Guilty conscience là gì

Much of the blame rests with the government, which has confused people with conflicting health messagesXem thêm kết quả »

 the guilty party

the person who has done something wrong or who has committed a crime

Các từ đồng nghĩa


crook (CRIMINAL) informal



felon specialized

malefactor formal




villain UK informal

wrongdoer formal

Thêm các ví dụ
  • The tobacco companies may be guilty of contempt of court for refusing to produce the documents.
  • Without corroboration from forensic tests, it will be difficult to prove that the suspect is guilty.
  • He was found guilty of defrauding the Internal Revenue Service.
  • If found guilty, he faces six months in jail and a heavy fine.
  • He would be found guilty under a strict interpretation of the law.

SMART Vocabulary: các từ liên quan và các cụm từ


  • answerable
  • blameworthy
  • blood
  • convict
  • convicted
  • conviction
  • culpable
  • guilt
  • guiltiness
  • guilty as charged idiom
  • have (someone's) blood on your hands idiom
  • reconvict
  • reconviction
  • responsible
  • suspect

Bạn cũng có thể tìm các từ liên quan, các cụm từ và từ đồng nghĩa trong các chủ đề này:

Obeying & breaking the law

Các từ liên quan



Thành ngữ

guilty as charged

(Định nghĩa của guilty từ Từ điển & Từ đồng nghĩa Cambridge dành cho Người học Nâng cao © Cambridge University Press)

guilty | Từ điển Anh Mỹ




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If you feel guilty, you feel that you have done something wrong:

I feel so guilty about forgetting your birthday.

Someone who has a guilty conscience is unhappy because of something wrong that the person feels he or she has done.

(Định nghĩa của guilty từ Từ điển Học thuật Cambridge © Cambridge University Press)

Các ví dụ của guilty


Not only did it find them guilty of witchcraft ; it also made the benandanti themselves accept its definition.

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A juror may say he does not believe the defendant is guilty of the crime with which he is charged.

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Why should health professionals be given yet another guilty burden?

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As already mentioned, denouncing a relative or an acquaintance guilty of embezzlement generates shame.

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If she is guilty, so was her tyrant-victim.

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He considers them to be driven by ideology and guilty of wishful thinking.

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If there are no reasons to go on trusting, why isn't the truster at best guilty of merely wishful thinking ?

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In the absence of unparsed feature specifications in the output representations, neither candidate is guilty of an alignment violation.

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The others were found guilty of financial impropriety or negligence causing losses of revenue to the state.

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By the end of this essay, everybody - or nobody - is guilty.

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Although the soldiers were found guilty in this case, it would be another six months before authorities acknowledged any link between the two cases.

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However, our point is not simply to name the guilty parties, but to show how seductive the notion of a single music industry is.

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According to the criminal law, and according to ever yday morality, he is not guilty of a crime.

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He is merely shown mercy, but the act is still prohibited, and he is still guilty.

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Punishing the innocent is always wrong, but it is especially wrong to punish the innocent for the deeds of the guilty.

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