What does the get () method do if the specified key is not found in the dictionary?

❮ Dictionary Methods


Get the value of the "model" item:

car = {
  "brand": "Ford",
  "model": "Mustang",
  "year": 1964

x = car.get("model")


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Definition and Usage

The get() method returns the value of the item with the specified key.


dictionary.get(keyname, value)

Parameter Values

keyname Required. The keyname of the item you want to return the value from
value Optional. A value to return if the specified key does not exist.
Default value None

More Examples


Try to return the value of an item that do not exist:

car = {
  "brand": "Ford",
  "model": "Mustang",
  "year": 1964

x = car.get("price", 15000)


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❮ Dictionary Methods

Accessing Elements From A Python Dictionary Using The Get Method With Code Examples

Hello everyone, in this post we will examine how to solve the Accessing Elements From A Python Dictionary Using The Get Method programming puzzle.

# welcome to softhunt.net
# Python program to demonstrate
# accessing a element from a Dictionary
# Creating a Dictionary
Dictionary = {0: 'Softhunt', 1: '.net', 2: 'By Ranjeet', 'user': 'Greetings to you'}
print("Dictionary", Dictionary)
# accessing a element using get()
# method
print("Accessing a element using get:", Dictionary.get('user'))

We learned how to solve the Accessing Elements From A Python Dictionary Using The Get Method by looking at a range of different cases.

How do you use the GET method in the dictionary?

  • Description. The method get() returns a value for the given key.
  • Syntax. Following is the syntax for get() method − dict.get(key, default=None)
  • Parameters. key − This is the Key to be searched in the dictionary.
  • Return Value. This method return a value for the given key.
  • Example.
  • Result.

How do you access the elements of a dictionary in Python?

Let's discuss various ways of accessing all the keys along with their values in Python Dictionary.

  • Method #1 : Using in operator.
  • Method #2 : Using list comprehension.
  • Method #3 : Using dict.items()
  • Method #4 : Using enumerate()

Can we use get method in dictionary in Python?

Python Dictionary get() Method The get() method returns the value of the item with the specified key.

How do you pull data from a dictionary in Python?

Here are 3 approaches to extract dictionary values as a list in Python:

  • (1) Using a list() function: my_list = list(my_dict.values())
  • (2) Using a List Comprehension: my_list = [i for i in my_dict.values()]
  • (3) Using For Loop: my_list = [] for i in my_dict.values(): my_list.append(i)

What does the get method do?

The GET Method GET is used to request data from a specified resource. Some notes on GET requests: GET requests can be cached. GET requests remain in the browser history.

What does get () method return when a key is not found in dictionary?

get() method returns a default value if the key is missing. However, if the key is not found when you use dict[key] , KeyError exception is raised.

How are individual elements of dictionaries accessed?

Accessing individual elements You need to use the keys to access the corresponding values from a dictionary. You will get an error if the key does not exist in the dictionary. If you want to avoid such key errors in case of non-existent keys, you can use the get() function.22-Sept-2020

How do you get a value from a nested dictionary Python?

Access Values using get() Another way to access value(s) in a nested dictionary ( employees ) is to use the dict. get() method. This method returns the value for a specified key. If the specified key does not exist, the get() method returns None (preventing a KeyError ).

How do you find the value of the key in a dictionary?

You can use the get() method of the dictionary ( dict ) to get any default value without an error if the key does not exist. Specify the key as the first argument. The corresponding value is returned if the key exists, and None is returned if the key does not exist.10-Dec-2020

What does the get method do if the specified key is found in the dictionary?

Usage. The get() method returns the value for key if key is in the dictionary. You can also specify the default parameter that will be returned if the specified key is not found. If default is not specified, it returns None.

Python dictionary get() method is used to get the value of the element with the specified keys from Dictionary. This method takes optional value param which is used to return the default value when a key is not present.

If the key is present in the dictionary, get() will return the value associated with that key. However, if the key is not present in the dictionary and the value param is specified then the method returns the specified value. On the other hand, if the key is not present in the dictionary and the value is not specified then the Python dictionary get() returns None value.

