national du cinéma et de l'image animée (CNC), Pictanovo, France Télévisions, Tax Shelter du Gouvernement Fédéral Belge, Centre du Cinéma et de l'Audiovisuel de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles

What is the criticism of Blue Is the Warmest Color?

Their extreme length, leering camera and ignorance of the mechanics of sex have made them maybe the textbook example of the male gaze; they are a total fantasy shot with the tropes of realism. Kechiche's style is just a thin veil obscuring his desires from the audience and from himself.

Is Blue is the Warmest Colour a good movie?

This is a good movie. I liked very much the way in which it describes the birth, maturity and end of a love interest among two young and attractive humans. The scenes in the park and the interplay of sentiments and nuances between the two lovers are very emotional and engaging.

Does Blue is the Warmest Colour have a sad ending?

Sometimes we distance ourselves from the people we're with in youth and sometimes we grow together and stay side by side. Emma and Clementine return to each other until the very end. You may already know that Blue is the Warmest Color has a sad ending. You may also already know that it's sexually explicit.

How old was the girl in Blue Is the Warmest Color?

Adèle is an introverted 15-year-old high-school student. She passes an older woman with short blue hair in the streets one day and is instantly attracted. She sleeps with Thomas, a boy from school, but is ultimately dissatisfied and ends their relationship.