there are no safe spaces là gì - Nghĩa của từ there are no safe spaces

there are no safe spaces có nghĩa là

A special area located with a College/University where groups of easily offended melts meet up to have their asses talcum powdered by staff hired to babysit them.


'That professor told me third wave Feminism is a joke, that shitlord triggered me so hard I'm going to the safe space'

there are no safe spaces có nghĩa là

A place where individuals of an oppressed group can go to find community with other individuals of the same group without feeling the threat of harassment or violence. People who are against the idea of safe spaces often misconstrue them as a place to escape reality, when actually they are places people go to understand the collective reality of oppression and find support. A safe space is not ignorant of hard realities, it's just a place where people can go to exist without fear of harassment based on parts of their identity.


Woman: It seems like women get talked over and have what they say completely disregarded. I want to create a safe space for women to express themselves without being shouted at
Neckbeard, unaware that this statement validates the woman's argument: Shut the fuck up you stupid bitch.

there are no safe spaces có nghĩa là

A term primarily used on college campuses to descibe an area (usually a dorm room) that is safe for a person of any sexual orientation. Safe Space signs are small restangle pieces of cloth that are rainbow colored and have a blue square in the upper left corner with a yellow equal sign in it. The rainbow is used as a symbol of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered rights. The blue square with the yellow equal sign inside it represents equality.


My friend Jane has a Safe space sign on the door of her dorm room because she supports lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered rights.

there are no safe spaces có nghĩa là

A special room on campus where university educated young adults go and behave like children whenever they suffer a severe case of trump-a- meltression


If you are a true nationalist and patriot and don't like Trump, get over it; he won. Do not go to a safe space, run for office in 2020 with your own new and improved political ideas.

there are no safe spaces có nghĩa là

A Safe Space is a place where anyone can relax and be able to fully express, without fear of being made to feel uncomfortable, unwelcome, or unsafe on account of biological sex, race/ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, cultural background, religious affiliation, age, or physical or mental ability.


Wow, I can actually go to a safe space to talk about my controversial views about something without being told that I'm a faggot! Incredible!

there are no safe spaces có nghĩa là

While a "safe space" may give the illusion of some sort of happy utopia where everybody's opinions and beliefs are accepted, I can assure you that it is ANYTHING but that. In reality, safe spaces can turn out to be some of the most unpleasant and toxic places to be in, especially if it's on the internet. The problem with safe spaces is not the idea of it, but rather that it attracts egocentric insecure individuals who take advantage of the "safe space" by infecting it with their highly argumentative and opinionated nature. These individuals tend to engage in highly sober discussions, and will come off as entitled sanctimonious asses who aren't afraid to shut you down if they hear something they don't like or agree with, or think it's wrong. But of course, being a "safe space" and all, no one is allowed to fight with them, thus creating a self-perpetuating echo chamber for them. It is certainly an unpleasant experience if you came to the safe space for positive vibes. This is often the case for small-sized Twitch streams that use the !safespace tag. Occasionally, you'll meet one or two people down in the chat (mostly grown men) that engage in overly sober discussions and like to express their thoughts in the most assertive way possible. Whatever you do, don't fall for these safe spaces. You are more likely to feel happy, safe and accepted in any of the well-known gaming streams without any safe space tag. Like communism, great idea, bad execution.


Example of a small Twitch stream with the safe space tag: User 1: Anybody else think she looks different today? user 2: @User 1 yes, she definitely did something to her hair.
user 3: Hey User 1, long time no see! :)
Me: Wow this stream is so chill!! Btw just ate McDonald's and feel full af lol
User 2: @Me, why are you supporting a multi-billion dollar corporation that is destroying our environment and promoting animal cruelty?
Me: Lol sorry
User 2: I am being serious though, please don't take me the wrong way but what you are doing is incredibly selfish.
Me: .....

there are no safe spaces có nghĩa là

A bubble of content usually seen in colleges or universities where dissenting opinions aren't allowed and where grown people are treated like toddlers by staff hired to babysit them. Usually associated with SJWs. Synonymous with the terms echo chamber and circle-jerk.


SJW: That cis white male scum said somethins I disagree with, that shitlord triggered me so hard I'm going to the Safe Space to play with some play-doh.

there are no safe spaces có nghĩa là

Contrary to popular misbelief, safe spaces are not about sheltering or impeding free speech, but instead are meant to be places that are respectful and free of hate.


Tom thinks safe spaces are stupid because his transphobic.

there are no safe spaces có nghĩa là

a place where no fun is allowed and people that get offended by the wind usually hang out


Jared is always on his safe space because he thinks the sun is oppressing him because it shows he is ugly

there are no safe spaces có nghĩa là

What the homeless guy said to me before he bent me right over. and Noah flipped out his phone.