All dictionary methods are available on the dictionary methods page.

Quick examples Python Dictionary get() method

Following are quick examples of how to use the Dictionary get() method.

course={'language': 'python', 'fee': 4000}
# Example 1: Using get() method to get the value from dictionary
print('language:', course.get('language'))
print('fee:', course.get('fee'))

# Example 2: Using get() to get the value as a None
print('duration:', course.get('duration'))

# Example 3: Using get() to get the value as specified
print('duration:', course.get('duration','Not in dictionary'))

1. Syntax of the get() method

Following is the syntax of the Python Dictionary get() method.

# Syntax of the get()

1.1 Parameter of the get() method

  • key: (Required) Key to be searched in the dictionary.
  • value: (Optional) Value to be returned if the key is not present in the dictionary.

1.2 Return value from get() method

  • Returns value of the specified key if a key is present in the dictionary.
  • Returns None, if the key is not present in the dictionary and value param is not specified.
  • Returns param value, if a key is not present in the dictionary and the value specified.

2. Usage of Python Dictionary get() Method

2.1 Return Dictionary Value Example

The value will be returned if a key is present in the dictionary. For instance,

# Using get() method to get the value from dictionary
course={'language': 'python', 'fee': 4000}

print('language:', course.get('language'))
# language: python

# fee: 4000

This behavior is similar to the Python Dictionary setdefault() method. The setdefault() method also returns a value for the given key.

2.2 Return None Value Example

None will return if a key is not present in the dictionary, and the value parameter is not specified. For example,

# Using get() to get the value as a None
course={'language': 'python', 'fee': 4000}
print('duration:', course.get('duration'))

#duration: None

2.3 Return Param Value Example

The param value will be returned if a key is not present in the dictionary, and the value parameter is specified.

# Using get() to get the value as specified
course={'language': 'python', 'fee': 4000}
print('duration:', course.get('duration','Not in dictionary'))

#duration: Not in dictionary

3. Difference Between Python Dictionary get() method and dict[key]

We can also access the values in the dictionary by using the dict[key]. On the other hand, we know that in the get() method if the specified key is not present in the dictionary, it returns a default value(None). similarly, when we use dict[key] if the key is not present in the dictionary an interpreter will be raised a keyerror. Let’s take an example.

# Using get() to get the value as a None
course={'language': 'python', 'fee': 4000}
print('duration:', course.get('duration'))

# Output:
 duration: None

# Use dict[key], key is not in the dictionary
course={'language': 'python', 'fee': 4000}

# Outputs:
#Traceback (most recent call last):
#file"", line 10, in 
#KeyError: 'duration'

4. Conclusion

In summary, in this article, I have explained the Python Dictionary get() method, using get() you can get the value with the specified key from the dictionary. As well as, I have explained the behavior of get() when the key is not present in the dictionary and using a param value.

Happy Learning !!


  • https://www.w3schools.com/python/
  • setdefault() Method of Python Dictionary
  • pop() Method of Python Dictionary
  • clear() Method of Python Dictionary
  • items() Method of Python Dictionary
  • fromkeys() Method of Python Dictionary
  • keys() Method of Python Dictionary
  • values() Method of Python Dictionary
  • copy() Method of Python Dictionary
  • popitem() Method of Python Dictionary
  • update() Method of Python Dictionary

What does get () method return when a key is not found in dictionary?

get() method returns a default value if the key is missing. However, if the key is not found when you use dict[key] , KeyError exception is raised.

What happens if you try to refer to a key that does not exist in a dictionary?

Access Values in a Dictionary Keep in mind that you will get a KeyError if you try to access a value for a key that does not exist. KeyError will result if you try and look up a key that does not exist.

How does Python handle key dictionary errors?

If the KeyError is raised from a failed dictionary key lookup in your own code, you can use . get() to return either the value found at the specified key or a default value.

Which method would you use to get the value associated with a specific key and remove the key

Delete elements of a dictionary To delete a key, value pair in a dictionary, you can use the del method.